Divide and Conquer

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T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)

the Master theorem

the max number of compares to mergesort of a list of size <= n

what does T(n) represent in a mergesort recurrence?

to generalize divide and conquer algorithms where subproblems have substantially different sizes

what is the role of the Akra-Bazzi theorem?


How many bit operations does Karatsuba's algorithm need to multiply two n-bit integers?


A sort that divides the list into two parts, sorts those parts, and then brings the sorted parts back together.

a >= 1, number of subproblems b > 0, factor by which the subproblem decreases f(n), the work/time spent on each subproblem

Define the variables in the master theorem: T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)

Θ(n) and Θ(n^3) respectfully

What are the run time of the gradeschool dot-product and matrix multiplication algorithms?

case 1) total cost dominated by cost of leaves (r>1) case 2) total cost evenly distributed among levels (r=1) case 3) total cost is dominated by the cost of the root (r<1)

What are the three cases for the return of the Master theorem?

(Case 1) if f(n) = Θ(n^(k-e)) some constant e, then T(n) = Θ(n^k) Case 2) if f(n) = Θ(n^k log^p(n)), then T(n) = Θ(n^k log^(p+1) n) Case 3) if f(n) = Ω(n^(k+e)) some constant e>0, and if af(n/b) <= cf(n) for some constant c<1, and all n are sufficiently large, then T(n) = Θ(f(n))

What do these cases look like formulaically? case 1) total cost dominated by cost of leaves (r>1) case 2) total cost evenly distributed among levels (r=1) case 3) total cost is dominated by the cost of the root (r<1)

divide the problem into subproblems that are similar to the original but smaller in size solve the subproblems recursively (if they are small enough, solve them in a straightforward manner) combine the solutions to create the solution to the larger problem

What is the main idea of a divide and conquer algorithm?

T(n) = Θ(nlogn) (divide=Θ(1), conquer=2T(n/2), combine=Θ(n))

What is the running time of mergesort?


What is the runtime of Strassen's Trick for multiplying two matrices?

k = log(sub b)(n) levels a^i = number of subproblems at level i n/b^i = size of subproblem at level i

define the components of a recursion tree (k, a^i, n/b^i)

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