Econ 102 first test
Inflation rate formula
(CPI in current year- CPI in previous year)/ (CPI in previous year) *100
Policies to achieve faster economic growth
-create incentive mechanisms - encourage saving - encourage research and development - encourage international trade - improve the quality of education
A bias in the CPI has two main undesirable consequences: It leads to
1) Distortion of private contracts 2) Increases in government outlays and decreases in taxes
what two things determine the demand for loanable funds?
1. the real interest rate 2. expected profit
What is the base year if you don't have it for CPI
Which of the following is an example of a consumption expenditure 1) United buying Dell PCs 2) Peter buying stocks 3) Mary buying a house 4) Rachel buying a TV
4) Rachel buying a TV
Consumer Price Index
A measure of the average of the prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed market basket of consumption goods and services
Reference base period
A period for which the CPI is define to equal 100. Currently, the refernce base period is 1982- 1984
Business cycle
A periodic but irregular up-and-dwn movement of total production and other measures of economic activity
When using the income approach to measure GDP at market prices, in addition to summing all factor incomes it is necessary to____
Add indirect taxes less subsidies to convert aggregate income from factor cost to market prices
Chained-dollar real GDP is the measure of real GDP calculated by the _____.
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Total expenditure formula
Consumption + Investment + Government expenditure + Net Exports
What are the three steps of CPI calculation?
Find the cost of the CPI market basket at reference base period prices, Find the cost of the CPI market basket at current period prices, Calculate the CPI for the reference base period and the current period.
growth rate of real GDP per person
Growth rate of real GDP- Growth rate of population
Chained Consumer Price Index (C-CPI)
Is a measure of the price level calculated using current month and previous month prices and expenditures. It is called a "chained" CPI because the inflation rate calculated for the current month is linked back, like the links in a chain, to a reference base month
Exports of goods and services
Items that firms in the United States produce and sell to the rest of the world
Imports of goods and services
Items that households, firms, and governments in the United States buy from the rest of the world
Potential sources of bias in CPI:
New goods bias Quality change bias Commodity substitution bias Outlet substitution bias
job rationing
PAID A WAGE THAT CREATES AN EXCESS SUPPLY OF LABOR!@@@@@!! a situation that arises when the real wage rate is above the full-employment equilibrium level (less employers are hiring but more people want jobs and there is already full employment, so you need to lay people off basically)
Of the alternative measures of the price level, the ____ overcomes the bias of the CPI and is abetter measure of the inflation rate because IT _____
PCEPI; used a current basket of all consumption goods
intermediate goods
Products that are purchased for resale or further processing or manufacturing
What are the three stages of constructing the CPI?
Selecting the CPI market basket, Conducting the monthly price survey, calculating the CPI
What expenditures are not included in GDP?
Since GDP is the value of final goods and services, spending that is not on FINAL goods and services is not included in GDP This INCLUDES -Used goods -Financial assets
Net exports
Spending on domestic goods and services by foreigners minus spending on foreign goods and services by U.S. residences (exports- imports)
Net Taxes
Taxes paid minus cash benefits received from governments
The amount of income that is not paid in net taxes or spent on consumption goods and services
Real wage rate
The average hourly wage rate measured in the dollars of a given reference base year
The decrease in the value of capital that results from its use and from obsolescence
Government expenditure on goods and services
The expenditure by all levels of government on goods and services
Rule of 70
The number of years it takes for the level of any variable to double is approximately 70 divided by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable
The supply of labor is the relationships between
The real wage rate and the quantity of labor supplied
Net exports of goods and services
The value of exports of goods and services minus the value of imports of goods and services
Potential GDP
The value of real GDP when all the economy's factors of production (labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurial ability) are fully employed
Nominal GDP
The value of the final goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices of that same year
Keynesian economics
The view that the market economy is inherently unstable and needs active government intervention to achieve full employment and sustained economic growth (basically talks about economy in recession or depression)
classic macroeconomics
The view that the market economy works well, that aggregate fluctuations are a natural consequence of an expanding economy, and that government intervention cannot improve the efficiency of the market economy (provides story of the economy at or close to full employment)
What kind of financial assets are not included in GDP?
This includes buying financial assets such as bonds and stocks since this in considered making a loan, not buying a good or service
Real GDP
Value of the final goods and services produced in a given year expressed in terms of the prices in a reference based year
The expenditure approach formula ( same as total expenditure formula)
Y= Consumption + Investment + Government expenditures + Net exports
Total income formula
Y= Consumption + Saving + Net taxes
a certificate of ownership and claim to a firm's profits
changes in demand for loanable funds: 1)increase in expected profit 2)decrease in expected profit
a change in the expected profit changes the demand for loanable funds shifts the demand for loanable funds curve 1) increase in expected profit- increases demand for loanable funds and shifts demand curve to the right 2) decrease in expected profit- decreases demand for loanable funds and shifts demand curve to the left
financial institution
a firm that operates on both sides of the markets for financial capital : It borrows in one market and lends in another
Cost of living index
a measure of the change in the amount of money that people need to spend to achieve a given standard of living
a promise to pay specified sums of money on specified dates
efficiency wage
a real wage rate that is set above the full- employment equilibrium wage rate to induce greater work effort (pay more for better work in low- income jobs)
Production function
a relationship that shows the maximum quantity of real GDP that can be produced as the quantity of labor employed changes and all other factors of production remain the same
a situation in which the CPI is falling and the inflation rate is negative
economic growth
a sustained expansion of production possibilities
union wage
a wage rate that results from collective bargaining between a labor union and a firm
An economy can achieve faster economic growth without ______
an increase in population growth rate
An efficiency wage results in all of the following situation except _______.
an increase in the full-employment quantity of labor An efficiency wage is a real wage rate that is set above the full-employment wage rate. The full-employment quantity of labor does not increase as a result of an efficiency wage. An efficiency wage creates a surplus of labor.
When some factors of production are unemployed, real GDP is ____ potential GDP
CPI formula
cost of CPI basket at current period prices/ cost of CPI basket a base period prices *100
A decrease in the real wage rate ____ the quantity of labor supplied
A rise in the real wage rate _____ the quantity of labor demanded
U.S. national income= GDP- ______ - _______
depreciation, statistical discrepancy
When some factors of production are overemployed, real GDP is ____ potential GDP
The value of production = ______ = _______
income, expenditure
A decrease in the real wage rate ____ the quantity of labor demanded
A rise in the real wage rate ___ the quantity of labor supplied
The natural unemployment rate _____
increases if unemployment benefits become more generous
Job rationing ____
increases the natural unemployment rate
Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCEPI)
is an average of the current prices of the goods and services included in the consumption expenditure component of the GDP expressed as a percentage of base year prices
markets for financial capital
loan markets, bond markets, stock markets
Advances in technology and growth of human capital make labor and capital _____
more productive and shift the productivity curve upward `
The increase in real GDP per hour of labor that results from an advance in technology makes labor ______ productive ______.
more, at all quantities of capital think of productivity function curve shifting upward- which would change the quantity at all values
gross national product = GDP + ____
net factor income
Real wage rate formula
nominal wage rate in 2015/ CPI in 2015 *100
Real GDP per person is not an accurate measure of the standard of living because it
omits the goods and services that people produce for themselves
The classical growth theory is that real GDP per person _____
only temporarily rises and then returns to subsistence level
Wage income
or compensation of employees is the total payment for labor services- this includes net wages and salaries plus fringe benefits paid by employers such as healthcare insurance, social security contributions and pension fund contributions
growth rate of real GDP
real GDP in current year- real GDP in previous year/ (real GDP in previous year) *100
labor productivity
real GDP/ Aggregate hours
Who does the CPI exclude
rural consumers, the military and the institutional population
Saving equals ____
saving equals income minus consumption expenditure minus net taxes
A____ is a final good and ____ is a intermediate good
tank of gasoline bought by you; jet fuel bought by southwest airlines
What determines the CPI market basket
the Consumer Expenditure Survey
loanable funds market
the aggregate of all the individual financial markets
Nominal wage rate
the average hourly wage rate measured in current U.S. dollars
net investment
the change in the quantity of capital- equals gross investment minus depreciation
statistical discrepancy
the discrepancy between the expenditure approach and the income approach estimates of GDP- calculated as the GDP expenditure total minus the GDP income total
nominal interest rate
the dollar amount of interest expressed as a percentage of the amount loaned
GNP (gross national product)
the market value of all the final goods and services produced anywhere in the world in a given time period by the factors of production supplied by the residents of that country
Inflation rate
the percentage change in the price level from one period to the next
In the new growth theory, the source of economic growth is _______
the persistent want for a higher standard of living
when the real interest rate decreases...
the quantity of loanable funds demanded increases
when the real interest rate decreases what happens to the supply of loanable funds?
the quantity of loanable funds supplied decreases
when the real interest rate rises what happens to the supply of loanable funds?
the quantity of loanable funds supplied increases
when the real interest rate increases...
the quantity of loanable funds supplied increases, and the quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases
demand for loanable funds
the relationship between the quantity of loanable funds demanded and the real interest rate when all other influences on borrowing plans remain the same
supply of loanable funds
the relationship between the quantity of loanable funds supplied and the real interest rate when all other influences on lending plans remain the same
Diminishing returns
the tendency for each additional hour of labor to produce a successively smaller amount of real GDP
capital or physical capital
the tools, instruments, machines, buildings, and other items that have been produced in the past and that are used to produce goods and services (inventories of raw materials, semi-finished goods, and components are part of physical capital)
gross investment
the total amount spent on new capital
net worth
the total market value of what a financial institution has lent minus the market value of what it has borrowed
the value of all the things people own
monetarist macroeconomics
the view that the market economy works well, that the aggregate fluctuations are a natural consequence of an expanding economy, but that fluctuations in the quantity of money generate the business cycle. A slowdown in the growth rate of money brings recession and a large decrease in the quantity of money brought the Great depression (in between previous two- need gov during recession and depression but the rest will fix itself)
The CPI measures the average prices paid by _____ for ____
urban consumer; the average basket of goods and services they buy
What categories does the U.S. national income and product account divide into?
wage income interest, rent, and profit income