EDUC 205

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which one of the following statements is consistent with Hull's notion of how both habit and drive affect performance?

"I won't do it-I don't want to. and I don't know how."

Which one of the following descriptions best illustrates a trait theory of motivation?

"Jane is always putting herself in dangerous situations. Maybe she likes the adrenaline rush that comes with living on the edge."

Three of the following statements are examples of possible advance organizers for a geometry lesson. Which statement is not an advance organizer as the term is typically defined?

"Okay, class, it's time to put your reading assignment away so that we can begin today's geometry lesson."

Sarah needs to learn how to spell 40 words for a spelling test tomorrow. Sarah wants to perform as well as she possibly can on the test. Based on findings from verbal learning research, which one of the following would be the best advice to give Sarah?

"Spell the words until you know them all perfectly, and then continue to practice spelling them several more times."

In a science lesson on heat, Ms. Jones explains that heat is the result of molecules moving back and forth very quickly and that gases are heated more quickly than liquids. The following day, she asks her class the following four questions. Which one is a higher-level question?

"Why is it cooler near the ocean on a hot summer day?"

Which one of the following statements best describes motivation theorists' concept of autonomy?

Believing that you have some choice about what you do

From Maslow's perspective, which one of the following best reflects a deficiency need?

Bill is worried that Mark might beat him up on the way home from school.

Each of the women below is engaging in two activities simultaneously. Considering contemporary views of attention, identify the woman who should have the greatest difficulty doing both things at once.

Brenda is watching the evening news on television while she studies for an exam.

Which one of the following examples best illustrates involvement of a central executive in the human memory system?

Brigette works hard to keep her mind on her textbook as she reads.

Maria moved to this country several months ago. She has been studying English as a second language but still has much to learn about the language of her new homeland. One day her teacher tells the class, "Bring an empty coffee can to school tomorrow for a project we're going to do." Maria hears only two familiar words-"coffee" and "school"- and guesses that her teacher is saying that students should not drink coffee at school. Maria's misinterpretation illustrates which one of the following?

Construction in storage

Which one of the following statements reflects Tolman's notion of purposive behaviorism?

Organisms behave in order to attain particular goals.

Ms. Trinh is about to start a unit on sharks. Some of her students have a strong interest in sharks and know a lot about them. Others know very little about sharks. When Ms. Trinh gives a reading assignment about sharks, she should expect that:

Students with more background knowledge will understand the reading material more readily than their classmates.

Which one of the following is the best example of state anxiety rather than trait anxiety?

Viola becomes nervous when she has to give a presentation in front of her English class. This is the first time she has ever had to do something like this and she doesn't know how well she will do.

Which one of the following is the best example of extrinsic motivation?

Wanting a good grade in your history class.

Which one of the following statements best describes an activation model of memory?

What you are thinking about is activated; other things stored in your memory are in an inactive state.

Which one of the following best illustrates secondary control as a factor that can enhance a person's self of autonomy?

When Donald gets a low score on an exam, he thinks, "I underestimated what it would take to do well in this class. I guess I need to start studying harder."

Which one of the following students is definitely demonstrating automaticity in word recognition?

When Kristen reads, she recognizes words by sight and recalls their meanings instantaneously.

Harry and Sam are both taking French; Harry is also taking German, but Sam is not. Harry and Sam learn these French vocabulary words in their French class: head- la tête eye- l'œil mouth- la bouche The following day, Harry learns these German vocabulary words in his German class: head- der kopf eye- das Huge mouth- der Mund A week later the two boys are given a French vocabulary quiz in which they are asked to give the French words for head, eye, and mouth. Other things being equal, findings from verbal learning research would lead us to predict that:

Due to retroactive inhibition, Harry will get a lower grade on the quiz than Sam.

Vance is quite surprised to hear that his friend Adam had been caught shoplifting, as he has always thought of Adam as someone who is honest, law-abiding, and respectful of others' rights and possessions. "There must be a logical explanation for why Adam was seen shoplifting," Vance thinks to himself, "and I won't rest until I find out what it is." Vance's motivation can best be explained using the concept of:

cognitive dissonance

Randall is trying to remember how to spell the word separate. He retrieves the first three letters (S E P) and the last four (R A T E) and assumes that the fourth letter must be E because he usually pronounces the word like this: "SEP-ER-ATE." Randall's process of remembering how to spell the word (in this case, incorrectly) illustrates the use of:

construction in retrieval

To help herself learn the early explorers of the New World, Jessica makes a chart that lists the Spanish explorers together, the Portuguese explorers together, the French explorers together, and so on. Which one of the following processes is Jessica most clearly demonstrating?

internal organization

John learned the capitals of all 50 US states when he was a child. As an adult, he can no longer recall or recognize any of the 50 state capitals. However, he relearned the capitals faster than Jenny who did not learn the state capitals as a child. John's relearning suggests that the information regarding the state capitals remained in his ____________________________ from the first time he first learned them as a child.

long-term memory

Travis realizes that the year World War II ended-1945-is the same year that his grandfather was born. Which one of the following processes is Travis most clearly demonstrating?

meaningful learning

Whenever Gisela has a fight with her boyfriend, she remembers the times he has treated her poorly. But later. when he sends her a dozen roses to apologize for hurting her, she remembers how thoughtful and caring he can often be. Gisela's change of heart can best be explained using the concept of:

mood-dependent memory

Nicole learns the formula "E = mc2" by repeating it to herself over and over again. Which one of the following processes is Nicole most clearly demonstrating?


During a lecture on World War II, Mr. Cochran tells his class about some of the major leaders of the countries involved in the war. He then asks Kathy to identify the leader of Great Britain during World War II, and she correctly responds, "Winston Churchill." At the time she answers the question, Kathy is exhibiting:


Look at this word: KITE without turning the page try to imagine how the word would look if it were rotated 180°. To perform this task successfully, you would need to make considerable use of that part of your working memory known as the:

visuospatial sketchpad

The textbook distinguishes between teacher-directed and learner-directed forms of instruction. Which one of the following best describes how teachers should view these two approaches?

Either approach can be effectively only to the extent that it promotes effective storage and retrieval processes.

Eloise's history teacher lectures for hours at a time without receiving questions from the class or giving the class a break to speak with each other about the lecture. As a result, Eloise is bored when she is in history class. Given the textbooks' explanation of boredom as it is related to motivation, which of the following is most likely to be true?

Eloise will not pay attention in class and therefore will not benefit from the instruction.

Mr. Rawlings is faculty advisor for the high school service club. He attends every meeting, and he regularly provides the support students need to carry out their activities. During group discussions, however, he typically sits in the back of the room and offers advice only if club members ask for it or if he thinks the club's planned activities are in some way appropriate. In taking this approach, Mr. Rawlings is most likely to:

Enhance club members' sense of autonomy

Mr. Rawlings is faculty advisor for the high school service club. He attends every meeting, and he regularly provides the support students need to carry out their activities. During group discussions, however, he typically sits in the back of the room and offers advice only if club members ask for it or if he thinks the club's planned activities are in some way inappropriate. In taking this approach, Mr. Rawlings is most likely to:

Enhance club members' sense of autonomy

If you were to incorporate Maslow's hierarchy of needs into your teaching practices, you would be most likely to:

Make sure your students feel safe and secure

If you were to incorporate Maslow's hierarchy of needs into your teaching practices, you would be most likely to:

Make sure your students feel safe and secure.

Three of the following teaching strategies should enhance students' sense of autonomy. Which one is unlikely to do so?

Making students well aware that you always know what they're doing and how well they're doing it.

Which one of the following examples best illustrates a problem with prospective memory?

Marcus forgets to keep the appointment he made with his teacher after school.

Three of the following teachers are practicing principles from contemporary memory theory. Which teacher is not?

Mr. Adamson tells his students that, with practice, they will be able to do complicated long division problems in their heads.

Which of the following best illustrates the use of a concept map?

Mr. Alexander puts the word force, gravity, velocity, acceleration, and time on the chalkboard; she then draws lines between pairs of related words and describes the relationships.

Choose the teacher below who is most likely to promote a sense of autonomy in his or her students.

Mr. Andre provides several possible organizational schemes that students can use, if they wish, to organize their oral presentations.

Only one of the following teachers is applying contemporary memory theory. Which one?

Mr. Bancroft helps students identify important ideas in their textbooks.

Of the following four teachers, which one is probably presenting an ambiguous stimulus to students?

Mr. Benedict stares at a student without smiling.

Three of the following teachers are likely to enhance students' motivation to do well in the classroom. Which one is unlikely to do so?

Mr. Brandt is full of surprises; his students never know what he'll ask them to do next.

Which one of the following teachers provides the best example of the halo effect?

Mr. Cordell overrates Cathy's gymnastic skills because she is head cheerleader.

Mr. Lopez, a third-grade teacher, wants to enhance his students' intrinsic motivation to learn classroom subject matter. Three of the following strategies should accomplish this goal. Which one is not likely to enhance students' intrinsic motivation to learn?

Mr. Lopez promises his students that they can have free time at the end of the day if they do well on their spelling tests.

Mr. Lopez, a third-grade teacher, wants to enhance his students' intrinsic motivation to learn classroom subject matter. Three of the following strategies should accomplish this goal. Which one is not likely to enhance students' intrinsic motivation to learn?

Mr. Lopez promises his students that they can have free time at the end of the day if they of well on their spelling tests.

Which of the following teaching strategies is most likely to increase students' sense of autonomy?

Ms. Brown asks her third graders to develop some class rules to ensure that all class members will have a chance to express their ideas openly.

Which one of the following teaching strategies is most likely to increase students' sense of autonomy?

Ms. Brown asks her third graders to develop some class rules to ensure that all class members will have a chance to express their ideas openly.

Which one of the following examples best illustrates the concept of situated motivation?

Last year Ophelia was bored to tears in history class, but this year she loves history because her teacher seems to make the subject come alive.

Julia sees a set of twelve circles arranged like this: o o o o o o o o o o o o Using Gestalt principles, we can predict that Julia will perceive them as:

2 groups of 6 circles each

When psychologists refer to a dual-store model of memory, they are referring to a model in which:

A distinction is made between working and long-term memory.

Which one of the following is the best example of controlled processing?

A teenager learning to drive

Which of the following most clearly illustrates the Gestalt principle of figure-ground?

Aaron is watching the teacher's face so intently that he doesn't notice what she is writing on the chalkboard.

Which of the following situations best illustrates the role of drive reduction in behavior?

After not having had time for either breakfast or lunch, Adam eats three hamburgers and a plateful of french fries for dinner.

Which one of the following situations best illustrates the role of drive reduction in behavior?

After not having had time for either breakfast or lunch, Adam eats three hamburgers and a plateful of french fries for dinner.

Three of the following reflect general dispositions that theorists have described. Which one would not be considered a disposition as psychologists typically use the term?

Anne has been afraid of snakes since she was a toddler.

Which one of the following students is displaying intrinsic motivation?

Annette loves to play the viola and so practices for at least an hour each day.

A teacher tells his class, "for tomorrow's class, read pages 23 to 49 in your geography book." Three of the following students are demonstrating the process of construction in their perceptions of what their teacher has said. Which student is not?

Anthony doesn't hear what the teacher says because his mind is on something else.

Luis suffers from extreme test anxiety. Three of the statements below probably describe Luis. Which one does not?

As he takes a test, he looks closely and carefully at the wording of each test question.

Three of the following behaviors reflect the need for relatedness. Which one does not?

As she studies for a physics exam, Christianne tries to think how she might apply physics in her own life.

Ms. Iwata has a long-term goal for her science students-to consider what they have learned about science as they deal with issues and problems in their daily lives. Which one of the following teaching strategies will best help her students retrieve revenant scientific principles in situations where the principles might be applied?

Associate those principles with as many real-life situations as possible.

Which of the following teaching practices is most consistent with Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Let students release pent-up energy before asking them to watch an educational video.

Which one of the following teaching practices is most consistent with Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Let students release pent-up energy before asking them to watch an educational video.

Based on findings from verbal learning research, which list of 3-letter syllables should be easiest to learn?


Which of the following students is displaying extrinsic motivation?

Caryn wants to become a varsity soccer player so others will admire her.

When memory theorists talk about control processes, they are talking about:

Cognitive processes that affect storage and retrieval of information.

Contemporary information processing theories of learning can best be described as theories that:

Explain how people interpret and remember the events they experience.

Which one of the following is the best example of hot cognition?

Getting excited when you read about a possible cure for Alzheimer's disease

John and Jenny are both taking the same math test on Friday. John studies for 6 hours on Thursday. Jenny studies for 2 hours per day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. According to research consistent with the verbal learning theory, which student should perform better on the math exam and why?

Jenny, because her studying was distribute over time.

As a teacher, you want your students to use effective information processing strategies as they study classroom subject matter. You consider research about the effects of classroom assessment tasks on learning, and you conclude that you should:

Give assessment tasks that require meaningful understanding of the material.

Three of the following testing practices are consistent with the textbook's discussion regarding motivation and classroom assessment practices. Which one is not?

Give students increasingly difficult questions or tasks when they get high scores.

Marc loves playing ping pong. When he plays with a friend, he concentrates intently on the game and tries very hard to win. He experiments with different shots (occasionally losing a game in the process) and eventually perfects a few shots that are extremely difficult for an opponent to return. With this information in mind, which one of the following is most likely to be true about Marc?

He has a high need for achievement.

Tolman was interested in examining the role of expectations in behavior. Which one of the following statements most accurately describes the method he used to study expectations?

He reinforced a response the same way for several trials, then abruptly changed the type or amount of reinforcement.

An eight grader named Marianne consistently refuses to do difficult classroom assignments because she's afraid of failing at them. Which one of the basic needs described in the textbook is Marianne most clearly trying to address?

Her need for competence

Janice finds playing the fiddle to be a wonderful outlet for self-expression. In terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Janice is striving to fulfill:

Her need for self-actualization

Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivation in instructional settings. Which one is false?

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are mutually exclusive: Students who have one are highly unlikely to have the other.

To help herself learn the early explorers of the New World, Jessica makes a chart that lists the Spanish explorers together processing is Jessica most clearly demonstrating?

It reached long-term memory

Susan is introduced to Jerry. She immediately smiles and says, "Hello, Jerry." A minute later, she wants to introduce Jerry to her friend Mary, but she cannot remember his name. Based on this information, how far in Susan's memory system did Jerry's name get?

It reached working memory

Which one of the following students exhibits a self-conscious emotion?

Jacob feels ashamed that he missed an easy field goal during a soccer game.

Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about how people perceive the world around them?

People often fill in the information that they do not actually sense.

Frank sees an egg-shaped ball that he later "remembers" as being perfectly round. Frank's mistaken recollection is an example of the Gestalt principle of:


At try-outs for the school musical production, Trudy would like to gain the leading role, but she knows that several other girls are trying out the same role. Trudy instead auditions for the chorus, confident that she can make it without any difficulty. With this information in mind, which one of the following is most likely to be true about Trudy?

She has a high motive to avoid failure and a low motive for success.

While working on a series of math problems, Kate stops after each problem to ask her teacher, "Dis I do this right?" or "Is this one OK?" With this information in mind, which one of the following is most likely to be true about Kate?

She has a high need for approval.

Kiki is confident that she'll do well in the advanced math course she is taking this year. Given this information, which of the following is most likely to be true about kiki?

She will be intrinsically motivated to learn the new ideas and procedures presented in the class.

Karin and her mother live on welfare in a poor, inner-city neighborhood in Detroit. Karin is quite bright and highly motivated, and she really wants to get a college education. However, she knows that, on average, students from low-income homes perform more poorly on the SAT tests than students from wealthier homes. When she takes the SAT, she is so nervous that she has trouble concentrating on the test items, and as result her scores are lower than they should be. Which of the following concepts best explains what has happened to Karin?

Stereotype threat

Three of the following are potential disadvantages of a cooperative learning activity. Which one has not been identified as a disadvantage?

Students generally have lower self-efficacy when they study with peers rather than alone.

Which of the following teaching strategies, while possibly beneficial in other ways, is least likely to foster productive dispositions in students?

Teaching students a particular algorithm to follow in solving math problems

Three of the following statements are accurate descriptions of long-term memory. Which one is not necessarily accurate?

The more information it contains, the less room it has for new material.

Which one of the following is least likely to be a good predictor of how well a person will remember a piece of information a year or two after learning it?

The speed with which the person learned it in the first place

Generally speaking, elaboration helps students learn new information. An exceptions to this rule is when students elaborate on this information:

Using previously stored erroneous information

With the textbook's discussion of arousal and anxiety in mind, identify the best approach to taking a challenging exam.

Worry a little bit about the exam, but not too much.

The textbook distinguishes between a challenge and a threat. Which one of the following is most likely to be a threat rather than a challenge?

You are required to take a college course in nuclear physics, even though you failed basic physics in high school.

You know what a computer is, and you also know how to send an email message using a computer. The difference between these two kinds of knowledge can be characterized as a difference between:

declarative vs. procedural knowledge

You know what a computer is, and you also know how to send an email message using a computer. The difference between these two kinds of knowledge can best be characterized as a difference between:

declarative vs. procedural knowledge

Albert grew up in Germany but now lives in England. He recalls more about his childhood in Germany when he's speaking in Germany than when he's speaking in English. Which one of the following concepts best explains this fact?

encoding specificity

Occasional review of previously learned material helps our memory for that material by:

increasing associations with other things we know

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