Drug Psychology (Online Quizzes Ch 1-18)

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Which of the following are not synthetic hallucinogens? A) LSD B) MDMA C) PCP D) Ketamine E) All of the above are synthetic F) None of the above are synthetic


Which of the following areas are affected by alcohol? A) Cerebellum B) Nucleus accumbens C) Respiratory centers of the medulla D) Prefrontal cortex E) All of the above


An antagonist is a drug which binds to a receptor without producing an effect except to block other substances from the receptor A) True B) False


Aspirin irreversibly inhibits the enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins A) True B) False


Atropine can be used by ophthalmologists to dilate their patients' pupils A) True B) False


Barbiturates and BZDs are not recommended for use in the elderly because they are not metabolized as well and remain in the system too long A) True B) False


Birth control pills are the single most commonly used form of contraception in the U.S. A) True B) False


Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors A) True B) False


California was the first state to legalize the medical use of marijuana A) True B) False


Cellular tolerance occurs when neurons adapt to the presence of a drug by changing the receptor density A) True B) False


Children whose mothers smoked while pregnant have higher rates of ADHD A) True B) False


Chronic administration of testosterone inhibits FSH and LH a)True A) True B) False


Chronic use of small doses of aspirin may reduce the risk of heart attack A) True B) False


Cigarette smoking causes almost 50% of all cancer deaths in the United States A) True B) False


Coffee, tea, and chocolate consumption is associated with a statistically significant reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes A) True B) False


Dietary supplements are not required to undergo testing for safety and efficacy A) True B) False


During the first Olympic Games in Greece, some athletes used drugs to help improve their performance A) True B) False


Electrical signals travel down the axon of a neuron A) True B) False


Endorphin is an endogenous substance A) True B) False


Expectations can have a powerful effect on a drug's actions A) True B) False


Expectorants are substances that increase and thin mucous secretions and make a cough more productive A) True B) False


Federal guidelines require that drug tests test for PCP A) True B) False


Females have fewer opioid receptors in the periaqueductal gray, so compared to males, they experience more pain with the same stimulus A) True B) False


Fentanyl is more potent than heroin A) True B) False


Fertility drugs increase levels of FSH and LH in the woman A) True B) False


Fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with learning disabilities and coordination problems A) True B) False


Formication is the delusion that insects are crawling on or under one's skin A) True B) False


GHB is approved to treat narcolepsy A) True B) False


Generalized anxiety disorder may be related to high cortisol and low GABA levels A) True B) False


Ibogaine may help reduce cravings in cocaine addicts A) True B) False


In the United States, drug addiction is estimated to cost over half a trillion dollars each year A) True B) False


In the United States, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug A) True B) False


In the ventral tegmental area, alcohol stimulates opioids, which results in reduced GABA activity, meaning that dopamine is enhanced A) True B) False


Khat is a schedule I drug A) True B) False


LSD flashbacks are more common in heavy hallucinogen users A) True B) False


LSD was invented by Albert Hofmann A) True B) False


Like lidocaine and Novocain, cocaine can be used as a local anesthetic A) True B) False


Longtime opioid users show increased tolerance to the drug if they take it in locations other where they have previously repeatedly taken the drug A) True B) False


Low levels of progesterone can lead to infertility A) True B) False


Males and females metabolize many drugs at different rates A) True B) False


Media exposure to AOD is linked to increased use A) True B) False


Methcathinone is more potent than cathinone A) True B) False


Most depressed people experience recurrences A) True B) False


Mu opioid receptors are involved in analgesia, euphoria, reward, and addiction A) True B) False


Nicotine binds to acetylcholine receptors A) True B) False


Opioids suppress respiration A) True B) False


Orexin antagonists can be used to treat insomnia A) True B) False


People with BD are more creative than those in the general population A) True B) False


Placebos are probably more effective for pain or depression than cholesterol levels or tumor growth A) True B) False


Pregnant women who do not smoke themselves but who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to give birth to a baby with a low birth weight A) True B) False


Prohibition saw the lowest alcohol consumption in U.S. history A) True B) False


Psilocybin and LSD have been used to improve the psychological adjustment in dying patients A) True B) False


Rates of substance dependence among adolescent men and women are similar A) True B) False


Ritalin blocks the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine A) True B) False


Sensory neurons carry information into the brain and spinal cord A) True B) False


Some of the early American colonies passed laws requiring every household to cultivate hemp A) True B) False


Sweden has some of the harshest drug laws in the world A) True B) False


Tardive dyskinesia is a side effect of antipsychotic use A) True B) False


The Controlled Substances Act was the first law to control drugs directly, rather than through taxes A) True B) False


The FDA requires OTC drug labels to show both active and inactive ingredients A) True B) False


The GABA receptors that control respiration and other vegetative processes do not have many BZD sites, so BZDs do not suppress respiration as much as barbiturates do A) True B) False


The United States accounts for the largest number of anabolic-androgenic steroid users around the world A) True B) False


The United States spends more on pharmaceuticals on a per capita basis than all other countries A) True B) False


The central nervous system (CNS) is comprised of the brain and spinal cord A) True B) False


The main difference between black, green, and oolong teas are how long the leaves are allowed to ferment after they are picked A) True B) False


The medulla controls basic vegetative processes like breathing and heart rate A) True B) False


The psychedelic hallucinogens show cross-tolerance, meaning that users of one of these drugs also become tolerant to the effects of the other psychedelic drugs A) True B) False


The risk of dependence is higher with MDMA than it is with LSD A) True B) False


The sympathetic nervous system has nerves that go to the heart to speed it up A) True B) False


The time of day a person takes a drug can influence its action A) True B) False


Those of American Indian/Alaska native descent report higher drug use than do Hispanics A) True B) False


Those who begin drinking before age 15 are more than five times as likely to develop alcohol dependence compared to someone who began drinking at age 21 A) True B) False


Those who drink several cups of coffee every day have lower risk of mortality A) True B) False


Those with schizophrenia are disproportionately born in the late winter or early spring A) True B) False


Tobacco use spread throughout Europe after Columbus brought tobacco back from the new world A) True B) False


Today, Americans consume significantly more gallons of soft drinks than coffee A) True B) False


Tolerance and withdrawal are signs of physical dependence A) True B) False


Ultra-short acting barbiturates are used to rapidly anesthetize a patient in emergency situations A) True B) False


Urine drug tests are the most common and least expensive A) True B) False


When an action potential reaches the axon terminal, calcium enters the axon terminal and causes vesicles containing neurotransmitter to fuse with the presynaptic membrane A) True B) False


When standard diagnostic criteria are used, the true prevalence of ADHD has not enormously increased over the past decades A) True B) False


A BAC of 0.1% means that a person's blood is 10% alcohol A) True B) False


A chronic user of heroin will rapidly become tolerant to the nausea and vomiting, but never becomes tolerant to the constipating effects. This phenomenon is called cross tolerance A) True B) False


All drug policies and laws in the United States are created and enforced by just two departments - the DEA and FBI A) True B) False


All major religions frown on the use of alcohol A) True B) False


All opioids are currently Schedule I A) True B) False


All self-help groups for substance use disorders believe that total abstinence is the only key to recover A) True B) False


Although the Gardasil vaccine has been used since 2006, there has not been a fall in HPV infections among teen girls A) True B) False


Aspirin is the safest non-narcotic analgesic to take during pregnancy A) True B) False


Attention Deficit Disorder is most commonly identified using blood tests A) True B) False


Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are not able to cross the placenta A) True B) False


Barbiturates significantly raise heart rate A) True B) False


Because it is synthetic, Spice is safer than marijuana A) True B) False


Because the heroin in Vietnam was so dilute, soldiers had to inject a lot of it to get high A) True B) False


Because they tend to be larger, most drugs stay active in a man longer than in a woman A) True B) False


Cacao beans contain more caffeine than theobromine A) True B) False


Caffeine is the world's second most commonly used psychoactive drug, after alcohol A) True B) False


Caffeine protects against osteoporosis A) True B) False


Cannabinoid receptors are mostly located in the brainstem A) True B) False


Children of depressed patients are almost twice as likely to have mood disorders than\children of non-depressed parents A) True B) False


Chronic use of alcohol will lead to behavioral and metabolic tolerance, but no cellular or acute tolerance A) True B) False


Cocaine increases the reuptake of dopamine A) True B) False


Cocaine is a schedule I drug A) True B) False


Cocaine was made illegal in 1899 A) True B) False


Currently, almost one out of every ten Americans report taking at least one psychiatric drug A) True B) False


DARE has been shown to be the most successful school-based prevention program to keep people off drugs A) True B) False


Drug laws were harshest under President Nixon A) True B) False


Drug-testing applicants for welfare has saved the states who test an average of $500,000 A) True B) False


Due to changes in the law, there is no longer a disparity between the minimum sentences for crack and for powder cocaine A) True B) False


During the Colonial period, there was a great stigma associated with consumption of alcohol A) True B) False


Emergency contraceptive pills cause the embryo to be aborted A) True B) False


Excess levels of dopamine cause pleasure A) True B) False


H1 histamine receptors affect acid secretion in the stomach and H2 receptors cause bronchodilation A) True B) False


Hormone replacement therapy is only approved for women A) True B) False


If Bill has more alcohol dehydrogenase than Mark, Bill will get more drunk from the same amount of alcohol than Mark will A) True B) False


If someone is taking an antidepressant drug and not seeing any improvement after 3 months, it is recommended that they add 1 or 2 additional antidepressant drugs to their regimen in addition to the original drug A) True B) False


If someone with substance use disorder has enough willpower, he won't relapse A) True B) False


Imodium crosses the BBB and causes significant sedation A) True B) False


In one survey about attitudes about drug addiction, only 24% of respondents were unwilling to have a person with drug addiction marry into one's family A) True B) False


In order to practice as a substance abuse counselor in the United States, a person must complete a federally-approved course and be licensed by the AMA A) True B) False


In the United States, females are more likely to use illicit drugs than are males A) True B) False


Inhalants are the most commonly used drug in middle school A) True B) False


Intramuscular administration is the fastest route of administration A) True B) False


It is estimated that approximately 250,000 children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD A) True B) False


It is impossible to overdose on caffeine A) True B) False


LSD has a high risk of overdose A) True B) False


Laws controlling the use of all drugs are required by federal law to be consistent from state to state A) True B) False


Lithium is used to treat major depressive disorder A) True B) False


MDMA is a schedule II drug A) True B) False


MDMA is one of the safest hallucinogens and is associated with no negative side effects A) True B) False


Marijuana is about as addictive as tobacco A) True B) False


Marijuana is the only drug that has been clinically proven to be an aphrodisiac A) True B) False


Marijuana smokers have significantly higher rates of lung cancer than non-smokers A) True B) False


Media literacy programs are programs, like Sesame Street, that teach children how to read A) True B) False


Misdemeanors are punished by a fine, but no prison term, while felonies are punished by prison terms A) True B) False


Most REM sleep occurs early in the night when you first fall asleep A) True B) False


Most adults in the United States have asked their doctors about an advertised drug A) True B) False


Most benzodiazepines end with the suffix "barbital" A) True B) False


Most of those who use prescription pain relievers nonmedically buy their drugs off the internet A) True B) False


Most users of anabolic-androgenic drugs prefer oral administration over IM injection A) True B) False


Nicotine itself is not toxic; it is the other factors in tobacco that are dangerous A) True B) False


Orlistat, the drug in Alli, increases the actions of pancreatic lipase, increasing breakdown and absorption of fat A) True B) False


Our memories are accurate, detailed, precise, and unchanging A) True B) False


Over 1 million people are addicted to LSD in the United States A) True B) False


Schedule V drugs usually lead to severe physical dependence A) True B) False


Serotonin is the most important neurotransmitter involved in pleasure, reward, addiction, and motivation A) True B) False


Sigmund Freud believed that depression was an inherited, unchangeable condition A) True B) False


Since marijuana has a unique mechanism of action, it doesn't interact when taken with any other drug A) True B) False


Soldiers in WWI were forbidden from smoking cigarettes A) True B) False


The "addiction gene" has been found on the short arm of chromosome 8 A) True B) False


The Rat Park experiments illustrated the fact that opioids are the most addictive drug known to man A) True B) False


The TI of alcohol is much lower than that of heroin A) True B) False


The average cost to develop a new drug is almost $1 million dollars A) True B) False


The highest rates of current tobacco use are among those age 18-20 A) True B) False


The parasympathetic nervous system dilates the pupils A) True B) False


The tegmentum is part of the hindbrain A) True B) False


Tolerance does not develop to caffeine A) True B) False


Underage drinking rates have increased significantly over the past 20 years A) True B) False


Unlike cocaine, orally administered khat is more potent than smoked or injected khat A) True B) False


Varenicline (Chantix) is an opioid antagonist used to treat overdoses A) True B) False


Viagra causes spontaneous erections, unrelated to sexual stimulation A) True B) False


Weekly injections of testosterone have been shown to be an effective contraceptive for men A) True B) False


What is the name of the route of administration used when someone snorts cocaine powder? A) Oral B) Intranasal C) Sublingual D) Intramuscular


When people try an illicit drug for the first time, the drugs that are most commonly used are inhalants A) True B) False


Which is false about drug testing? A) Those in the military are subject to random drug testing B) Today, about 85% of American companies give random drug tests to their employees C) Drug testing in high schools is not associated with any decrease in drug use D) If you are fired for refusing to take a drug test, it is almost impossible to get unemployment benefits


Which is false? A) SSRIs increase the amount of serotonin in the synapse B) Patients should avoid consuming wine, cheese, milk, and chocolate while on SSRIs C) TCAs block postsynaptic acetylcholine and histamine receptors D) MAOIs increase the level of dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, melatonin, and histamine in the synapse E) All of the above are true


Which is the incorrect association of sleep aid and the neurotransmitter it primarily effects? A) Valium--GABA B) Sonata--Serotonin C) Belsomra--Orexin D) Rozerem--Melatonin


According to federal law, marijuana has no accepted medical uses A) True B) False


Acute use of alcohol is associated with less REM sleep A) True B) False


Among high school students, e-cigarette use is currently higher than cigarette use A) True B) False


A 4th grader whose parents are alcoholics and whose grades are declining may be targeted for a selective prevention program A) True B) False


A cigar contains enough nicotine to kill two adults A) True B) False


A person can be charged with drug conspiracy without ever having bought, sold, or possessed any type of illegal drug A) True B) False


About 11% of people have driven drunk at least once A) True B) False


Which is false about secondhand smoke? A) The CDC estimates that secondhand smoke causes 5000 heart disease deaths and 900 lung cancer deaths each year among adult nonsmokers in the U.S. B) The smoke that rises off the lit end of the cigarette contains a higher concentration of tar, nicotine, CO, and carcinogens than that which the smoker takes into his or her lungs C) Secondhand smoke has been classified as a class A carcinogen D) Dogs who live with smokers are more likely to get lung cancer


Which is true about Attention Deficit Disorder? A) It is seen more in boys than in girls B) It is most often treated with behavioral modification C) There is no such disorder; it is simply a behavioral problem D) Ritalin often causes excessive sleepiness


Which is true about drug use during pregnancy? A) Drugs taken early in pregnancy are more likely to raise the risk of miscarriage and of physical malformations in the child B) Tobacco use during pregnancy has been found to be safe C) All drugs are equally harmful to the fetus D) Drugs taken during the last trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome


Which is true about the demographics of marijuana use? A) Males are more likely than females to use marijuana B) Compared to other races, Hispanics report the highest rates of marijuana use C) The average age among first time users of marijuana is 14 D) Marijuana use is highest in Asia


Which is true about the history of tea? A) Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is often credited with the discovery of tea B) Tea was first discovered in the 15th century C) England introduced tea to North America in 1771 D) England went to war with China because they felt they were taxed too highly on Chinese tea


Which is true about the history of tobacco? A) In 1964. the Surgeon General of the United States released a report tying smoking cigarettes to serious illness and cancer B) R.J. Reynolds was the first man to plant tobacco in North America C) The first law restricting smoking in most public spaces was passed in California in 1992 D) General John Pershing led a campaign in Congress to prevent military personnel from smoking cigarettes


Which of the following areas of the brain is especially involved in the process of addiction? A) Ventral tegmental area B) Cerebellum C) Nigrostriatal pathway D) Parietal lobe


Which of the following is a physiological effect of cocaine? A) Increased body temperature B) Decreased blood pressure C) Dilated blood vessels D) Constricted bronchi


Which of the following is not a deliriant hallucinogen? A) Amanita muscaria B) Datura C) Henbane D) Mandrake E) All of the above are deliriants


Which of the following is not associated with long-term use of heroin? A) Cardiomyopathy B) Difficulties with decision making C) Tolerance to heroin's analgesic and euphoric effects D) Cross tolerance to other opioids


Which of the following is the most widely used illicit drug in the world? A) Marijuana B) Heroin C) Cocaine D) MDMA


Which of the following is the trade name of the drug? A) Valium B) Diazepam C) Benzos D) C16H13ClN2O


Which of the following is true? A) Major depressive disorder is associated with abnormal sleep patterns B) Major depressive disorder is more commonly diagnosed in men than in women C) It has been proven that the cause of major depressive disorder are reduced levels of serotonin D) Bipolar disorder is more common than major depressive disorder


Which of the following is used to treat diarrhea? A) Imodium B) Prilosec C) Zantac D) Metamucil


Which route of administration is this: Easy, self-administered, convenient; but slow and highly variable absorption, subject to first pass effect, and not good in emergencies? A) Oral B) Transdermal C) Intranasal D) IV


Withdrawal from alcohol is more severe and life-threatening than withdrawal from heroin A) True B) False


Women who are most likely to drink during pregnancy tend to be younger, single, less educated, and unemployed A) True B) False


Younger, smaller psilocybin mushrooms have a higher concentration of psychoactive drug A) True B) False


"420" came to be associated with the consumption of marijuana because April 20 is Bob Marley's birthday A) True B) False


"Anabolic" is a term meaning a substance that promotes male physiological characteristics A) True B) False


"Dripping" is the practice of injecting pure nicotine intravenously A) True B) False


"Opiates" is a comprehensive term that refers to any natural, synthetic, or endogenous substance that binds to the opioid receptor A) True B) False


Which is true about drunk driving? A) A drunk driver is twice as likely to cause an accident than a sober driver B) The highest incidence of drunk driving is in those ages 21-24 C) Women are more likely to drive drunk than men are D) Drunk drivers have faster reaction times


Which is true about oral ingestion of marijuana? A) Since marijuana is lipid-soluble, adding oils (such as butter) to the plant material prevents THC from being absorbed into the bloodstream B) Marijuana must be heated to chemically activate THC C) The effects of orally administered marijuana are shorter-acting than smoked marijuana D) Eating marijuana is much more effective in reducing nausea in cancer patients than smoked marijuana


Which is true about prohibition? A) It criminalized the consumption of alcohol B) It played a part in the rise of organized crime throughout the country C) Medical patients and church members entitled to receive Communion were exempt D) It was repealed with the 23rd amendment


Which is true about schizophrenia? A) Schizophrenia is an autosomal dominant disorder located on chromosome 17 B) Brain scans of those with schizophrenia show reduced volume in the temporal lobe, hippocampus, limbic system, basal ganglia, and frontal lobe C) Dopamine levels are elevated in all areas of the brain D) Marijuana use lowers the risk of developing schizophrenia


Which is true about the Pill? A) When used as directed, the Pill is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy B) Women on the Pill have lighter, less painful, more regular periods C) The Pill is available over the counter for women of all age D) Birth control pills are inserted into the vagina to block the cervix


Which is true about the opium wars? A) It began when China raised the price of their opium and England refused to pay it B) It began when the Chinese destroyed opium that England had illegally smuggled into China C) About 1000 times more British soldiers were killed than Chinese soldiers D) As a result of the wars, opium addiction was essentially unknown in China


Which is true about the prevalence of performance enhancing drugs? A) Equal numbers of adult men and women use anabolic-androgenic steroids B) The typical user of anabolic androgenic steroids is a white, educated, employed man who is not active in organized sports C) About 22% of high school seniors in the United States use anabolic androgenic steroids regularly D) Anabolic-androgenic steroids are largely accepted among high school students; only 10% disapproved of their use


Which is true about the process of new drug discovery? A) About 80% of new drugs that are tested make it through clinical trials and are approved by the FDA B) The correct order of steps for new drug development is: Animal testing, IND application, Clinical trials, NDA application, FDA review, FDA approval, and Post marketing C) For each drug that makes it to market, almost 1000 drugs have been screened and failed to pass D) Drugs must be tested on at least 5 different animal species before being tested on humans


Which is true about tobacco products? A) The amount of nicotine in cigarettes in the United States has decreased over the years B) Pipes are the least popular method of using tobacco C) You must be 21 to purchase cigarettes, but there is no age limit to purchase e-cigarettes D) Vaping is a very safe method of using nicotine


Which neurotransmitter is not directly affected by amphetamine? A) Dopamine B) GABA C) Norepinephrine D) Serotonin


Which of the following U.S. presidents showed the most lenient attitudes towards marijuana use? A) Nixon B) Carter C) Reagan D) Clinton E) Trump


Which of the following benzodiazepine is the longest acting? A) Triazolam B) Chlordiazepoxide C) Alprazolam D) Lorazepam


Which of the following best relates to pharmacokinetics? A) The effect the drug has on the body B) The route of administration C) The placebo effect D) The way a person's expectations influence the drug effect


Which of the following effects is not seen with caffeine? A) Dilates bronchi B) Inhibits urination C) Increases HCl secretion in the stomach D) Increases alertness


Which of the following is a prevention program targeted to individuals who show early danger signs of abuse but have not yet been diagnosed with drug addiction? A) Primary prevention B) Indicated prevention C) Universal prevention D) Tertiary prevention


Which of the following is an effect of opioids? A) Anxiety B) Sharper cognitive function and increased memory C) Increased urination D) Analgesia


Which of the following is most directly involved with balance, posture, and coordination? A) Temporal lobe B) Cerebellum C) Pons D) Thalamus


Which of the following is not a barbiturate? A) Seconal B) Xanax C) Nembutal D) Penthothal


Which of the following is true? A) When the opium poppy matures, it extrudes pure heroin B) Opium contains morphine and codeine C) Opium is more potent than morphine D) There are about 45 different kinds of poppies that produce a sufficient quantity of opium to make their cultivation economically worthwhile


Which of these drugs is not typically used to help people deal with alcohol addiction? A) Acamprosate B) Buprenorphine C) Disulfiram D) Zofran


Which one of the following would decrease the effects of a neurotransmitter on a postsynaptic cell? A) Blocking reuptake of the neurotransmitter B) Decreasing synthesis of the neurotransmitter C) Increasing release of the neurotransmitter D) Inhibiting the enzymes that break down the neurotransmitter


Wine has 25% alcohol A) True B) False


According to the capture ratio, which of the following drugs has the lowest lifetime rates of addiction? A) LSD B) Alcohol C) Inhalants D) Marijuana


At what BAC is a person considered legally intoxicated in the United States? A) 0.01 B) 0.05 C) 0.08 D) 0.10


Caffeine, coffee, tea, and chocolate have not been shown to have positive effects on which of the following? A) Boosts metabolism B) Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes C) Cures ALS D) Reduce the risk of liver disease


In which decades was cocaine most popular in America? A) 1860s B) 1950s C) 1970s D) 2010s


What percentage of Americans are on at least one prescription drug? A) 30% B) 50% C) 70% D) 95%


Which contains the most caffeine? A) 8 ounces of drip coffee B) 8 ounces of instant coffee C) 8 ounces of espresso D) 8 ounces of black tea


Which is false about the demographics of tobacco use? A) The amount of nicotine in cigarettes in the United States has decreased over the years B) Pipes are the least popular method of using tobacco C) You must be 21 to purchase cigarettes, but there is no age limit to purchase e-cigarettes D) Vaping is a very safe method of using nicotine


Which is false? A) Endogenous substances are produced within an organism B) To create a synthetic drug, a chemist often takes a purified form of a natural drug and changes its chemical structure to vary its properties C) Naturally-occurring drugs are derived from fungi and plants, but there are no known drugs that originate from animals D) Natural drugs tend to be more complex than refined and synthesized forms of the drugs


Which is the correct association about the neurotransmitters affected by the hallucinogenic drugs? A) Psilocybin--Dopamine B) Salvia--Acetylcholine C) Ketamine--Glutamate D) Datura--Serotonin


Which is the incorrect association of neurotransmitters and drugs? A) Xanax--GABA B) Marijuana--Anandamide C) LSD--Acetylcholine D) MDMA--Serotonin


Which is the incorrect association? A) Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant B) Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant C) Diphenhydramine is an analgesic D) Acetaminophen relieves fever


Which of the following are, in order, the top coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drink consuming countries in the world? A) Brazil, China, United States, United States B) Morocco, England, Canada, Japan C) Finland, Turkey, Switzerland, Argentina D) United States, Finland, Mexico, Canada


Which of the following drugs has the highest percent of users who die each year due use of the drug? A) Alcohol B) Caffeine C) Heroin D) Marijuana E) Tobacco


Which of the following is false about marijuana's effects? A) Increases appetite B) Dilates blood vessels of the eye C) Enhances memory encoding and retrieval D) Interferes with coordination


Which of the following is not a component of the social influence model of drug prevention? A) Structured, interactive sessions given once a week over the course of a school term B) Program is delivered by both trained facilitators and peer counselors C) Program focuses on scare tactics D) Program provides opportunities to practice personal and social skills


Which of the following is not a reason to explain the sharp rise in ADHD diagnoses over the past decades? A) Exposure to electronic devices B) More homework and less recess, gym, and music in elementary schools C) Significantly more neurological abnormalities D) More direct-to-consumer ads


Which of the following is not a semi-synthetic opioid? A) Hydromorphine B) Oxymorphone C) Methadone D) Heroin


Which of the following is not associated with withdrawal from sedative/hypnotic drugs? A) Insomnia B) Anxiety C) Increased appetite D) Muscle tremor


Which of the following is true regarding the hormonal methods of contraception? A) Birth control pills contain high doses of testosterone B) Depo-Provera contains FSH and LH C) Contraceptive hormones can be absorbed through the skin D) About 5% of women who take the Pill will have blood clots and stroke


Which is false about alcohol? A) Alcohol's therapeutic index is 5-10, which is similar to heroin's TI B) Withdrawal from heavy, chronic alcohol use can be fatal C) Alcohol use is estimated to account for about 4% of all deaths worldwide D) Delirium tremens is the neurological condition seen when chronic alcohol leads to neurological damage


Which is false about forfeiture laws? A) The government can confiscate anything in one's possession -- a car, boat, house, currency, or other belongings -- at the time of a drug arrest B) Seizure of property does not require conviction of a crime or even an official criminal charge to be filed C) The seized assets are used, in part, to fund the police D) All of the above are true


Which is false about the causes of major depressive disorder? A) Depression may be related to chronic inflammation B) Obese individuals have an elevated risk of depression C) If your parent has a history of depression, you have a higher risk of depression D) People with depression have larger hippocampuses than those without depression


Which is false about the potentially harmful effects of OTC drugs? A) OTC drugs must be used before their expiration date B) Aspirin can interact with alcohol, warfarin, and other drugs C) Some OTC drugs can cause dependence D) OTC drugs are not approved for sale unless they have no potential interactions with any other drugs


Which is the incorrect association? A) Anabolic-androgenic steroids--increased muscle growth and strength B) Erythropoietin--increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood C) Cortisone--allows athletes to play through the pain D) Beta-blockers--increases endurance and alertness


Which is true about alcohol consumption in the United States? A) About 90% of the U.S. population consumes alcohol B) About 70% of the U.S. population has consumed at least one drink in the past month C) About 4.5% of pregnant women report heavy drinking D) About 10% of the population drinks 60% of all alcohol consumed in the United States


Which is true about cocaine? A) It is not actually addictive B) Tolerance does not develop to cocaine C) Cocaine is the most harmful drug to the fetus when used by a pregnant woman D) Cocaine withdrawal tends to be fairly short-lived


Which is true about ecstasy (MDMA)? A) Can cause body temperature to rise greatly B) Directly and immediately increases appetite, urination, and sleepiness C) Increases release of serotonin D) A and C are true E) All of the above are true


Which is true about infertility? A) It is a complete inability to reproduce B) About 5% of American couples have fertility problems C) Clomid helps the fertilized egg find and implant in the uterus D) Some fertility drugs block estrogen receptors


Which is true about the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914? A) Established the "scheduling" of drugs B) Made it illegal to be addicted to marijuana C) Put a tax on marijuana D) Made it so physicians could prescribe narcotics to patients in the course of normal treatment, but not for the treatment of addiction.


Which is true about the cannabis plant? A) Today, most marijuana averages about 40% THC B) Cannabis indica generally contains more THC than cannabis sativa C) The leaves of the male plant contain more THC than the top of the female plant D) It is illegal to grow hemp in the United States


Which of the following best describes behavioral tolerance? A) Tolerance that occurs within a single exposure to a drug B) Tolerance that occurs when the body metabolizes a drug faster by increasing production of liver enzymes C) Tolerance that develops when the neurons in the brain adapt to the presence of a drug by changing the receptor density D) When a person learns to "handle themselves" while on a drug E) Tolerance to a drug that occurs due to tolerance previously developed to a pharmacologically similar compound


Which of the following is an acute effect of smoking? A) Decreased blood clotting B) Bronchodilation C) Increased gastrointestinal tone and muscle contractions D) Increased insulin release


Which of the following is an example of a metabotropic receptor? A) GABAA B) NMDA C) Nicotinic cholinergic D) Muscarinic cholinergic


Which of the following is false about non-narcotic analgesics? A) Advil reduces fever B) Aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome when given to children C) Naproxen is considered the most potent in alleviating pain D) Tylenol is an NSAID


Which of the following is most directly involved with vision? A) Frontal lobe B) Parietal lobe C) Temporal lobe D) Occipital lobe


Which of the following is not one the DSM criteria for "impaired control"? A) Unsuccessful efforts to stop or control use B) A great deal of time is spent to obtain, use, or recover from substance use C) Overwhelming desire for the substance D) Continued use despite physical or psychological problems that are caused by substance use


Which of the following is not true about drugs used to treat ADHD? A) They increase levels of norepinephrine B) They decrease appetite C) They are more dangerous if a user crushes the pills and snorts them rather than swallowing them D) They have been proven to lead to significant, long-term academic improvement


Which of the following is the first of the 12 steps in AA? A) Surrender to a higher power B) Take responsibility C) Honestly admit your wrongdoings D) Admit you are powerless over alcohol


Which of the following is true about acetaldehyde dehydrogenase? A) Levels are higher in Asians and Native Americans B) Levels are higher in women C) High levels are associated with increased incidence of nausea and vomiting after alcohol use D) Inhibition of this enzyme leads to nausea and vomiting after alcohol use E) All of the above are true


Which is true about PCP? A) First marketed as a surgical anesthetic B) Also called "angel dust" C) Characterized as a deliriant hallucinogen D) A and B are correct E) All of the above are correct


Which is true about the demographics of addiction? A) American Indians/ Alaskan natives have the highest rates of drug addiction B) Women have higher rates of drug addiction than men C) The highest rates of substance dependence were found in those aged 18-25 D) Blacks have higher rates of addiction than whites E) A and C are correct F) B and D are correct G) All of the above are correct


Which of the following factors is associated with bipolar disorder? A) A strong genetic component B) An enlarged prefrontal cortex C) If a pregnant woman is exposed to the flu in her 7th month, her child has a greater risk of developing bipolar disorder D) Unlike major depressive disorder, there are no neurochemical abnormalities associated with bipolar disorder E) A and C are true F) B and D are true


Which of the following neurotransmitters is affected by GHB? A) GABA B) Glutamate C) Dopamine D) Acetylcholine E) All of the above are affected by GHB


Which is true about the process of fertilization? A) Progesterone causes a woman to release an egg into the fallopian tube B) About 75-80% of all fertilizations result in live births C) A man only needs one sperm in order to penetrate an egg; therefore, most infertility issues are with women D) Women release 1 egg at a time, but men ejaculate about 1 million sperm E) All of the above are true F) All of the above are false


Which of the following is not a possible route of administration of cocaine/crack? A) Topical B) Oral C) Inhalation D) Injection E) Smoke F) All are possible routes


Which of the following neurotransmitters underlies the major effects of cocaine? A) GABA B) Norepinephrine C) Acetylcholine D) Dopamine E) A and C F) B and D


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