Drivers Ed Test Practice Utah 2021

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What are the four truck smart rules

#1 if you can see the driver, he can see you #2 if you see two lights in the mirror, you can merge back after passing #3 give double distance to any semi truck #4 Always pass on the left

What does a shared left turn lane look like?

A lane with many arrows, marked by solid yellow lines (outside) and broken yellow lines (inside). It's unprotected, which means no signs, signals, and indicators that would be designated just for left-turns.

What do you do if you do not know the speed limit?

Identify where you are and what speed limits are in other places like that, and go along with the flow of traffic

What is the IPDE defensive driving process?

Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute

What is the not a drop law?

If anyone under 21 has a traceable amount of alcohol in their bloodstream on the roads, they can face a severe penalty.

How will a truck turn right?

It will go in the left lane and turn right blinker on to have room to clear the curb. Do NOT go in this lane, it is still for the truck

what are the three types of organ donors?

Organ donors, tissue donors, and living donors

When behind a semi truck, what do you do?

Pass them on the left side, making the pass as fast as you possibly can

What is the DUI point system?

You get points for every offense you make, if you get certain number of points you have license revoked. You can take a class once every two years to negate points being added to your license

What must you do to obtain your drivers license?

You must get 40 hours of driving (10 at night), Hold your permit for at least 6 months, be 16 years old and go to 27 hours of drivers education instruction and pass.

What are shared left turn lanes

all vehicles moving in either direction can use this lane to turn left, but cannot use to pass or drive in unless preparing to turn left

What is tailgating?

following too closely behind a vehicle directly in front, illegal

If your speed doubles, how much longer is your stopping distance?

four times as much as before

What is a good pre-drive routine?

look around car, get into car, adjust your seat, adjust your mirros, put seatbelt and go.

How do you make right turns?

move into shoulder if no bikers (To not block traffic) and make turn as close as possible to right hand edge of roadway

How long does it take an average freight train to stop?

one mile

Your car getting crushed by a train is like your car crushing a _____

soda can

When do the effects of alcohol subside?

they stop based on how much you drank. Generally, to get rid of one drink, it takes about one and a half hours. (or .0125 BAC gone per one and a half hours)


to slide on a wet road because a thin layer of water on the road causes the tires to lose contact with the road.

How many people can benefit from one tissue donor?

up to 80 people

Can you turn right on a red light?

yes, unless otherwise posted, but you must always yield to the oncoming traffic

What does a yellow light mean?

you should stop if it can be done so safely, if you cannot stop in time, proceed through the intersection

What is the legal BAC limit in Utah?

0.05 (but you can get arrested at less if it is found that the alcohol still caused the crash)

What is the minimum amount of water needed to hydroplane?

1/12 of an inch

How far ahead should you scan for hazards?

10 to 15 seconds

How many people die each year due to drunk driving?


When do you start your signal before a turn?

100ft before

Where are the blind zones on a semi truck

200ft behind, spot directly left of cab, 20 ft in front, 3 lanes wide and the trucks distance long on the right side no rear view mirror

What is the ideal following distance?

3 - 4 seconds add more if bad conditions

Where should your hands be on the steering wheel?

9 and 3

What is the GDL?

A drivers license strategy where you slowly work up to a full license, starting with a permit, then a provisional, then a license

What is a drivers permit and its restrictions?

A drivers permit allows a person of 15 years to drive while a parent is in the car, must not drive from 12am to 5am.

What are the best surfaces to drive on?

Concrete and asphalt

What types of lines are there on lane markings and what do they mean?

Dashed lines mean that you may pass over to the other lane to pass or do otherwise, a solid line means that you may not pass over that line

How many lives can an organ donor save with just their organs?


If your car stalls on the rail tracks, you should...

Get out of the car and run at a 45 degree angle towards the train. If no apparent train is coming, go to blue sign and call the dispatcher and give him your location so the train can stop.

What does a green light mean?

Go, you have the right of way an may drive through an intersection, as long as the intersection is clear of other vehicles and pedestrians


Grip between road and tire

What is BAC affected by?

How much you have to drink. Your body weight. How quickly you consumed the alcohol. Your gender.

How do you know if a semi truck can see you?

If you can see them

What does a Info/Guide sign look like and do?

It can be blue, green or brown and provides information about an area. A blue sign tells about services nearby, a brown sign about recreational areas nearby, and a green sign tells about distances to exits and other cities on a highway

What does a regulatory sign look like and do?

It is a white rectangle with black text that tells laws of that portion of the road (Speed limit, no parking, etc)

What does a warning sign look like and do?

It is a yellow diamond and warns you of potential hazards such as pedestrians or curves in the road

How does alcohol affect vision

It lessens visual acuity, peripheral vision, color distinction, night vision, distance judgement and focus

What is the speed limit for

Maximum and minimum speed under IDEAL conditions, must drive slower if conditions are bad.

What are the regulatory laws of train crossings?

No passing within 100' of the crossing, don't shift gears, don't stop in the crossing, stay at stop lines, they are always 15' away from the crossing, look at sign that shows how many tracks there are so that you know if a second train may be coming, don't drive around gates, don't try to beat train.

What is the highway numbering system?

Odd numbers = North - South running roads Even numbers = East - west running roads

What is vehicular homicide?

Offender operated a motor vehicle in a reckless manor or while under the influence of alcohol/drugs such conduct caused the death of another.

Who do you yield to in when entering a street?

Oncoming traffic

What is the stopping equation?

Perception (time it takes to understand what to do) + Reaction time (how ling before you react) + stopping distance + (semi trucks only) brake lag, takes air in brakes time to get to brake clips

What do mile markers do?

Tell the distance from the start of the route or from the state line

What do you do when you come up to an intersection?

Scan whole intersection, from left to right, then when it is safe, proceed

What does alcohol do?

Slows reflexes and reaction time as well as impairing ability to make good judgement and decision making)

What does a red light mean?

Stop, you my not enter an intersection until the light facing you turns green and the intersection is clear

Why are trains so dangerous?

They appear to be going slower than they are, they cannot stop for you, and they cannot swerve

Why are semi trucks so dangerous?

They cannot swerve or brake fast and they can hit you without even feeling or seeing your car

When do the effects of alcohol start?

They start at your first drink.

Who do you yield to in a roundabout?

Those already in the roundabout

What is the only way to get sober?


What do you do when there is an emergency vehicle parked on the side of the road?

Try to move to other lane to not interfere, if not possible, slow down by 20

How do you turn left at a traffic signal?

Wait till green arrow, then turn smoothy into same lane position you entered intersection with. If there is a solid green light, then you can turn but must yield. If yielding, then one car can go into the intersection to try to make a left turn. Keep car straight waiting for turn and accelerate through turn to avoid being in intersection for a long time

What are the three types of signs?

Warning, Regulatory, Guide/Info

What is the criteria for organ donation?

When you die, it must be due to brain death (in most cases) and you have to die on a ventaltor

What is organ donation?

Where you donate tissue, blood, bone marrow, or organs

What do you do at a four way intersection?

Who ever comes to a full stop first gets to go first and if both cars stop at the same time then the car on the right side goes

What types of lane markings are there and what do they mean?

Yellow means that there is two way traffic and white means that there is one way traffic

How do you make left turns?

Yield to oncoming traffic in both ways, stay in lane position if there are two left turn lanes

What is BAC

blood alcohol concentration

What are the worst surfaces to drive on?

brick, sand, dirt and gravel

What do you do when you come to a railroad crossing?

check and listen for trains, and always assume a train is coming

What does a flashing red light mean?

the same as a stop sign

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