Drugs - Chapter 2-5

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Match the psychotherapeutic drugs with their features -Antipsychotics -Antidepressants

-help people control hallucinations and illogical thoughts -help people recover from depressed mood states

What did the Jones-Miller Act passed by Congress in 1922 do?

-it officially made the user of illegally obtained opioids and cocaine a criminal -It more than doubled the maximum penalties for dealing in illegally imported drugs

When a company submits an application to investigate a new drug in human clinical trials (IND) to the FDA, it is also required to submit all information from ______

Preclinical investigations, including the effects of the drug on animals

________ dependence on drugs is increasingly accepted as the real driving force behind repeated drug use


In the context of the life cycle of a neurotransmitter, the arrival of the action potential in the presynaptic terminals causes _______ channels to open


Nonspecific effects of drugs are called placebo effects because they

can often be produced by an inactive chemical that a user believes to be a drug

In the context of the actions of drugs on neurotransmitter systems, cocaine and most antidepressants block the transporters of dopamine, norepinephrine, or serotonin by ____

causing the normally released neurotransmitter to remain in the synapse longer than usual

Arrange the substances that are responsible for causing U.S. deaths annually. Place the substance that causes most deaths on top. alcohol cigarettes psychoactive drugs

cigarettes alcohol psychoactive drugs

Identify an example of a withdrawal syndrome

a heroin user who experiences diarrhea when he or she stops using

According to the 1956 Narcotic Drug Control Act, ______ had to result in a jail term, and no suspension, probation, or parole was allowed

any drug offense except first offense possession

The ___________ ___________ are subcortical brain structures that control muscle tone

basal ganglia

The toxicity that results from effects of a drug on the behavior of a user is called ________ toxicity


The idea that substance dependence is like a disease takes a broad, ___________ perspective that dependence might be related to dysfunctions of biology, personality, social interactions, or a combination of these factors


The diet drug Sibutramine produces its weight-reducing effects by ________

blocking the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine

Creation of the __________-__________ barrier, which is a semipermeable structure that protects the brain from potentially toxic chemicals circulating in the blood, is an important function of glia


Important classes of drug laws

-A group of laws that regulates the practices of entities that manufacture or dispense legal drugs -a group of laws that resulted in the criminalization of certain types of drug use, possession, and sales.

Match the ways in which a drug exerts its effects directly on neurotransmitter receptors with their features

-An agonist: mimics the action of a neurotransmitter and directly activates its receptor -An antagonist: occupies a neurotransmitter receptor and prevents the neurotransmitter from activating it

Match the kinds of names of drugs with their characteristics -Chemical name -Generic name

-Chemical name: typically used only in laboratory settings -Generic name: official names of drugs in the public domain

Identify the costs incurred due to drug control enforcement by federal agencies

-The cost of housing drug-law violators in state prisons and local jails -the incalculable price of placing federal agents in danger of losing their lives to combat the drug trade -The cost of crimes committed to purchase drugs at black-market prices

What are two main reasons for which private corporations adopt drug tests?

-They believe that the company will be protected against suits for drug-related negligence. -They believe that drug-free workers will have better productivity.

In the context of the data gathered by the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) system, rank the top four classes of drugs involved in emergency room visits in decreasing order of number of cases (from highest to lowest)

-alcohol-in-combination -cocaine -prescription opioids -marijuana

Identify the structures that form part of the limbic system -medulla oblongata -hippocampus -cerebral cortex -amygdala

-amygdala -hippocampus

Match the major regions of a neuron (in the left column) with their characteristics (in the right column). Cell body Dendrites Axon Axon terminals

-cell body: the central region of a neuron -dendrites: branchlike structures extending from the cell body -axon: a thin tube extending from the cell body -axon terminals: the end structure of an axon

identify the drugs commonly administered using the inhalation method

-crack cocaine -nicotine -marijuana

Identify the reasons why the new drug application provision under the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was important

-it reduced the likelihood of companies run by untrained people introducing new drugs -It increased the power and responsibility of the FDA as well as its size

Identify the monoamine neurotransmitters that have specific transporters built into their terminals

-serotonin -norepinephrine -dopamine

According to the monoamine theory of mood, match the amounts of activities of the monoamine neurotransmitters (in the left column) with their effects (in the right column)

-too little activity: causes depression -too much activity: causes manic states

What was the single most important legislation that has shaped the federal government's approach to controlled substances?

18th Amendment prohibiting alcohol

Identify an accurate statement about attributing cause of dependence to a substance

A substance itself cannot be seen as the entire cause of a dependence problem

What were the provisions added by the 1962 Kefauver-Harris amendments to federal law?

Advertisements for prescription drugs need to summarize adverse reactions to the drugCompanies need to seek approval before conducting clinical trials on humans

Which of the following is a depressant drug? -Caffeine -Alcohol -Amphetamines -Prozac


Match the conditions that occur when the dose of a drug increases from the low end, with their descriptions.

Ataxia - people stagger or become unable to walk straight Comatose - people pass out and cannot be aroused

In the context of the notions of ancient times about behavior patterns, match the humors mentioned by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates with their descriptions

Blood - results in a sanguine nature Phlegm - results in a calm nature Yellow bile - results in a bad - tempered nature Black bile - results in a melancholic nature

In response to the end of the Prohibition and to charges of corruption in the previous Narcotics Devision, Congress formed a _____ in the Treasury Department in 1930.

Bureau of Narcotics

As part of international efforts aimed at reducing drug supply, the ______ has agents in more than 40 countries assisting the local authorities in eradicating drug crops, locating and destroying illicit laboratories, and interfering with the transportation of drugs out of those countries. Drug Enforcement Agency

Drug Enforcement Agency

T/F: Nicotine is much more effective when swallowed than when inhaled


match the brain-stem with their features Vomiting center

Gets activated by various drugs

match the brain-stem with their features Respiratory center

Gets suppressed by various drugs

Match control substance schedules with their criteria Schedule II

Has high potential for abuse that may lead to severe psychological r physical dependence with currently accepted medical use

Match control substance schedules with their criteria Schedule I

Has high potential for abuse with no currently acceptable medical use in treatment in the United States

Match control substance schedules with their criteria Schedule IV

Has low potential for abuse that may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to III

Match control substance schedules with their criteria Schedule V

Has low potential for abuse that may lead to limited physical or psychological dependence relative to IV

Match control substance schedules with their criteria Schedule III

Has potential for abuse that may lead to moderate physical dependence or high psychological dependence

Identify an accurate statement about the role of homeostasis in alcohol or drug use

Homeostatic processes mobilize to counteract some alcohol-related effects

in the context of the action potential, match the states of a neuron, with their explanations -Hyperpolarized -Depolarized

Hyperpolarized- when the membrane potential of a neuron is more negative Depolarized - when the membrane potential of a neuron is less negative

Studies with monkeys have found that low levels of serotonin metabolites are associated with __________

Impulsive aggression

With reference to the marketing of dietary supplements, which of the following was cleared by the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act?

It broadened the definition of dietary supplements to include not only vitamins, minerals, and proteins, but also herbs and herbal extracts

Match the drug testing methods with the number of days up to which they can detect drug use Hair testing

It can detect drug use for up to 90 days and is more capable of detecting occasional drug use than other methods

Match the drug testing methods with the number of days up to which they can detect drug use Urine testing

It can detect most kinds of drugs for up to three days, but it can also detect frequent used drugs for a couple of weeks after the last dose

Match the drug testing methods with the number of days up to which they can detect drug use Saliva testing

It can only detect fairly recent drug use, up to one day, in most cases

Identify a feature of the inhalation method of drug administration -it can produce more prolonged effects than other methods for administering drugs -it does not affect the time taken to experience a drug's effects -it can produce more rapid effects than intravenous administration for psychoactive drugs -It seldom causes irritation to the mucous membranes and lungs

It can produce more rapid effects that IV administration for psychoactive drugs

Identify an advantage of functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, technique used for brain imaging.

It gives real-time information about changes in brain blood flow

Identify a true statement about nicotine -it is often thought of as being a strong stimulant -it is always used as an antipsychotic drug -it is listed as a hallucinogen because it induces hallucinations at low doses -it seems to have some relaxant properties of a depressant

It seems to have some relaxant properties of a depressant.

Identify a true statement about a drug's brand name -It specifies a particular formulation -It is derived from the rules of organic chemistry -It must refer to a specific chemical compound -It is rarely used except in a laboratory situation

It specifies a particular formation

In the context of dose-response relationships, the therapeuttic index (TI) is defined as _______


A feature of the brain that has important implications for the effects of some psychoactive drugs on the brain is that only ______ molecules of substances that can dissolve in oils or fat enter the brain


Chronic toxicity

Long term effects from repeated use of a drug

According to the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act ______ covered "any statement, design or device regarding..a drug, or the ingredients or substances contained therein, which shall be false or misleading in any particular


_________ is a disease that results from a loss of myelin wrappings of neurons

Multiple sclerosis

The drug-metabolizing activity of the CYP450 enzymes in the liver typically returns to normal when the induced drug is ______

No longer being taken

In the early 1800s in the US, physicians prescribed various forms of _____ liberally and with only limited concern about patients developing dependence.


The broadest impact on drug use in this country came from the widespread legal distribution of ________, which were dispensed by traveling peddlers and were readily available at local stores for self-medication

Patent medicines

Acute toxicity

Short term effects of a single dose of a drug

Which law was passed as a result of the poisoning of 107 people by Elixir Sulfanilamide?

The 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Identify a true statement about the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) -The DAWN system collected data on drug-related emergency room visits -It was launched in 2011 -Every emergency room in the United States participated in the DAWN system -It was developed by the National Center for Health Statistics.

The DAWN system collected data on drug related emergency room visits.

Match the departments in the United States government with the laws they administered by 1914 The Treasury Department

The Harrison Act of 1914

What is otherwise known as "An Act to provide for the registration of, with collectors or internal revenue, and to impose a special tax upon all persons who produce, import, manufacture, compound, deal in, dispense, or give away opium or coco leaves, their salts, derivatives, or preparations, and for other purposes?"

The Harrison Act of 1914

Identify a true statement about the process of uptake of a neurotransmitter. A. The precursor molecule from which the neurotransmitter will be made is not synthesized by a neuron B. The uptake mechanism neither selects nor recognizes the precursors molecules from which the neurotransmitter will be made as they float. C. The precursors from which the neurotransmitter will be made are fatty acids that are derived from carbohydrates in the diet. D. The cell expends energy to bring the precursors from which the neurotransmitter will be made into a cell

The cell expends energy to bring the precursors from which the neurotransmitter will be made into a cell

How were physicians, dentist, and veterinary surgeons affected by the Harrison Act of 1914?

They had to register to be potential lawful distributors of opioids and cocaine

When the United States imported Chinese workers after the Civil War ended, mainly to help build the rapidly expanding railroads, what did some of them bring with them

The habit of smoking opium

Identify a true statement about using intravenous, or IV, injection used to administer drugs

The onset of action of a drug is much more rapid than with an oral administrations or with other means of injections.

Identify a true statement about the experimental procedure called double-blind procedure used to study a drug's effectiveness

The people are randomly assigned to groups and are treated and evaluated identically

Rank the following regulations in the United States in order in which they were implemented, beginning with the first to be implemented

The regulation of pharmaceutical manufacturing and salesThe regulation of opioids and cocaineThe prohibition of alcohol

Identify an accurate statement about the biological basis for substance dependence

There are genetic influences on drug use, effects, and dependence

After the Narcotics Division in the United States arrestees around 25,000 physicians between 1919 and 1929 for supplying opioids and cocaine to dependent users, _______.

There was no legal way to obtain these drugs then

Why were morphine and heroin popular among lower-class opium users when states and municipalities in the United States began to outlaw opium dens?

They were readily available and inexpensive

Match the phases of clinical investigation with the type of studies they involve Phase three

This phase administers a drug to 1000 o 5000 individuals with the disease or symptom for which the drug is intended

Match the phases of clinical investigation with the type of studies they involve Phase one

This phase encompasses studies relatively low doses of a drug on a limited number of healthy people

Match the phases of clinical investigation with the type of studies they involve Phase two

This phase involves a few hundred patients who have the condition a drug is designed to treat

Match the departments with the responsibilities allocated to them by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 The Department of Health, Education and Welfare

This was given funding for drug-related research, treatment, and prevention efforts

Match the departments with the responsibilities allocated to them by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 The Justice Department's Drug Enforcement Agency

This was given responsibility for controlling certain drugs directly rather than trough tax or interstate commerce laws

T/F: The chemistry of the drug molecules determines if some drugs act quickly and others more slowly.


One of the precursors to the Pure Food and Drugs Act was the 1906 publication of ________, which exposed the horrible unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry and shocked Congress and America.

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

A layer of tissue that covers the top and sides of the upper parts of the brain is known as __________


if doses of a drug are taken in extremely short intervals, the maximum blood level will increase with each dose and can result in ______ effects


Identify the characteristics of withdrawal syndrome of opioids.

diarrhea, cramps, chills, and profuse sweating

According to several studies on cocaine self-administration using human subjects, drugs that block dopamine activity ________

did no reduce euphoria produced by cocaine

When the use of a drug increases the drug's rate of metabolism or excretion, it is referred to as _____________ _____________ tolerance, or pharmacokinetic tolerance

drug disposition

Match the mechanisms by which drug tolerance can come about, with their definitions -drug disposition tolerance -behavioral tolerance -pharmacodynamic tolerance

drug disposition tolerance: it is the tolerance caused by more rapid elimination of a drug behavioral tolerance: it is the tolerance caused by learned adaptation to a drug pharmacodynamic tolerance: is is the tolerance caused by altered nervous system sensitivity

The notion that _____ forms the basis of arguments in favor of passing laws to regulate drug use and drug users.

drug use changes a user's personality in a lasting way

By 1928, individuals sentenced for ____ comprised one-third of the total population in federal prisons in the United States

drug violations

According to early medical models on substance dependence, dependence was characterized by the ________

existence of a withdrawal syndrome that resulted due to stopping the use of a drug

T/F: All drugs have reinforcing properties


In 1986, President Reagan first declared that random urine tests should be performed on all ________.

federal employees in sensitive jobs

Identify a true statement about the relationship between the dose and the effect of a drug -as the drug dose increases, new response systems are never affected by a drug -further additions of a drug have no effect at the point where the response system shows maximal response -individuals do not show slowed reaction times with increased doses of a drug -there is no variability in the dosage of a drug att which individual organisms respond

further additions of a drug have no effect at the point where the response system shows maximal response

Identify the diseases that are at an increased risk of transmission due to needle-sharing activities of intravenous drug users.

hepatitis, aids

In the context of the prevalent medical notion on substance dependence in the 1960s, match the types of substance dependence with the substances to which they were attributed.

heroin - physical dependence marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine - psychological dependence

Evidence that drug control is effective in restricting supply is found in the _______

high prices charged on the streets

In the context of the transportation of a drug through the blood, if a drug has a great affinity for blood proteins then __________

higher doses are required to reach an effective tissue concentration

More than half of all federal prisoners are convicted of ________

illicit drug use

According to studies, acetylcholine blockers in the central nervous system typically __________

impair memory

Psychoactive drugs alter the availability of a neurotransmitter by ______

increasing or decreasing the transmitter chemical's rate of synthesis

One of the major concerns of the U.S. Senate in the late 1950s was that some of the most widely sold over-the-counter medicines were probably _____, and there was no law against this


The 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act prohibited _______.

interstate commerce in adulterated or misbranded food and drugs

In the experiments conducted in he 1960s, monkeys and rats were connected to an apparatus so that pressing a lever would inject morphine in their body through ______

intravenous tubes

The first groups of American students to be widely subjected to urine screening for drugs were those ________

involved in team sports

A criticism of the research work focused on explaining dependence through dopamine levels is that this model _______

is too simple

Identify a true statement about the hypothalamus in the brain -it connects the frontal lobe of the brain to the spinal cord -it is not involved in temperature regulation and sexual behavior -it does not play a role in feeding and drinking -it is a link between the brain and the hormonal output of the pituitary gland

it is a link between the brain and the hormonal output of the pituitary gland

Identify a true statement about the cell membrane of a neuron -it does not play a role in the synthesis of a neurotransmitter -it contains myelin -it is semipermeable

it is semipermeable

Many investigators conclude that drug users are cognitively impaired based solely on the brain imaging data. Such interpretations are inappropriate because _______.

it is unclear whether observed brain differences are within the normal range of human variability

Identify an advantage of using positron-emission tomography, or PET, for brain imaging -it determines the amount of hydrogen atoms at different locations in the body -it gives detailed information about brain structures -it provides an indirect measure of potential toxicity to specific neurons -it determines the amount of hydrogen atoms in the body

it provides an indirect measure of potential toxicity to specific neurons

Identify a true statement about using intramuscular injections to administer drugs -Larger volumes of material can be deposited in a muscle than can be injected subcutaneously -There is an increased chance of irritation due to slower absorption by the bloodstream -Absorption is more rapid when the injection is in the buttock -Absorption is less rapid from intramuscular injection compared o subcutaneous injection

larger volumes of material can be deposited in a muscle than can be injected subcutaneously

The introduction of ___ by the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act has contributed greatly to a huge growth in prison populations over the past 20 years

longer sentences, mandatory minimums, and no-parole provisions

__________ __________ _________ (MRI) is a technique that uses powerful magnets to determine the amount of hydrogen atoms at difference locations in the body

magnetic resonance imaging

When enzymes in the liver act on a drug molecule, the ________, or product of the enzyme reaction on the drug, no longer has the same reaction as the drug molecule.


During the period after the Civil War in the United States, concerns about drunkenness, crimes, drug misuse, and other forms of deviant behavior came to be associated with

minority racial groups

________ is a narcotic and the primary active chemical in opium from which heroin is derived.


An international conference met in 1912 to discuss controls on the opium trade. Great Britain wanted _____ included as well, because these were replacing opium, which led to several countries agreeing to control international trade and domestic sale and use of these substances.

morphine, heroin, and cocaine

According to the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, a company had to submit a(n) ______ ______ _____ (NDA) to the FDA that included "full reports of investigation which have been made to show whether or not a drugs safe for use," which had to be approved before the drug could be marketed

new drug application

It is likely that stimulant drugs use _______ pathways in the central nervous system to induce wakefulness.


Examination of the lives of alcohol-dependent individuals reveals that alcohol dependence ________

often exists within a dysfunctional family

In the context of routes of drug administration, insufflation ensures quick access of a drug to the general blood circulation by __________.

passing through blood vessels lining the nasal cavity

________ laws in the United States now protect drugs for 20 years, and after that time the finding is available for use by anyone.


_____ dependence on a drug implies that a user's body has become adapted to the drug's presence


Most of the drugs in use 50 years ago originally came from __________


The ______ of a drug refers to the amount of drug required to obtain a particular response


In the context of the action potential process for neuronal communication, an effect of selective blockade of sodium, or Na+, channels is that it _______

prevents the action potential and thus disrupts the communication between neurons

Until the 1920s, following the passage of the Harrison Act, most users of opioids continued to receive them legally through ____

private physicians or ruble clinic

Drugs that are inactive in the original form and become active only after they are altered by the liver enzymes are known as ______


In moderate doses, stimulants tend to __________

produce wakefulness and sense of energy and well being

_____ dependence of a user on a drug is indicated by frequent use of the drug, craving for the drug, and a tendency to relapse after quitting its use.


The Orphan Drug Act passed by Congress in 1938 offered tax incentives and exclusive sales rights for a guaranteed seven years for any company developing a drug for ______.

rare disorders afflicting no more than 200,000 people

Prior to being recognized and treated directly, psychiatrists assumed that alcohol dependence was ________

secondary to another disorder

Interfering with normal GABA, or y-amino butyric acid, inhibition can lead to ________

seizures resembling those seen in epilepsy

A _________-_________ scale measure a person's preference for variety, risk and various physical sensations

sensation seeking

Glutamate is often referred to as the brain's major excitatory neurotransmitter because ___________

stimulation of its receptors makes cells more excitable

Cells from the ______ course together past the hypothalamus and terminate in the striatum to form the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway in the central nervous system.

substantia nigra

Match the components of the autonomic nervous system, or ANS, (in the left column) with the characteristics (in the right column). -Sympathetic branch -Parasympathetic branch

sympathetic branch: involved in fight or flight reactions parasympathetic branch: involves effects associated with a relaxed physiological state

In the context of the life cycle of a neurotransmitter, the forming of a neurotransmitter by the action of enzymes on precursor molecules is known as ________


The commission of crimes to obtain money for expensive illicit drugs is primarily due to _________

the artificially high cost of the drugs

In the context of the effects of drugs on the brain, an equilibrium develops quickly for most drugs because _________

the brain is well supplied with blood

The 1960's experiments on drug use by monkeys concluded that _______

the drugs themselves positively reinforce the drug taking behavior

After determining that many violations of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act were unintentional, the FDA began developing assay techniques for various chemicals and products and collaborated extensively with ____ to improve standards

the pharmaceutical industry

In most of the cases, drugs have their effects on the brain because __________

their molecular structure is similar to that of a neurotransmitter chemical

Although the basic categorization of illicit drugs in scheduled is similar top most American states, _____

there are large differences in the penalties

Identify a feature of endorphins -They are known to play a role in pain relief -they are found only in specific areas of the brain -they exert generalized inhibitory functions -they lead to seizures resembling those seen in epilepsy

they are known to play a role in pain relief

Identify a true statement about the peripheral nerves of the somatic nervous system -They carry sensory information into the central nervous system -They carry motor information into the central nervous system -They only interact with the internal environment of a body -They are responsible for the creation of the blood-brain barrier

they carry sensory information into the central nervous system

The phenomenon, seen with many other drugs , in which repeated exposure to the same dose of the drug results in a lesser effect is known as _________


In the context of effect of drugs, the word _______ means poisonous, deadly, or dangerous


Identify the main concerns that motivated the federal government to pass laws that placed restrictive regulations on the sale and use of psychoactive drugs

toxicity, dependence, crime

T/F: The largely unsubstantiated fear that cocaine use was responsible for an increase in violent crimes was important in building support for federal drug-control laws among Southern senators and congressmen in the United States despite their opposition to increasing federalism


T/F: There are specific receptors for each neurotransmitter, and most neurotransmitters have more than one type of receptor in the brain


T/F: Topical application of some drugs to the skin can provide a slow, steady absorption over many hours


Drug use might cause criminal behavior when a person is _________.

under the influence of a drug

Cells in the nucleus accumbens region of the brain receive input from dopamine fibers that originate in the ______

ventral tegmental area

Until 1912, the United States Food and Drug Administration tested products and pursued any that ______

were adulterated or didn't properly list ant important ingredients

After the 1965 Drug Abuse Control amendments, for the first time, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs faced widespread disregard of drug laws by young people who ______.

were not members of the underprivileged and criminal classes

After the passage of the Harrison Act of 1914, physicians ______

were still free to prescribe heroin, cocaine, or any other available drug

According to the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, the packaging of drugs had to indicate _____.

what proportion of habit forming drugs they included

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