Earth's Oceans 15.1
First Ship to use sophisticated measuring devices to study the ocean
Water vapor and Carbon Dioxide
Gases emitted by volcanoes contain mostly
Sea Level
Global __________ has risen and fallen by hundreds of meters in response to warm periods and ice ages.
More than 20,000 km
How far does the Atlantic Ocean extend from north to south?
ALMOST 4.6 billon years
How long have oceans on Earth existed?
61 %
How much of the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE is covered by oceans?
How much of the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE is covered by by oceans?
How much of the WATER found on Earth is contained by the OCEANS?
In Earth's early history, water vapor in the atmosphere condensed into the ....
Comet impacts
One possible source of Earth's water
Satellite used to monitor ocean surface temperatures
Scientific study of Earth's oceans
Submersible used to study the deep oceans
The Earth's largest ocean
SOUTHERN Hemisphere
The Indian Ocean is located mainly in the ....
Atlantic, Pacific, INDIAN
The three major oceans
Ultraviolet Radiation
The total amount of water on Earth stays the same because water molecules in the atmosphere are destroyed by ...
Today, average global sea level is slowly _________ at a rate of 3 mm per year.
Water is still being added to the Earth's hydrosphere by...
3800 meters
What is the average depth of the oceans?
North of the ARCTIC CIRCLE
Where is the Atlantic Ocean known as the Arctic Ocean?
Because approximately 71% of its surface is covered by oceans
Why is the earth known as the "Blue Planet"?
__________ forces that lift or lower portions of the sea floor also affect sea level.
Frozen Ice Caps
Approximately 3% of Earth's water is located in the _____________ of Greenland and Antarctica, and in rivers, lakes, and underground sources.
Device that uses echoes to map features of the ocean floor