Duiker Chapter 11: The East Asian Rimlands: Early Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

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Taika Reforms-

(Taika means great change)


Borrowing from Chinese models with somewhat complicated, however, since the early Japanese had no system for recording their own spoken language and initially adopted the Chinese pictographic language for writing. The challenge was complicated by the fact that spoken Japanese is not part of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. But resourceful Japanese food adopted Chinese written character so that they could be used for recording the Japanese language.

The Rise of Great Viet

Despite Chinese efforts to assimilate Vietnam, the Vietnamese friends of ethnic and cultural identity proved Aniston washable, and in the 10th century, the Vietnamese took advantage of the collapse of the tang Dynasty in China to overthrow Chinese rule. The new Vietnam a state, which called itself Dai Viet also mean in great Viet, became a dynamic new force on the south is Asian mainland. Dive yet soon came into conflict with Champa, it's neighbor to the south.

The Chinese legacy

Despite their stubborn assistance to Chinese rule after the restoration of independence in the 10th century Vietnamese rulers quickly discovered the convenience of the confusion model.

Sources of traditional Japanese culture

And such widely diverse fields as art, architecture, sculpture, and literature, the Japanese from early times showed an impressive ability to borrow selectively from abroad without destroying essential native element.

Trade and Manufacturing

As in China, commercial slow to develop in Japan. During ancient times, each you uji had a local artist class, composed of weavers, carpenters, and ironworkers, but trade with the central local and was regulated by the local clan laeaders.

What was the Kamakura Shogunate and After?

At the end of the 12th century, as rivalries i'm on noble families lead to almost constant Civil War, centralizing for food again asserted themselves. Minamoto Yoritomo set up his powerbase south of the modern city of Tokyo. To strengthen the state, you created a more centralized government under a powerful military leader, known as the shogun.




A class of hereditary slaves.

What were the economic and social structures like?

Even though Japan doesn't have the best agricultural society they managed to create a society based on the cultivation of wet rice.

What are some of the reasons that Japan is different from China?

Geography is a huge reason for the historical differences. For example China is continental whereas Japan is an island country. Japan is about 146,000 square miles, about the size of Montana.

Emulating the Chinese model?

Shotoku Taishi launched a series of reforms to create a new system based roughly on the Chinese model. He called for the so called of a centralized government under a supreme ruler and a merit system for selecting and ranking public officials. His objective was to limit the powers of the hereditary nobility and enhance the prestige and authority of the Yamato ruler.


Great names, heads of great noble families.

The Rise of the Koryo Dynasty

I knew dynasty called Choreo also known as the root of the modern name of the country and English arose in the north. The new kingdom adopt a Chinese political institutions in an effort to strengthen its power and unify its territory. The Cario dynasty remained in power for 400 years, protected from invasionby the absence of a strong dynasty and neighboring China. Under the Choreo industry and commerce lowly began to develop, but I was in China, agriculture was the prime source of wealth.

Religion in early Japan.

In Japan, as elsewhere, religious beliefs began with the worship of nature spirits. They also believed in ancestral spirits present in the atmosphere. Shinto still serves as an ideological and emotional force that knit the Japanese into a single people and nation.

What was the Nara period?

Initial efforts to build a new state modeled roughly after the Tang state were successful. After the death of Shotoku's death influence fell into the hands of the powerful Fujiwara clan. The Yamato ruler began to use the term "son of Heaven" in the Chinese fashion. The Mandate remained in perpetuity in the imperial house rather than an individual who was chosen by Heaven.

How was Japan made?

It was a result of the marriage of the God and goddess Izanagi and Izanami. Izanami gave birth to Japan and a sun goddess, Amaterasu. A descendent of Amaterasu later went to earth and became the founder of Japan. The interesting part about this myth is that it has serviced to modern times as an explanation.

What helped the Japanese state rise?

Japan had paid little attention to their more advanced neighbor, China, until the seventh century.


Japanese pursued their interest and beauty, simplicity, and nature. Japanese artists and architects were influenced by Chinese forms, to some degree. The search for beauty was reflected and various art form, such as narrative hands girls, screen, fighting door panels, bands, and lacquer decoration.


Landless laborers

The role of women

Men and women were both equal to an extent. And eight Centry lock code guaranteed the inheritance rights of women, and wives abandoned by their husbands were permitted to obtain a divorce and remarry. I husband could divorce his wife if she did not produce a male child, committed adultery, disobeyed her in-laws, talks too much, engaged in bath, was jealous, or had a serious illness.


Sports that resided in trees, rivers, and streams. The early Japanese worshiped them.

Daily life

One of the first description of the life of the Japanese people comes from a Chinese dynastic history from the third century. It describes and peasants living in an agricultural society that was based on the cultivation of what rice. Laws have been inactive get punished offenders, local trade was conducted and market, and government granaries stored in the green that was paid as taxes. White for the common people probably changed very little over the next several hundred years. Most were peasants, who worked on land owned by the Lord or, in some cases, by the state or by Buddhist monasteries.


Pot Scenery


Tent government


The Sacred Way or Way of the Gods.

Shogunate System

The emperor was the titular authority while the shogun exercised actual power.

Why was Japan named Land of the Rising Sun?

The geography is very mountainous like China. The people tend to live on the less mountainous areas.

What was the Heian Period?

The influence of powerful Buddhist monasteries in the city of Nara soon became oppressive, pendant 794, the emperor moved the capital of his family's original power base at nearby Heian, on the site of present day Kyoto. The central governments attempt to impose taxes directly on the ricelands failed, and rural areas came under the control of powerful families whose wealth was based on the ownership tax exempt farmland.

Under the Mongols

The kingdom of Choreo was unable to overcome the power of the nobility and the absence of a reliable tax base. In the 13th century, the Mongols seized the northern part of the country and assimilated into the Yuan empire. The era of Mongol rule was one of profound suffering for the Korean people, especially the thousands of peasants and artisan who were compelled to perform Conster conscript labor to help build the ships in preparation for invasion of Japan.

The Three Kindoms

The three kingdoms were Biddle rivals for influence and territory on the peninsula from the fourth to the seventh centuries. All began to observe Chinese political and cultural institution with the country unified for the first time, the rulers of Silla attempted to useChinese political institution and ideology to forge a centralized state. Buddhism, rising popularity, became the state religion, and Korean month followed the path of their Japanese counterpart on Jennings to Buddhist site and China.

Who were the Jomon people?

They were Neolithic inhabitants of Japan. They lived by hunting, fishing, and food gathering. Agriculture may have appeared in Japan sometime during the first millennium although archeologists believe that the Jomon people had learned to cultivate some foods considerably earlier then that.

Who were the Yayoi people?

Until recently it was believed that the immigrants from the mainland drove out the Jomon people and gave rise to the Yayoi people. Now it is thought that the Yayoi are a mix of the Jomon people and the new arrivals. At first the Yayoi people lived on the southern island of Kyushu but eventually moved northward onto the main island of Honshu.

Society and family life

Vietnamese social institutions and customs were also strongly influenced by those of China. The introduction of confusion in the system and the adoption of the civil-service examinations and undermined the role of the old landed aristocrats and let eventually to the replacement by the scholar gentry class.


Way of the warrior


Zen Buddhism, and import from China in the 13th century, also influence Japanese our aesthetics. Japanese art art was built around nature and beauty. A painting would have the normal background of Rolling hills and rice fields and usually people s were hidden. To show tension a painting would have two people talking to each other without facing each other.

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