EAPS Exam 1

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Correctly complete this sentence using the numbers provided. This figure shows ages of seafloor. The oldest ocean floor is at site numbered ____.


Which numbered layer in this photograph represents the oldest layer?


This photograph shows a nonconformity in the Grand Canyon, with granite below and sandstone above. Drag the events so that they are in the correct order, from oldest at the bottom (6) to youngest at the top (1).

1. Erosion that formed the Grand Canyon and exposed the sequence of rocks. 2. Deposition of Paleozoic sandstone. 3. Erosion along the unconformity prior to burial. 4. Uplift of the granite, accompanied by erosion of any overlying rocks. 5. Solidification of magma into granite. 6. Melting of continental crust to form granite magma.

Drag the name of each mineral into its correct order according to Mohs Hardness Scale, arranged from the softest mineral (#1) to the hardest mineral (#10).

1. Talc 2. Gypsum 3. Calcite 4. Fluorite 5. Apatite 6. K-feldspar 7. Quartz 8. Topaz 9. Corundum 10. Diamond

If a rock started with 1,000 atoms of a parent but now contains 250 atoms, how many half lives have passed? a. .25 half lives b. .5 half lives c. 1 half life d. 2 half lives e. There is no way to tell.

2 half lives

If a magnetic stripe is 120 km wide and formed over 4 m.y., what would the rate of seafloor spreading be? a. 30 km/m.y. b. 116 km/m.y. c. .03 km/m.y.

30 km/m.y.

Correctly complete this sentence using the numbers provided. This diagram shows magnetic stripes on either side of the mid-ocean ridge. The number of different ages of stripes represented in this diagram is ____.


This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Cenozoic?


Minerals have an ordered internal atomic arrangement. What does this mean? a. Atoms in a mineral are arranged in an ordered geometric pattern. b. Atoms in a mineral are arranged in a random fashion. c. Atoms in a mineral must be in the shape of either a cube, a tetrahedron, or an octahedron. d. Atoms in a mineral must all be of the same type of element.

Atoms in a mineral are arranged in an ordered geometric pattern.

This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Mesozoic?


Which of the following is NOT something we can learn by determining isotopic ages? a. the age of a volcanic eruption b. the age when a rock is uplifted toward the surface c. the age of material from which clasts in a sedimentary rock were derived d. the cooling history by using different types of isotopic ages

We can determine all of these.

Why is ice less dense than water? a. When water freezes, the molecules arrange into a crystal form in which they are farther apart than in liquid water. b. As a solid, ice is actually more dense than water, but will still float due to the high surface tension of water. c. Water molecules lose one of their hydrogen atoms when they form ice, making the solid form less dense than the liquid form. d. As water freezes, it forms cubic crystals made only of eight atoms. These atoms weigh less in ice than in water.

When water freezes, the molecules arrange into a crystal form in which they are farther apart than in liquid water.

Which of the following statements is true? a. Earthquakes are more widespread than volcanoes or high mountains. b. High mountains are more widespread than volcanoes or earthquakes. c. Volcanoes are more widespread than earthquakes or high mountains.

Earthquakes are more widespread than volcanoes or high mountains.

Which of the following statements is true about the transfer of energy, matter, or momentum in the atmosphere? a. Momentum is usually transferred from the surface upward. b. Energy transfer occurs when water changes state between solid, liquid, or gas. c. Matter is transferred so effectively that the spatial distribution of matter in the atmosphere is uniform. d. No transfer of energy, matter, or momentum can occur in the polar part of the atmosphere.

Energy transfer occurs when water changes state between solid, liquid, or gas.

In the above diagram of a river system, where are most sedimentary clasts/grains produced?


What typically happens to the size, shape, and sorting of clasts as they are transported from steep mountains toward more gentle settings? a. The size of the clasts increases. b. The clasts become more rounded. c. The sediment becomes more poorly sorted.

The clasts become more rounded.

This photograph shows an upper light-colored conglomerate and a lower dark basalt. Which of the following statements is true? a. The conglomerate is older because it overlies the dark basalt. b. The conglomerate is younger because it contains clasts of the dark basalt. c. The basalt is younger because it is crosscut by fractures filled with conglomerate. d. None of these choices are correct.

The conglomerate is younger because it contains clasts of the dark basalt.

Magnetite and hematite occur together in layered sedimentary rocks called a. banded iron formations. b. dolomitic limestones. c. oxides. d. magnetic stripes.

banded iron formations.

Complete the sentence with the correct phrase. The lithosphere consists of __________.

both types of crust and the uppermost mantle

Which of these minerals would be the main component in the cement slab in your house? a. calcite b. gypsum c. quartz d. hematite e. clay minerals


How fast do plates move relative to one another? a. centimeters per year b. meters per year c. kilometers per year d. one hundred kilometers per year

centimeters per year

What type of rock is shown in this photograph? a. crystalline rock b. clastic rock c. rock with minerals that are too small to see

clastic rock

Which of the following igneous rocks would be formed by the slowest cooling? a. coarse granite b. medium-grained granite c. fine-grained granite d. volcanic glass e. There is not enough information to tell.

coarse granite

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of rocks with clastic textures? a. composed of interlocking minerals b. composed of broken fragments of older eroded rocks c. commonly formed in low temperature environments

composed of interlocking minerals

Most oceanic islands and seamounts are a. small pieces rifted apart from continents. b. places where the seafloor has been buckled upward by convergence. c. constructed by volcanic eruptions that first occur under water. d. large fan-shaped mounds deposited by turbidity currents.

constructed by volcanic eruptions that first occur under water.

What type of metamorphism would occur in this setting? a. regional metamorphism b. contact metamorphism c. extension d. normal faulting

contact metamorphism

For a rock to be considered an ore, it must a. contain either quartz or sulfide minerals. b. contain enough of a commodity to be mined at a profit. c. contain some copper or gold. d. be shiny or otherwise noteworthy. e. be located in a mine.

contain enough of a commodity to be mined at a profit.

Which potential geologic hazard is NOT represented by a feature on this figure? a. an earthquake b. a volcano c. contaminated groundwater d. a landslide

contaminated groundwater

Why does the Tibetan Plateau, shown in this figure, have a high elevation? a. transform faulting b. seafloor spreading c. continental rifting d. continental collision e. hot-spot activity

continental collision

In which of the following types of bonding do atoms share one or more electrons? a. covalent b. ionic c. metallic d. intermolecular


Which of the following does NOT help define foliation in metamorphic rocks? a. a dominant orientation of crystals, such as mica b. light- and dark-colored bands flattened shapes of deformed objects, such as pebbles c. crystals that grow in a random orientation

crystals that grow in a random orientation

In the rock cycle, sediment is stripped away and transported by the process of _____ after the process of _______ has taken place. a. erosion; weathering b. weathering; erosion c. uplift; solidification d. solidification; uplift

erosion; weathering

The geologic timescale details and divides geologic time based upon a. fossil data. b. rock thicknesses. c. unconformities.

fossil data.

What specific type of map represents the distribution of rock units and geologic features exposed on the surface? a. geologic map b. topographic map c. contour map d. shaded relief map

geologic map

The Moon and Sun cause the tides in Earth's oceans because of a. gravity. b. heat. c. magnetic pull.


Which of these minerals would you use to make wallboard for the interior walls of your house? a. calcite b. gypsum c. quartz d. hematite e. clay minerals


The Earth's orbit around the Sun is almost circular. Therefore, Earth receives about the same amount of year-round a. heat and light. b. heat and precipitation. c. light and precipitation.

heat and light.

Which of the following is NOT a typical environment in which a sedimentary rock forms? a. beside glaciers b. river channels c. heating next to a magma d. deep seafloor e. shoreline of a lake

heating next to a magma

Which of the following is NOT a required criterion for a substance to be classified as a mineral? a. human-made b. naturally occurring c. crystalline solid d. inorganic


Which of the following is a mineral? a. ice b. crystals grown in a laboratory c. volcanic glass d. material with crystals of different chemical compounds


Rock that has formed from cooling magma or lava is a. igneous rock. b. metamorphic rock. c. sedimentary rock.

igneous rock.

The difference between open and closed systems is that a. open systems are not predictable but closed systems are. b. open systems can acquire matter and energy, but closed systems cannot. c. open systems are much simpler in terms of the number of interactions between objects in the system. d. open systems occur on land and closed systems occur in the ocean.

open systems can acquire matter and energy, but closed systems cannot.

Sedimentary rocks are comprised of material that comes primarily from a. other locations. b. the ground below. c. the same place the rock forms.

other locations.

The two main processes by which sediment is produced are a. physical and chemical weathering. b. subduction and melting. c. transportation and deposition.

physical and chemical weathering.

A snowball that rolls down a hill, gradually gaining more and more mass and rolling faster and faster as it continues, would be an example of a(n) a. positive feedback system. b. negative feedback system. c. open system. d. closed system

positive feedback system.

What three kinds of particles are the main building blocks of an atom? a. nucleus, proteus, lattice b. spheroid, cube, tetrahedron c. proton, neutron, electron d. hydrogen, helium, bohrium

proton, neutron, electron

A hypothesis that explains how new organisms or new characteristics can appear suddenly in the fossil record is called a. punctuated equilibrium. b. natural selection. c. evolution.

punctuated equilibrium.

Which of these minerals could be used to make glass windows? a. calcite b. gypsum c. quartz d. hematite e. clay minerals


The rock shown here, with sediment just visible to the naked eye, is a a. sandstone. b. shale. c. conglomerate.


What type of map is shown here? a. shaded-relief map b. topographic map with contours c. satellite image d. geologic map

shaded-relief map

The most important class of rock-forming minerals on Earth is a. halides. b. sulfates. c. native minerals. d. silicates. e. asbestos.


Mid-ocean ridges are higher than surrounding oceanic crust primarily because a. two plates are colliding. b. the crust is thicker. c. the crust is stronger. d. transform faulting uplifts the rocks. e. the lithosphere is thinner and hotter.

the lithosphere is thinner and hotter.

Which of the following largely determines an atom's atomic weight? a. the number of neutrons b. the number of electrons c. the number of electrons in the outer shell d. the number of protons and neutrons

the number of protons and neutrons

Tectonics is the study of a. the origin and arrangement of the broad structural features of Earth's surface. b. the type and timing of volcanic eruptions around the Earth. c. the materials and processes that occur at the Earth's surface.

the origin and arrangement of the broad structural features of Earth's surface.

Hot spots form linear island chains because a. the plate moves relative to the underlying hot spot. b. they are aligned with trenches formed by subduction. c. they occur along the mid-oceanic ridges.

the plate moves relative to the underlying hot spot.

A volcanic breccia texture indicates that a. there was a lot of gas in the magma. b. the rock cooled quickly. c. the rock broke apart as it flowed. d. the rock cooled slowly. e. the ash and pumice were hot and became compacted.

the rock broke apart as it flowed.

A finely crystalline or glassy igneous texture indicates that a. there was a lot of gas in the magma. b. the rock cooled quickly. c. the rock broke apart as it flowed. d. the rock cooled slowly. e. the ash and pumice were hot and became compacted.

the rock cooled quickly.

The cycling of chemical substances throughout the biosphere is accomplished through a. vertical transfer of momentum. b. the first law of thermodynamics. c. the rock cycle. d. the work of living things and physical and chemical processes.

the work of living things and physical and chemical processes.

A vesicular igneous texture indicates that a. there was a lot of gas in the magma. b. the rock cooled quickly. c. the rock broke apart as it flowed. d. the rock cooled slowly. e. the ash and pumice were hot and became compacted.

there was a lot of gas in the magma.

The main reason why the hypothesis of continental drift was not widely accepted was a. the hypothesis required that the entire Earth was once frozen. b. the hypothesis required long, narrow land bridges that did not exist. c. there was no mechanism to move continents through the oceanic crust. d. All of these were reasons the hypothesis was not widely accepted.

there was no mechanism to move continents through the oceanic crust.

Which of the following igneous rocks would be formed by the fastest cooling? a. very coarse granite pegmatite b. coarse granite c. medium-grained granite d. fine-grained granite e. volcanic glass

volcanic glass

The natural sediments that hold clasts together precipitate in the empty pore spaces after compaction. Those precipitates come from a. water containing dissolved materials. b. outward growth of the original clasts. c. the alignment of clay particles.

water containing dissolved materials.

This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Precambrian?


This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Precambrian? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


Which of the following is NOT a way to form layers in a sedimentary rock? a. occurrence of a discrete event like a flood b. a change in the strength of the current c. a change in the supply of sediment d. a change in climate of the region

All of these are ways to form layers.

Which of the following rocks cannot be metamorphosed? a. shale b. sandstone c. limestone d. granite

All of these can be metamorphosed.

A force that is important in driving plate tectonics is a. slab pull. b. ridge push. c. upwelling mantle, such as in hot spots.

All of these choices are correct.

Earth science can help us learn about Earth's past by studying a. why continents and oceans are different. b. why a landscape looks the way it does. c. how life in the past was different than today. d. how global climate has changed since the ice ages.

All of these choices are correct.

How do silica tetrahedra bond in silicate minerals? a. with each other by sharing an oxygen b. with other elements, such as potassium c. in single or double chains d. in sheets

All of these choices are correct.

Identify the factor(s) that strongly influence the size, shape, and/or sorting of sedimentary clasts. a. steepness of slope b. sediment supply c. strength of current d. agents of transport

All of these choices are correct.

Important characteristics to observe in rocks include a. types of minerals present. b. sizes and shapes of crystals. c. presence or absence of layers.

All of these choices are correct.

Quantitative data may include a. specific temperature data. b. size measurements of sediments. c. chemistry of water in a stream. d. age of a rock.

All of these choices are correct.

The highest surface on this figure is a river terrace. This terrace a. is older than the modern river channel. b. formed sometime in the past. c. predates erosion down to the present level.

All of these choices are correct.

To what does the term evolution refer? a. observed changes in the fossil record b. to one or more theories that help explain observed changes c. as a general term to describe how something, such as a landscape, has changed over time

All of these choices are correct.

What marks the boundary between the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic (called the K-P boundary)? a. the extinction of the dinosaurs b. the start of a rise to dominance of mammals c. a meteorite impact in Mexico

All of these choices are correct.

What types of life developed during the Paleozoic? a. corals, crinoids, and other creatures with shells b. trilobites c. fish and amphibians d. plants and insects

All of these choices are correct.

Which data were used to develop the hypothesis of continental drift? a. the shape of the continents b. the distribution of fossils c. the distribution of glacial deposits and directions of glacial scratch marks

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following are tests we can quickly and easily perform (even in the field) to help us identify a mineral? a. hardness b. effervescence c. streak d. magnetism

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following are ways that the atmosphere interacts with Earth's surface? a. Liquid water on the surface can evaporate, becoming water vapor in the atmosphere. b. The atmosphere includes a low percentage of water vapor, most of which comes from the oceans. c. Earth's atmosphere blocks most of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. d. Some energy that strikes the earth is converted into infrared energy.

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is a common metamorphic process? a. deforming objects into new shapes b. rotation of minerals into a common orientation c. remobilization of chemical constituents into light and dark bands d. dissolving some parts of the rock and carrying the material away

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is a common use of a mineral? a. hematite and magnetite are used for iron and steel b. halite is used as salt c. phosphorous is used in fertilizer d. feldspar is used in ceramics

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is true about rocks and minerals? a. A rock can contain more than one mineral. b. A mineral is composed of chemical elements. c. A single rock can include more than one mineral.

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following processes produce sedimentary clasts? a. fracturing of bedrock that results in angular pieces b. breaking of round cobbles as they are transported c. scouring and abrasion of bedrock along rivers d. decomposition of granite into quartz grains and clay

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following did NOT live during the Mesozoic era? a. dinosaurs that had a bird-like hip b. dinosaurs with a hip structure similar to lizards c. large flying reptiles d. large marine reptiles

All of these lived during the Mesozoic.

If you wanted to locate hot spots on Earth, which of the following would NOT be good place to look? a. the volcanically active end of a linear island chain b. clusters of volcanically active islands c. Hawaii and the Galapagos

All of these would be good places.

This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Paleozoic?


In which of the following time periods were mammals the dominant type of life? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


What is a diagnostic characteristic of a mineral used to make a cement slab in your house? a. It is magnetic. b. It has a hardness of 7. c. It has a hardness of 1. d. It has one main direction of cleavage. e. It reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.

It reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.

The effect of transportation on a pebble's particle size is best summarized by which statement? a. Its size decreases. b. Its size stays the same. c. Its size increases.

Its size decreases.

In which of the following time periods were dinosaurs the dominant creatures? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


Which of the following is an example of quantitative data? a. North America is moving across Earth's surface several centimeters per year. b. The river has flooded a low-lying area. c. The volcano is releasing much steam. d. Volcanoes are dangerous. e. When held, one rock feels heavier than another rock

North America is moving across Earth's surface several centimeters per year.

What occurs at mid-ocean ridges? a. Oceanic crust is destroyed. b. Continental crust is destroyed. c. Oceanic crust is created. d. Continental crust is created. e. All crust is destroyed by magma.

Oceanic crust is created.

In which of the following time periods did coral, clams, fish, plants, and insects become abundant? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


Which of the following chapters in geologic time occurred before there were abundant animals with hard parts? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


Which of the following is the earliest (oldest) chapter of geologic time? a. Cenozoic b. Mesozoic c. Paleozoic d. Precambrian


From this cross section of the Grand Canyon, what are the oldest rocks or structures? a. Late Cenozoic basalts b. Mesozoic sedimentary rocks c. Precambrian sedimentary and igneous rocks d. Precambrian metamorphic rocks and granite e. Hurricane Fault and faults along the Grand Wash Cliffs

Precambrian metamorphic rocks and granite

On this map of the south Atlantic, why is the mid-ocean ridge in the center of the ocean? a. Subduction is consuming seafloor beneath both adjacent continents. b. Seafloor is added to both sides during seafloor spreading. c. Subduction has occurred under one and then another of the adjacent continents. d. Seafloor spreading has stopped in this area.

Seafloor is added to both sides during seafloor spreading.

Select the statement that best describes how the process of plate tectonics circulates materials between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere. a. Some asthenosphere becomes lithosphere at mid-ocean spreading centers and reenters the asthenosphere at subduction zones. b. Some lithosphere becomes asthenosphere at mid-ocean spreading centers and reenters the lithosphere at subduction zones. c. The materials that form the asthenosphere never mix with the materials that form the lithosphere.

Some asthenosphere becomes lithosphere at mid-ocean spreading centers and reenters the asthenosphere at subduction zones.

What causes magnetic stripes on the seafloor, such as those shown here? a. Volcanic rocks in oceanic crust are covered by a variable thickness of sediment. b. Some oceanic crust consists of volcanic rocks and some is composed of sediment. c. Sometimes Earth's magnetic field points north and sometimes it points south. d. Some volcanic rocks are formed in normal ways and others have pillows.

Sometimes Earth's magnetic field points north and sometimes it points south.

How is magma created in a subduction zone? a. Friction between the two plates causes the lithosphere to melt. b. Subduction brings one plate to a depth hot enough for minerals in the plate to melt. c. Subduction brings one plate to a depth hot enough for minerals to release water; this water causes melting in the overlying asthenosphere.

Subduction brings one plate to a depth hot enough for minerals to release water; this water causes melting in the overlying asthenosphere.

What steps are involved in having a hypothesis become an established theory? a. A United Nations scientific panel votes on whether the hypothesis is accepted. b. A U.S. government agency votes on whether the hypothesis is accepted. c. The hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions. d. The hypothesis makes sense when explained by politicians.

The hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions.

What happens to the majority of sediment being carried by moving water as it enters a standing body (little or no motion) of water? a. The sediment gradually settles to the bottom. b. The sediment remains suspended. c. The sediment dissolves in the water column.

The sediment gradually settles to the bottom.

For the sedimentary environment shown, complete the three missing parts of the sentence using the setting, type of clasts, and resulting rock type. This figure shows __________ (setting) that would mostly have ______________ (sedimentary material) and would produce _____________ (sedimentary rock type). Image of sand dunes

This figure shows dunes (setting) that would mostly have nearly all sand (sedimentary material) and would produce sandstone (sedimentary rock type).

What factors are the most critical in determining whether a fossil is preserved? a. The age of the fossil and the age of sediments in which it is preserved. b. The temperature of the granite and how fast it cooled. c. Whether the creature had hard parts and how fast it was buried. d. The color of the original organism compared to the color of the sediments in which it is found. e. Whether the creature was a predator or was prey.

Whether the creature had hard parts and how fast it was buried.

What is a possible cause of the extinction event called the Great Dying? a. a meteorite impact that killed the dinosaurs b. a great outpouring of lava at the end of the Paleozoic c. a sudden increase in the oxygen content of the atmosphere during the Precambrian d. a new kind of super predator that devoured nearly all of the life in the oceans

a great outpouring of lava at the end of the Paleozoic

A triple junction is a. a place where three plate boundaries meet. b. a place along a mid-ocean ridge with three volcanoes. c. a place within a divergent fault that has subducted beneath two other mid-ocean ridges.

a place where three plate boundaries meet.

What was the Cambrian explosion? a. a large volcano that went off in Wales, which the Romans called Cambria b. a meteorite impact that struck the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico c. a time when a meteorite collided with the center of a supercontinent, melting all the glaciers d. a time when many different types of creatures appeared on Earth

a time when many different types of creatures appeared on Earth

Upon what basis were the upper and lower boundaries of the Mesozoic Era defined? a. dramatic changes in the color of the rocks from green to tan b. major episodes of mountain building c. abrupt changes in the types of fossils, representing mass extinctions d. the discovery that a meteoroid impact may have killed the dinosaurs

abrupt changes in the types of fossils, representing mass extinctions

Which factor would help ensure survival of one species over another? a. adaptable to environmental change b. being a food source for other animals c. having to compete for sparse resources

adaptable to environmental change

The first organisms on Earth included a. trilobites. b. algae. c. complex multicellular organisms. d. dinosaurs.


Which of the following does NOT determine whether a rock is an ore? a. the grade of the ore b. the type of ore, such as oxide versus sulfide types c. size and depth of the mineral deposit d. the location of the deposit

all of these factors determine whether a rock is an ore

An accretionary prism of sediments and oceanic crust is formed a. in an oceanic trench created by the subduction of one oceanic plate beneath another plate. b. in the asthenosphere as the subduction of one oceanic plate enters the asthenosphere. c. on top of the oceanic plate that is not being subducted.

in an oceanic trench created by the subduction of one oceanic plate beneath another plate.

In which of the following types of bonding do atoms loan one or more electrons, as shown in this figure? a. covalent b. ionic c. metallic d. intermolecular


Which of the following is NOT accurately dated at between 4 and 4.6 billion years old? a. the oldest dates on mineral grains on Earth b. age of the oldest meteorites c. age of moon rocks returned to Earth and dated d. isotopic ages on Earth's oldest known fossil shell

isotopic ages on Earth's oldest known fossil shell

If rock is exposed to enough heat after metamorphism it will eventually a. melt into magma. b. crystallize into magma. c. weather into magma. d. solidify into magma.

melt into magma.

Heat, pressure, and deformation are processes that can create a. metamorphic rocks. b. igneous rocks. c. sedimentary rocks.

metamorphic rocks.

Which of the following is NOT involved in turning some sediment into sedimentary rock? a. burial b. compaction c. cementation d. metamorphism


What were some of the earliest forms of life on Earth? a. land plants and insects b. corals and other bottom-dwelling sea creatures c. microscopic creatures that built mound-shaped structures called stromatolites d. sharks

microscopic creatures that built mound-shaped structures called stromatolites

Broad symmetrical ridges that cross ocean basins are called a. mid-ocean ridges. b. abyssal plains. c. seamounts. d. island chains.

mid-ocean ridges.

Tuff and volcanic breccia are both composed of a variety of igneous fragments. Their classification as either felsic, intermediate, or mafic therefore depends on the particular a. mineral content of each individual unit. b. average grain size of each individual unit. c. thickness of each individual unit.

mineral content of each individual unit.

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by a. salty water moving through the deep parts of the crust. b. convection currents in the asthenosphere. c. movement of iron and electrical currents within Earth's outer core. d. aligned magnetic minerals within Earth's inner core.

movement of iron and electrical currents within Earth's outer core.

This figure depicts what type of boundary? a. oceanic divergent boundary b. ocean-ocean convergent boundary c. ocean-continent convergent boundary d. transform boundary e. continental collision

ocean-continent convergent boundary

The fossil ferns in this photograph probably indicate that the rock was deposited a. by the wind. b. in the deep ocean. c. in the shallow ocean. d. on land.

on land.

At mid-ocean ridges, as two plates diverge, a. solid mantle in the asthenosphere rises toward the surface and begins to melt due to decompression. b. solid mantle in the asthenosphere rises toward the surface and begins to melt due to the addition of heat. c. liquid mantle in the asthenosphere rises toward the surface.

solid mantle in the asthenosphere rises toward the surface and begins to melt due to decompression.

Rates in the Earth system a. span the range from very rapid to very slow. b. are nearly always very slow. c. are nearly always very fast. d. can never be calculated accurately.

span the range from very rapid to very slow.

Which fossils provide information as to the mode of formation of an oxygen-rich atmosphere by about 2 billion years ago? a. stromatolites b. trilobites c. dinosaurs


What arrangement of atoms does this diagram illustrate? a. cubic b. tetrahedron c. octahedron d. dodecahedron


Continental ice sheets were more common 28,000 years ago than they are today because a. the Earth had more water then than now. b. the Earth was cooler then than now. c. the Earth was farther away from the Sun then than now.

the Earth was cooler then than now.

The largest object in the solar system is a. Earth. b. the Earth's Moon. c. Saturn. d. Jupiter. e. the Sun.

the Sun.

Early Earth would have been inhospitable to many life forms of today because a. the atmosphere lacked oxygen. b. the seas were warmer. c. the sunlight was weaker.

the atmosphere lacked oxygen.

How did an oxygen-rich atmosphere develop from a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere? a. through photosynthesis by cyanobacteria b. through volcanic eruptions c. through asteroid impacts

through photosynthesis by cyanobacteria

What type of map is shown here? a. shaded-relief map b. topographic map with contours c. satellite image d. geologic map

topographic map with contours

What defines the boundaries between each of the three eras in the geologic timescale? a. two great mass extinctions b. the age of the Earth divided by three c. a decision by the Geological Society of America d. principles of relative dating

two great mass extinctions

What type of feature is shown in this photograph of Siccar Point, Scotland? a. monocline b. thrust fault c. normal fault d. unconformity


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