Ear Anatomy lab
Scala vestibuli
-1 -Fluid filled scala -Inner ear
Scala Tympani
-2 -Fluid filled scala -Inner ear
Scala media
-3 -Fluid filled scala -Inner ear
Vestibular membrane
-4 -Membrane -Inner ear
Basilar membrane
-5 -An Organ of Corti -Inner ear
Organ of Corti (spiral organ)
-6 -Inner ear
Tectoral membrane
-7 -membrane of the organ of corti (spiral organ) -Inner ear
Stereocilia (hair cells)
-8 -Inner ear
Spiral ganglion
-9 -Inner ear
-Attached to Stapes -Middle Auditory Ossicle -Middle Ear
Round window
-Covers the Scala Tympani
Oval window
-Covers the Scala Vestibuli -Is covered by Stapes Ossicle
Auricle (pinna)
-External Ear
External auditory canal
-External Ear
Tympanic membrane (ear drum)
-External Ear -Eardrum -Partition between external & middle ear
-Inner ear -Lower Vestibule Bump -Senses acceleration & deceleration of head
-Inner ear -Upper Vestibule Bump -Senses acceleration & deceleration of head
Auditory (eustachian) tube
-Middle Ear
-Most Lateral Auditory Ossicle -Middle Ear
Hair cells
-Name the Cell -Found within Ampulla of Semi Circular Ducts & Spiral Organ of Cochlea
Auditory ossicles
-Name the structure -Lateral to Medial: Malleus, Incus, Stapes
-Sense Angular movement Head -Bottom of Semicircular Ducts -Contain Hair Cells
Semicircular canals (ducts)
-Sense Angular movement of Head -Fluid Filled Ducts -ampulla are bulbs at bottom of arch
Bony Cochlea (within Temporal Bone)
-Sense of Hearing
-Senses acceleration & deceleration of head -Utricle (upper bump), Saccule (lower bump) -Fluid Filled
-Smallest Bone in Body -Middle Ear -Most Medial Auditory Ossicle -Covers Oval Window of Scala Vestibuli
Left: Vestibular Branch Right: Cochlear Branch
Name the Branches of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve-CNVIII
Name the Nerve -Upper branch is Vestibular -Lower branch is Cochlear
Name the structure
Name the structure