DNA Evidence Notes

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What did James Watson, Francis Crick, and Rosalind Franklin do?

-1953 -Discovered the shape of the DNA molecule

What is inclusion?

DNA bands match and the suspect is still a suspect

What does homozygous mean?

Having two identical genes

What do the order of the bases determine?

The genetic code

Each person's DNA is __________ from other people

Different (including identical twins, although they may not be able to be distinguished in a DNA test depending on which area is tested)

What are polymerases?

Enzymes that assemble new DNA strands when DNA is copying itself

What is locus (plural loci)?

Exact location of the DNA molecule of a gene or area of interest

What does DNA contain?

Genetic information

What does heterozygous mean?

Having two different forms of the gene

DNA can __________ through DNA from relatives, even when no body can be found

Identify a victim

Where is DNA found?

In the chromosomes located in the nucleus of our cells

What did Alec Jeffreys do?

Isolated DNA markers and called them "DNA fingerprints"

DNA can __________ by linking the same perpetrator to different scenes locally, statewide, and across the nation

Link crime scenes together

What is the genetic code?

Sequence of letters on a DNA strand

What are the rungs in DNA made up of?

The rungs that form the middle of the molecule are made up of pairs of nucleotides, or nitrogen bases

What makes up DNA?

The sides, or backbone, of the DNA molecule are made up of sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups

Adenine (A) pairs with...

Thymine (T)

What are genes?

Unit of heredity

The PCR technique is used when?

Used when you have a small amount of DNA and need to make many copies for testing

What can DNA not show?

When the suspect was at the crime scene or for how long

Each person's pattern of fragments is what?


What did Kary Mullis do?

-1985 -Developed the PCR procedure

How is the RFLP method done?

-DNA is cut into pieces called restriction fragments by enzymes -The enzymes cut at specific DNA sequences (like AAG) -The enzymes cut in different places for different people -The DNA ends up as different length pieces which can be separated on a gel

What is CODIS?

-Electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects -DNA profiles from individuals convicted of certain crimes such as rape, murder, and child abuse are entered into CODIS and help officers identify possible suspects

DNA can __________ and __________

-Refute a claim of self-defense -Put a weapon in the suspect's hand

What can environmental factors do to DNA?

-They can destroy DNA evidence (ex. heat, sunlight, moisture, bacteria, and mold) -Therefore, not all DNA evidence will result in a usable DNA profile

DNA collected from a crime scene can either __________ or __________ (Similar to the use of fingerprints)

1. Link a suspect to the evidence 2. Eliminate a suspect

2 DNA Typing Methods:

1. RFLP Method 2. PCR Technique

The RFLP method requires what?

A large amount of DNA

What is a human genome?

A project designed to determine the order of the bases on all 23 human chromosomes

What is a probe?

A single strand of nucleic acid that has been made so that its sequence lines up with a certain DNA sequence; can be labeled with radioactive material

What does CODIS stand for?

COmbined DNA Index System

Guanine (G) pairs with...

Cytosine (C)

What is exclusion?

DNA bands do not match and the person is no longer a suspect

How is the PCR technique done?

DNA is heated and cooled with enzymes to make copies of a desired fragment before RFLP testing can be performed

What does DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

What is recombinant DNA?

Opening up the DNA helix and combining it with another strand

What are chromosomes?

Pieces of genetic material

DNA can do what to a suspect?

Place the individual at a crime scene, in a home, or in a room the suspect claimed not to have been

What does PCR stand for?

Polymerase Chain Reaction

What does RFLP stand for?

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

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