Driver's Ed--Pavement Markings

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Broken yellow line

A broken (dashed) yellow line can be crossed. It signals that the road is safe for passing vehicles and making left turns when conditions are good. Keep to the right of the yellow center line. You may cross a broken yellow line when the right half of the road is closed. Always use safe passing procedures. DO NOT CROSS the line if it is not safe. When in doubt, chicken out.

Pavement Markings

A method for controlling and directing traffic. They are found most often in the form of lines painted on the street, sometimes including raised reflective markers to increase visibility. Sometimes the lines are made up of markers entirely.

pair of solid yellow lines

A pair of solid yellow lines is like one solid yellow line, but more so. Never cross over them to pass another vehicle. Never drive to the left of these double lines.

School Crossings

A school crossing is like a crosswalk, but it's designed to stand out even more. You'll see broad yellow lines crossing the road and the the words "SCHOOL XING" on the pavement as you approach it. Scan the whole area for children who are in or near the road.

Solid yellow line

A single solid yellow line can be used to divide lanes of traffic. You can't cross over this solid line to pass other vehicles. There may be a hill, curve, intersection, or heavy traffic coming up.

Broken white lines

Broken white lines are used to separate multiple lanes going in the same direction. You can cross broken white lines to pass or change lanes, but always check your mirrors and use your turn signals to cross safely. If you need to turn, move into the proper lane well in advance of your turn.

Exceptions to crossing solid yellow line

Crossing is okay in these situations: - making a left turn at an intersection - entering or exiting a road or driveway - making a U-turn - when it's safe and not otherwise prohibited


Crosswalks can be found at most intersections where roads meet at about 90 degree angles. Not all crosswalks are marked, though. Unmarked ones exist at intersections where one or more sidewalks have a path that crosses over the road. Watch out for white pavement markings that say something like "SLOW PED XING" and remember that pedestrians could walk through an intersection whether there are signals or not. You MUST stop before you reach the crosswalk at an intersection.

Sets of solid white lines

Don't cross a set of solid white lines. They're used to divide lanes before you reach a hazard, such as a road obstruction caused by the pillar of an overpass. Or, there may be an upcoming median between a freeway off-ramp and the normal lanes of traffic.

Double Solid Yellow Lines Exceptions

Double solid yellow lines have similar exceptions. You can only cross over them in these situations:- making a left turn at an intersection - entering or exiting a road or driveway - making a U-turn - when crossing them can be done safely and is not otherwise prohibited

How to Use the Center Left Turn Lane

First, signal. Next, completely enter the center left turn lane. (But don't block traffic by stopping halfway in the lane.) Finally, make your left turn.

Wide Set Lines

If you see two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart, you know it's serious. They represent a wall or center divider. DO NOT drive on or over these lines for any reason. If you need to make a U-turn or left turn where this kind of division is present, you will have to wait to use an opening that is provided for turns.

Distance Limit in center lane

Keep in mind that you can't drive more than 200 feet in a center left turn lane. Picture this as the length of five or six vehicles. You shouldn't be using this lane like a regular lane of traffic for passing or cruising.

Thick solid white lines

Left and right turn lanes near an intersection may be separated from normal lanes with thick, solid white lines. If you need to turn, enter the turn lane where the division is a broken white line (or no line at all). If the line between your lane and the turn lane is a thick, solid line, it's too late to switch lanes.

Right boundary

Most divided highways will have a solid white line on the farthest right side of the road. This outlines the part of the street that you can drive on, so don't drive to the right of the line.

Shared left turn lanes (or center lanes)

Shared left turn lanes (or center lanes) are placed in the middle of two-way roads. They are enclosed by double yellow lines with the inner lines broken. Only use these lanes for starting and completing left turns and starting U-turns from either direction of traffic. In other words, do not use them to pass other vehicles. This is extremely dangerous and illegal. Some people refer to center left turn lanes as "suicide lanes" because there's a risk of head-on collisions when you use them. Watch out for other vehicles from oncoming traffic that might pull into the same turn lane as you from the other side.

Solid White Lines

Solid white lines identify locations where changing lanes would be hazardous. You should not cross solid white lines.

Mixed Signals

Some lanes are divided by a set of two yellow lines, one broken and one solid. Whichever line is closest to you is the one you follow. If the broken line is closest to you, you can cross the lines and pass when safe. If the solid line is right next to you, don't cross it except to turn left into a driveway or alley.

Thick broken white line

Some lanes have thicker broken white lines. This means that the lane is for exiting the road, merging, or it is about to end. The thick dashes are like a warning that the line will soon turn into a solid line or a set of double solid lines. As you know, these solid white lines can't be crossed.

Carpool lanes

Sometimes carpool lanes are marked off from the rest of traffic with one or more sets of parallel solid yellow lines. Don't cross these lines to get into or out of a carpool lane. You'll just have to wait for a section where the lines are broken or where there is a clear opening. We'll talk more about carpooling later.

White Arrows

They tell you when a lane continues ahead, merges, turns, or exits. Sometimes you'll come across a lane giving you mixed signals (a straight arrow and a turn arrow). This is great! You can decide to go straight or turn. Just remember to use your turn signal if you do decide to turn.

Yellow line =

Traffic going both ways

White line =

Traffic going one way

Stop lines

When approaching an intersection or railroad crossing, look out for thick and solid white lines going across your lane. Limit lines (also known as stop lines) show you where to stop. Don't stop on it or past it. Stop behind it. If you're stopping for a railroad crossing, the line might be preceded by the letters "RXR" in white.

Other Lines and Symbols

White lines and other patterns can be painted across roads to let drivers know what to do. Look out for these: - limit lines that show you where to stop before an intersection - crosswalks - written messages ("stop ahead") - arrows pointing traffic in a specific direction

White lines

White lines signify that there is a neighboring lane of traffic going in the same direction. They can mark the right edge of the highway or separate traffic going in the same direction. They can also be used to separate bike lanes from car lanes. Remember: White Lines = One Direction

Yellow Lines

Yellow lines separate traffic going in opposite directions. The yellow line marks the left edge of the roadway. In other words, the left line in the middle of the road is separating traffic going in opposite directions. Yellow Lines = Two Directions.

Broken line =

You may cross if it is safe

Solid line =

You may not cross, no matter the circumstance

Bicycle Lane

many cities provide bicycle lanes marked by the bicycle symbol. Stay out of bicycle lanes, unless you are turning right AND there is no bicyclist in the lane.

Carpool lane

most major cities have High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes which are marked by white diamond symbols. HOV lanes should only be used by buses or vehicles with a minimum of two to three people (check the sign for minimums).

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