Early Chinese Belief Systems: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism

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Five Relationships

(1) Ruler to Ruled, (2) Father to Son, (3) Husband to Wife, (4) Elder Brother to Younger Brother, and (5) Friend to Friend


Native from the state of Lu. Aspired high political office...as a practical politician -> failure BUT role as a teach -> enormous success.

What are the main tenets of Daoism?

Philosophy of retreat and withdrawal. Life is to be simple, live as individuals and retreat from rulers. You are born w/ infinite potential. Uncarved box, empty vessel, unmolded clay.

Explain the different ways in which Daoism taught that people should live their lives.

The key to merging with Dao was WUWEI or "doing nothing". Best government was one that governed least. (Government=unnatural)

What are the roles and responsibilities of the ruler in Legalism?

The right path is whatever the ruler wanted it to be. Philosophy was designed to aid the ruler in consolidating his position and power. Creation of prosperous & military strong state. Aspects of life should be regulated to produce the maximum wealth and military might. (Merchants, intellectuals, and other unproductive groups should not be tolerated)

What are the roles and responsibilities of the ruler in Daoism?

You do not tell people how to be Daoist, not teacher. Look at metaphors in order to see what you should be like.


literally the "road" or "Way", was a term used by Confucius to describe the social system he advocated. In Daoist sense...was a philosophical expression of nature's rhythms; the whole natural order rather than making human actions the center of concern.

What characteristics of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism contributed to their long-lasting influence?

CONFUCIANISM influenced many aspects of Chinese life, filial piety, people in Korea, Japan, & Vietnam accepted Confucian belief. DAOISM served as a balance to the dominant concepts of Confucianism, self-expression, could be confuc bureaucratic in professional life and Doaist poet & nature lover in personal life. LEGALISM philosophy left a lasting mark on Chinese civilization: partially accounted for the highly centralized gov of later times, philosophical bases for great political transition when Qin dynasty unified the whole county.

In what ways do Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism differ from each other?

Confucianism is full of rules, and Daosim is to retreat from rules. Legalism was all about social stability through gov & rewards and punishments.


Consists of Confucius' answers to questions (what "the master said"); written by disciples of Confucius and their followers.

What is the Daoist view of nature and society?

Daoists stressed the simple ways of nature and the virtue of yielding. Water does not resist, but rather yields to outside pressure (flows) Efforts to change or improve nature only destroys harmonies.

Shang Yang

Legalist thinker, established harsh punishments for anyone who tried to protect a criminal. When Shang Yang was suspected of disloyalty, he tried to go into hiding, but no one would protect him-> he was arrested and sentenced to execution.

What are the main tenets of Legalism?

Most related to government, authoritarian government, a hierarchic order, and strict application of rewards and punishments.

What are the five relationships that Confucius believed shaped behavior?

(1) Ruler to Ruled, (2) Father to Son, (3) Husband to Wife, (4) Elder Brother to Younger Brother, and (5) Friend to Friend


Author of Laozi; "the Way and its Virtue". Has given itself to diverse interpretations.

What are the main tenets of Confucianism?

Behavior, does not clash with religion. Ethical System. Most of what we know is drawn from "The Analects". No creator, no afterlife. "here & now" -> could be considered agnostic. People play assigned roles in society, you behave and follow the values system.

How does Legalism use rewards and punishments to achieve order?

Men should not be judged by motives, but by accomplishments -> and anyone who fails should be punished. People should be mutually responsible for one another's actions. Harsh penalties = people will be in such obedience -> that there will be no penalties.


Most venerated text of Daoism, named after author Daodejing. Consists of parables, metaphors, and poetic passages.

How did Confucianism ensure social order?

Social harmony is when each individual knows their place in social order and plays that part well. Each individual simultaneously in several different relationships (jr -> parents; senior -> siblings, students, others; peer -> peer)

What are the roles and responsibilities of the ruler in Confucianism?

The "junzi", the qualities of a superior man included integrity, righteousness, loyalty, altruism, and benevolence. Superior man should also have culture and an understanding of ritual. Emphasis on etiquette, ritual, and propriety. "If the mat was not straight, the Master would not sit."

How does Legalism contribute to a strong central government?

The ruler cannot rely on individual morality, they should control all subjects with clearly defined rewards and punishments. Strong leader -> people will go in a directon -> strong order and authority.

What is filial piety?

Traditional customs such as reverence for ancestors. Encompassed reverent obedience of children toward parents and performance of ritual, such as mourning when they died, or making sacrifices after a death.

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