Drivers Ed. Chapters 7, 8, 9

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Driving is a

Privilege not a right

When driving in heavy snow

Redice speed by one half

When driving on wet roads

Reduce speed by one third

Never pass a vehicle

Stopped at a crosswalk

Visual lead time

The distance you can see ahead of your vehicle

When a vehicle is passing you

Try to slow down if possible

As a driver you should always

Watch for movement around parked cars


When a driver is riding too close to the rear of your car

Reduce speed

When driving on gravel or dirt, approaching and intersection, or animal

Weave land

Where the exit and entrance ramp are close together

Most accidents

Will occur within 2 miles of your home

All non-emergency vehicles yield

Yo buses re-entering traffic after dropping off or picking up passengers

The space cushion around your car

allows you tine to react to emergencies or problems

90% of decisions you make

are based on information gathered by your eyes

People who get a DUI

get an interlock device installed in their car

In bad weather following distance should be

increased by 40 seconds

Underage first offense BAC is

over 0.01 less then .08

Altering, forging, or possession with intent to distribute will result in

up to $1,000 fine, up to 6 month in prison, and drivers license suspension

If caught drinking underage the punishments are

20 to 90 days days suspension of license, 15 to 30 days community service, and/or go into a IDC program

During bad weather it takes a truck

25% longer to stop

The proper following distance in notmal conditions is

3 seconds

A motorist must stop for

A blind person who uses a white or metallic cane, or accompanied by a guide dog or guide dog instructure

Acceleration lane

An extra lane where the driver must increase their speed to merge with traffic

Deceleration land

An extra lane where the drivers reduce their speed to come off the highway

No zone cars

Are cars in the blind spot, or where the driver cannot see another motorist tin their side or rearview mirror

Many country roads

Do not have shoulders

When passing a truck

Do not linger alongside

When driving in the city you should

Drive more slowly, watch for pedestrians, look 12 seconds ahead

In the city the biggest problem

IS double parked cars

When driving at night

Increase your following distance by 3 seconds

An habitual offender

Is a person who loses their license three times in three years

At night the biggest problem

Is glare

The best way to talk to drivers

Is through lights and the horn

If one refuses to take a breath test

Its is equal to a BAC of .10 and are subject to an MVC insurance surcharge of 1,000 per year for 3 years

When sharing the roads with trucks

Know the limitations of hese vehicles regrading visibility, stopping distance and maneuverablity

When driving down the road on normal conditions

Look at least 20-30 seconds ahead or for every 10 miles a distance of one car

To avoid collisions

Maintain adequate space (space cushion) around your vehicle

Driving a vehcile with an expired inspection sticker

May results in fines between $100-$200, and imprisonment up o 30 days and possible revocation of their registration

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