Economics Final, Economics Quiz 1, Economics Test (1), Economics Quiz 2, Plato Economics

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What is scarcity?

fundamental economic problem, limited resources

Does a Vertical Merger increase of decrease competition?


How did Coco get her name?

men at bars

What are the roles of a Entrepreneur?

marketing themselves and products, manage scarce resources, driving force behind Free Enterprise System

consumer taste (d)

marketing, style

The best way to describe the US economy is _____.

mixed economy

Sarah owns a book store. She is planning to stock some books by a famous author. But she has tight budget, and she is not sure whether to stock all the previous books by the author or only the latest ones. What is the scarce resource in this situation?


Which market structure predominantly uses product differentiation to attract consumers?

monopolistic competition

Define a Market Economy.

more choices, innovation is valued, no needs are guaranteed

What factors are based in Economic Security?

social security, welfare

Define # of Consumers.

the # of consumers of a product changing the demand

Define # of Sellers.

the # of firms (more or less of them selling) changing supply

What factors are based in Economic Freedom?

the ability to choose your own occupation/employer, the ability to choose what you spend your money

What is the purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

to break up monopolies in the market

Ally just bought a plane ticket. She notices that the fare includes a September 11 Security Fee. What is the government's purpose for imposing this fee?

to pay for security at airports

Why did WWE change their name to WWE?

to signify a new era

How many award winning games has Todd Howard created?


The idea of full employment allows for ___% of people to be out of work.


What was Nike's original name?

Blue Ribbon Sports

All of a country's citizens pay the ______ an income tax that is 7% of their annual earnings. This tax is a(n) _______ tax.

Government, A proportional

Economic stability is a situation in which the economy experiences constant ____ and low _____.

Growth, Inflation

Why was Friedrich von Hayek against government intervention in an economy?

He believed It would reduce economic freedom.

John owns an apple orchard and makes a living by selling apples. He protects his land with utmost care and takes all the necessary security measures. What motivates John to protect his land?

Property Rights.

Jack has to pay _______ tax to the government for his house. This type of tax is _______ tax.

Property, a direct

If a society decides to produce consumer goods from its available resources, it is answering the basic economic question.

What to produce.

Which phrase describes the substitution effect?

buying cheaper alternatives when a product becomes expensive.

What does a Consumer do in Cooperatives?

buys in bulk to bring down cost

how can international trade agreements lead to economic growth?

by creating jobs in the export industries & by opening up new markets for domestic goods

What is Elastic Demand?

change in price leads to change in demand

elastic demand

change in price leads to change in demand

Define Change in Expectations.

change is expected and changes demand based on the product (weather, etc)

What is Voluntary exchange?

choose not to participate

Define a Command Economy.

class struggle, lots of econ security, prices relatively remain the same

An economic system where a central authority controls decision-making is a _____ economy.


An economy where the government as all decision-making responsibilities is called _____.


Henry lives in a country where the government gives many incentives to produce military goods and few incentives to produce consumer goods. Henry knows a more efficient way to finish his task at work and feels like sharing it with his boss. However, he has no incentive to share it. Which type of economy does Henry most likely live in?


Which of the following are characteristics of an economic union?

common trade regulations free movement of capital and labor free movement of goods

Which factors decrease because of protectionism?

competition goodwill with trade partners importation of goods

Gretchen earned $500 from her summer job. She made a list of things that she wants to do with the money she earned. She thought of spending $100 to buy a guitar amplifier, enrolling in a ballet class for $200, buying new clothes worth $100, and giving her mom a silver necklace worth $100. When she went to buy the amplifier, she found it cost around $150. She knew that she couldn't change the fee for the dance classes. So she had to adjust the budget for her clothes or her mom's gift. In the end, she decided she would buy one pair of jeans instead of the two pairs of jeans she had planned. What would be the opportunity cost in this situation?

"In the end, she decided she would buy one pair of jeans instead of the two pairs of jeans she had planned."

These graphs represent the price and output quantities of purses under perfect competition and monopoly. How much more or less will Jackie pay for a purse in a perfect competition than in a monopoly?

$20 less

What makes Elasticity? (questions)

- can it be delayed? - are there substitutes? - does purchase use too much income? - scarcity?

How much did Ray Raymond sell Victoria's Secret for?

1 million

How old was Hughes when he became a millionaire?


Identify if the following are Discretionary spending or Mandatory spending. 1) The federal government purchases new defense equipment 2) Gloria is a 70 year old retired woman. She pays her expenses with the income she receives from the government. 3) Nick receives a weekly amount from the government because he became unemployed when his company cut costs by laying off employees. 4) The federal government funds a new research project. 5) The government is planning to build more highways. 6) Jill receives inpatient hospital services even though she cannot afford them.

1) Discretionary Spending 2) Mandatory Spending 3) Mandatory Spending 4) Discretionary Spending 5) Discretionary Spending 6) Mandatory Spending

Match each situation with the agency or act that would address it. 1) Casey applied for a home loan, but the bank rejected her application because it found some problems in her credit report. She wants to know what those problems are. 2) Shoppers discover that the breakfast cereal they bought is contaminated. 3) John is pestered by marketers who keep sending him messages on his phone trying to sell him products.

1) Fair Credit Reporting Act 2) Food and Drug Administration 3) Federal Communications Commission

Match each agency with its purpose. 1)inspection and approval of food products 2)regulation of pollution and conservation of energy 3)protection and safety of workers

1) Food and Drug Administration 2) Environmental Protection Agency 3) Occupational Health and Safety Organization

Identify whether each acquisition is allowable under eminent domain. Label them Yes or No if they are allowable under Eminent Domain. 1) The local government wants to purchase the Connolly family's farmland to build a car showroom. 2) The state government plans to purchase a local school building to build a radio tower. 3) The federal government plans to take over Mr. Cooper's unused plot of land without any compensation to build a stadium. 4)The state government plans to purchase a few occupied houses on behalf of a multinational corporation that wants to develop the land into a public park.

1) No 2) Yes 3) No 4) Yes

Mach each scenario with the government agency it involves 1) Dwayne's company has clearly marked each container to indicate what chemical it contains and the threat it poses. 2)Ryan's new car is certified to meet federal emission standards. 3)Lisa finds that her favorite brand of yogurt has been taken off the shelf after the company ordered a recall.

1) Occupation Health and Safety Organization 2) Environmental Protection Agency 3) Food and Drug Administration.

Identify the type of money used for each transaction. 1) Karen bought a bike by exchanging it for her silver reciept. 2) Luke paid six apples for two dozen eggs. 3) Chris bought a bagel with coins issued by the government.

1) Representative money 2) Commodity money 3) Fiat money

Match each situation with the method of government intervention used to rectify it. 1) People have too much money, and there is a danger of inflation 2) The GDP has fallen to an all time low and there is low demand for most goods. 3) Few farmers produce cotton because profits are at equilibrium price. 4) Prices of staple foods have shot up because of shortages after an earthquake.

1) contradictory fiscal policy 2) expansionary fiscal policy 3) price floor 4) price ceiling

Match each economist to the scenario that exemplifies his economic philosophy. 1) A small Caribbean island's economy depends on tourism. However, in recent times, it has seen much less economic activity. Its government decides to let the market correct the situation. 2) Flour prices have risen in a country where bread is a staple part of the diet. As a result, bread prices have risen tremendously, in an effort to make bread affordable for its citizens, the government has limited how much bakes can charge for bread.

1)Hayek 2)Keynes

Arange the economic systems from least to most government involvement.

1)Market Economy 2)Mixed Economy 3)Socialist Economy 4)Communist Economy

What factors are based in Full Employment?

1-4% unemployment is acceptable

What is Kylie's net worth?

11.9 million

Where is the Trump International Hotel and Tower located?


What percent of unemployment is unacceptable?


How many employees does Apple have in the US?

66,000 employees

What is Jeffery Bezos's net worth?

70.3 billion

The government of a country increased the minimum wage from $21 to $30. A factory owner had to lay off some of his workers because he could not afford to pay all of them. How many people lost their jobs?

8 workers lost their job. See screenshot.

How many workers would producers be willing to employ at a wage of $40 per hour?

8 workers. see screenshot

What is the net worth for Steven Spielberg's movies?

9 billion

Which statements are true according to the law of supply?

A decrease in price leads to a decrease in supply. An increase in price leads to an increase in supply.

The table shows the federal government's budgeted revenue and expenditures from 2001 through 2010. Identify the years in which there was a budget deficit.

A deficit is when the revenue is less than the expenditure.

NOT SOLVED! Which of the following are non-price determinants of supply?

A) new producers entering the market B) government taxes and subsidies C) effect of mass media advertising D) cost of the product or services E) future expectation of prices

A small community uses cattle as money. A man from the community traded five cows for a plot of farmland. Which characteristic of his money allowed him to make this transaction?


According to ______, self-interest and competition act as an ________, guiding firms in a market-based economy.

Adam Smith, invisible hand

The North America Free-Trade ______ is an agreement among North American countries. The US government benefits from this agreement because it expands the market for American _____ by giving American ______ easy access to North American markets.

Agreement, products, exporters

Which trade agreement or union does not include the United States?


What was the name of the first company before Berkshire?

Buffet Partnership Inc.

What is the first company Marion made parts for?

Caterpillar, Rolls Royce, Navy, Army, etc.

Henry lives in a country where the government gives many incentives to produce military goods and few incentives to produce consumer goods. Henry knows a more efficient way to finish his task at work and feels like sharing it with his boss. However, he has no incentive to share it. Which type of economy does Henry most likely live in?

Command Economy.

Mario paid three bushels of rice for three boxes of wool at the market. What type of money did Mario use for this exchange?


People who want to obtain _____ from financial institutions can use their _____ rights to do so

Credit, Property

What is dumping?

Dumping is exporting goods at prices that are lower than their value.

Classify each action as contractionary or expansionary monetary policy.

Expansionary - Reducing federal funds rate, reducing the required reserve ratio. Contractionary - Selling government securities, increasing the discount rate.

Susan is afraid that someone stole her identity using the details she provided for an online credit card application. Which agency can she complain to?

Federal Trade Commission

What allows consumers to receive goods and services in a non-price rationing system?

First come first serve.

What is FES?

Free Enterprise System

The economy of country Y has experienced increased unemployment and reduced GDP for six months. The government therefore decides to implement fiscal policy that increases _____ and reduces ______.

Government spending, Taxes

Which basic economic question determines how a society will produce goods and services?

How can available resources be used efficiently?

What basic economic question determines how a society will produce goods and services? a) Who consumes the goods and services? b) How can available sources be used efficiently? c) What goods and services are produced?

How can available sources be used efficiently

Where did Mark Cuban graduate from?


A survey conducted recently in China showed that in the last two years, investments in businesses increased by almost 75%. The same survey also concluded that people became wealthy by investing in businesses, and this motivated other people to invest more in their respective businesses. What most likely triggered this increase in investment?


The economy of a country has shown signs of overheating, such as high inflation rates. The government decides to implement fiscal policy. Which action should it take to achieve the nation's economic goals?

Increase taxes

The price of mangoes is currently $5.00 per pound. At this price, producers are supplying 4,000 pounds of mangoes. Point C on the graph shows the current equilibrium price and quantity. To which point will the equilibrium shift if the demand increases suddenly because of a non-price determinant of demand?

It will shift to point B since...see screenshot

Mark wants to sell his condo. Jack and Nick are two prospective buyers. Jack is willing to pay the amount quoted by Mark, while Nick is unable to pay such a high price for the condo. Because Jack is able to pay the asking price, Mark sells his condo to Jack. In which type of economy does this transaction take place?

Market economy

What type of economy is an economic system in which private businesses can operate freely with minimal state control?

Market economy

In a certain country, private enterprises provide various goods and services. But the government provides free public transportation and electricity to its citizens. Which type of economy exists in this country?

Mixed Economy

Which market structure has a single company or seller in a market with many barriers to entry?


What company was Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. the chairman of?

New York Times

Jack, Jamie, Ronnie, and Stephan own the only computer software manufacturing companies in the country. When Jack increases the price of his product and advertises extensively to promote it, the other three manufacturers immediately increase their prices and launch promotional strategies. What type of market structure do these four companies operate in?


Where did the name HARPO come from?

Oprah spelled backwards

A communist country decides to give its people more economic freedom in an attempt to improve its failing economy. What outcome is the government most likely worried about in this case?

People will want more political freedom.

Which point on the graph indicates the lowest quantity supplied of goods?

Point A which is the lowest point on the supply line.

This graph shows the demand and supply of a particular brand of shampoo in the market. Which point on the graph indicates a surplus production of shampoo?

Point D which is the highest point on the supply line.

Which point on the demand curve represents the highest quantity demanded?

Point D which is the lowest point on the demand line.

Which term is defined as the maximum legal price for a good or service?

Price ceiling

Reserve Banks are _______ that help the ______ carry out its duties.

Regional Banks, Central Bank

With a _____ tax, the tax rate decreases as income increases. _______ individuals bear a greater burden with this type of tax.

Regressive, lower-income

Who helped Walt Disney with Disneyland?

Ronald Reagan

Where was the first Victoria's Secret opened at? And what year did it open in?

San Francisco, California 1997

Explain how scarcity and the paradox of value are connected?

Scarcity is how rare something is. The reason these are connected is the paradox of value is based off of scarcity, not utility.

Mark is an excellent cook. He does not have any formal training but learned to cook by following the recipes of several famous chefs and his mom. Every weekend, he invites friends over for dinner so he can try new dishes and get honest feedback from his friends. Mark wants to start his own restaurant someday because he thinks he would be successful and become wealthy. Which of Adam Smith's ideas made Mark think of starting a restaurant?

Self interest

Mila is at a flea market. She has $50 in her wallet. She decides that she will spend $15, $20 on a pair of jeans, $5 on a T-shirt, and $10 on sometimes to eat. She likes a one-of-a-kind, but the seller is not ready to sell it for less than $8. She thinks of five ways to deal with this situation. Which two choices indicate a trade-off? a) She will try to find another seller selling the T-shirt for a lower price b) She will give up on the T-shirt and use the money to buy better jeans c) She will use some of the money she received from her aunt on her birthday d) She will pay the seller $5 and promise to pay the remainder on another day e) She will buy the T-shirt for $8 and not order juice at lunch

She will give up on the T-shirt and use the money to buy better jeans & She will buy the T-shirt for $8 and not order juice at lunch

Select the statement that indicates retaliatory protectionism.

Soon after, nation Y increased tariffs on imports of precious metals from country X.

Who is the co-founder of Pixar?

Steve Jobs

Which type of unemployment is defined as people losing their jobs because their skill is no longer in demand?


Who makes decisions regarding changes in the discount rate?

The Board of Governors

Which factor determines who a society will produce goods and services for?

The Economic system in society.

Some of the money that people deposit into a bank eventually becomes an injection into the economy when

The bank makes loans

A start-up company just acquired a big project. The project requires a lot of money. The company must hold off on building its new office to complete the project. What was the reason for the company's decision? a) The marginal benefit of completing the project outweighs the marginal cost of the project b) The marginal cost of building a new office is equal to the marginal benefit of completing the project c) There is no practical marginal benefit in building a new office for the company in the long run

The marginal benefit of completing the project outweighs the marginal cost of the project

Explain the purpose of the Production Possibilities Frontier and how it guides economic decision making.

The purpose of this shows if you are using your time efficiently enough. This guides economic decision making by telling you how much time you have left.

Which statement about progressive taxes is true?

The rate increases as income increases.

How does the rate of a proportional tax change with income?

The rate remains the same, even if income increases or decreases.

What is the difference between trade-offs and the opportunity cost of a decision?

Trade-offs are all the other alternative things you could be doing, whereas opportunity cost is the second best alternative to your initial goal.

Select the statement that shows how Alvaria, a fictional country, practices protectionism.

Traders pay a 25% tariff on Colandian beef imported into Alvaria.

Jamie took a school trip to Africa to study the economy. In one village, he saw that the people performed only unskilled activities such as hunting and fishing. Also, they did not use money to acquire goods. Instead, they simply exchanged goods with each other. What type of economy does this village have?

Traditional Economy

Which government agency is responsible for protecting the nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for passengers and commerce?

Transportation Security Administration

When does a natural monopoly arise?

When economies of scale occur over a relevant range of output

Cassandra is 80 years old. Last month, she broke her leg while biking with her grandchildren. She was admitted to a hospital for surgery. Which card should she show them to get benefits?

a Medicare insurance card

What is an incentive?

a gesture or a reward to increase productivity or motivation

What is a General Partnership?

both responsible for company/etc

What is a Vertical Merger?

a merger between firms in the same industry but at different stages of production process, one buys or sells something from or to the other

What is a Horizontal Merger?

a merger between firms that operate in the same space, same kind of industries

The table shows the federal government's budgeted revenue and expenditures from 2001 through 2010. Identify the years in which there was a budget surplus.

a surplus is when the revenue is greater than the expenditure.

Which phrase defines a demand schedule?

a table showing the quantity demanded for a good at different prices

What is a service?

actions or activities provided by other people

What is a Trade Offs?

all collective alternatives

Define Substitute Good.

alternative to another good affects demand

Define Taxes.

amount (more or less) of taxing

What is a free trade agreement?

an agreement that removes trade barriers, such as import tariffs and quotas

Define what the Law of Demand is.

as the price of a good/service increases, consumers' demand for the good/service will decrease, and vice versa

What is a Limited Partnership?

at least one is not active in day to day operations for company/etc

What is not an Economic Goals?


Economic products designed to satisfy people's wants and needs are called _____.

consumer goods

What are the factors that affect Demand?

consumer income, consumer taste, substitute goods, complimentary goods, expectations, # of consumers

The idea that people rule is markets is called _____.

consumer sovereignty

Define Consumer Income.

consumers' income changes demand based on what they buy

What are Price Ceilings?

control how high prices get (ex: rent control in larger cities)

What are Price Floors?

control how low prices get (ex: minimum wage)

What are the factors that affect Supply?

cost of inputs, subsidies, productivity, # of sellers, taxes, technology, expectations, regulations

Does a Horizontal merger increase or decrease competition in the market?


What are some disadvantages of a Corporation?

difficulty of gaining charter, stockholders have little to say, double taxation, government regulation

What are some advantages of a Partnership?

easy to establish, management, taxes, capital raising, more efficient

What are some advantages of a Corporation?

easy to raise capital, hire managers, limited liability, unlimited life

What are some advantages of a Sole Proprietorship?

easy to start up, management, no profit sharing, ease of backing out

The opportunity to choose your occupation is considered a _____.

economic freedom

What is an advantage of a pure market economy?

economic freedom

What is Beyoncé's scarce resource?


The people that manage scarce resources in the FES are _____.


What factors are based in Economic Equity?

equal pay for equal work, 20th century advancement in rights

What are trade-offs?

everything you could be doing with your time

What do Non Profit Organizations do?

help people (schools, churches, hospitals)

What is one disadvantage of the command economy?

fewer choices

Which of these is not a role or government in the FES? a) protector b) regulator c) freedom advocate d) provider

freedom advocate

What are the roles of a Consumer?

freedom to choose goods you want, supply (prices) dependent on your demand, consumer sovereignty (power)

Which phrase defines complementary goods?

goods used in combination with other products

complements (id)

goods used together

Define Regulations.

gov increases or decreases regulations

Define Subsidies.

gov pays you

Who acts as the entrepreneur in a command economy?


What are Private Property Rights?

government doesn't control scare resources

John is a producer in a perfectly competitive market structure. Identify the point where he will set his output.

Indicate the point where a monopoly will set its output.

Identify whether each scenario describes a drawback or an advantage of trade regulation.

The sum of the skills, abilities, and motivation of people is called _____.

human capitol

What do Professional Associations do?

improve work conditions, skill levels, public perception

investing in physical capital

increase in production speed and quality

The drop in value of a certain currency is called _____.


What factors are based in Price Stability?

inflation vs. deflation, competition

Which of the following scenarios would the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration be involved in?

investigating the use of a faulty gearbox in a semitrailer modifying the fuel efficiency standards for new cars

What is good?

items that satisfy human wants and provide utility

Define a Traditional economy.

jobs passed down, not a lot of innovation, not always looking for improvements, usually in underdeveloped countries

What does competition do?

keeps prices down

What are the factors of production? (4)

land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship

What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Non Profit Organization?

limited liability, unlimited life

Which of the following is a characteristic of money?

limited supply

Some of the money that people deposit into a bank eventually becomes an injection into the economy when the bank _____.

makes loans

In a perfect competition, there are ________ buyers and sellers of _________ products, and there is ________ entry and exit in the market.

many, homogeneous, free

An economic system where private citizens control the factors of production is a _____ economy.


Mark wants to sell his condo. Jack and Nick are two prospective buyers. Jack is willing to pay the amount quoted by Mark, while Nick is unable to pay such a high price for the condo. Because Jack is able to pay the asking price, Mark sells his condo to Jack. In which type of economy does this transaction take place?


Define Consumer Taste.

marketing affecting consumers' taste in what they buy

What factors are based in Economic Growth?

new markets, new goods, new production

What is economic growth?

new markets, new goods, new production

Which is not a way to attain economic growth?

new population growth

Define Technology.

new technology, machine, chemical, industrial process

What is opportunity cost?

next best alternative

inelastic demand

non-proportional change in price or demand

What is Inelastic Demand?

non-proportional change in price/demand ratio

Companies under _________ market structures are interdependent. ________ is a secret agreement among companies that may result from this interdependence.

oligopolistic, Collusion

The price of it's next best alternative good is called _____.

opportunity cost

What represents the value of the second-best alternative that person gives up when making a choice?

opportunity cost

Define a Sole Proprietorship.

owned by one person

Define a Partnership.

owned by two or more people

What are some disadvantages of a Partnership?

pay for others mistakes, limited liability for investment

Define what Demand is.

principle that describes a consumer's desire or willingness to pay for a price of a specific good or service

Glen found three brands of earbuds that have the specifications he wants. The three pairs of earbuds looked a bit different from each other, but Glen knew they would perform similarly. Still, each company offered its earbuds at a different price. What economic concept does this situation represent?

product differentiation

Define a Mixed Market.

production is shared between private and public sectors, has factors of other economies mixed in

What is the Law of Supply?

production will increase the more people are willing to pay

The driving force behind the FES is _____.

profit motive

What do Business Associations do?

promote business, better business bureau

What do Labor Organizations do?

promote labor

John owns an apple orchard and makes a living by selling apples. He protects the land with utmost care and takes all the necessary security measures. What motivates John to protect his land? a) family obligations b) government orders c) property rights

property rights

What are the roles of the Government?

protector, provider/consumer, regulator, promoter of goals

Competition does what?

protects goals

The role of the consumer in the FES is to _____.

provide demand

What does a Service do in Cooperatives?

provide service

consumer income (d)

raises, reduction in force (RIF)

A high school has started a community service program, student must participate in volunteer activities, such as helping at an after-school program, visiting residents at a nursing home, and planting trees. The students who logs the most service hours will receive a special designation on their diploma. What incentive did the school offer the students in this case?

recognition at graduation

what describes investing in human capital?

recognizing the need to improve the customer experience by providing education/training/etc to employees

The GDP of a country hasn't improved in the past three years. The central bank decided to take a measure that will increase the amount of money people spend on goods and services. Which step should the central bank take?

reduce interest rates.

Which term is defined as the government setting the maximum amount that a property owner can charge a tenant?

rent control

What is a trade off?

replacing one resource with another resource to satisfy a want

What do Labor Unions do?

represent workers interests, collective bargaining

During wartime, a small country issued certificates to the public to raise money. Each certificate promised to pay the holder a certain amount in silver. After the war was over, the population continued exchanging these certificates instead of converting them to silver. What type of money did this economy use?


Which tax is an indirect tax?

sales tax

The fundamental econ question deals with how societies deal with _____.


What does a Producer do in Cooperatives?

sell products to large buyers

Define a Corporation.

separate legal entity

# of consumers (d)

shifts whole market curve, more sales

How many years has Timothy Kuniskis worked for Dodge?

since 1992 (25 years)

substitute goods (d)

swapping another good for the same utility, butter vs margarine

change in expectations (id)

technology, dvd vs vhs

*Which factor determines who a society will produce goods and services for? a) the economic system in society b) the available resources in the society c) the population of the society

the available resources in the society

What is Marginal Utility?

the benefit gained from consuming one additional unit of a good or service

What is economics?

the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of money

Define Expectations.

the future price of a product

Which phrase describes the income effect?

the impact of price on consumers' purchasing ability and decisions

What is the federal funds rate?

the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans

What is Elasticity?

the responsiveness of a good to change in price or supply

What is eminent domain?

the right of a state or national government to make public use of a private property.

which defines gross domestic product (GDP)?

the total investments made for the manufacture of domestic products and services in one year

What is Supply?

the willingness of producers to make goods

An economic system where the custom dictates he economic and social behavior is a _____ economy.


Which economy has jobs passed down hereditary?


What are some disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship?

unlimited liability, raising capitol, size and efficiency, little experience, employees, limited life

How much enjoyment you get out of a product is described as its _____.


The _____ of a CD player can be expressed in dollars and cents.


The act of buyers and sellers freely conduction business in a market is called a _____

voluntary exchange

What factors are based in Economic Efficiency?

waste hurts you, prevents future use

The government supplies economic security through programs like _____.


What is Economic Freedom?

what to buy and from whom

unit elastic

when a change in price generated a proportional change in demand

What is Unit Elasticity?

when a change in price generates a proportional change in demand

Define Complimentary Good.

when another good compliments the other and are most likely bought together

What is a Surplus?

when product or service's demand does not exceed its supply in a market

What is a Shortage?

when product or service's demand exceeds its supply in a market

What is Market Equilibrium?

where supply and demand are equal, used so we don't waste resources

Define Cost of Inputs.

where the costs of supplies/inputs changes the supply

How many bushels of wheat are wholesalers willing to buy at $18 per bushel?

wholesalers are willing to buy 42 thousand bushels. see screenshot

Define Productivity.

worker or management efficiency changes supply

What is a Profit Motive?

you make your own money by your work, you must improve product to advance

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