Duolingo phrases
Ellos son rico?
Are they rich
Eres carpintero?
Are you a carpenter
Generalmente es verde
Generally it is green
Nosotros encontramos comida
We found food
Nosotros ayudamos
We help
Nosotros hablamos recie'n
We talked recently
E'l viene con la nina
He comes with the girl
E'l esta' solo nuevamente
He is alone again
él no es tan alto
He is not that tall
E'l unicamente come pasta
He only eats pasta
Yo siempre digo eso
I always say that
Estoy absolutamente segura
I am absolutely sure
Soy rico
I am rich
Yo soy la duena del perro
I am the owner of the dog
Yo cocino, tu cocinas, el cocina
I cook, you cook, he cooks
No tengo ningun gato
I do not have a cat
Yo se
I know
Yo busco mi perro
I look for my dog
Yo necesito eso
I need that
Tengo solomente un hermano
I only have one brother
Es absolutamente normal
It is absolutely normal
Es completamente posible
It is completely possible
Naturalmente, aqui es peor
Naturally, here is worse
Queda una manzana
One apple remains
Ella llega el jueves
She arrives on Thursday
Ella come principalmenta azucar
She eats mainly sugar
Ella es tu unica hermana
She si your only sister
Aquella enfermera es mi hija
That nurse is my daughter
Sus empleados escriben
Their employees write
Estos pantalones son largos
These pants are long
Ellas presentan a su familia
They present their family
Esta es mi hija
This is my daughter
Que' son exactamenta?
What are they exactly
Quien duerme en esa cama?
Who sleeps in that bed
Si, muy recientemente
Yes, very recently
Eres perfectamente capaz
You are perfectly capable
Eres rico
You are rich
Ustedes son las primeras
You are the first
Ustedes entrega la comida
You deliver the food