economic and social effects of World War II

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2. a. Levitt town

. William Levitt's company pioneered the application of mass production techniques to home construction in New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. This relates back to fortis room and mass production back then. The copy cats were all around the country as the homes were built in 15 minutes. However the homes and neighborhoods were generally homogenous in their population. Many critics argue that the suburbs lack diversity, as Levitt town homes were only made for white people

1. a. G.I. Bill

Gigi I know of 1944 that influenced the US economy during the Truman administration mandated that veterans receive a favorable terms for securing loans in home purchases, mandated treatment when veterans applied for a public sector jobs, provided veterans with financial assistance for education, and eventually provided medical care in veterans hospitals.

4b. post war economy

Much of the prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s rested on the underpinnings of colossal military budget, leading some critics to speak of a permanent war economy. The economic upturn of 1950 which field by massive appropriations for the Korean War. Better educated and better equipped, American workers in 1970 could produce twice as much in an hours labor as they had a 1950. As believed by David M kennedy, productivity was the key to prosperity.

3 a. African-American rights

President Truman appointed a presidential commission on civil rights to support African-Americans. Also, in 1948 Truman banned discrimination in the military which was a major civil rights victory. this was very contrasting to FDR's term, because FDR did not majorly focus on the civil rights. Truman was very active on civil rights

3. c. unions

The 1946 US midterm congressional elections gave Republicans their first majorities in the house and senate since 1928 1930. In 1947 Republicans quickly pushed through the Taft-Hartley act which negated many union gained from the new deal years. Republicans believed that labor get unions were communist as they were supporting labor revolutions

1. c. baby boom

The baby boom was a phenomenal that served as a major engine for consumption in the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s. The declining average age of marriage for women and men proved a stimulus for the postwar baby boom because they married a quicker and had kids quicker. this caused children products to be very important and it caused much spending and production of these products.

2. b. suburbs

about 85% of new home construction in the United States in the late 1940s and 1950s was found in the suburbs. introduces the idea of interstate highways and urbanization for the future.

4. a. inflation

after work time price controls were lifted in 1946 by the US government, the cost of goods for Americans and United States increased. beginning in 1950, the American economy surged into a plateau of sustained growth that was to last a virtually on interrupted for two decades, as stated by his story and David and kennedy. National income doubled in the 1940s and almost doubled again in the 1960s.

1. b. Reconversion from war to peace time

as wartime price controls were lifted in 1946 by the US government, the cost of goods for Americans in the United States increased. There is also much inflation. There were many labor strikes after World War II in 1946 in the United States as workers try to win wage increases and preserve their price controls.


before World War II, FDR in United States were still managing their way through the great depression. Unemployment rates were as high as 25%, GDP severely declined, and they were beginning to decline as a strong national power. However due to FDR's and Trumans intelligent legislation during World War II, it they boosted the United States economy and political social life for the better Which then created rights for veterans, suburban homes, social group rides, and economic victories.


due to FDR and Trumans intelligent and strong motivation towards World War II strategies, the United States emerged from the war as a major economic power and nation. However not only were they thriving in economics, but many people were socially impacted on the homefront as well. Americans enjoyed the highest standard of living in the world in the late 1940s and 50s after World War II

2. c. women

due to the male veterans coming home from the war many women lost their jobs due to the priority given to the veterans. This contrast the Rosie the riveter movement in World War II and brings women back to working at home related jobs. Eventually this will spark another feminist movement and wave.

4c. jobs in the sunbelt

due to the more opportunity spreading across the country, so many people migrated down to the sun belt region including much of the south southern countries. The south and southwest were a new frontier for Americans after World War II. These modern pioneers came in search of jobs, a better climate, and lower taxes. Jobs they found in abundance and in the huge military installations that powerful southern Congressional representatives secured for their districts. These dramatic shift of population and wealth further broke the history grip of the north on the nation's political life.

3. b. consumer society

increases and workers wages and expanding middle class, increased credit, and build up a demand for post were good in the late 1940s and 1950s in the United States led to the creation of what some historians have called it the consumer society. This expanded the white middle-class and rose the GDP. However this created a rise in poverty in other areas.

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