Drug Education

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Identify the level of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) at which even the most experienced drinkers tend to exhibit impairment in motor coordination.


Identify the level of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) at which even the most experienced drinkers tend to exhibit impairment in motor coordination.


What amount of "absolute" alcohol consumed in less than an hour will result in a blood-alcohol concentration of roughly 0.05 percent in a person of average size?


0.05-0.09 0.1-0.14 0.15

11 48 385

In 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan approved a bill setting the minimum drinking age at


Identify a characteristic of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) level of drivers that is linked to car accidents.

A BAC level of 0.02 doubles the likelihood of a fatal accident.

is the only drug for which there exists a mandatory minimum penalty for a first offense of simple possession.

Crack cocaine

Alcohol is a


What do criminologists and epidemiologists mean when they say that alcohol and violence are related?

Drinkers have higher rates of criminal violence than nondrinkers.

Identify a attitude exhibited in American society during the period of moral panic.

Drug abusers were defined as deviants.

True or false: According to the power-elitist position adopted by Henry Brownstein on crack-related violence, it was in the interests of the rich and the powerful to maintain justice and equality because they profited from them.


True or false: Most media practitioners have become less sophisticated about substance abuse than was true in the past.


True or false: Most people who drink alcohol also use illegal drugs.


True or false: The widespread use of methamphetamine nationwide, its invasion into all communities, and the recent massive increase in its use and abuse that were reported by the media in the 1980s were all true.


Subjective dimension Objective dimension

Feeling and attitudes actual effects

Beginning approximately during the first years of the twenty-first century, the number of users and abusers who died from an overdose of one or more of the opiates began to rise. Identify the principal opiates involved in these fatal overdoses

Fentanyl Heroin Synthetic

Which of the following are trends identified by NSDUH's 2016 survey on alcohol use in the United States? (Check all that apply.)

For young adults age 18-25, the corresponding last-month figures of alcohol use declined from 76 percent in 1979 to 57 percent in 2016. Underage alcohol use has substantially declined over the course of the past nearly four decades.



Identify a pattern about the media's outlook on drug use in the United States.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the stories about drug abuse declined sharply.

In the context of the relevance of sensationalism to the professional subculture theory of media bias, which of the following statements is true of prestigious media sources?

In the context of the relevance of sensationalism to the professional subculture theory of media bias, which of the following statements is true of prestigious media sources?

According to the pre-1967 media stories, which of the following were the major dangers posed by the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)?

Insanity Self-destruction

Identify an accurate statement about the rule of equivalency.

It denies that different drinks, independent of their alcohol content, have different levels of potency.

Which of the following is true about the prohibition on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 in the United States?

It has led to a decline in alcohol-related highway fatalities among drivers in the 16- to 20-year-old age range.

Which of the following statements are true about Craig MacAndrew and Robert Edgerton's cognitive guidedness approach to alcohol-related violence?

It is based on the factor of cultural context.

Identify a true statement about media bias.

It is taken as a neutral, descriptive term.

Identify the effect of a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .05 percent in a person's body.

It produces a mild euphoria in most people.

Identify an accurate characteristic of methamphetamine as depicted by the media in the late 1980s.

It would be the nation's premier problematic drug.

Identify a true statement about drug use.

Legal drugs kill more than ten times as many American as do illegal drugs.

Identify a fact noted by Maria Testa on alcohol consumption and sexual victimization.

Men under the influence of alcohol are more likely to commit violence against women than men who are sober.

According to the media, which of the following was one of the most dependency-producing drugs known to humanity?


Identify the beneficial aspects of alcohol.

Moderate use of alcohol helps to make food even more savory than it ordinarily is. Alcohol tastes pleasant for most people.

Arrange the events associated with the publication or broadcast of media stories on the topic of crack in the 1980s in the correct order of occurrence. (Place the event that involved the first mention of crack at the top.)

NYT 100 48 h 400

In the 1970s, the media sensationalized _____ by depicting the most violent and bizarre, unusual and atypical effects.


Identify a generalization about the relationship between alcohol and drug use

People who drink alcohol are more likely to use illegal drugs than people who do not drink.

Identify the true statements about news media's approach to publishing false stories.

Prestigious publications, such as The New York Times, spend a great deal of money, time, and effort engaging in fact-checking. Not all news media are equally concerned about issues of factual accuracy.

Identify the factors that mitigate the effects of alcohol on drinkers.

Speed Sex Food

Identify a true statement about the use of crack in the United States during the 1980s.

The use of crack was anything but universal.

Identify the central guiding principle of the media's depiction of marijuana's effects in the United States during the 1930s


Between the 1930s and the 1960s, _____ had become transformed from killer weed to dropout drug.


Arrange the drugs in the order they appeared in the news stories over the years in the United States. Place the drug that appeared first at the top and the drug that appeared last at the bottom

Weed, LSD, Heroin

Identify the primary factor taken into consideration by the susceptibility hypothesis in the relationship between alcohol abuse and risky, deviant behavior of individuals.

Whether a drinker is a person who is more likely to engage in risky, deviant behavior

In the United States, the earliest news stories on crack that were published in the 1980s concentrated on a specific theme. The theme was the drug's supposed _

addictive property

Sensationalism is relevant to the grassroots theory of media bias because sensationalism _

addresses the fact that the general public loves a good, exciting story

The size of a drinker influences blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) because

alcohol registers its impact via the bloodstream

Craig MacAndrew and Robert Edgerton's cognitive guidedness approach to alcohol-related violence maintains that

alcohol's effects are influenced or mediated by cultural norms that dictate that specific forms of behavior are appropriate under the influence, while other forms are defined as completely unacceptable

According to the _____ hypothesis, being under the influence is the key mechanism causing the levels of alcohol to co-vary with risky, deviant behavior.


According to the power-elitist position adopted by Henry Brownstein, in the late 1980s, the media engaged in biased reporting about crack-related killings to

divert attention away from the fundamental problems of the society

According to a data from dozens of studies gathered in 16 countries, injuries in _____ were significantly more likely to involve alcohol impairment than in any other setting


Identify the effects of alcohol

body shut down if high retards many functions disorganizes and impaired brain

To make the public acutely aware of the dangers of meth, some members of the American press quoted officials who compared methamphetamine with

crack cocain

Methamphetamine was said to be instantly addicting like

crack cocaine

In the 1960s, media attention to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) triggered _____ legislation in the United States.


Anderson et al. (2009) summarize 13 longitudinal studies that examined the relationship of 38,000 adolescents' exposure to alcohol advertising and drinking. The research concluded that

exposure to alcohol advertising among adolescents increases the likelihood that they will begin drinking and will drink more if they are already drinking

The crack-related crimes as portrayed by the U.S. media in the late 1980s included

gangland shooting

According to the _____ theory of media bias, the press responds to the biases of the public at large by reporting stories in ways that are appealing to their readership as a whole


Factual bias Selection bias

he creation of factually and empirically false claims or assertions in order to justify a particular moral, ideological, or political position The focus on the particular facts that support a certain slant or position and ignore those that challenge or undermine it

According to a general rule, the use of crack tends to be concentrated mainly

in poverty-stricken communities

When mainstream media, including representatives of the media, is socialized to accept the elite's version of truth, it is referred to as

institutional dominance

Sensationalism is relevant to the professional subculture theory of media bias because _

journalists believe they have an obligation to personalize, dramatize, and individualize the news

According to the media in the late 1980s, _____ was the drug of choice for a new generation.


A heightened, widespread, explosively upsurging feeling on the part of the public that something is terribly wrong in their society because of the moral failure of a specific group of individuals is known as a(n)

moral panic

In 2015, Americans age 15 or older consumed an average of 2.32 gallons of absolute alcohol per person per year. This figure is called "apparent" alcohol consumption because

not every drop of the alcohol purchased is necessarily drunk during a given year

According to the disinhibition hypothesis for varying relationship between heavy drinking and violent behavior, alcohol causes risky, deviant behavior because

one of alcohol's effects is a release from the inhibition that result from normative constraints on dangerous acts

By the 1960s, anti-marijuana propagandists and the media in the United States dropped the violence theme and emphasized


According to the ruling elite theory of media bias, the media distort the truth by

presenting the news in a manner that favors the interests of the ruling class

Before 1967, the US media theme for lysergic acid diethylamide's (LSD) effects was _


According to the professional subculture theory, the media's bias is slanted toward the norms of


The principle which states that the effects of alcohol are determined principally by the volume of absolute alcohol that is drunk rather than the type of drink itself is called the

rule of equivalency

According to elite theorists, sensationalism is relevant to the ruling-elite theory of media bias because

sensationalistic stories divert attention away from the fundamental, structural problems of society

Sensationalism is relevant to money machine theory of media bias because _____.

sensationalistic stories help in making a profit by attracting a large audience

According to radical critics, the media _

serve the function of maintaining social control

In the area of alcohol-related harm, more research has been conducted on _____ than any other type of victimization

sexual misconduct

The relationship between alcohol abuse and risky, deviant behavior is

strongly contingent on drinking locales or contexts

According to the _____ hypothesis, alcohol abuse and engaging in risky behavior are related because they are effects of a common cause.


In an analysis of the articles on marijuana published in popular US magazines between 1935 and 1940, Himmelstein found that the majority of the articles depicted

the drug as dangerous

The grassroots theory of media bias argues that

the elite are more or less irrelevant to shaping media content

The media do not focus as much attention on drug use as in the past because _

the media authorities no longer feel that the recreational use of psychoactive substances is a threat

The money machine theory of media bias argues that _

the media tweak the facts and the truth to earn a profit

As a general rule, the public formulates judgments about the seriousness of certain conditions, behavior, and issues, and regards certain behaviors as deviant, on the basis of criteria that are _____.

to some degree independent of the estimates of their objective harm

Unlike the subjective dimension, the objective dimension of drug use talks about

what drugs actually do to humans who use them

Accuracy in Media, a conservative organization, published a statement by Arne Steinberg entitled "How the Media Glamorize Drugs." Which of the following were part of this statement?

Accusing George Soros, the financier of progressive causes, of attempting to "legalize dangerous mind-altering drugs" Referring to Ken Burns, a filmmaker, as a "left-wing gas-bag"

Identify the conclusions of Heatherton and Sargent's (2009) own longitudinal research and their summaries of the studies of other investigators related to the portrayal of drug use in the media and its effects on adolescents.

Adolescents who often watch films in which characters smoke are three times more likely to try smoking or become smokers as those who rarely do so. The elimination of depictions of smoking in movies may prevent a significant number of adolescents from smoking.

Identify the most widely used drug in existence, almost omnipresent the world over.


Identify an accurate characteristic associated with the consumption of alcohol.

All drinkers experience a loss of motor skills at a certain point at a fairly low blood-alcohol concentration.

In the context of sensationalism, identify an argument stated by the money machine theorists.

Attracting advertising revenue is fundamental to making a profit.

Identify a characteristic associated with nicotine

The short-term effects of small doses of nicotine are fairly mild and transient.

The Weekly World News and the National Enquirer The Weekly World News and the National Enquirer -No one fact-checks the stories because everyone knows they are bogus; their purpose is entertainment, not news. correct toggle button unavailable No one fact-checks the stories because everyone knows they are bogus; their purpose is entertainment, not news. Time magazine and The Washington -The stories are fact-checked for professional reasons, and these institutions care a great deal about factual accuracy. correct toggle button unavailable The stories are fact-checked for professional reasons, and these institutions care a great deal about factual accuracy.

The Weekly World News and the National Enquirer -No one fact-checks the stories because everyone knows they are bogus; their purpose is entertainment, not news. correct toggle button unavailable No one fact-checks the stories because everyone knows they are bogus; their purpose is entertainment, not news.

Which of the following dictated that the same 10-year penalty be imposed for the possession of 50 grams of crack cocaine as for the possession of 5,000 grams of powder cocaine in the 1980s?

The federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act

What made the subject on lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in articles newsworthy and believable in the 1960s?

The findings that the drug had horrendous effects

According to Henry Brownstein, which of the following is true of crack-related violence in the United States during the 1980s?

The media distorted and sensationalized the nature of crack-related violence.

Identify the characteristics that set apart the press coverage of the current opiate overdose crisis from earlier coverage of drug upsurges

The media stories about the current opiate overdose crisis forge a link with the legal drug industry in causing the explosion of both use and deaths. The media stories about the current opiate overdose crisis stress the medical features of the problem.

Which of the following theories of media bias argues that owners of newspapers and television stations are interested in the bottom line and not in political indoctrination?

The money machine theory

In the context of sensationalism, which of the following statements are true according to the grassroots theory of media?

The more sensationalistic a story is, the more it grabs an audience by the throat. To a populist, the fact that a story feels true is more important than whether it has been verified as true.

Identify a true statement about the relationship between alcohol and violence as identified by criminologists and epidemiologists

The more that someone drinks, the greater the likelihood that he or she will inflict violence on another person.

According to the Times/CBS poll of the 1980s, identify an accurate statement about drug use and abuse in the United States.

The most important issue facing the country at that time was drugs.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which of the following statements is true of alcohol-related traffic fatalities in the United States in 2011?

The percentage of alcohol-related highway fatalities has declined by 57 percent since 1991.

Identify a true statement about phencyclidine (PCP) as depicted in the U.S. media's sensationalistic stories in the 1970s.

The physical risk from PCP is higher than any other illicit drug currently in use.

Which of the following is true of alcohol?

The process of manufacturing alcohol is simple and basic.

Which of the following theories of media bias suggests that the media approach the events of the day according to the distinct norms, expectations, and ethics of practitioners of the profession of journalism?

The professional subculture theory

Identify a trend related to drug abuse as noted by the Gallop Poll since the 1970s.

The public's concern over drug abuse rose and fall between the early 1970s and the early 1990s.

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