Driving Test
Regulate, Warn, and Guide
What three things do road signs do to promote the smooth movement of traffic?
Four-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles can go into a skid in slippery conditions just as easily as two-wheel drive vehicles. True or False?
Road rage is criminal offense. True or False?
Improper speed
_____ is the number one unsafe driving behavior that contributes to collisions and violations.
All of the above
Driving at a higher speed _____.
Fatigue can cause impaired reasoning, judgement, and decision-making. True or False?
If an animal suddenly appears on the road in front of us, experts advise swerving to avoid hitting the animal.
If it is raining and you are tired while driving, how many seconds of following distances should you use?
In the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go.
If your vehicle begins to skid, you should turn the steering wheel _____.
In a collision, unbelted rear-seat occupants can become high-speed projectiles striking people in the front seat. As a result, the front-seat passenger's risk of death greatly increases. True or False?
Road signs use color and shape to help you identify the type of purpose of the sign.
Safety belts increase your chances of surviving a collision by more than _____ percent.
Texting while driving is a visual, manual, and cognitive distraction. True or False?
Your ability to drive safely can be impaired by use of certain over-the-counter drugs. True or False?
Perception distance
_______ is the distance a vehicle travels from the moment an event occurs until you see it and become aware of the danger.
A preventible collision is one in which the driver or drivers involved failed to take all reasonable steps to avoid it.
Brake fade typically occurs when driving _____.
Avoiding a head-on collision
Follow the four Rs (Read, Right, Reduce, and Ride) when
Your vehicle
Of all the everyday driving conditions you meet, you can only control yourself and _____.
Research has shown that hands-free devices are safer than hand held devices while driving. True or False?
At an intersection
Statistically speaking, your chances for a collision are highest
The Internal Crash
The first two stages of a collision are 1) the Vehicle Crash and 2) the Human Crash. What is the third stage of a collision?
The interaction of two or more chemicals (alcohol and/or other drugs) creating a much greater combined effect is called:
The law clearly states which driver has the right-of-way. True or False?
Under the best driving conditions, how many seconds of following distance should a passenger car maintain behind the vehicle in front?
Recognize, Understand, Act
What are the three basic steps of the DDC Collision Prevention Formula?
Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or all other drugs
What does the term "impaired driving" mean?
We let someone or something else take control of the situation
What happens when we take a risk while driving?
Driving to save lives, time, and money in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others
What is defensive driving?
Look to the side of the road at the white line
When you approach a car using its high-beam lights, you should _____.
The "What if?" strategy
Which of the following is a way to focus your attention on driving so that you can recognize a hazard and understand the defense against it?
Your risk of being injured or killed in a collision decreases as your defensive driving behaviors increase. True or False?