East and Southeast Asia

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Which of the following has not been a result of modern regional specialization policies in China?

Employment has increased in China's far northeast and remote interior areas

Which Mongolian leader (and his descendants) were able to conquer and rule all of China?

Genghis Khan

Which city is home to China's highest per capita income?

Hong Kong

The mainland portion of Southeast Asia is sometimes known as:


Which statement is true of Taiwan?

It is clogged with cars that produce exhaust and air pollution.

Which statement best represents North Korea today?

It remains closed off from the world and impoverished.

For much of the twentieth century, East Asia was dominated economically and politically by:


The country that is considered to have experienced an "economic miracle" following World War II is:


Which East Asian country has been criticized for overfishing and for consuming endangered fish species?


The first international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was signed in the East Asian city of:


What statement best summarizes the religious history of Southeast Asia?

Many early Southeast Asian kingdoms switched back and forth between Hinduism and Buddhism as their principal religion.

The name given to the country of Burma by its military junta is:


Which company has frequently been the target of criticism, especially on U.S. campuses, for its poor treatment of workers in its Southeast Asian factories?


In which East Asian country did the Communists neglect agriculture in favor of flamboyant shows of accomplishment, such as rocket launchings?

North Korea

What is juche?

North Korean ideals about self reliance

Which of the following is the most appropriate description of crony capitalism in Southeast Asia?

Personal and familial connections among politicians, bankers, and entrepreneurs are used to create economic opportunities

Which of the following was among China's internal reform strategies pursued in the 1980s?

Regional specialization was encouraged.

What two East Asian states used Japan's model of government-guided capitalism?

South Korea and Taiwan

The passage for sea trade between China and Britain's empire in India was the:

Strait of Malacca

In the post-World War II period, which East Asian country did NOT become a centrally planned Communist state?


Which country has operated as an independent country since World War II but is claimed by China as a province?


What are the killing fields?

The Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Communist Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War

Which of the following accurately reflects the issue of water in China in recent years?

Water problems, including flooding and drought, have increased substantially due to intense human alteration of the landscape.

Which group did the Khmer Rouge target for labor camps and other atrocities?

Western-educated city dwellers

What are klongs?

canals of Thailand

Most of South Korea's pollution is caused by:

cars and industry

Which goods were the first to be exported en masse by Southeast Asia as part of its economic development strategy?


What form of energy satisfies much of China's energy needs, particularly for the poor and indigenous populations?


Which of the following has been cited as a factor causing Japan's recent economic problems (2008)?

collapse of foreign demand

Which activity has been particularly useful in helping the indigenous people of Sarawak stop the expansion of oil companies and the clear-cutting of forests?

community-based mapping

The extreme variation in daily and seasonal temperatures in East Asia's western zone is a climate characteristic exhibited by which of the following?

continental interior

Which of the following characterizes the land reform strategy enacted by the Chinese Communist Party when it first came to power in 1949?

divided large unproductive estates of landlords among landless farmers

Which terms best describe East Asia's two climate zones?

dry interior west and wet (monsoon) east

The Japanese island chain is relatively safe from natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis


People in China who are illegal migrants within the country and therefore have no rights to housing, school, or health care are all part of the:

floating population

The most immediate risk of glacial melting is:


What term refers to the ability of a country to supply basic food to its entire people consistently over the long term?

food security

Taiwan today provides an illustration of how maintaining environmental quality is difficult under what conditions?

high population density

The ancient Chinese system that effectively ties rural people to the place of their birth is known as the _____________ system.


Export processing zones in Southeast Asia have much in common with:


Tectonic forces in Southeast Asia are responsible for all of the following, except:


Which of the following characterizes the ideological vision of the Khmer Rouge, who came to power in Cambodia in the mid-1970s?

rural communist society free of European colonial influences

Which of the following groups constituted the Chinese Communist Party's most important base of support?

rural laborers

What was the name of the Japanese military rulers that held power from 1600 until 1868?


Which war was a naval engagement between China and Japan?

sino-japanese war

In which part of East Asia are earthquakes not a serious natural hazard?

southern China

What is SEZ?

special economic zone

On what island did the Kuomintang establish a government-in-exile after losing a power struggle against the Chinese Communist Party?


What former name of Indonesia reflects its colonial past?

the Dutch East Indies

Which technology does the ASEAN charter see as essential to its goals of economic integration for the countries of Southeast Asia?

the Internet

Hong Kong became a British possession as a result of:

the Opium Wars

In which Southeast Asian country are terrorist activities committed by warring family clans that also seek to deprive Muslims of land and resources?

the Philippines

Solar energy is a promising form of energy in the countries of Southeast Asia because:

the region lies close to the equator, which receives more solar energy than any other part of the earth

Which of the following best describes the impact of SEZs and ETDZs in China?

they have been successful and continue to draw investment and migration.

In China, the lowland river basins, once used for agricultural production, have been invaded by expansion of the coastal cities.


Japan was created through volcanic eruption.


Tibet is the highest part of East Asia


According to the textbook, how did Thailand manage to maintain its independence during the European colonial era?

undertook a large-scale push to modernize itself in the European mold

Which statement best summarizes urban-rural disparities in East Asia?

urban areas have better access to jobs, health care, and education than rural areas

The collision of the Indian-Australian Plate and the Philippine Plate with the Eurasian Plate has contributed what sort of feature to the physical geographies of Indonesia and the Philippines?


Mongolia's traditional economy of nomadic herding is essentially a strategy to deal with:

water scarcity

The most cost-effective energy option for most of the countries of Southeast Asia is:

wind energy

Which of the following describes the use of Southeast Asia's natural resources?

A rich resource base is being rapidly depleted.

What is a shatter belt?

A shatterbelt is an area of instability between regions with opposing political and cultural values.

Which of the following is not a part of the philosophy of Confucianism?

Belief in reincarnation after death

Which island is home to three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei?


The Opium Wars began as an effort by China to prevent merchants from what country from trading opium for prized Chinese goods?


What is the predominant religion of mainland Southeast Asia?


The city of Angkor was located in what is present-day:


From 1100 to 1600, the world's most developed region, with the largest economy, highest living standards, and most advanced technologies, was:


In which country does the majority of the population not live in an urban area?


In which country's cities is air pollution the worst in the world?


Which of the following is not true of dam projects in China?

Chinese dam project have compensated landholders for the appropriation of their land.

The policy initiated by Mao Zedong that discriminated against intellectuals, sent professionals to work in the mines, and encouraged children to turn in their parents was known as the:

Cultural Revolution

What's the difference between the republic of china and the people's republic of china?

The Republic of China has being a power for a 100 years The People's Republic of China has being a power for 69 years One fought in ww2 the other did not After the war when the one that fought was weak from the war the communist went to war with them and won The loser when to Taiwan the winner stay in China The Republic of China is on Taiwan The People's Republic of China is in Asia

What are Black Ships?

The bad ships that invaded Japan

Why have some of the world's most impressive rainforests developed in Southeast Asia?

The decay of detritus allows for the release of minerals that are taken up directly by the trees.

Which factor best explains the predominance of Catholicism in Timor-Leste and the Philippines?

The fact that the two countries were colonized (respectively) by Portugal and Spain

Which statement best summarizes the environmental impact of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia?

The fires created to clear the land for oil palm plantations can smolder underground for years, releasing huge amounts of toxic emissions into the atmosphere.

What is the Golden Triangle?

The term "Golden Triangle" refers to the border regions between Thailand, Burma and Laos and when gold was used by Chinese traders to pay for opium

Which statement is not true of the majority of internal migrants within China?

They are offered a specific career track that helps them get promoted and earn more money within two years of taking a factory job.

What characteristic is true of between 80 and 90 percent of the labor in most export processing zones (EPZs)?

They are women

Which of the following theories could best explain the presence of ancient humans and Asian land animals on the islands of Southeast Asia?

They crossed from the mainland along temporarily exposed pieces of land that are now submerged in the ocean.

What role did China and Japan play in the world economy during the spending craze and following recession in the decade of the 2000s?

They loaned money to consumers in the United States.

The world's largest dam, and the largest engineering project in history, is the:

Three Gorges Dam

Another term for the area that China refers to as Xizang is:


Which statement best summarizes the status of working conditions in the factories and cities of Southeast Asia?

Working conditions are poor, labor unions are repressed, and international criticism leads to few changes

What is an archipelago?

a group of islands.

What is a sultan?

a king or ruler of a Muslim state or country

Where are most of Japan's major cities located?

along the coastal perimeter

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