Electrical principles

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Free electrons is the result of a difference in positive and negative charged between atoms, this difference cause a free electrons to jump from one atom and enter the orbits of a adjacent atom, this extra electron will upset the Ballance of forces in the adjacent atom (adjacent atoms become negative charged). electron will be force to jump out of orbits in that atom and enter the orbits in another atom in the conductor. this cause chain reaction, and free electrons will continue to jump from atom to atom throughout the circuit.


Particles with no positive or negative charge, but still have Mass and occupy space in the nucleus.


Branch of physical that deals with the interaction of electricity and magnetic electricity can be used to produce magnetism, and magnetic fields can be used to produce electricity, when electricity touch a wire, a magnetic field sets up around the wire, the magnetic field weak, but it can be detected with electronic test equipment., place cardboard around the wire and then sprinkling iron powder on the carboard, it will set up right Ables to the wire.

Control valve

Comparable to an electric switch or a variable resistor, both the valve and the switch or variable resistor control flow through the circuit, if the valve (switch) is closed, the flow stops and the circuit will not function.

Electrical device

Conventional component that use electricity to do work, such as an electric motor, a mechanical switch, relay, solenoid, lightbulb etc. while these device that were use prior to the invention of the transistor, computer and electronics industry.


It used the electrical energy such as a lightbulb or an electricmotor.

Electronic device

More modern solid state component that does not use moving parts for operation, example, include diodes, transistors, sensors and computers, electronic devices normally operates off of low voltage (one bolt or less) and alter current flow during operation. produce movement of parts, as well as magnetism, magnetism use inside electric motors , relays, solenoids and other etetric devices to cause motion and to do work.


Negative charged patical that circulate that the circle in specific orbits around the center or nucleus of the atom.


Positively charged particles are located in the nucleus of the atom.


Process of creating electricity in a wire by passing the wire through a magnetic field. electricity can also be induced on a wire if the wire is near an expanding and collapsing magnetic field, the magnefield acts on the free electronics in the wire to produce electricity, the principle of electrical induction is used in altinator, inductive meters and other electrical-electronic components.


Produce and use of electrical energy for the purpose of this text, an atomic force that can attract or repel (iron containing) substances through space, air or solid matter.


To fully grasp the concept of electricity, out must first have a basic understanding of atoms and the atomic structure of matter, it's anything in the universe that occupied space and has Mass weight, matter can be a solid, liquid or a gas.

Relationship of voltage, current and resistance

Two containers connected with a piece of tubing, fill one container with water and leave the other container empty, water flows through the tube to equalize the amount of water in the two containers, this is similar to the electrical action of charges in atom trying to balance out in a circuit. The different between the weight of the water in the two containers represent voltages or the pressure trying to balance out the forces, the flow through the tube represent current the diameter of the tubing represent the resistance that controls the amount of flow, and electric circuit can be thriought of in the same way.

Hydraulic circuit

Used to demonstrate the action in an electric circuit, the hydraulic pump is comparable to the battery, it produce the pressure for circuit operation, the hydraulic hose represent the conductor or wires in the circuit, they allow flow between the power source and the load device, the hydraulic ram is comparable to an electric load (lightbulb).


Voltage is measured by it and is represent in formulas and diagram by the letters very or e , increasing voltages increase current because more free electrons flow through the circuit, reduce voltages reduce current. circuit containing a lightbulb, higher voltages force more free electrons through the bulb filament and the bulb glowed more brightly, lower voltage appplied, the build don't flow as brightly,

Function of electricity

they're produce light, heat and motion, they can be sent through a lightbulb, the filament in the bulb heats up and flow white hot, producing light. when free electrons flow through a conductor with high resistance, such as a filament in an incandescent lightbulb an electrical friction result, just as a rubbing your hands together produce heat, the electrons rubbing against the atoms in the filament produce heat, this is why incandescent lightbulbs grow warm when they are lit.


when several electricity carrying wires are place next to each other, and iron core through the coils of wire strenght a the magnetic field further, creating it (electrically energized magnet) used numerous electric components.

Permanent magnet

it has North (positive) and South (negative) poles, an invisible magnetic field or flux, exists between the poles of a magnets , it causes by the movement of electrons and can be use to act on ferrous (iron) substances, even through the magnet is not in direct contact with the ferrous object, it's magnetic field can affect the object. when iron magntized, the molecules in the iron are aligned to aligned to produce North and South poles, develop around the magnet,

Conventional current theory

it's a current through a circuit can be explained by two different theory, says that electron flow through a circuit from positive to negative, electrons leave the positive terminal of the battery, flow through the circuit, and then re-enter the battery through the negative terminal.

Like and unlike charges

likes charge rebel each other, unlike charges attract each other, try to touch the South poles (like charges) of two magnets together, the two magnets repel each other, if you push them together on a tabletop, they actually slide apart, on the other hand if you place a North pole and a South pole (unlike charges) near each other, they will attract , magnetic force pulls them together with considerable force.

Mechanical vs electrical

newer automobiles, electrical device have replace many mechanical devices, electrical devices can do the job of mechanical devices more quickly and efficintly, with electronic the car can be designed for higher fuel economy and higher performance but with fewer toxic emission, the vehicle can be made to be lighter, ride more smoothly, stop more quickly, and provide more comfort and convenience for it's driver and passegers, modern vehicles have an advantage computer system that will detect and identify hundreds of problem so they can be repaired quickly and easily.


the curve illustrate how voltage in an AC circuit chenges over time, the voltages beginning at zero and then increase to the first peak, the voltage the decrease returning to zero and continuing to decrease to the negative peak, the voltage then increase back to zero and the process repeats together one complete positive curves and one complete negative curve from one cycle.


the electrical force or pressure that pushes free electrons and causes current, it is also known as electromotive force (emf) or protential difference and refers to how voltages has the power or force to cause electron movement through a conductor.


the opposition to free electrons flows, it's used to limit or control current, measure in ofms Ω, resistance is designed into all electric circuits, the load lightbulb has an internal resistance that use the energy of the current, it represent in formulas and diagrams by the letter R. water valve on a garden hose, if the valve is open fully, the resistance is low and flow is high.

Current or amperage

the rate electron flow in a circuits, mean flow of electron in a circuits, measure in electrical units called amperes commonly shortened to amps, and is the result of voltage in a complete circuit, current is represented in formulas and diagrams by the letter /. current exist in a circuit, there must be power source, complete conducting path and load, of the path not complete, there will be no current.

All electric circuits

they have three fundamental properties, voltage (electrical pressure) current (rate of electron flow) and resistance (opposite to current) these three properties are interrelated the value of each property depends on the value of the other, a house garden hose demonstrates the principles of voltage (water pressure) current (water flow) and resistance (water valve restriction).

Direct Current (DC)

Electrons flow in alternating directions, this mean that electrons flow in one direction, reverse and then flow in the opposite direction, the polarity (positive or negative state ) of accycles back and forth in the circuit, most automotive circuits don't use ac, however a charging system alternator produces an internal ac that is rectified (chaanged back into dc) before leaving the alternator, some computer system sensors also produce an AC output.

Electron flow theory

Electrons leave the negative terminal of the battery, flow through the circuit and then re-enter the positive terminal, the electron flow theory is just the opposite of the conventiona;l current theory, actually the electron flow theory is the most accurate, electrons are naturally attracted to the positive terminal, however it is more convenient to use the conventional current theory I automotive work, therefore conventional current theory is used in all chapter that describe current, except when discuss semiconductor components,

Negative and positive charge

Excess electrons on one end and excess protons on the other end, electrical flow, or discharge will result, electrical discharge is the flow of electrons through the atoms in a solid, gas or liquid, the electron will flow through the wire to balance out the atomic forces.


Group of one type of atom, hydrogen is the simplest element in the universe and it contains atoms of hydrogen only, there are over 100 elements in nature they combine to form all types of matter, the periodic table of element lists all known elements or atom types.


Group of two or more atoms joined together, water (H2O) is a molecules because it contained three atoms, each water molecules has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, hence H2O.

Power supply

Source of electrical energy, such as battery or an engine driven generator.


Substance (element or alloy) that can carry electrical current through a circuit (wires, metal frame of vehicle, engine block etc.


Substance composed of molecules containing two or more elements,


Substance that allow the flow of free electrons, metal wires make good conductors because metals (gold, silver, copper, aluminum, iron, etc) have unstable atoms that allow electrical flow from one point to another, gold is the best conductor of all the elements.


Substance that resists or stop the flow of electrons, the atoms in it are very stable and do not allow easy electron movement, for instance, it on wires is design to prevent electron flow out of the center conductor of the wire, example it including air, glass, plastic, rubber and porcelain.

Some wave, frequency or Hertz

The curve that represent alternating current in a base circuit is a some wave, note that the amplitude (height) and frequency of the wave are constantly frequency is the number of cycles persecond or Hertz (hz).


all matter is made upon of atom, it's a microscopic particle that cannot be broken into smaller pieces without losing its properties , this book, air the sun and even your body are made of atoms, it too small to be seen without a highly specialized electron microscope.

Free electrons

an atoms has a balance of force, the number of electrons circling the center of the atom equal the number of protons in the nucleus, this makes the atom stable, however it is possible for atoms to have extra electrons in their outer orbits, free electrons can be easily dislodged from one atom and made to jump to a neighboring atom.

Electric circuit

consists of the basic component needed to utilize electrical energy, power supply, load and conductor, the battery (power supply) or engine driven generator (alternator) applied electrical voltage (volts) into the wire (conductor), electric current (amps) flows through the wire and lightbulb filament (load), the filament heats up and emmits light, electric current continues through the wire and electrons return to the battery through the return conductor or frame ground this simple circuit can be expand to make much more complex electric circuits but all circuits operate on this basic principles .

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