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modes of ordering

- from the event presented and narrated to a writer's critical evaluation, critique in a sequence of elements

value communicated

-sound critical judgement and fair and balanced assessment of situations(guidelines in writing reaction paper)

intended audience, report's purpose, subject to be communicated

3 scope and styles of report

definition, explication, clarification

3 ways of elucidating a concept

diane hacker (2008)

A Canadian Writer's Reference, explains that summarizing involves stating awork's thesis and main ideas "simply, briefly, and accurately"

text structure

A text structure refers to the internal organization of a text. According to Meyer(1985), as authors write a text a text tocommunicate an idea, they will use a structurethat goes along with the idea.


A text structure that presents a problem and offers solutions to solve the problem.

one-third or one-quarter

Buckley (2004), in her popular writing text Fit to Print, defines summarizing as reducing text to ___ its original size, clearly articulating the author's meaning, and retaining main ideas.

research methodology

In research, the research process is as important as the research content. Thus, a research report must also contain a description of the research strategy. The readers will be interested in finding how you arrived at a particular study result.

writing your data

The most essential part of the report is writing about the data collected through your research. There are two important areas of consideration in the writing up of the data, namely, data analysis, and data presentation. In the data analysis, there is no right or wrong way

scientific report

These reports use a standard scientific report format describing methods, results and conclusions to report upon an empirical investigation. The purpose of a science report is to clearly communicate your key message about why your scientific findings are meaningful.


This structure sows how one or more causes led to one or more effecs


____ aims for a change in state or in other words, the author is trying to convince the reader to believe the concept he is trying to convey by giving arguments


_____can be a manifesto when we share it with other people. It's public, it;s declaration and it's about what one intends to have happened.

introductory phase

_____is as important as the main parts of a research report. It contextualizes and sets the tone and direction of research writing. It is like a road map that guides you in your research journey.


___are inferences, deductions, abstraction, implications, interpretations, general statements, and/or generalizations based on findings. A


a document publicly declaring the position or program of its issuer.


a logical technique by which a meaning of term is revealed.

list of rules

a manifesto containing set of rules for behaving within a specific context or a list of items to be achieved or tasks to be fulfilled.

academic text

a reading material that provides information which includes concept and theories that are related to the specific discipline

chronological order

also known as time order. This structure is organized from one point into another


an academic text that addresses complex issues that require higher-order thinking skills to comprehend


an attempt to reveal the meaning by calling attention to implication, such as the connotation of words and the tone conveyed by the brevity or length of a sentence. Explicatory is a commentary that makes explicit what implicit


audience of academic text

by analysis

breaking down the whole into parts, aspects into levels, and a process into steps


citing resources in the body of paper and providing a list of references as either footnotes or endnotes is a very important aspect of an academic text

relevance of the source, author's qualification, currency/ date of publication, contents/ accuracy of information, location of sources

criteria in assessing suitable source

concept paper

defines an idea or a concept to clarify WHATNESS of it. To clarify meaning of words, misinterpretation or misuse of terms

technical and business

focus on the discipline of engineering, information, commerce, accounting and finance, technology

by origin or semantic history

history of how words are written


is a part of the paper where you make suggestions about some resolutions as a response to the research problem.


it should not be conversational and casual, avoid colloquial and idiomatic expressions


occurs when a general rule is applied to a situation, even when it should be an exception

complex question

occurs when two or more points are rolled into one and the reader is expected to accept or reject both at the same time, when one point may be satisfactory while the other is not

appeal to consequence

occurs when unpleasant of believing something are pointed out to show that the belief is false

evidence-based arguments

opinions are based on a sound understanding of the pertinent body of knowledge and academic debates that exist within, and often external to a specific discipline

position paper

presents the writer's stand on a particular issue. However position paper is not an essay. It can be likened with a debate but the presentations of arguments are in written form. The primary goal is to declare a position on an issue. Secondary is to persuade others to take that side of issue


reason or the reasoning given for or against a matter under discussion or compare evidence.


refers to the attitude conveyed in a piece of writing. the arguments of others are fairly presented and with an appropriate narrative tone


report always written in sequential manner in order of occurence

social language

simple and informal language, allows us to use contemporary slang term, includes writing emails, friendly letters


starting point of an academic text is a particular perspective, idea or position applied to the chosen research problem, such as establishing, proving, or disproving solutions to the questions posed for the topic

by negation

stating what a term is not

by function

stating what the term is for


steps describe in order they occur. It does nit take place in a specific point in time


the facts that are presented are accurate, the choice of words are appropriate, the use of technical terms to achieve precision is applied


unbiased, based of facts, and is not influenced by personal feelings

by contrast

use of opposites

by synonym

using a word or phrase that share the same meaning

guidelines in writing reaction paper

value communicated, basic content, modes of ordering

by illustration

visual imagery that is best known for interpreting, depicting, and explaining something

slippery slope

when a series of increasingly superficial and unacceptable consequences are drawn.

denying antecedent

any argument of the form: if A is true then B is true; if A is not true then B is not true

Affirming the Consequent

any argument of the form: if A is true then B is true; if B is true therefore is A

mass public

audience of non academic text

objective, formal, impersonal, precise

characteristics of academic language


do not refer to yourself as the performer of actions, do not use personal pronouns

marxist criticism

emphasizes on how power, politics, money play a role in literary texts and amongst literary societies and characters. focuses on how class, power, race, economic status affect the content and theme of a certain work


emphasizes on the roles, position, and influences of women within a literary texts. focuses on how women are portrayed in a certain literary work


emphasizes that the meaning of a text is dependent upon reader's response. focuses on the meaning you created while reading a text, watching a movie or looking for a certain object.


emphasizes the form of a literary work to determine its meaning, focusing on the literary element and how they work to create a meaning. FOCUSES ON THE ELEMENTS, STRUCTURE, AND PREINCIPLE THAT GOVERN CERTAIN TEXT, ARTWORK, MOVIE, BOOK, ETC.

biographical criticism

emphasizes the importance of the author's life and the background into account when analyzing a text.

basic rues for summarizing

erase things don't matter, only write down important points, erase things that repeat, trade general terms for specific names, use your own word to write the summary

historical criticism

every literary work is the product of its time and its world. focuses on the era and significant events that happened during the time the literary piece was produce.

field reports

focus on the disciplines of law, industrial relation, psychology, nursing, history, and education. These types of reports require the student to analyse his or her observations of phenomena or events in the real world in light of theories studied in the course. are assigned with the intention of improving your understanding of key theoretical concepts


formal language and the third person POV should be used. technical language appropriate to the area of study may also be used


informational work made with an intention to relay information or recounting certain events in a presentable manner. these are often conveyed in writing, speech, television, or film.

post hoc

it is an informal fallacy states: Since event A followed event B, event A must have been caused by event B


it must be cohesive and possess a logically organized flow of ideas. formal and logical

reaction paper

mainly written to communicate a fair assessment of situations, people, events, library and artistic works and performances. conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events, interpretation of meaning

goals, list of rules, world

major categories of manifestos


method of explanation in which the points are organized a general abstract idea to specific and concrete examples

hasty generalization

occurs when a sample is not significant enough to support a generalization about a population

appeal to force

occurs when a threat, instead of reasoning is used to argue

false analogy

occurs when a writer assumes that two concepts that are similar in some ways are also similar in other ways

false dilemma

occurs when an arguer presents his argument as one of only two options despite the presence of multiple possibilities.


occurs when an argument is considered to be valid because it is what the majority thinks

irrelevant conclusion

occurs when an argument which is supposed to prove something concludes to something else instead


occurs when argument contradict the other one

attacking the person

occurs when someone tries to refute an argument by attacking the character of a person instead of attacking the ideas of argument

appeal to ignorance

occurs when something is instantly concluded to be true because it is not proven to be false and vice versa

appeal to authority

occurs when the argument quotes an expert who's not qualified in the particular subject matter

wrong direction

occurs when the direction between cause and effect is reversed

appeal to pity

occurs when the element of pity is used instead of logical reasoning

complex cause

occurs when the explanation for an event is reduced to one thing when there are other factors which also contributed to the event

straw man

occurs when the position is twisted so that it is easier to refute

techniques in summarizing

outlining, SOMEBODY WANTED BUT SO THEN, SAAC, 5W'S- 1H, first then finally

introductory phase, review of literature, research methodology, body of report, conclusion, recommendation

parts of research report

review of literature

provides study background and environment. The intention of the RRL is to locate the study in its area of discipline and reveal its relevance and significance in the environment. The RRL would indicate if your topic is building on previous researchers or if it is a new area of inquiry.

basic content

ranges from an off-hand, favorable or unfavorable, merely expressive of emotion to a more rational impersonal critical analysis (guidelines in writing reaction paper)

academic language

refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual language proficiency required to learn effectively in schools and academic programs. also the language used in classroom lessons, books, text


students who master academic language are more likely to be successful in academic and professional settings

follows a pattern, by synonym, by origin or semantic history, by illustration, by function, by analysis, by contrast, by negation

techniques in defining

note taking, photography, illustration, video and audio recording

techniques to record your observation

follows a pattern or equation

term + genus + differentia

academic language

the vocabulary of students or adult must learn to succeed in the classroom or in the workplace. used to describe and comprehend complex ideas, process higher-order thinking, and understand abstract concepts


this paragraph develops a general statement, the topic sentence- with one or more specific examples


this text structure convinces the reader to agree to an argument or claim about a particular topic


this text structure shows how two or more ideas or items are similar or different. the text may use a clustered approach, with details about other

new world

this type of manifesto aims to create a new world. It is not about simple rules, instead, it presents a vision for the future. A solemn declaration by the constituted authorities of a nation which contains the reason for its public acts towards another.

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