DNJHS: English 1st 9 weeks exam

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prepositional phrase

A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.


A word that describes a noun


A word that describes a verb


A word that takes the place of a noun


Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: Bill loves to go TO THE BOOKSTORE.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: John drive TO HIS HOUSE to eat since he was hungry.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: Pam wanted to walk to their house TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: Sally chose to go to her room TO STUDY HER ENGLISH HOMEWORK.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: She goes TO THE LIBRARY to work on her paper.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: Since Tuesday, he wanted TO PLAY GAMES IN THE LOUNGE.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: The boy went to his room TO SLEEP, for he was tired.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: The players went to the gym TO PLAY A NIGHT GAME.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: Tom ran TO THE PHONE to call his girlfriend.


List either IP (infinitive phrase) or PP (prepositional phrase) for the bold part of the sentence: We walked TO THE COURTHOUSE to sign the papers for the adoption.


Name the part of speech in bold: I WANT to go now.


Name the part of speech in bold: I helped HIM carry it.


Name the part of speech in bold: John is my BEST friend.


Name the part of speech in bold: MASON builds houses.


Name the part of speech in bold: MY family live in different parts of India.


Name the part of speech in bold: My friend said, "OH! What cold weather."


Name the part of speech in bold: My friend wasn't STRONG enough to lift his heavy rucksack.


Name the part of speech in bold: She looked up BUT didn't see anything.


Name the part of speech in bold: She was very impressed WITH her results.


Name the part of speech in bold: She went to the market AND bought some eggs.


Name the part of speech in bold: That was a DIFFICULT question.


Name the part of speech in bold: The weather was very COLD.


Name the part of speech in bold: There is a mouse UNDERNEATH the piano.


Name the part of speech in bold: We LEFT for the mountain just before six in the morning.


Name the part of speech in bold: We didn't spend the NIGHT there.


Name the part of speech in bold: We first went TO the store to by a few things.


Name the part of speech in bold: We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep IMMEDIATELY.


Name the part of speech in bold: We have breakfast at a CAFE near the rail station.


Name the part of speech in bold: What ARE you doing there?


Name the part of speech in bold: You have to believe in yourself if YOU ever expect to be successful.

direct characterization

The author directly states a character's traits

indirect characterization

The character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others


The dictionary definition of a word


Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? along with The Cat, this character escaped into the Heart Crystal

Hatter Madigan

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? asked Alyss for a temporary leave of duty at the end of the novel

Prince Leopold

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? asked Alyss for her hand in marriage

Charles Dodgson

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? assumed he was the character Dodge in Alyss's stories about Wonderland

Queen Guinevere

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? became queen of Wonderland after his mother deemed her sister unfit to rile the queendom

General Doppelganger

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? commander of the royal army; can split himself in half and become 2 separate people


Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? defeated the Looking Glass Maze and gained full control of White Imagination

The Cat

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? didn't chase Hatter and Alyss into the Pool of Tears because he was afraid of water

Homburg Molly

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? half civilian and half Millinery spawn

Dodge Anders

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? is consumed by venegance to destroy The Cat and Redd


Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? leader of the gang of orphans that Alyss lived with in London for a short time

King Nolan

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? sent on a mission from the queen to make an alliance with King Arch of Borderland

Mrs. Liddle

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? to Alyss to "stop living in a fantasy world" and to "do as others do"

Bibwit Harte

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? tutor to the Heart family; has extra sensitive hearing

Jack of Diamonds

Which character from "The Looking Glass Wars" is described? was a "spy" for both Redd and the Alyssians; jailed for his crimes by Alyss


a word that joins two phrases or sentences


a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence


action word


an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.


calm, peaceful


expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence


forgetful; unaware


having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment


move out of or away from something and come into view


seeking revenge


something that influences, propels, or inspires you to create something new


the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed

infinitive phrase

to + verb


to compete; to strive for victory or superiority


to put up with; to survive a hardship


twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly

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