Drugs, Society and Behavior Test 2

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Assessment of alcoholism

Two or more positive answers to the test indicate alcohol dependence


fifth lobe of cerebral hemisphere; responds to internal sensations and translates these into a conscious, subjective experience

The Dept. of Agriculture research on hemp fiber grown

hemp fiber grown in 4-6 months = amount of paper as 4-5 acres as 20 year old trees

Mendax Pharmaceuticals is trying out their new antidepressant. One group of participants took the new drug, another group received a placebo, and a third had a weekly meeting with a therapist. Midway through the trial, the therapist had to drop out, and was replaced by a new therapist. Because of this, the experiment may not be ____

internally valid

Compared to morphine, methadone

is longer-lasting

Naltrexone _____________ addictive

is not


leading cause of death in males

Deliriant hallucinogen

Produce highly vivid, usually unpleasant, hallucinations- along with hyperthermia, dilated pupils, blurred vision, dry skin and mouth, flushed skin, elevated blood pressure and heartbeat, agitation, confusion, urinary retention, and constipation.


Psychedelic Animal source Serotonergic agonist Schedule I

Morning glory seeds

Psychedelic Plant Serotonergic agonist seeds are legal in most states, but active ingredient, LSA, is schedule III


Psychedelics Plant Serotonergic agonist Schedule I


Psychedelics Plant Serotonergic agonist Schedule I


Psychedelics Fungus Serotonergic agonist Schedule I


Psychedelics Synthetic Serotonergic agonist Schedule I


Psychedelics Synthetic Serotonergic agonist, also increases dopamine and oxytocin Schedule I

three types of hallucinogens

Psychedelics, disociatives, diliriants

What is seen with opioid withdrawal?

Pupil dilation Increased blood pressure Goosebumps NOT respiratory depression

Which of these is one of the effects that tobacco has on the heart?

Raises blood pressure

Prefrontal cortex


ionotropic channels

Receptor molecule itself is also an ion channel

Which fallacy of reasoning is demonstrated in this example? "Many people claim that Mendax Pharmaceutical's new drug isn't effective, but the CEO of the company just gave $100,000 to charity."

Red herring

Which of the following does not relate to pharmacokinetics? A. How well a drug binds to a receptor B. The activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes C. Distribution of the drug D. The route of administration


Which of the following has the longest duration of action? A. LSD B. DMT C. MDMA D. Peyote E. Psilocybin


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which cocaine exerts its effects A. Blocks reuptake of acetylcholine B. Blocks reuptake of serotonin C. Blocks reuptake of dopamine D. Blocks sodium channels in pain pathways


Which of the following is false about opioids such as morphine or heroin? A. Local anesthetic B. Causes constipation C. Relieves pain D. Cough suppressant


Therapeutic Index

A measure of the lethal dose in 50% of subjects over the effective dose in 50% of subjects

A synaptic vesicle is:

A tiny sac which holds a neurotransmitter in preparation for release into a nerve synapse


Atropa belladonna, Datura, Henbane, Mandrake Plant sources Antagonist at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors Uncontrolled

A man arrives at the emergency room with needle tracts on his arm and respiratory depression that is dangerous. He is given a large dose of naloxone, but that seems to do little to lift the respiratory depression. Such actions ________________. A. are apt to kill the patient because naloxone has an ability to induce respiratory depression in its own right B. rule out overdoses of opioids as a reason for the respiratory depression C. are clearly uncalled for and border on malpractice


Which is true about ionotropic receptors? A. Cause slow postsynaptic responses B. The receptor molecule itself is also an ion channel C. The ion channel opens or closes via activation of G proteins D. Most receptors are ionotropic


The brains of chronic cocaine users?

Show a loss of tissue in the prefrontal cortex

Synthetic cannabinoid Spice (K2) vs THC

Spice binds more fully to brain cannabinoid receptors and produces more intense effects- anxiety, agitation, panic, paranoia, and psychosis (bc it has no CBD to counter THC's effects)

About half of all Americans will meet the criteria for a mental health disorder during their lifetime


Adenosine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter


Beer is made from fermented grains


First generation antipsychotics block dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and histamine receptors


In those with schizophrenia, dopamine is hyperactive in the mesolimbic pathway and underactive in the mesocortical pathway



Benzodiazepine (highly addictive), used to treat anxiety disorders, alc withdrawal symptoms... not schedule 1

Chronic users of marijuana develop tolerance to all of the below except: A. Motor effects B. Cardiovascular effects C. Memory effects D. Analgesic effects


Recreational use of which of the following is not a schedule I drug? A. Quaaludes B. GHB C. Valium D. All of the above are schedule I


Which is false about opioid receptors A. Opioids act as neuromodulators and affect the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, histamine, and acetylcholine B. Opioid receptors are located both presynaptically and postsynaptically C. The two main classes of opioids receptors are endorphins and enkephalins D. Opioid receptors are located in the cortex, but not the brain stem or spinal cord


T/F: Sublingual drugs are administered with a hypodermic needle and injected under the skin.


T/F: The Opium Wars were when England went to war against China to try to make China stop smuggling their opium into England.


T/F: The capillaries of the brain and spinal cord are leakier than the capillaries of the liver.


T/F: The dose response curve measures the magnitude of a drug's effects as a function of the dose given.


T/F: The effective doses of all the hallucinogens are remarkably similar.


T/F: Tolerance develops to benzodiazepines but not to barbiturates


T/F: When taken with cocaine, alcohol forms a new compound in the body that essentially inactivates cocaine's actions.


T/F: With chronic use, the liver becomes able to metabolize opioids faster.


T/F: Withdrawal from cocaine lasts for 2-3 months and is potentially life threatening.


The FDA does not have the authority to regulate the sale and manufacture of e-cigarettes


The average American drinks much more alcohol today than in any time in our history


The respiratory centers of the brainstem begin to be significantly inhibited with a single alcoholic drink


True or False, Cannabis leaves and flowers of tiny, sticky, hairs contain about 40 chemicals, which about 30 are unique to the Canabis plant.


True or false, Studies prove that vaping (using e-cigarettes) is the most effective way to quit smoking cigarettes?


True or false, does chronic use of opioid antagonists produce itch?


True or false, doses of opioid antagonists are used as therapeutic doses for treating diarrhea and suppression of cough.


True/False, Typically, we only use 50% of our brains?


When cigarette ads were banned in the U.S. broadcast media, the tobacco industry decreased the size of its marketing budget


Which is true about secondhand smoke? A. Thirdhand smoke—smoke that lingers on a smoker's clothes and hair—does not contain any carcinogenic compounds and toxins because the cloth filters it out B. The toxicity of secondhand smoke is still controversial among most scientists C. Today, only about 5% of the nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke D. Although public smoking has been banned in many areas, there has been no effect on health in those who had previously been exposed to secondhand smoke E. All of the above are true F. All of the above are false


One reason binge drinking is so dangerous is because alcohol exhibits zero order kinetics instead of first order kinetics


People with schizophrenia may have reduced volumes in their frontal lobes


T or F: LSD mostly works by affecting serotonin


T or F: Z drugs such as Ambien bind to the GABA receptor.


T or F: the human body makes an endogenous form of THC


T/D: Cocaine blocks sodium channels in pain pathways.


T/D: LSD is a schedule I drug


T/D: The blood brain barrier keeps most large, water-soluble substances out of the brain.


T/D: The liver is the most important organ for the metabolism of drugs.


T/F: Children and the elderly are less able to metabolize drugs and are, therefore, more sensitive to them than are adults.


T/F: Cocaine blocks sodium channels in pain pathways


T/F: Cocaine blocks sodium channels in pain pathways.


T/F: Datura is an example of a deliriant hallucinogen


T/F: Females use prescription sedative/hypnotics more than males


T/F: Fentanyl is highly lipid-soluble, and so it has a rapid onset and short duration of action.


T/F: Generally, the more cannabidiol strain of cannabis has, the less THC


T/F: Heroin use has increased significantly over the past years.


T/F: If you were to block the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, it would increase that neurotransmitter's effects at the postsynaptic neuron.


T/F: Injecting opioids is more addictive than ingesting them


T/F: Ketamine was used as a surgical anesthetic on the battlefields in Vietnam


T/F: MDMA increases levels of oxytocin


T/F: MDMA may permanently damage serotonin neurons


T/F: Many benzodiazepines end with the suffice "-epam" or "-olam"


T/F: Marijuana is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults


T/F: Marijuana today generally has a significantly higher THC content than the marijuana that was available in the 1960s and 1970s


Which is not a reason that explains why tobacco is so addictive?

Nicotine has a very long half-life, so it stays in the system for months

What happens to opioid overdose deaths when states legalized medical marijuana?

OD's went down


Opioid receptor antagonists Use = to tx opioid overdoses

What is the most common route of administration for sedative/hypnotics?


MDMA increases levels of what?

Oxytocin- hormone known as the "cuddle/love hormone" bc it is released when people snuggle up or bond socially

T/F: On its own, cocaine is not particularly well absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally, because it constricts the blood vessels of the mouth and is broken down in the acidic stomach.


T/F: Once heroin reaches the brain, it is converted back into morphine


T/F: Opioid pain relievers are responsible for more deaths than from heroin and cocaine combined.


T/F: Opium was a common ingredient in many patent medicines in the 19th century


T/F: Spice, also called K2, is commercially available, but is labeled as "not for human consumption?"


T/F: THC and its metabolites have long half-lives and may remain in the body for many days or even weeks after use


T/F: THC is a phytocannabinoid and anandamide is an endocannabinoid


T/F: THC levels in sold marijuana products have increased almost yearly from 2001 to 2013


T/F: The blood brain barrier keeps most large, water-soluble substances out of the brain.


T/F: The liver is the most important organ for the metabolism of drugs.


T/F: The poppy plant has been cultivated for thousands of years


T/F: The synthetic cannabinoid Spice binds more fully to brain cannabinoid receptors than does THC and may produce more intense effects


T/F: Withdrawal from sedative/hypnotics can cause insomnia


T/F: drugs that reduce anxiety are called anxiolytics


T/F: opioids cause constipation


T/F: there are as many as three endogenous opioids


T/F:Cannabis use is associated with a higher risk of schizophrenia


The CDC estimates that secondhand smoke is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind active smoking and alcohol


Theobromine, found in chocolate, can be toxic to dogs and cats


True or False, Asian and Black groups (identified socially) are the groups that use the least amount of use of illegal stimulants.


True or False, Most marijuana laws only mention Cannabis sativa?


True or False, The Dept. of Agriculture has research to indicate that fiber hemp grown during 4-6 months, has the same amount of paper as 4-5 acres as 20 year-old trees?


True or false, CBD stands for cannabidiol?


True or false, OxyContin is an opioid analgesic?


True or false, amphetamine doses are a common medicine for the treatment attention deficit-hyperactive syndrome among children?


True or false, despite extensive research , no one has isolated an endogenous opioid agonist?


True or false, do opioid agonists when used as pain-killers induce constipation?


True or false, nicotine is highly toxic, and it must be precisely controlled to prevent high toxicity


True or false, numerous studies of MDMA (ecstasy) in animal studies show that large doses of MDMA are neurotoxic to serotonin neurons?


True or false, the author of your textbook claims that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances ever discovered?


True or false, the human body makes an endogenous form of THC?


True or false, there are data to support that CBD is antioxidant, anti-convulsant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic and neuroprotective?


True or false, women metabolize nicotine faster than men?


True or false, your textbook claims that tobacco-addiction is the single greatest cause of premature death in the World?


Opiod Receptors are to Heroin as Cannabinoid receptors are to _________.


Opioid receptors are to heroin as cannabinoid receptors are to ________________


tylenol is fatal to snakes


occiptial lobe

where visual images are sent

Which is true about the demographics of depression?

women are more likely to be diagnosed w major depression

What was Spice (K2) labeled to get around legality?

"Not for human consumption"


(mescaline) Psychedelics Serotonergic agonist Schedule I

Groups that use the least amount of illegal stimulants

Asian and Black

T/F: Sedative/hypnotic drugs increase the amount of time spent in REM sleep.


Alcohol related deaths and injuries in college students

1,700 students have died Estimated 600,000 students have been injured under the influence of alcohol each year Estimated 700,000 students have been assaulted by another student under the influence Estimated 97,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault Estimated 400,000 students have had unsafe sex as a result of drinking Estimated 100,000 students have been too intoxicated to know if they consented to have sex 25% students report academic consequences

Ranking harm caused by drugs

1st. alc 72% 2nd. heroin 55%

Nine months after psychotherapy against cigarette smoking, one can expect that about ___ % of those getting that therapy to be abstinent from nicotine 3 months after therapy ended.


Which of the following age group has the highest rate of current alcohol use?


What percentage of the population of the United States uses tobacco?


Cannabis leaves and flowers have ____ chemicals and about _____ are unique to the cannabis plant

400, 60

percent % students drink

60% college students drink

percent % americans drink


% cirrhosis deaths caused by alc


percent % college students report to binge drinking

>40% college students reported to binge drinking in the past two weeks

Name the short acting opioid agonist that is a major component in the current opioid crises. A. Fentanyl B. Morphine C. Tylenol D. OxyContin


Pick the odd one A. naltrexone B. heroin C. morphine D. methadone


Which is correct about the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs? A. Tricyclic antidepressants block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine and also block the effects of acetylcholine and histamine B. SSRIs inhibit the enzyme that degrades dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, and melatonin C. MAOIs are the most effective antidepressants available D. Buproprion is a tricyclic antidepressant


Which is not one of the ways amphetamine increase levels of dopamine in the synapse? A. Binds directly to postsynaptic receptors B. Blocks reuptake C. Inhibits MAO D. Increases release


Which is true about antidepressant drugs? A. There are 4 different classes of antidepressant drugs B. Most doctors carefully review the dosage and side effects of these drugs and monitor their progress every 4 months C. Most prescriptions for antidepressant drugs are written by psychiatrists D. About 6% of the U.S. adult population has been prescribed an antidepressant drug


The statement "Marijuana has not been proven to cause neurological damage, therefore it is completely safe" is an example of which fallacy of reasoning?

Appeal to ignorance

Which is true about the mechanism of action of sedative/hypnotics? A. When barbiturates bind to GABA receptors in the brain, they increase the likelihood of new action potentials firing B. When benzodiazepines bind to the GABA receptor, they allow more chloride to enter the cell C. GABAA receptors are metabotropic D. All GABA receptors have the same conformation


Which of the following does not have serotonin as its major mechanism of action? A. MDMA B. Salvia C. Psilocybin D. LSD


Which of the following is not an example of a Z drug? A. Sonata B. Rozerem C. Ambien D. Lunesta


Which of the following is true about alcohol?


Which of the following is true of PCP? A. Therapeutic index is over 1000 B. Effects depend on dose, environment, and characteristics of the user C. Users feel calmly centered and "at one with the all" D. A fairly simple drug with well-understood effects


pick the odd one: A. anadamide B. heroin C. endorphins D. 2AG


Which is true about the mechanism of action of nicotine?

B&D B. Nicotine affects the release of dopamine, glutamate, and GABA in the nucleus accumbens D. Nicotine works in both the CNS and PNS

Which is true about Orlistat, the drug in Alli?

B) Two words: anal leakage

Which is false about caffiene? A. Honeybees remember flowers that have caffeine longer than they remember those without B. Caffeine is found in about 5 different species of plants C. Xanthines include caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine D. Caffeine is a natural pesticide

B. caffiene is found in about 5 different species of plants

Which of the following is not a positive symptom of schizophrenia? A. Paranoid delusions B. Neglect of personal hygiene C. Hallucinations D. Disorganized thinking E. A and C F. B and D

B. positive symptoms are thoughts, behaviors, or sensory percepions present in a person with a mental disorder, but not present in people in the normal population

Which is true about caffeine consumption around the world? A. Canadians consume about 6 times more caffeine than the British do B. Some of the countries of Northern Europe have the highest caffeine consumption in the world C. The amount of caffeine consumed in each country around the world is the same; the form in which it is consumed is what differs D. Caffeine consumption from all sources is about 350 mg per person per day

B. some of the countries of northern europe have the highest caffeine consumption in the world

Which is true about vaporizing marijuana? A. All of the potential dangers of using marijuana are eliminated when vaping instead of smoking B. Vaping marijuana gets THC to the brain faster than smoking it C. Vaping marijuana does not get hot enough to burn the plant material D. Since marijuana is fat-soluble, vaporizing gets significantly less of the active ingredient into the body


Which is true? A. All energy drinks are categorized as dietary supplements B. Guarana seeds contain about half as much caffeine as coffee beans C. The FDA limits soft drinks to 71 mg of caffeine per 12 ounce drink D. Cola nuts are the major ingredient in most modern soft drinks


Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 main dopaminergic pathways in the brain? A. Mesocortical pathway that is important in problem solving and planning B. Nigrostriatal pathway that helps control movement C. Pontocerebellar pathway that helps control sleep and appetite D. Mesolimbic pathway that is important in regulating mood, emotions, and addiction


Which of the following is most directly involved with decisions, judgment, and reasoning? A. Temporal lobe B. Occipital lobe C. Frontal lobe D. Parietal lobe


Which of the following is the current knowledge on whether MDMA is neurotoxic in human users? A. The data on human-use clearly supports the idea that MDMA is safe to use at usual recreational doses B. The data on human-use clearly confirms the effects (neurotoxicity) seen in animal studies. C. The effects of using MDMA as a recreational drug are highly controversial.


Which of the following is the drug of choice to treat opioid-induced respiratory depression?


Which of the following is true of cocaine? A. It slows heart rate and reduces blood pressure B. Increases the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system C. Increases the amount of dopamine in the synapse D. It is actually one of the least dependence-causing of all drugs E. It is a medically approved treatment for glaucoma


Which opioid is a long lasting opioid antagonist? A. Methadone B. Naloxone C. Naltrexone D. Acetaminophen


Pick the odd one A. Khat B. Amphetamine C. Fentanyl D. Cocaine E. Methamphetamine

C (synthetic)

More cigarettes are consumed in ____ than any other country.


Which is true about Cannabis sativa compared to Cannabis indica? A. It grows best in cooler climates B. It has a 10-12 month outdoor growing cycle C. It has a higher CBD to THC ratio D. It is a taller, lighter colored plant


Which is true about alcohol use in the 19 th century in the United States? A. The strongest prohibitions regarding alcohol use were in place during the Civil War B. The Women's Christian Temperance Union was a short-lived and largely failed organization that actually led to more liberal alcohol laws C. By 1830, most of the population acknowledged that abstaining from alcohol was the healthiest choice a person could make D. The early 19th century was a time of the heaviest drinking in the country's history


Which is true about the causes of major depressive disorder? A. A gene on chromosome 4 has been found to be the cause of depression B. Depression is caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain C. Depressed people have a diminished stress response D. The hippocampus of someone with long-term clinical depression is smaller compared to someone without depression


Which of the following is true about REM sleep? A. Brain waves are very inactive B. The only stage during which dreams occur C. The body sweats the most during REM sleep D. Associated with a loss of skeletal muscle tone


Which route of administration gets a drug to the brain fastest? A. Rectal B. Oral C. Transdermal D. IV E. Inhalation


Amanita muscaria

Dissociative Fungus GABA agonist, agonist at glutamate receptors Unscheduled

Salvia divinorum

Dissociatives Plant source Agonist to kappa opioid receptors Not scheduled, but some states have individual laws


Dissociatives Synthetics NMDA antagonist, increases dopamine release Schedule II


Dissociatives Synthetic NMDA antagonist, increases dopamine release Schedule III

Which is true about alcohol use among college students? A. Male college athletes are likely to consume more alcohol compared to non-athletes B. Almost 60% of college students report that they drink at least occasionally C. Underage students are more likely to binge drink than students who are 21 or older D. Black students drink more than white students E. A and C are true F. B and D are true


Which of the following is associated with long-term use of opioids? A. Constipation B. Cirrhosis C. Increased sensitivity to pain D. Lung cancer E. A and C F. B and D G. All of the above


A short-acting benzodiazepines would best treat anxiety, while a longer-acting benzodiazepine would be better for insomnia.


Depression is a purely psychological condition with no physiological abnormalities


Electroconvulsive therapy is no longer used


Ethanol is water-soluble but not at all lipid-soluble


Individuals who suffer from mental illness are significantly less likely to smoke cigarettes


It takes about 6 months for tolerance to develop to tobacco use


Most diagnoses of depression are based on a blood test that measures a genetic marker in the blood


Most nicotine is created synthetically in the lab and no longer comes from the tobacco plant


Naproxen irreversibly inhibits COX1 and COX2


Prozac is extremely effective in treating PTSD in 75% of patients


T or F: If a person uses alcohol along with barbiturates, the GABA receptor remains filled and the effects of the two drugs cancel each other out.


T/D: Blacks are much more likely than whites to use methamphetamine.


T/D: If 2 drugs are taken concurrently and both are metabolized by the CYP450 enzyme system, large amounts of drug A will increase the metabolism of drug B.


T/D: Users do not develop tolerance to psychedelic hallucinogens which is why the risk of addiction is so high


T/D: Withdrawal from cocaine lasts for 2-3 months and is potentially life threatening.


T/F: A short-acting benzodiazepines would best treat anxiety, while a longer-acting benzodiazepine would be better for insomnia


T/F: A user can only become addicted to cocaine if it is smoked, not if it is snorted.


T/F: An agonist binds to a receptor without producing an effect except to block other substances from the receptor.


T/F: Barbiturates are addictive but benzodiazepines are not


T/F: Cannabis sativa has a higher cannabidiol to THC ratio


T/F: Cocaine increases the activity of GABA in the brain.


T/F: Drug mules are used to carry the coca leaves down the Andes mountains.


T/F: If 2 drugs are taken concurrently and both are metabolized by the CYP450 enzyme system, large amounts of drug A will increase the metabolism of drug B.


T/F: If you inject the same dosage of two drugs, one of which is highly bound to plasma proteins and the other which is unbound, the drug that is bound to plasma proteins will have more of an effect on the body than the unbound drug.


T/F: Ingesting opium gives a rapid, more intense and more addictive high than smoking opium.


T/F: Instead of being stored in vesicles, endocannabinoids are rapidly synthesized when needed


T/F: It is best to take pills with grapefruit juice.


T/F: MDMA works mainly at GABA receptors


T/F: Marijuana decreases heart rate


T/F: Members of the Native American Church are legally able to use any and all drugs in their religious ceremonies


T/F: Mescaline is the major psychoactive substance in psilocybin mushrooms


T/F: Psilocybin is the major psychoactive ingredient in peyote


T/F: Receptors are most commonly located on the axon of a neuron.


T/F: Gram for gram, cocaine is considered to be one of the least expensive illicit drugs in the world.

F- one of the most expensive drugs

Which neurotransmitters do benzodiazepines affect


What best explain the surge in heroin use over the past decade?

Increased use of prescription pain medications

What effect does marijuana have on heart rate?

Increases heart rate- risk of heart attack is several times higher after smoking marijuana

Which route of administration gets a drug to the brain fastest?


What did studies of MDMA on animals show?

Large doses of MDMA are neurotoxic to serotonin neurons

Which of the following increases neurogenesis?

Learning and exercise

What happens to skeletal muscle tone during REM sleep?

Loss of skeletal muscle tone (two brain chemicals, glycine and GABA are responsible for muscle paralysis)

Which is true about the brains of chronic cocaine users?

Loss of tissue in the prefrontal cortex

Prevalence of cocaine use: more in males or females?


Nicotine is to Tobacco as ___ is to poppy plants.


Corpus callosum

The band of nerve cells that connects the two cerebral hemispheres.

Current knowledge on whether MDMA is neurotoxic to human users?

The effects of using MDMA as a recreational drug are highly controversial

Individual differences in amount drunk

Top 2.5% of drinkers drink more than 4.5 ounces of ethanol per day Top 25% of drinkers drink more than .75 ounces of ethanol per day Top 5% spend $225/month on alc

Are the barbiturates and benzodiazepines addictive?

Yes- highly

The term "endorphin" refers to ____________.

a peptide manufactured in the brain that has opioid-like effects


acts like a neurotransmitter

Fallacy of relevance

an argument that doesn't adress the facts and instead focuses on irrelevant and unrelated matters


binds to receptor to block other substances, produces no effect

Using high doses of amphetamines for multiple days ___.

can induce a depletion of neuronal stores of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, hence leaving the drug-user with neural circuits involving these neurotransmitters less functional

CBD stands for


Nicotine is to tobacco as ____ is to coca plants.


Dextromethorphan is a drug designed for ___________________.


Which of the following is not a potential medical benefit of caffeine, coffee, tea, or chocolate? A. Lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes B. Curing Parkinson's disease C. Helping alleviate the pain from migraine headaches D. Lowering the risk of cancer

curing parkinson's disease

What is MDMA structurally similar too

dopamine and norepinephrine

Nicotine is to tobacco as ____ is to alcoholic beverages.


aspirin is considered the safest drug available and has almost no adverse effects


Cannabis and schizophrenia

linked to earlier onset and worse symptoms

consequences of overdrinking

liver disease jaundice cardiovascular disease cancer diminished grey and white matter in the brain decline in cognitive function

Some countries, for example Switzerland, allow doctors to prescribe Heroin have _____________

lower mortality rates, less illicit drug use, and higher rates of retention in addiction treatment programs

Which is true about adenosine?

lowers heart rate

Findings of the La Gaurdia Report of 1944 and Shafer Commission of 1972

marijuana is not addictive nor dangerous

Rum is distilled from


Morphine vs Opium

more potent, more addictive

Opioid receptors

mu (MOP), kappa (KOP) , delta (DOP)

Morphine is to methadone as naloxone is to _________________


Currently, the kind of drug causing the most death is ____.


Frontal lobe

planning, programming, speech, voluntary movements

temporal lobe

processes hearing, memory, and integration of sensory functions

Benzodiazepines overdose looks like a


Parietal lobe

sensations pain, temperature, and touch are processed

Effect of invention of hypodermic syringe/needle on opiate addiction

skyrocketed, intravenous morphine produces stronger and more rapid feelings of relief and euphoria than when it is ingested

Less alcohol dehydrogenase is produced in the morning than at night


Those who are age 21-25 have the highest rates of binge drinking


Switzerland allowed doctors to prescribe heroin and...

they lowered mortality rates, illicit drug use, and increased retention in addiction treatment programs

T/F: 5% of American adults, and 10% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 17, report using opioid drugs for non-medical purposes.


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