drive test
Works with the safety belts and protects against head and chest injuries
air bags
when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the side of the vehicle is visible in the mirror
enhanced mirror settings
control in a vehicle locate either o the steering column or on the console between the front seats and used to choose forward or reverse
gear selector lever
device in a vehicle that warns other drivers of a problem and increases awareness of the presence of the vehicle
hazard flasher
Reduces the risk of neck injury due to whiplash from the impact of a crash
head restraints
device in a vehicle, usually located on the left side of driver's compartment under the instrumental panel, that assists in opening the hood
hood release
control which holds a vehicle in place when it s parked and protects the transmission
parking brake
looking around the outside of the vehicle for broken glass, body damage, fluid leaks, objects that could damage the vehicle, snow and children and pets
pre-entry checks
one of the most important safety features in a motor vehicle designed to help slow occupant's rate of deceleration in a frontal collision
safety belts
when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the driver will not see the left and right sides of the vehicle when glancing at the outside mirrors
traditional mirror settings