Earth A Unit 2 Test Review - Where is Earth?

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What type of galaxy contains mostly older stars with a red color?

elliptical galaxy

Why do gas giants have many more moons than terrestrial planets?

They have greater gravity

True or False. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun at certain times.


True or False: Pluto orbits near the Kuiper belt.


If you compared the rotation of all the planets in our solar system, which one looks like it is rotating on its side?


What is the hottest planet in the solar system?


What planet in our solar system has a runaway greenhouse effect?


What is the coma of a comet?

A haze surrounding the nucleus.

An accretion disk may eventually form what?

A solar system

What is a red giant?

An expanded dying star in the last phases of its life.

What is a super nova?

An explosion of a star.

Where is the main asteroid belt located?

Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter

What is the name of Pluto's moon?


Some astronomers use particle accelerators to study:

How mater behaves

What is different about Pluto's orbit compared to the planets in our solar system?

It has a tilted orbit

How does the runaway greenhouse effect the temperatures of Venus?

It is the hottest planet in the solar system.

What would having an atmosphere do for Mercury's temperature?

It would moderate the temperature.

What is the largest planet in our solar system?


What gas giant has the most moons?

Jupiter (It has at least 63 moons)

Which planet has a giant red spot?

Jupiter (The red spot is a giant storm similar to a hurricane that has been swirling for hundreds of years)

Pluto is considered to be a ______ belt object.


What is the most habitable planet in our solar system other than the Earth.


What planet in our solar system is most similar to Earth?


When a nebula is disturbed by an outside explosion, it may form a _____ disk.

accretion disk

Radio telescopes reveal that space is full of cosmic microwave ______ radiation.


What planet has the widest or largest swings in temperature? (The most extreme changes in temperature)


What terrestrial planet in our solar system has no atmosphere?


Which is the smallest terrestrial planet in our solar system?


A solid piece of debris that originates in outer space and has landed on Earth.


Where is the Kuiper belt located?

Near Pluto's orbit.

What planet was discovered when astronomers noticed a strange pattern in the orbit of Uranus?


Does Mercury have any moons?


How many satellites does the Earth have?

One, The Moon

The hypothetical sphere around the solar system from where comets may come is known as the _______ cloud.

Oort cloud

How many moons does Jupiter have?

Over 60

In a Sun. When the pressure caused by fusion reactions in the core is balanced by the gravity exerted by the Sun's mass. This is called

Stellar Equilibrium

The idea that everything in the universe came from a single dense ball 10-20 billions years ago is known as the _____ ______ theory.

The Big Bang Theory

Charged particles from the sun are prevented from reaching Earth by what?

The Earth's magnetic field.

What prevents ultraviolet (UV) rays from reaching the Earth?

The Earth's ozone layer.

The moon is on the side of the Earth opposite the sun during which phase of the moon?

full moon

A nebula is a large mass of _____ and _____.

gas and dust

Gas giants have atmospheres composed primarily of what two gases?

hydrogen and helium

Comets are mostly composed of what material?


What type of galaxy contains dust, gas and young stars?

irregular galaxy

Think about the words photography and photosynthesis. What do you think the prefix photo means?


The moon is in the Earth's shadow during a

lunar eclipse

The moon is not visible to observers on Earth during which phase of the moon?

new moon

What layer of the Sun emits visible light?


The movement of the Earth around the Sun is called


Earth's seasons are caused by its _____ and _____

revolution and tilt

The Sun's corona is only visible during a _____ eclipse.


The Earth is in the moon's shadow during a

solar eclipse

Our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, has arms extending from a core full of black holes. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?


A neutron star is the dense remains of a _____.


How does the Earth's atmosphere affect its temperature?

The temperature is raised and moderated by trapping in heat.

Define moderated.

to make or become less extreme

Mars is thought to have liquid ______ in the past.


Is Earth's axis steady or does it wobble?


Astronomers are able to determine the speed at which certain redshifed stars move using the ______ Effect.

Doppler Effect

Titan is a moon that orbits around what planet?


Which planet does the moon Titan orbit?


Which planet in our solar system has the most visible rings?


______ has visible rings and lots of moons.


What is a black hole?

The remains of a very large collapsed star

What is the main asteroid belt?

The remnants of a planet that never formed.

What creates the comets tail?

The solar wind

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