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(adj.)inflicting(v. 施以, 科以, 加害) or intended to inflict punishment. The victorious countries of World War I imposed(v. 征; 把...强加于; 加于; 利用; 施影响; 欺骗) punitive fines on Germany,breeding a resentment(n. 愤慨, 怨恨, 忿怒) that would be one of the causes of World W II.


(adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style Cicero was renowned(adj. 有名的, 有声誉的) for his sonorous orations(n. 演说, 叙述法, 致辞), and impressed his listeners as much by the sound of the words he spoke as their content.


(adj.) having or covered with hair Hirsute since his early teens, Jim often liked to joke that he was pre-adapted in case of a sudden onset (n. 攻击, 肇端, 进攻)of glaciers.


(adj.)lasting through the years The perennial struggle in western philosophy is one between the theorists, represented by Plato,and the empiricists(n. 观察实验者; 经验主义者; 单凭经验的人; 经验论者), represented by Aristotle.


(adj.)legally obligated; likely (W/reference to an unfavorable outcome) As Thomas Paine said so memorably, <The more simple anything is , the less liable it si to be disordered>


(adj.)loud and harsh The peaceful summer evening was shattered(adj. 震惊的; 极度疲劳的, 非常虚弱的; 心烦意乱的) by the raucous sound of Aunt Emily's beat up old Chevy.


(adj.)showing too great a willingness to serve or obey. After Julia become a star, she began to weary(v. 使疲倦, 使厌烦; 疲乏, 不耐烦, 生厌adj. 疲倦的, 厌倦的, 萎靡的) of the obsequious flattery that she received from people who were only trying to take advantage of her.


(adj.)tending to believe too easily My uncle is too credulous to be entrusted with the management of his wife's business; he's fall for every con artist to come along. n.credulity


(adj.)uncultured;crude(adj. 天然的, 粗糙的, 未成熟的) <Don't you think,>his mother asked, <it is time for you to find some friends who are a little more refined and less uncouth?>


(n) speech of praise or written work of praise, esp. a speech given at a funeral The pastor(n. 牧师)'s eulogy for the dead woman praised her many kindnesses, but her widower(a man whose wife has died and who has not married again) thought the speech failed to capture her charm, horror, and playfulness.


(n)An equal in age or position To keep his students from gaining any unfair advantage, the law professor asked that they request help inly from a peer in the same first-year class.


(n,)maximum; the highest point The cafeteria food fight reached its zenith when someone dumped a whole tray of baked beans over the principle's head.


(n.) A pleasure seeker Matt was no hedonist to disapprove if acts that he believed represented sensual self-indulgence.


A traditional ploy of con artists is to win trust by appearing in the guise of a friend. N,external appearance,esp.a false on .


A trail of jetsam,signs of the crew's vain effort to lighten the ship,led the salvage team to the sunken wreck. N,cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress;discarded material washed ashore.


According to a formal treaty, Charlemagne's huge empire was split among his heirs , who divided their patrimony(n. 继承的遗产; 教会的财产; 祖产; 继承之事物) three ways.N .Property inherited form one's father or other ancestor


Although in theory Communism sought to abolish the hero-worship of individuals,in practice the Soviet Union exalted its leaders. Adj,exalted. V,to raise in status or character;to increase the effect or intensity of .


Although it was not the teacher's intent to perplex her students,she presented a serious of complicated ideas fo rapidly that the entire class was lost. N,perplexity. V,to puzzle,confuse,or bewilder


Although my sister has been seriously ill,her prognosis is good,and her doctors expect she will soon be out of the hospital. N,the anticipated progress of recovery.


Although no one doubted the negotiators would eventually agree,announcing the terms of the agreement at this juncture was premature. N,a point of time;a concurrence of events.


Although she claimed she had no doubts about marrying me,I could hear the ambivalence in her voice. Adj,ambivalent. N,simultaneous existence of opposing feelings;uncertainly as to what to do.


Although she loved her new husband dearly,she found his kin to be intolerable. N,kinship. N,one's relative


Although the prosecutor had her suspicious,she could not charge the man with the crime in the absence of any tangible evidence. Adj,able to be touched or treated as real


Although the soldier at first did not notice he had been struck,the wound(n. 创伤, 伤疤, 伤口) proved to be a mortal one ,and he died within the hour. Adj,subject to death;causing death.


Americans tend to be profligate consumers of natural resources and will often throw away things that can readily be reused. Adj,immorally wasteful


An astute tenant will read the fine the print on a lease before signing it to avoid being surprised by unreasonable conditions. Adj,showing clever awareness,esp.with respect to one's own concerns


After torrential rains and wind,the sudden calm lulled people into thinking that the storm was over,but in fact they were only in the eye of the hurricane,and the wind and rain soon began again,stronger than ever. V.to soother or calm;to deceive into trustfulness


After writing for many years in great obscurity,O'Brien finally began to receive both critical accolades and popular recognition. N,an award or honor;a sign of great respect.


After years as one of the best sprinters,Janelle announced that she was contemplating retirement form competition and a possible career in broadcasting. N.contemplation;adj,contemplative v.to look at or think about carefully;to consider as a possibility.


After years living near a garbage dump,Jessie had become inured to the odor. V,to make used to something unpleasant(such as hardship,pain,etc.)


After years of being subservient to her demanding boss,Michico finally mustered up the resolve to quit and start her own company. Adj,subordinate in function;obsequious(adj. 谄媚的, 顺从的, 奉承的).


After years of living in a polluted northern city,the Harrisons retired to Florida, seeking a more salutary climate. Adj,beneficial;favorable to health.


After years of thrift,Helen finally saved enough money to take the round-the-world trip she had long dreamed of. Adj,thrifty. N,care in managing money or other resources


After your triple bypass surgery,you'll have to convalesce for about a month before returning to work. Adj,convalescent. V,to recover from illness;to recuperate.


Albert Einstein claimed to find a mystical beauty in the laws of nature,seeing the hand of god in the equations of physic. Adj,having a spiritual sense or importance tabloid newspapers. N,a basis or principle item; esp. Of food; adj principle.


Alex likes to tantalize my dog by baiting(n. 饵v. 以饵引诱, 欺负; 中途休息) him with a porterhouse steak and then yanking(n. 猛拉v. 猛拉) it away at the last minute. Adj,tantalizing. V,to torment or tease by showing something desirable while keeping it out of reach


Alicia's parents feared she was absolutely incorrigible when she was a teenager, but once she married and had her own children she settled down.Adj .Unable to be corrected or reformed


Computers are making hard-bound thesauruses obsolescent;it's easy to imagine a time when they'll be discarded altogether. N,obsolescence. Adj,becoming out-of-date;going out of use.


Concern with details is important to scholarship,but he spends so much time worrying over trifles that he seems pedantic. Adj,trifling. N,something that lacks signification or worth


Concerned that the local public schools were too easy on their students,parents demanded teachers who used more rigor in their approach. Adj,rigorous. N,strictness or severity.


(adj.) incapable of being overcome,impossible to be overcome. Although current technology limits electric vehicles to traveling relatively short distances, the problems are not insuperable, and in the future electric cars will likely have a range equivalent to that of gasoline-powered vehicles.


(adj.) incapable of being solved or untangled(v. 解开纠结, 排解, 解开) Just when the sitcom(n. 情境喜剧) star's problems seem completely inextricable, she finds a way out of them.


(adj.) living together in a herd or group; sociable, seeking the company of others Since human beings are by nature gregarious animals, solitary confinement has always been considered a severe punishment.


(adj.) not regular or consistent; different from what is ordinarily expected; undependable Hopelessly lost,she steered(v. 掌舵, 驾驶; 带领; 指导; 操纵; 驾驶, 掌舵;) an erratic course through the one-way streets and dead ends of the downtown district.


(adj.) performing acts of kindness or charity; conferring benefits, doing good Truly a beneficent soul, Michelle would never think of refusing a request for help. n.beneficence


(adj.) pleasing and simple After moving to downtown and having to deal with the bustle of the big city, Lorraine yearned for the idyllic life she had had in the writers'commune only a year before.


(adj.) sharp and irritating to the senses Just walk inside the doors of the restaurant The Stinking Rose, and you will smell the pungent aroma of garlic(n. 大蒜; 蒜头).


(adj.) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period; prehistoric He hoped his father's antediluvian attitudes about the role of women wouldn't insult his new bride.


(adj.) willing to obey without resistance;docile Determined to prevent the formation of unions the company replaced troublemakers with more submissive people from the masses if the unemployed.


(adj.)Careful about what one says or does; prudent I tried to look interested, but i was bored to tears; at every opportunity i took a discreet glance at my watch to see how much longer i'd have to listen to him.


(adj.)Causing shock or horror, (adj.) horrible, revolting(adj. 背叛的, 讨厌的, 叛乱的 ), ghastly(adj. 可怕的, 惨白的, 惊人的);frightful and shocking Piers was very squeamish(adj. 过于拘谨的, 神经质的, 洁癖的)about watching horror movies;even a little bloodshed made the movie too gruesome for him to watch.

prostrate (v. 弄倒, 使俯伏, 使屈服adj. 拜倒的, 伏地的, 降伏的)

(adj.)Lying face down, esp . as a sign of humility or worship; physically or emotional exhausted. St. Francis was renowned for praying for hours lying prostrate on the hard, cold floor of the church. n.prostration.


(adj.)Relating to the sense of smell The cold left him stuffy and depleted his olfactory sense so that he could smell only the strongest odors


(adj.)Supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about Altough violent protest may attract media attenton,it is rarely conducive to a settlement,as the targets of the protest only tend to become more stubborn.


(adj.)about to happen After two years of poor harvests left the country with little food, relief(n. 减轻, 安慰, 救济) agencies began to import supplies to avert(v. 移开, 避开; 挡开; 避免, 防止) impending starvation .


(adj.)absurd;ridiculous;senseless;irrational.(adj. 前后颠倒的, 荒谬的, 不合理的) Thad constantly annoyed his friends with his preposterous get-rich-quick scheme.

vigilant(adj. 警醒的, 警惕的, 警戒着的)

(adj.)alert and watchful,esp.for what is dangerous It looks as though the crisis has passed ,but officials will not doubt remain vigilant for the next few days. n.vigilance


(adj.)creating conflict In an effort to reach a peace accord among the warring parties ,the negotiators crafted a vaguely worded declaration of principles, deliberately postponing(v. 推迟, 延迟, 使延期) consideration of more divisive issues until a later time.


(adj.)done with little or no preparation Since Helen did not expect to win an award, she had not prepared a speech and was forced to make a few extemporaneous remarks.


(adj.)easily excused or forgiven The government of Singapore is notorious for prosecuting(v. 对...起诉; 依法进行; 告发; 彻底进行; 告发, 作检察官, 起诉) venial transgression (n. 违反; 违法, 罪过)like gum chewing or cursing(n. 诅咒; 祸根; 咒语 ) that elsewhere would be considered too trivial to punish.


(adj.)elaborately detailed Although the table is very attractive, it's obviously a reproduction because it lacks the intricate carving that an original of this style would have.


(adj.)excessively sentimental (adj. 感伤性的, 感情脆弱的) Some people in the audience liked the love song, but almost everyone giggled(v. 咯咯地笑; 傻笑; 咯咯地笑着说) at the maudlin slide show that accompanied it.


(adj.)existing in one from birth; inborn; native She perfected her innate talent for recognizing beauty by attending art school for many years.


Conservation Republicans have proposed a flat tax to simplify our country's byzantine tax code. Adj.highly complicated or intricate;characterized by devious(adj. 迂回的, 弯曲的; 步入歧途的; 离开正道的; 不光明正大的) plotting(n. 小块土地, 图, 地区图 v. 划分, 密谋, 绘图; 密谋; 策划)


Every Monday morning the class is unusually lethargic,as most students have spent their weekends playing and have not gotten enough sleep. N.lethargy. Adj,dull;sluggish;moving slowly.


Every day,Toni pores over the Wall Street Journal,searching for investment information. V,to read or study carefully


Everyone in the stands lunged for the ball at once,and right after one fan grabbed it out of the hands of another,a full-blown melee erupted. N,a noisy,confused fight.


Except for the precise details about their deaths,the obituaries of famous people are generally written in advance,so they can quickly be printed in case of their sudden demise(n. 死亡; 转让; 终止; 遗赠). N,a newspaper account of a person's death usually including biographical information.


Few people are averse to the idea of making tons of money;it's the hard work the way that turns them off. Adj,opposed,reluctant(adj. 不情愿的, 厌恶的, 勉强的),repelled(v. 击退; 拒绝; 驱除; 排斥; 使人厌恶, 使人反感; 抵抗; 相互排斥).


For fear the loss of climate control might harm these rare books,not even scholars are permitted to take them from their repository. N,a place where things are kept for safekeeping.


For five mouths in the fall and winter of 1942,the beleaguered city of Stalingrad held out against a ferocious German onset,a battle that cost the lives of 1.5million soldiers. V,beleaguer. Adj,harassed(v. 使烦恼, 烦扰; 不断骚扰);besieged(v. 围攻; 包围, 围住; 围困; 烦扰, 困扰).


For several minutes after his aids declared the press conference over,reporters continued to nag the president with provocative questions. V,provoke. Adj,tending to stimulate by making one interested or angry


For years,first on radio and later on television,the weekly exploits of the Lone Ranger fascinated the listening and viewing audiences. N,a bold or daring act


Forces to deal with a stern matriarch while she was growing up,Lisa vowed to be a more indulgent mother herself and let her husband be the mean one. N .a woman who rules a family or clan;highly respected woman who id a mother


Frank would have gotten away with his life,but then he proceeded to embellish his story with so many implausible details that it became completely unbelievable. V,to decorate;to add ornamental or fictitious<adj. 假想的; 虚伪的; 编造的> details to


Gwen invited everyone she could think of to come to the fete she was throwing for her grandfather to commemorate his retirement. N,lavish entertainment;a festival


Gwen is pretty opinionated;only those who've know her a long time can wield any influence over her decisions. V,to handle(for example a tool);to exert (for example power)


He succeeded in flattering her with his constant compliments,but she was also abashed to receive such attention. To embarrass.


He will want to ruminate on his response for a few hours before giving you a direct answer. Adj, ruminative. V,to ponder(v. 仔细考虑; 反思, 回想; 衡量; 沉思, 默想; 仔细考虑) at length


He's been insisting he's innocent since the day they locked him up,but a preponderance of the evidence says he's guilty. Adj,preponderant. N,superiority in weight,force,importance or influence


Health clubs can thrive only in those economies where most workers lead sedentary lives. Adj,sitting down most of the time .


Helen's parents deprecated her desire to become a fashion designer,claiming that it was a field for those who lacked intelligence. N,deprecation. V,to express disapproval of


Her employer offered to defray the costs of her postgraduate education. V.provide for the payment of


Her parents were so relieved when she broken up with that boorish lout that they bought her a car. N,an awkward,stupid person.


Herbert became the laughingstock of his school when he showed up for the first day of classes wearing a bright red bow tie. N,a person or thing that is the object of laughter.


It was impossible just to repair the faulty part since the flaw was inherent in its very design. Adj,included as an essential part;intrinsic.


It was odd,after walking through such an imposing building,to discover that the wizard was just an old guy behind a curtain. Adj,impressive by virtue of size,power,or manner.


It was still too out to till the land,so the farmer's family slept in. V,to prepare the soil for planting.


It's a customary strategy for the sponsors of an unpopular bill to yoke their initiative to one more likely to pass the Congress. V .to join together;to unite closely


It's a that just as the actor begins trying to move beyond his standard roles,critics maligned him for showing too much ambition. V,to talk badly of something or someone;adj,harmful.


It's all to common for students to procrastinate when they are given a writing assignment,only starting to work on it the night before it is due.v to delay;to put off (v. 延迟; 耽搁)


It's always much easier to decide what we should have done in retrospect than it is to predict what to do ahead of time. Adj,retrospective. N,the consideration of past events


It's easy to do the right thing when self-interest and moral principles coincide, but fewer people have the courage to be ethical when it involves some sacrifice.


It's somewhat discovering to find litter in the middle of a forest that is supposed to be a pristine and protected reserve. Adj,remaining in a pure state.


It's the stage manager's job to orchestrate all the complex activities of stage hands and ensure that actors are in the appropriate place at the right time. V,to arrange so as to achieve a desired effect.


Jackie was too reserved ever to enjoy spending a night out at some loud party with lots of people.Adj .Self-restrained and withdrawn in speech and manner.


Jackson drank bottle of Pepto Bismol to alleviate his heartburn but finally had to go to the doctor for treatment of the underlying cause. V,to reduce pain,esp. Temporarily or without removing its cause.


Jake is an avid sports fan and spends hours poring over the sports pages memorizing the statistics of his favorite players. N, avidity. Adj,having a passionate desire


James was peaceful and content until the teacher interrupted his reverie about the girl sitting next to him to ask a question. N,daydream.


Jan goaded Marsha into attacking her by making fun of her braces. V.to prod or urge;as if with a pointed stick; n.a long stick used to prod animals;something used to urge on(n. 刺棒; 刺激物; 激励物 v. 刺激; 唆使; 驱使; 驱赶)


Janet always used to stutter as a young girl, so we were both surprised and impressed by how articulate she was in delivering the valedictory address. Adj,able to express oneself clearly and effectively.


Kelvin's habit of disparaging his friends behind their backs soon let to his having many fewer friends. V,to speak in disapproving or slighting manner;to belittle.


Kendra's job pays a negligible salary but has very good fringe benefits. Adj,of little value or importance


Kicking up the silt would have made the water too turbid for easy fishing,so the bear stayed on the shore. N,turbidity. Adj,cloudy,muddy,in a state of turmoil


Marilyn impressed all of us with her insoucicant attitude,even though we knew she was under a tremendous(adj. 巨大的, 可怕的, 非常的) amount of pressure at work. N,insouciance(n. 漫不经心; 无忧无虑). Adj,calm and untroubled;carefree;indifference.


Nearly any mineral-based substance can become incandescent if you apply enough heat. N,incandescence. Adj,shining;glowing form within.


Negotiating with mobsters is a task fraught with high risk,but it sure is exciting. Adj,full of a particular quality


Some small nations,unable to fight their larger and more powerful enemies directly,have used terrorism as an adjunct to diplomacy. N,something attracted to another in a subordinate position.


Spontaneous combustion,at least in theory,happens when someone simply bursts into flames with no external cause,but there is virtually no evidence that this phenomenon has ever actually occurred. N,spontaneity. Adj,occurring naturally or without forethought.


Suspicious of the government has caused many people to embrace wildly implausible conspiracy theories. V,to hold or enclose,as with one's arms;to include as part of something larger.


Taking calculated risks is quite different from being rash. Adj.showing boldness or haste without judgment.


Tammy's last boyfriend was boor,so now that she is single again,she is looking for someone more refined. Adj,boorish. N,someone who is impolite and rude.


Television advertising relies less on detailed persuasion than it does on nebulous promises of glamour and happiness. Adj,unclear;vague


Television producers will continue to create mediocre programs as long as their audiences show no ability to discern quality shows form inferior ones. V,to perceive and understand so as to make distinctions


Ten years after first starring in the play ,the actor reprised the role that made him famous. N,a recurrence or resumption of an action ;v, to repeat


Thanks to her great stature in the field,every word she write is carefully examined by her peers. N,height of a person or animal in an upright position;level of achievement.


That TV show relies on ludicrous parodies of well-know people to get its laughs. Adj,ridiculous or exaggerated as to cause or deserve laughter;absurd.


That fraternity had a reputation for throwing parties that were rowdy,bacchanalian,and indecent. N,bacchanalia. Adj,characterized by riotous,drunken partying


The Civil War was one of the first to be recorded by professional photographers,of whom Matthew Brady was the most prominent. Adj,noticeable;widely known


The DNA evidence proved conclusive and convinced the jury to convict defendant. V,conclude. Adj,serving to settle a matter or put an end to doubt.


The Domino's uniform was just a ruse by thief to get past the guard;inside the cardboard box were his safe-cracking tools. N,an action or device intended to deceive


The French teacher praised Mark's pronunciation as exemplary, a compliment which only earned Mark dirty looks form his less talented classmates. V,exemplify. Adj,worthy to serve as a model


The travelers found the dry sand made walking difficult;it seemed they would trudge for hours and make only slight progress. V,to walk in a heavy-footed way


The truant officer came to the parent's house to tell them that their errant children had been caught playing hooky. Adj,wandering outside of established limits;straying.


The truck driver was accused of gross negligence for leaving the truck unlocked with the keys in the ignition while he ate at the diner and for failing to report the theft of the truck for two days after. Adj,total,entire,glaringly obvious,flagrant.


The unification of relativity and quantum physics is the desideratum of nearly every astronomer or physic. N,something needed and wanted


The utopia envisioned in your proposal sounds undeniably attractive,but few believe we'll ever attain it. Adj, utopian. N, an ideally perfect place.


The vacation brochure promises to take us to exotic locations and away form ous humdrum lives. Adj,dull;routine;commonplace.


There is in the writings of some early Christian writes a deep strain of misogyny,a conviction that women are inherently bad. N,misogynist. Adj,misogynistic. N,hatred of women


This latest CD will reassure those who liked the artist's material to begin with ,but will only further confound those who never understood it in the first place. V,to mix up or lump together indiscriminately;to confuse;


This ordinary and tasteful example was early intended to offset the impact of his offensive earlier work. V,to balance or counteract


This part of the city is worth avoiding,since it's crowed with dregs of society.


Though it was imported from Europe and Asia, the horse is associated so much with cowboys and Indians that people thinks it's endemic to North American. Adj,native to a particular country.


Though not necessarily the most glamorous form of archeology,sifting through the refuse of a society is a powerful way of learning about that society since a people's waste says a lot about everyday life. N,garbage.


Though some professors expected students to soak up their every word,Rebecca preferred her students to challenge her and maybe even be a bit contentious. Adj,always ready to argue;quarrelsome.adj. 喜欢吵架的, 怒气冲冲的, 好争论的


Three and half hours into the all-you-can-eat buffet,my waitress gave me an incredulous stare when I insisted I wanted a fresh plate. N,incredulity. Adj,disbelieving;skeptical.


They say that no matter how fun it is to stand in a classroom and teach,preparing the lesson plans will always remain tedious. N,tedium. Adj,boring; tiresome;monotonous


They were able to bring the astronauts back to earth with an ingenious series of makeshift solutions to each problem that came up. N,ingenuity. Adj,inventive,cunning,clever.


To be statistically accurate,a survey must encompass a broad cross-section of the entire populace. V,to surround;to include


To help make the introduction of its new product a success,the company will deploy its sales forces to all the major department stores in advance. N,deployment. V,to station or assemble troops or forces in position


To keep the ship from sinking from a single tear in the hull,its underside has been divided into hundreds of discrete chambers,ensuring that most of it will buoyant(adj. 有浮力的, 心情愉快的). Adj,individually distinct or separate.


To premeditate a crime will always incur a harsher penalty than to commit one on the spur of the moment. Adj.premeditated v.to thinking out;plan,or scheme beforehand(v. 预先考虑; 预谋)


Volunteering to be the next president of the club seemed like the natural thing to do at the time ,but in hindsight,I guess it was pretty presumptuous. N,presumption. Adj,excessively forward or overconfident.


Voter turnout figures demonstrate that even those segments of the population who lobbied hardest for suffrage are disinclined to exercise it. N,the right to vote.


Walt Whitman's long lines of poetry,defying the metrical conventions of his time,were a precursor to the techniques of free-verse poets of the twentieth century. N,someone or something that comes before another and announces or suggests what is to come.


Wary of making an open-ended commitment, Jay agreed to work for the new company only on the condition that his contract would be limited to a determinate period of time Adj,having exact limits;final;firm in purpose


Watching his team play without him,the injured player felt impotent ,little more than a spectator and no more powerful than one. Adj,powerless;helpless;ineffective.


When business was bad,Mr. Hidalgo hated to fire people;instead he reduce his payroll through attrition,as those who were retiring or quiting would leave without being replaced. N,gradual reduction


When dining out with my more narcissistic friends,I have them sit with their backs to any friends,I have them sit with their backs to any mirrors so they'll listen to what I'm saying. N,narcissism. Adj,excessively interested in one's own appearance,comfort,importance,etc.


When he juxtaposed Sanskrit,Latin,Greek,English and several other languages,Sir William Jones was able to demonstrate that all these apparently different languages in fact shared a common ancestor,a language now known as Indo-European. N,juxtaposition. V,to put side by side,esp.for comparison or contrast.


When he's tense,each furrow in his forehead holds a little stream of perspiration. N,a trench in the earth made by a plow;a wrinkle


When it was clear he could not successfully medicate the dispute himself,the professional arbiter asked for a replacement.v,to resolve(arguments or disputes)by working with the conflicting parties.


When she's in a mood like this, you'd be safer going into a lion's lair than knocking on the door to her room. N,the dwelling of a wild animal


When the boss starts screaming his head off like that,you might as well go home;there is nothing you can do to quell his anger. V,to ease;to calm down


When the first astronauts returned form the moon,they were placed in quarantine,just in case they brought back some unknown space virus with them. N,enforced isolation to prevent the spread of disease; V, to isolate for such purpose .


When the witness recounted learning of her husband's death,she broke down in tears and wept loudly,but the jury found her performance histrionic and unbelievable. Adj,overly dramatic,theatrical.


When two scientists discover the same thing independently,official credit is generally given to the one with anterior publication date. Adj, placed before or in front;earlier.


When we saw how pale and haggard Amber appeared,we inferred that she had been working too hard. N,inference. V,to reason or conclude from evidence.


Whenever a movies earns a lot of money ,a sequel is almost inevitable. N,something that follows


Whenever our boss gets a stupid idea,we keep passing it down the ranks;the poor people who actually have to put it into effect are always in the bottom echelon. N,a level within an organization.


While I distracted our mother with a story of my day at school,Debbie snuck behind her back and made a surreptitious raid on the cookie jar. Adj,done secretly,often of something unseemly or unethical


While bravery is commendable,your actions went beyond bravery and involved risks that can only be called foolhardy. Adj,reckless;bold without judgment


While it pays to be skeptical of claims made without proof,it is possible to doubt too much. N,skeptic. Adj,tending to question or doubt.


While some architectural critics praised the library for its innovative design,Prince Charles,no fans of modernist architecture,condemned it as an eyesore. N.something that is unpleasant or offensive to view(n. 眼中钉)


While waiting for his bus,Charles mused on the advantages of owning a car. V,to meditate;to consider thoughtfully.


William Labov has spent his career studying the idiom of different ethnic and regional groups within America and greatly broadened our understanding of the differences among he ways that people naturally speak. Adj,idiomatic. N,a style or manner of expressing peculiar to an individual or group;an expression that cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its words.(e.g.<keep tabs on>)


Wilma is old0fashioned and still writes all her letters by hand on beautifully monogrammed stationery. N,writing paper and envelopes.


Tylenol's response to a poisoning scare in the early 1980s has since become a paradigm studied by business students learning how to recover from bad publicity. Adj,paradigmatic. N,an example;a model.


Unable to curb his appetite,the man gained fifty pounds in less than two months. V,to restrain or control


Unable to get a job with a big agency,Shelia opened a storefront center on her own,where she could offer counsel to runaway teenagers. N,advice or guidance;. V,to give guidance to


Unable to tolerate what it regarded as flagrant affronts from Britain,the U.S. Declared war in 1812. V,affront. N,an open insult,usually intentional.


Unaccustomed to praise,Oliver was flustered when his teacher held up his essay as an example of good writing,and he manage to blurt out only a weak<thank you >. V, to make nervous or upset.


Under instructions form his government,the ambassador delivered an ultimatum:if the embargo was not immediately lifted,war would be declared. N, a final demand or statement of terms.


Under the overturned(v. 推翻, 颠倒; 翻倒) nest I found a frail baby bird,so I took it home to care to for it. Adj,easily broken ;delicate.


Unfortunately,some of his more flagrant acts of turpitude were captured on videotape,and it was hard to deny his participation. N,immoral behavior.


Unlike many countries,where all young mem are drafted into the army for several years,the service in the U.S.military has been entirely voluntary since the 1970s. Adj,willing;unforced


Unlike the wild,slapstick humor of silent movies,the comedy in novels tends to be more droll and reflective. Adj,amusing in an odd or wry way.


Until he got used to walking at sea,he would lurch from one end of the boat to the other whenever he tried to cross the deck. V,to sway or tip abruptly to one side;to stagger(. 摇晃, 蹒跚; 交错安排; 晕倒症v. 摇摇晃晃, 蹒跚而行; 畏缩; 犹豫, 动摇; 坚持进行; 使摇晃, 使蹒跚; 使吃惊; 使犹豫; 压倒


Until this new product starts passing some of these safety tests,you will not convince the panel to endorse it. V,to give approval or support to


Unware that the tape recorder was still running,the official made a few regrettable,offhand comments that later had to be retracted. Adj,without preparation or forethought


a side-effect; something produced in the making of something else, n.副产品 Gasoline was originally chosen as a fuel because it was cheap byproduct of petroleum distillation


adj.appearing sad because abandoned;in pitiful(adj. 慈悲的, 同情的, 可怜的) condition; almost without hope; Everyone felt sympathy for the forlorn widow,who looked as if she were about to collapse from grief.


adj.being truly named;real or genuine Initial reports that the diet drug caused heart-valve damage provoked a veritable panic among user of the medication.


adj.careful in spending money or resources John thinks of himself as frugal, but he takes saving money to such extreme lengths that his friends think he is a miser(n. 守财奴; 凿井机; 吝啬鬼). n.frugality


adj.courageous ,brave ,as in battle After losing so much blood, she could not be saved, even with the valiant efforts of three professional paramedics(n. 伞兵军医, 护理人员).


adj.depressing and boring Some philosophy students find Kierkegaard to be dreary reading, but it's apparently nothing compared to the boredom felt by his fiancee, who left him abruptly(adv. 突然地; 唐突地, 鲁莽地; 意外地; 陡峭地).


adj.extremely loud The sergeant-at-arms' stentorian voice cut through the chatter in the Senate chamber and silenced those still talking.


adj.having healing powers This vile-tasting cough syrup(n. 糖浆; 含药糖浆; 果汁; 单糖浆) may not have much therapeutic value, but I am so miserable with this cough that I am willing to try it anyway.


adj.malignant(adj. 有恶意的, 有害的, 恶性的);spiteful(adj. 怀恨的, 心眼坏的, 怀有恶意的);secreting poison. He is ordinarily so even-tempered that his venomous attack took everyone by surprise.


adj.nervous;easily frightened. Alice soothed the skittish horse with a comforting tone of voice and lump of sugar.


adj.not subject to an obligation imposed on others;not affected by an influence. One grievance(n. 不满, 不平; 抱怨, 牢骚) that ordinary people had at the time of the French Revolution was that the nobility was immune from taxation.


adj.passionate;eager;earnest The cult member's fervent belief that the world was about to end was not shaken,even after the date their leader had predicted came and went without event. n.fervor


adj.producing abundantly ;prolific Most skeptics dismiss claims of UFO sightings as the results of witnesses' fertile imaginations. n.fertility


adj.resulting from great difficulties;irritating Because the lawyer was easygoing,she rarely lost her temper, even under the most trying circumstances.


adj.unfortunate;unlucky Although Yolanda prided(n. 自豪, 骄傲, 自尊v. 使得意, 以...自豪) herself on her driving skills , she found herself the hapless victim of chance when she was rear-ended(追尾) by criminals trying to flee from the police.


adj.unnecessary;extra Although consumers are now quite willing to buy surround speakers ,many initially regarded more than two speakers as superfluous.


in this work,the artist attempts to depict his hometown with a combination of oils and paper plates n.depiction v.to represent;to portray


looking for a weapon,he saw the broken table leg and picked it up to use as a makeshift cudgel. N . A heavy , usually short , stick or club; V. To hit with such a stick or club


many are charmed by Annie's good humor,though a find it insincere and think she uses it to disguise her guile. N,slyness in dealing with others.


n.a boundary line ;perimeter ; an outside surface. Art-house movies, even those seem by many people , remain by definition at the periphery of popular culture. adj.peripheral


n.a god Prosperity( the condition of being successful or thriving) is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshiped(n. 崇拜, 尊敬, 礼拜v. 崇拜, 尊敬; 敬神, 拜神).


n.a journey undertaken for a specific reason,such as for war or exploration; speed in doing something.


n.a person new to a field or activity; a beginner. This book was written for the novice computer-user, but it also has some good tips for those with more experience .


n.a person with apparent but no real authority Since the king has been in a coma(n. 昏迷#慧星的头) for three year after falling his horse, he has become merely a figurehead in the national government.


n.a state of infinite or indefinitely long duration. The society security system promised American workers that it would provide them pensions in perpetuity, but young workers worry that the program will collapse before they reach retirement. adj.perpetual


n.a strong belief or opinion Although his opinions are unpopular ,at least he has the integrity(n. 正直; 诚实; 廉正; 完整, 完全) to maintain his convictions despite the mockery he face.


n.a swift-flowing stream ; an uncontrolled outpouring(n. 倾泄, 流露, 流出) What began as a few disparaging remarks turned into a torrent of criticism from all quarters.


n.along lyrical poem, usually serious or meditative in nature You showed some genuine inventiveness in this ode to your great grandfather, and it would have made him delighted to know how much he meant(v. 表示...的意思; 意欲, 打算, 意图; 意指, 意谓; 意谓着; 用意 ) to you .


n.an easy,effective ,or uninterrupted transition The introductory music provided a smooth segue into the first act.


n.an expert, esp.in the fine arts (n. 鉴识家, 内行, 鉴定家) As a connoisseur of fine wines,Peter could identify a wine by taste alone.


n.arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power;despotic(adj. 专制的; 暴虐的) abuse of authority Fed up with decades of tyranny, the people finally rebelled, expelling the dictator and forming a more equitable government. n.tyrant adj.tyrannical


n.high regard;respect; v.to regard highly He gained the esteem of his coworkers(n. 共同工作者; 帮手; 同事) through his punctilious(adj. 精密细心的, 拘泥形式的, 一丝苟的) work and his genuine good nature.


n.lack of money;property,or necessities. Sudden wealth could not overcome the habits of a lifetime of penury.


n.one who has no permanent home. After retirement, Mr.and Mrs.lee sold their house, bought an RV,and lived as nomads,traveling throughout the country.


n.one who helps and supports others. Miss Francis used the money she received from her mysterious benefactor to put her children through school.


n.pleasing sound,esp.of words. What is most impressive about Keats'abilities as a poet is his gift for euphony, for choosing words that have an almost musical quality when put together. adj.euphonious


n.risk of loss or injury;peril Your error in underestimating the enemy has places us in great jeopardy.


n.something presented as a drug,but having no actual effect. One of the fascinating mysterious of medicine is why placebos outperform(v. 做得比...好; 胜过...) some drugs that were previously effective.


n.specialized skill or knowledge Although she is unquestionably talented with languages , being fluent in five,she has little expertise in the much more technical field of linguistics.


n.the distinguishing quality of a sound Although your violin is an adequate(adj. 足够的, 能满足需要的; 胜任的; 适当的; 差强人意的, 尚可的) instrument for a beginner to learn on; it lacks the rich timbre of my Stradivarius(n. 弦乐器).


n.the original model;someone or something that serves to illustrate the typical qualities of a class The prototype of the new car received a great deal of favorable attention at the automobile shows, and so the company's management decided to put it into general production.


n.unexpected gift or discovery. Many breakthroughs in science result from serendipity rather than careful planning. adj. serendipitous


once fed and shown a boring movie,the airline passengers became understandably quiescent. N,quiescence. Adj,inactive, often suggesting a temporary state.


the formidable prospect of a root canal kept Richard from going to the dentist for many years.adj.inspiring fear or dread


the lecturer's arid and monotonous delivery turned what should have been an interesting speech into utter boredom. N.aridity. Adj.dry and barren;not interesting


the witness's colorful testimony(n. 证言, 声明, 证据) ,though popular with all the viewers of Count TV, was considered immaterial to the central dispute of the case.Adj .not significant or relevant.


to see how the commoners lived,Sir Percy put on a disguise and heavy make-up,intended to hide his patrician background., (noun) one of noble birth; arstiocrat


too furious to answer her directly,I had to fume by myself for a few minutes first in an effort to control my temper.n.to be in a state of anger


v. to acknowledge as true. The scientists were forced to concede that their preliminary announcement was premature, as they discovered several serious errors in their experiment. n. concession


v. to injure;mangle(n. 轧布机, 轧光机v. 乱砍, 乱撕; 损毁, 弄糟; 使受严重损伤; 把送入轧布机中轧压) Residents of foothill communities must be on the lookout for mountain lions, which may appear suddenly and maul their pets.


v.move in a wave-like(波浪状) motion Although the epicenter was distant, the earthquake was powerful enough to make high-rise buildings undulate, provoking(adj. 激怒的) panic(n. 恐慌, 惊惶v. 使恐慌; 使喝彩; 使大笑; 惊慌) among the people inside. n.undulation


v.to conquer(v. 征服; 占领; 战胜; 得胜);to mark less intense. It took the Romans two great wars and three great battles to subdue the tiny kingdom of Macedonia.


v.to correspond; to be mutually(characterized by intimacy ) related Technical analysis of the stock market attempts to correlate the past behavior of the market to numerical formulas that can then be used to predict future stock prices. n.correlation


v.to decline or descend sharply (adv. 锋利地; 激烈地; 锐利地; 突然地, 猛烈地) The company's stock price plummet sharply upon news that its CEO was investigation for fraud(n. 欺骗; 骗局; 诡计; 骗子).


v.to demolish(v. 毁坏, 破坏; 推翻, 打败; 拆除; 驳倒); to flatten to ground level The bombing of London during Word War 2 razed many buildings but did not destroy the determination of the British to continue fighting.


v.to emphasize Another gas shortage would no doubt underscore the need for better conversation efforts.


v.to free from guilt or blame No amount of restitution can absolve that country's military of responsibility for its heinous acts of violence against the civilian population. n.absolution.


v.to hesitate or stumble The presentation started out smoothly enough but the speaker began to falter when he came upon several misplaced note cards.


v.to honor Children are taught in elementary school to revere most American presidents,only later do they learn what scoundrels(n. 坏蛋, 无赖, 流氓, 恶棍) some of them were. adj.reverent,n.reverence


v.to lessen the pain or severity. Only recently have physicians felt comfortable prescribing medicine intended only to palliate a patient's discomfort. adj. palliative


v.to make less angry (v. 抚慰; 怀柔; 和解) It's a bad habit to placate your screaming four year old by jamming a candy bar into his mouth.


v.to measure the depth of; to understand I am sure you have an excellent reason for acting like this , but i certainly can not fathom why you do.


v.to return to a previous state Psychologist do not believe that those who sleep curled up are trying to regress to a fetal state;they 're just trying to stay warm.


v.to revolve(v. 旋转, 自转; 周期性出现, 循环往复; 沿轨道运转; 盘桓于脑海, 一再浮现; 使旋转; 反复思考, 斟酌) on an axis;to spin Each night Joseph would happily write and gyrate on the dance floor,whether or not there was any music playing.


v.to ridicule (ridicule [rid·i·cule || 'rɪdɪkjuːl]n. 嘲笑, 笑柄, 愚弄v. 嘲笑, 愚弄, 嘲弄) Doug is being sarcastic when he say <thank you>to those who publicly gibe at him.


v.to sponsor or support; to be kind or helpful in a snobbish(adj. 充绅士气派的; 自负的; 势利眼的) way, as if dealing with an inferior. The way the boss patronizes his employees is particular infuriating(adj. 使人十分生气的, 令人大怒的)because they all know more about the business than he does.


v.to take away the smoothness of ;to discompose Feeling that he was now old enough to be treated with the dignity of an adult,Jack was continually irritated by his Aunt Edna's habit of ruffling his hair whenever she saw him.


v.to twist or squirm,as in pain,struggle or embarrassment. Elizabeth could tell by the way little Tommy continued to writhe in the chair that it was time for another bathroom break.


Even the shyest worker will become voluble when the subject of a raise is brought up. N,volubility. Adj,talkative.


The sniffles and a cough are the harbingers of illness. N,someone or something that indicates what is to come.


(adj) bitter, hateful;and resentful(adj. 忿恨的, 怨恨的; 表示忿恨的; 怨恨引起的)(adj. 怨恨的; 满怀恶意的) Though they disagreed in principle, their discussions were never rancorous, and they eventually reached a compromise.


(adj) kindly, charitable,characterized by doing good. N benevolence The king acquired a reputation as a benevolent ruler by keeping taxes low and frequently helping the poorest of his subjects.


(adj) loaded;burdened;afflicted(adj. 使痛苦; 折磨). The curies ship takes on a more flattering(adj. 谄媚的; 奉承的; 讨人欢喜的 ) profile when fully laden because it rests lower in the water.


(adj) multicolored; characterized by a variety of patches(n. 补钉, 用纺织品来补洞的地方; 斑点; 绷带; 很多, 小块土地)of different color New England is a popular vacation spot,particularly in the fall,when the variegated leaves draw photographers from all over the country.


(adj)Not able to be taken or given away, Incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another The state cannot sacrifice the inalienable rights of a single citizen to promote the extrinsic(adj. 外在的, 外表的, 外来的) rights even of many, argue Spitzer and Bernhoft.


(adj,)clever in practical matters; cunning(adj. 狡猾的, 可爱的, 巧妙的) Although he had never graduated from high school ,Harry was a shrewd politician, skilled in responding to the public's desires and fears.


(adj,)full of animation Even though today was the last day of final exams,Cheryl was vivacious and cheerful since she was focused on tomorrow and the start of vacation.

august(adj. 威严的; 令人敬畏的)

(adj.) Inspiring awe or admiration, majestic William was a bit intimidated(adj. 害怕的; 受到恐吓的) to find himself in the august presence if these Nobel laureate .


(adj.) conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used particularly in an unfavorable sense In hindsight,letting the supplies run so how turned out to be an egregious error,wiht consequences more severe than any of us had imagined


(n.) a decoration style or scheme,as of a room. The decor of the honeymoon suite(n. 随员, 随从; 一套家具; 套房; 系列, 组, 套) was rather loud and tasteless:a huge, heart-shaped bed,pink shag(n. 粗毛; 劣质烟丝; 绒布#性交#摇跳舞) carpet(n. 地毯, 毛毯 v. 铺以地毯, 铺盖),and a sofa and chairs upholstered(v. 装饰, 装潢) in bright red.


(n.) unthinking routine or repetition, a fixed or mechanical way of doing something; (adj.) based on a mechanical routine I continued repeating the Cantonese phrase until I knew it by rote , entirely unaware of how insulting it could be.


(n.)A blessing When the Pope visited St. Louis,thousands of believers flocked(n. 羊群; 人群, 群众; 群; 信徒, 会众#一簇羊毛; 棉絮; 毛屑; 柔细材料v. 聚集; 成群地去; 用毛屑填塞) to see him,hoping for his benediction.


(n.)A group of attendants or followers. The celebrity insisted on a contractual guarantee that his entourage be flown with him everywhere so that he'd have someone to talk to. (entourage n. 周围; 环境, 随从)


(n.)A long and eventful, adventurous journey. Abbey spent a year between college and graduate school on an odyssey of discovery, travelling extensively through Europe and Asia.


(n.)A serious attempt or effort Without serious endeavor on the part of all factions to achieve peace, the future prospects of that war-torn country are grim(adj. 冷酷的, 可怕的, 残忍的).


(n.)a feeling of great happiness As she accepted her college diploma, her euphoria was inexpressible since the diploma represented a triumph over many obstacles.


(n.)a moral principle that restrains actions Wilma hesitated(vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不愿;支吾;停顿 ) at first to work for Exxon, but the huge salary she was offered overcame her scruples.

usury (n. 高利贷, 高利)

(n.)excessive charging of interest Unless I was able to pay back the money I owed, plus the interest his calculated according to his customary terms of usury, he loan shark threatened to have some of his associates pay me a country visit.


(n.)flow;continuous change or movement The music industry is in a state of flux, as new technologies threaten the traditional ways of distributing music.


(n.)intense passion or enthusiasm Marisa's zeel for her company's product is admirable, but perhaps it leads her to stretch the truth a bit when she's trying to mak a sale.


(n.)one who hides from the world She used to be quite sociable , but ever since become horribly disfigured in that chemical plant mishap, she has become a recluse.


(n.)one who spends money wastefully. his parents gave Albert every material comfort but never taught him responsibility, so he because a spendthrift and wasted their entire fortune within a few years.


(n.)speed in motion; swiftness For someone who walks around campus so slowly, Jake displays an amazing celerity on the track.


(v) go off-topic when speaking or writing If you digress from the topic of your speech ,you will likely confuse and frustrate your audience. n.digression


(v.) - to rummage(n. 翻找, 彻底搜查; 搜出的物件, 杂物v. 在...里翻找; 翻找出, 搜查出; 仔细搜查; 翻找, 仔细搜查), scavenge, graze for food;to search for food or provisions. Cut off from her regular supply lines, the solders foraged throughout the countryside, looking for anything to eat.


(v.) To cut or split open; to cling to (1)George used a chef's knife to cleave the apple through its core (2)No matter what difficulties you experience, you should always cleave to your principle.


(v.) to avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink Until you force him to do what he 's supposed to, he'll continue to shirk his duties.


(v.) to give offical approval The United Nations assembly voted to sanction an embargo against the rogue nation, hoping restricting imports and exports would sanction the country and prevent future aggression against its neighbors.


(v.) to make void or invalid The new administration acted quickly to annul several laws that prior administration had enacted hastily(adv. 急速地; 慌忙地; 轻率地) and without through consideration.


(v.) to settle by discussing; to arrange an agreement Dennis managed to negotiate te obstacle course in a remarkably short period of time


(v.) to tell, reveal; to make public Mon was careful not to divulge the location of the hidden Easter basket intil we'd already rummaged(v. 在...里翻找; 翻找出, 搜查出; 仔细搜查; 翻找, 仔细搜查) through the likeliest spots.

encumber(v. 妨碍; 塞满; 拖累; 阻塞)

(v.) to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder Every college professor will expect you to read alot , but count on the history department to encumber you with more books than the others. N.encumbrance


(v.)to act evasively in order to gain time As the guest speaker for the evening was stuck in traffic , the emcee was forced to temporize in order to keep an increasingly restless audience from becoming too impatient.

beset(v. 围攻, 镶嵌, 使苦恼)

(v.)to attack from all sides; to trouble persistently(adv. 坚持不放弃地; 频繁地; 持续不断地) The city council is beset by problems, from a shortage of tax revenue to strike by garbage collectors.

smolder(n. 闷烧, 闷燃)

(v.)to burn without a flame(n. 火焰, 热情, 火舌 v. 燃烧, 起火, 火焰, 闪耀, 发光; 激动, 暴跳如雷; 在因特网上发送恐吓和使人不愉快的电子信件 (计算机用语)) and with little smoke(n. 烟, 抽烟, 无常的事物 v. 吸烟, 弥漫, 冒烟; 抽; 熏赶; 烟熏; 熏染); to exist in a barely suppressed state (as with anger or tension) Firefighters from six states managed to put out the forest fire,but the charred(n. 烧焦物; 炭#嘉鱼, 红点鲑#杂役女佣; 杂务v. 把...烧成炭; 把...烧焦; 烧成炭; 烧焦; 做杂役女佣) remains smoldered for days.


(v.)to denounce sharply; to tear or wear the skin off It was the candidate's harshest speech yet , in which he missed no opportunity to excoriate his opponent. n.excoriation


(v.)to destroy so as to leave no trace (v. 涂去, 删除, 擦去) When Harvey finally regained consciousness after the automobile accident, the doctors found that amnesia(n. 记忆缺失, 健忘症) had obliterate all memory of the wreck. n.obliteration


(v.)to draw the outline of ; describe in words or gestures(n. 手势, 姿态 v. 做手势, 用动作示意; 用手势表示) The formal contract isn't finished yet, but in the meantime I can lest delineate the main points of the deal. n. delineation.


(v.)to follow a winding course; to wander without any fixed destination For the most part your term paper is admirably focused, but here in the last paragraph it seems to meander from the main point.


(v.)to hold back; to put down by force. In the aftermath(n. 结果, 后果; 再生草) of the Tiananmen demonstrations of 1989, the Chinese government repressed all public expressions of political protest.

extenuate(v. 掩饰; 使人原谅; 减轻)

(v.)to lessen(v. 减少, 减轻, 缩小; 变小, 变少; 减轻) the seriousness of, esp. by giving partial excuses Belinda knew that her final paper was supposed to have been submitted by midnight, but she pleaded(v. 辩护, 恳求; 为辩护; 以...为理由, 以...为口实; 作为答辩提出; 承认) the extenuating circumstances of the blackout and the theft of her laptop and thus hopes for an extension. n.extenuation adj.extenuating


(v.)to move with light running steps The mouse scurried about the room, just eluding the woman chasing it with a broom.


(v.)to prevent or frustrate Justin's dreams of a perfect prom were thwarted when his parents refused to pay for a limo, his date came down sick , and his face broke out with acne(n. 痤疮; 粉刺).


(v.)to satisfy or attempt to satisfy demands by granting concessions. In an effort to appease the customer who was furious that his jacket had been ruined ,they dry cleaners offered to buy him not just a new jacket but an entire suit.


(v.)to walk while scraping or sliding the feet The line moved with agonized(v. 感到极度痛苦; 使极度痛苦; 折磨) slowness; everyone shuffled forward only a few paces each minute.


(v.)to walk with a proud; arrogant(adj. 傲慢的; 自负的; 自大的) bearing(n. 举止, 忍受, 轴承 ). Criticized for appearing too cocky(adj. 骄傲的, 太过自信的, 自大的) at his last concert, the violinist made a conscious effort not to strut as he entered to thunderous applause.


(verb) 1 to climb, using both feet and hands; 2 climb with effort or difficulty.on all fours. After falling into the ditch while leading the hike, Theresa,embarrassed ,clambered out of the ditch and tired to regain her dignity.




<Aren't you a little hefty for a bungee cord as thin as this one?>the guide asked delicately. N,heft.. Adj,heavy


<Get ready to enter bedlam>Mrs .Parker warned, before introducing her substitute to the fourth-period shop class.N .Any place or condition of noise and confusion.


A belligerent reporter persistently badgered the facts. N,belligerence. Adj,eager to fight;aggressive;engaged in warfare.


A continuation of Norma's scholarship next year, is contingent upon her maintaining at least a B average in her course. N,contingency. Adj,unpredictable because dependent on chance;dependent on something uncertain.


A mechanical problem sent the airplane on a harrowing,8000-foot plunge before the pilot could regain control. Adj,very distressing;painful.


A fashionable trend for man of the early eighteenth century was to wear powdered make-up give their faces a pallid look. Adj,faint in color;pale


A few days of summer camp made her yearn to be back home with her family. V,to desire strongly,esp.in a melancholy(n. 忧郁, 愁思, 悲哀) way.


A good scientific hypothesis makes predictions about what will happen,and these predictions can be verified by experiment. Adj.hypothetical. N.a tentative explanation;something assumed true for the sake of argument or investigation.


A higher paying job would obviate my need to borrow money from you. V,to stop from occurring;to prevent or make unnecessary.


A paramount concern of the president is the welfare of the country. Adj,supreme;ranking higher than others in power or importance.


A plea of <<no contest>>is tantamount to an admission of guilt,as the defendant will be punished as if he had pled guilty. Adj,equivalent in effect or value.


A series of fortuitous events resulted in John's being late for work and as a consequence losing his job. Adj,occurring by chance(either positive or negative)


A spate of broken windows along the usually quiet street prompted the police to increase their patrols in an attempt to catch the vandals. N,a large number or amount of something, esp.in a brief time.


Although he was unable to day exactly why,Nick felt a visceral dislike for Bruce from the moment they met. Adj,instinctive;relation to the internal organs.


After I had grappled with the calculus problem for days,I found it as incomprehensible as ever. V,to struggle with something;to grip and hold


After Joan of Arc rallied the French troops,the English army was forced to a more secure location. V,to restrain,as from battle


After a few hours on the boat,Larry because seasick and developed a sickly hue. N,a shade of color.


After a hard day of work,many people are more interested in relaxing in front of a trivial sitcom than they are in watching ponderous educational television. Adj,clumsy and heavy;boring and labored


After a month a cast,Jason's leg muscle were flaccid and barely support his weight. Adj,lacking firmness


After an afternoon spent toiling on the hot garden, Jackie found the succulent (adj. 多汁的, 多汁性的, 多水分的n. 肉质植物, 多汁植物)oranges a welcome break. Adj.Full of juice;highly enjoyable


After being questioned for three hours,the board members become peevish and their answers grew terse and even confrontational. Adj,irritable;querulous


After converting from the Anglican to the Roman Catholic church,Newman wrote an apology that explained his theological position. N,apologist;v,apologize. N,a defense in speech or writing of one's beliefs


After eating five hamburgers,John could only manager to waddle out the door. V,to walk rocking from side to side


After five days of rain,the storm finally abated.N,abatement. V,to lessen in amount,intensity or strength.


After gazing for several minutes as my yellow package notice,the languid postal employee slowly mad her way form her stool to the back room. N,languor. Adj,sluggish;lacking energy


After heavy rains made the hillside unstable building inspectors ordered several families to evacuate their homes in case of a landslide. V,to remove the contents of ;to discharge; to withdraw


After her boss was forced to retire because of health problems,Helen served as the provisional department head until a permanent replacement could be found. Adj,provided for the time being;temporary.


After his stroke,Mr.Henson had difficulty understanding auditory information. Adj,relating to the sense of hearing.


After months of slogging through the African bush,the leaders of the expedition felt their energy flag as they wondered whether they'd ever reach the end .adj ,flagging. V,to slow down in pace


After of the case against him,the mob boss tried to tamper with the prosecution's witnesses by threatening to have them killed if they didn't change their story. V,to interfere,esp.in order to damage or weaken.


After planting the seeds,Marilyn gently tamped down the dirt with the flat of her shovel. V,to pack tightly by tapping repeatedly.


After repeated complaints from the neighbors, the police arrived to shut down the boisterous party.Adj .Noisy and wild ; unruly(adj. 不受拘束的, 蛮横的, 不守规矩的)


After spending a miserable childhood in the Alaskan tundra, Nanuk was only too eager to move to a more hospitable climate. Adj,friendly,kind,and solicitous toward guests;receptive or open.


After the Vietnam War,thousands who had supported the South Vietnamese government sought refuge in the Unite State. N,a shelter or sanctuary


After the battle of Fort Donaldson,the Confederate General Buckner asked the Union General Grant for terms under which he might capitulate,but Grant replied that no terms would be offered except unconditional surrender. N,capitulation. V,to surrender under specific conditions;to give up all resistance


After the country gained its independence,fierce internecine struggles broke out as members of different factions vied for power. Adj,pertaining(v. 属于, 附属, 关于) to conflict within a group;mutually(adv. 相互地; 相反地) destructive.


After the hurricane ,insurance agents descended upon the town in order to assess the damages and write check for their policy holders. v,to estimate


After the power went out,the room was illuminated only by the faint light from the moon coming in the window. N,illumination. V,to light up


After three attempts,Bruce finally attained his foal of passing bar exam to become a lawyer. N,attainment. To reach,get,or accomplish


All Molly did for the first few days her owners were gone was to repine in one corner of her kennel. V,to be discontented or unhappy;to long for something


All civilizations are homogeneous in some regards;each has a ruling class and division of labor. Adj.uniform;of the same kind.


All the dust blocking the electrical contacts inside has reduced the battery charge's efficacy. Adj,efficacious. N,the power to produce the desired effect.


Although Dr.Cho's claim seems unlikely on the surface,he cites enough supporting evidence to be convincing. N,citation. V,to refer to or quote


Although I had a myriad of excuses for turning in my work fo late,they all see, to have slipped my mind. N,an indefinitely large number


Although I'm happy that Peter has found a new girlfriend,It's tiresome to listen to his endless rhapsody about all her virtues. Adj,rhapsodic;. V,rhapsodize. N,a state of great happiness;such a state expressed in speech or writing.


Although Jesse claims to be a conservative,his proposals are in fact radical,for they would completely reverse the government's policies of the last fifty years. Adj,favoring fundamental or extreme change;relating to roots or origins.


Although Laura cried and said that she loved Grandmother more than anyone on the planet,it was obvious she was merely dissemble with the hopes of inheriting Grandmother's large fortune. V,to deceive or conceal;to hide one's motives;to simulate


Although Michael was an upstanding citizen,his opponent defamed him so successfully that Michael 's chances for election were ruined. N,defamation. V,to attack a person's reputation; to slander.


Although Vicki's parents initially balked at paying so much money for riding lessons , they relented when they realized how much the sport meant to her.V.To become less severe ;to give in


Although at first the police thought they had found the murder,DNA evidence provided incontrovertible proof of the suspect's innocence. Adj,impossible to dispute


Although born to a wealthy family,Marsha was not endowed with good financial sense,and had spent her entire trust fund before she was twenty five. N,endowment. V,to provide with material goods,talents,or qualities


Although different cultures vary in the details of etiquette,a basic respect for the feelings of others is universal to polite behavior. N,the forms of behavior of polite society.


Although famous in her native country,the novelist enjoyed only modest success in the United States. Adj,limited in amount ,extent ,etc.


Although grandma is not so limber as she once was,she can still touch her toes. Adj,bending easily;flexible.


Although he os not an atheist ,he cannot accept the dogma of any particular religious group. Adj,dogmatic. N,a specific set of ideas or beliefs,esp.religious or asserted to be absolutely true.


Although he spent minutes relating a story intended to tug at my heartstrings,I was still indisposed to help him. Adj,slightly ill;unwilling.


An inveterate shouter,Thomas will have a hard time holding down that new job at the public library. Adj,established for a long time;habitual.


An unexpected freeze decimated this year's orange corp. N.decimation. V.to destroy or kill a large part of (a group)


Andre maintained his belief in the existence of UFOs against the ridicule of his friends. V,to provide support;to declare to be true;to defend against criticism.


Any information about the murder that is kept from the police will abet the escape of the criminal. V,to encourage,assist,or support,usually in wrongdoing.


Anyone who overheard our whispering in the church must have a very acute sense of hearing. N,acuity. Adj,sharp;clever;severe


As a convicted felon.he lost his right to vote or carry a weapon. N,felony. N,one why has committed a serious crime.


As a critic she is notorious fo her scathing and intolerant movies reviews. Ad,very harsh in something ,like a remake.


As a lawyer,regardless of what she actually though of her client,Yvette took pride in the fact that she always offered a vigorous defense of her client. N,vigor. Adj,energetic.


As a manic depressive,he oscillates between moments of great joy and deep despair. N,oscillation. V,to move back and forth regularly


By targeting the obviously wealthy, criminals train us not to flaunt our possessions. V,to display ostentatiously;to show off;to boast


As a renowned expert on early books,Professor Tillingham is often called upon to appraise rare manuscripts. N,appraisal. V,to officially estimate the worth of .


As an editor Traci is brilliant,with a true knack for finding the future best-selling author amidst a pile of mediocre manuscripts. N,a specific talent for doing something,esp.one that is difficult to teach.


As he felt the ship founder,he looked back calmly on a life without regrets. V,to sink below the water;to fail completely;to go lame(of house)


As neither the governor nor the Supreme Court stepped in to reprieve the condemned man,he was executed on schedule. N,reprieve. V,to postpone or cancel punishment


As part of a commitment to improving education, the president supported a set of tests with clear benchmark scores to determine students' proficiency.N .A standard to which other things are compared or by which they are measured.


As she already had too many projects,Jill delegated the new task to a subordinate(v. 使居下位, 使服从adj. 下级的, 附属的, 次要的). V,to entrust to another person;. N,a person authorized to act as the representative of another.


As she rarely succumbed to drastic mood swings,her natural equanimity won her many friends. Adj,evenness of temper,esp.as a characteristic state.


At the end of a long and distinguished career,the general received a medal for his meritorious service to the armed forces. Adj,deserving reward or praise.


At the height of its power,the Hearst Publishing Company seemed immune to charges of libel from the target of its nastiest reporters. Adj.libelous. N.a false written statement that damages a person's reputation


At the last minute voters decides that his reputation for having a hair-trigger,unstable disposition was unfounded,and so they elected him to high office. N,personality;temperament


Audrey's mother told her to act demure around men,but this false air of shyness actually discouraged some men from wanting to talk to her. Adj.coy;modest;reserved


Aware that his last movie had received a tepid response from his public,the director decided to spice up his next film with a few car chases. Adj,moderately warm;lacking force or enthusiasm.


Basing their fourth network on offbeat programming for younger audiences turned out to be a successful gambit for the executives who founded Fox. N,a calculated,risky opening move.


Bears are one of the many species of animals that hibernate. V,sloop throughout the winter.


Because Dening is a executive,she pays an assistant to prepare synopses of important material for her. Pl,synopses. N,a short summary that outlines the main points of something


Because Robert always ponders every decision carefully, he never makes up his mind quickly. V, to think over with great care.


Because both her mother and her father spent such long hours at work,Jan had to assume the office of a parent,taking care of her younger sibling each afternoon. N,a duty function assigned to some.


Because of his wealth and power,the business executive believed that he could act with impunity,misappropriating the company's funds without fear of punishment. N,exemption from punishment or harm.


Because of strong local feeling about the case defense lawyers requested that trial be moved to a new venue. The location where something takes place ,esp.a trial.


Because several of the flights to town were delayed,the council couldn't convene the meeting until a few hours after it had been scheduled. N,convention. V,to bring together.


Because she had failed to save properly when she was younger,Janine has only the pittance of her Social Security check after her retirement. N,a small amount;esp.of money


Because she was deaf,the cracking gunfire on all sides of her house gave the woman no clue she was in imminent danger. Adj,impending;threatening;likely to happen


Because the Chois never had their pool cleaned,over time a layer of sediment formed on the bottom. N,a residue that settle in the bottom of something .


Before giving a horoscope,astrologers will usually ask for a few details regarding their customers'nativity. N,birth,esp.with reference to place,time,etc.


Before leaving the restaurant,she stopped to pilfer a few more packets of Sweet-n-low. V,to steel a small amount


Before machines were invented to mow grass,golf course were maintained by allowing sheep to graze on the fairways. V,to feed on grasses


Before the bank would approve the loan,three bank officials had to five their assent. N,formal agreement;to agree formally.


Before you publicly make such a controversial suggestion ,I hope you will consider every possible ramification and not just the one you are hopping for . N,a development or consequence resulting from a course of action.


Believing that the prosecution's star witness was not credible ,the jury found the defendant not guilty. N,credibility. Adj,capable of being believed.


Benjamin Franklin was well know for publishing catchy,if somewhat trite,maxing such as <early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise>. N,a short saying expressing a general principle


Benjamin.N,Cardozo wrote,<Freedom of experience is the matrix,the indispensable condition,of nearly every from of freedom.> pl,matrices. N,a surrounding substance within which else originates or is contained.


Bernie is very adept at getting out of questions he doesn't want to answer,so you'll have to watch him closely. Adj,very skilled ,esp,natural talent improved by practice


Claims to have discovered cold fusion were debunked when other scientists could not replicate the original findings. V,to copy,reproduce,or repeat


Billy enjoyed working and saving his money because he liked to dream about all the interest that would accrue by the time he eas fifty. N,accrual. V,to come as a gain;to increase


Bloodstains found in the suspect's car incriminated him in the murder. V,to make appear guilty of a crime or fault


Bob defended his appearance,claiming that he was not corpulent but pleasingly plump. N,corpulence. Adj,very fay;obese.


Boys are afraid to ask Melissa out because they know she will rebuff them. V,to refuse someone;to reject an offer.


Bradley's campaign was bolstered by his unexpected success at fundraising. V,o support or strengthen.


Bright sunshine and a balmy breeze made it perfect weather for a picnic. Adj,soothing,mild,pleasant


Businesses who look at their consumers only in the aggregate will fail to understand the various,individual reasons people have for making purchases. V,aggregate. Adj,total.


By pilfering ashtrays one by one from every bar she visits,Janet had been able to amass an impressive collection. V,to accumulate,collect,store up.


By publishing the inflammatory Ens Dispatch Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck maneuvered France into declaring war upon Germany. V,to direct through a series of movements;to manipulate into a desired position.


California's Republicans have argued in recent years that businesses are moving to other states to avoid onerous regulations. Adj,burdensome(adj. 累赘的, 艰难的, 恼人的),hard to bear.


Calvin was conspicuous by his absence from the meeting ,and so the boss asked if anyone knew where he was. Ad,easy to notice;obvious;apparent.


Captain Nemo spent several years exploring the oceanic underworld in a ship that was nothing less than a leviathan. N,something enormous and powerful;a sea monster.


Cash purchases of many expensive items are telltale signs of a person with an illegal source of income. Adj,indicating or revealing information


Cecilia looked forward to spring,when the orange tree would blossom and its scent waft through her window. V,to float;to drift through.


Charles does not believe that the vacuous content of television makes people stupid;rather he thinks it is an expression of their stupidity. N,vacuity. Adj,lacking substance or intelligence.


Chet skied down the slope with graceful ease,transferring his weight from ski to the other with a fluent motion that was the envy of all those who were not as skillful. N,fluent. Adj,easy;graceful


Classical radio announcers work hard to maintain a sophisticated elocution that is suited to the music they play. N,the art of public speaking,with attention to delivery(n. 雄辩术, 演说法).


College marks a milestone in many young people's lives;it is the first time many of them have ever lived away form home. N,an important event


Convinced she was making a foolish choice.Isabel's parents implored her not to pursue a career as an actress. V,to ask for urgently;to beg.


Cosmetics are often used to conceal facial blemishes. V,blemish. N,a flaw that harms the appearance of something


DNA tests eventually revealed that the woman who claimed to be he daughter of the last Russian Tsar was actually an impostor. N,a person using a false identity.


Dan Quayle's complete inability to think of a retort to the remark<You,sir,are no Jack Kennedy>reinforced the public's impression of him as slow-witted. V,to reply,esp.in a quick or write manner.


Dan's father admonish him to spend less time playing basketball and more time studying. N,admonition. V,to warn to a fault can be corrected or a danger avoided.


Dana Carvey's impression of George H.W.Bush was great for caturing nort just the voice but every mannerism and gesture as well.n. 固守独特的格调; 癖性; 矫揉造作


Dana Carvey's parody of George H.W Bush was so effective and amusing that the President himself referred to it when speaking. N,a humorous and ridiculous imitation.


Darlene abhors messiness and keeps her house meticulously neat. Adj,abhorrent. V,to detest;to shrink from in disgust.


Daytime television panders to the puerile curiosity in all of us for details about the lives of celebrities and eccentrics(n. 古怪的人; 偏心轮; 偏心圆). Adj,children;foolishly immature.


Derrida's writing is so opaque that it's often impossible to understand. N,opacity. Adj,not letting in light;unintelligible(adj. 无法了解的, 莫明其妙的, 难解的).


Despite extensive investigation,many events surrounding the assassination of JFK remain shrouded in mystery. V,to conceal; N, something that covers


Despite frequent for reform of the curriculum,the general pattern that higher education follows today was set in the late nineteenth century. N,all the course of study offered by an educational institution.


Despite her gargantuan appetite for sweets,Edna still maintains the same slender she had when she was sixteen. Adj, of huge size of capacity


Despite her mother's premonition(n. 预告, 征兆, 预感) that something horrible was going to happen,Judy returned from her European vacation without mishap. N,an unlucky or unfortunate accident.


Despite severe criticism from those around her,Helen continued to adhere to her principles of complete non-violence and protested against the war. N,adherence;. N,adherent. V,to stick to; to be a firm follower.


Despite the defendant's youth,his crime was so horrible that the judge felt no compunction in sending him to jail for life. N,a feeling of uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt


Despite the harsh criticism leveled against Han,his employees remained steadfast in their support. Adj,loyal;faithful


Detective Furman wrote a letter to the judge apologizing for the act of perjury he committed . V,perjure. N,lying under oath(n. 誓言, 诅咒, 宣誓).


Determined never to become enmeshed in office disputes,Ivan refused to listen to or pass on gossip.v,to entangle or trap,as in a net or web.


Dictator like Saddam Hussein or Fidel Castro can never be expected to relinquish their power voluntarily. V,to surrender or release.


Even for those who don't fully grasp the subtle irony in every episode,<The Simpsons>still manages to entertain with its broader jokes. Adj,ironic. N,a use of words in which the intended meaning is very different from the literal sense;an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs,esp.one that suggests a lesson about human folly.


Do not blame me if you die broke;I am the one who warned you not to be so prodigal with your inheritance. N,prodigality. Adj,exceedingly or recklessly wasteful


Do you still harbor ill will towards me for wrecking your car? V.to give shelter;to entertain or nourish(a specific thought or feeling)


Don't ask Victor hoe he's doing unless you'er prepared to kill the next listening to a jeremiad about how no one ever listens to him. N .an elaborate and lengthy tale of sadness


During his region,Ivan the Terrible committed one enormity after another,after showing striking imagination in his choice of sadistic acts. N,great wickedness;an evil act


During our tour of the Andes Mountains,our bus driver seemed unconcerned as our bus swung around a curve and nearly flew over a precipice. N,a cliff;the edge of a dangerous situation


Even the most adverse circumstance can sometimes yield favorable results. Adj,opposed,difficult


Eager for his dinner party to be a success,the host did add he could to be hospitable and emanate a sense of good will. N,emanation. V,to send forth;to come forth


Early film audiences were mesmerized by what seem to us to day to be mundane images,simply because they were moving pictures. V,to hypnotize(v. 施催眠术; 使恍惚; 使着迷) or spellbind(v. 用妖术迷惑, 迷住)


Early news reports did not fully convey the size of the disaster;its full scope did not become evident until daylight. N,the range or extent of something .


Earning money at one career while trying to get another one off the ground means keeping long,grueling hours,and spending little time with friends. Adj,exhausting


Ed labored under the misapprehension that his friends liked him for himself,but in fact they were simply using him for his money. V,misapprehend. N,a misunderstanding


Eighteenth-century grammarians began to prescribe rules for English that were borrowed from Latin grammar rather than being based on the way people actually spoke. N,prescription. V,to set down as a rule


Elizabeth was offended by the interloper,who meddled with matters irrelevant to hin and thereby disrupted her plans. N,one who interferes with affairs of others ;a meddler


English orthography is complicated in part because borrowed words are generally not respelled to reflect English pronunciation. N,proper spelling


Euphoric as the sale of his house after months of negotiations,Quentin went on a shopping binge that wiped out nearly all his profits. N,a period of uncontrolled self-indulgence


Even after we begged and pleaded,Jan's mind was made up,and she remained recalcitrant. N,recalcitrance. Adj,marked by stubborn defiance of authority or guidance.


Expecting a throng of reporters and fans to assail him,the aging rock star donned sunglasses and a fake nose before braving the public streets. N,crowd;a number of people gathered together.


Extremely perceptive,Sherlock Holmes noticed subtle clues that others overlooked and was thus able to appear almost omniscient. Adj,capable of quickly understanding


Faced with strong public sentiment in the wake of several shootings,politicians rushed to enact new gun-control legislation. N,a feeling or opinion,esp.based on emotion instead of reason


Flush with the optimism that characterizes the early stages of war,leaders on both sides of the conflict continued to issue intransigent statements via their emissaries(n. 密使, 使者, 间谍). Adj,refusing to compromise or agree.


For a couple with such disparate interests,they have a remarkably happy marriage. N,disparity. Adj,entirely unlike


For as long as I can remember,my brother's cat has shown a malicious tendency to hiss at visitors. N,malice. Adj,spiteful(adj. 怀恨的, 心眼坏的, 怀有恶意的).


From the way his ex-girlfriend portrays him,you would think that Burt is a minster,but he's actually quite personable. N,portray. V,to make a likeness of;to describe in words


Fusion has a mania for cleanliness and washes his hands twenty or thirty times a day. Adj,manic. N,an excessively intense desire.


George had been such a lackadaisical student throughout the year that his teacher could hardly credit his superlative test scores and was convinced that he had cheated. V,to believe;to trust.


Ginger was delighted that her new boyfriend was an epicure,for he took her to all the best restaurants. Adj,epicurean. N,one with refined tastes,esp.in foos and wine


Given her sober and muted wardrobe,no one would guess that she lives in such a gaudy apartment. Adj,characterized by tasteless or showy colors.


Given the lavish lifestyle of her father,it's unfair that she should live such an impecunious existence. Adj,having no money;poor;penniless.


Given their past voting records,three of the current Supreme Court justices can be counted on to dissent from the majority opinion. N,dissent. V,to disagree.


Hannah was outraged(n. 暴行, 愤怒, 侮辱) when her older brother mutilated(v. 切断, 使不完整, 使残废) her Barbie dolls by cutting off their legs.n,mutilation. V,to disfigure by damaging irreparably(adv. 不能挽回地; 不能恢复地).


Harold received a Don his term paper because he wrote a meager four pages while the teacher had requested ten. Adj,lacking in quantity or vigor ;scanty.


Harvey always considered the first buds in his flower bed as a bellwether of spring's arrival. N,something that serves as an indicator or leader of future trends.


Having a body cast from your neck to your feet id not the end of the world,but it will certainly circumscribe your recreational options. V .to define the limits of


Having seem him start at one end of the buffet and eat his way o be other,I would not call him a discerning gourmet. N,a connoisseur of food and drink


He gained success in his lifetime through hard work and good publicly.but his high standing in the eyes of later generations is the result of his prodigious talent. Adj,wonderful;amazing;very big.


He lost his fortune with an ill-timed investment in automobile cranks,and now he lives in a squalid shack for from the fashionable neighborhood of his youth. N,squalor. Adj,having a dirty or lowly appearance


He may have been the only officer to beat the suspect, but in doing so he brought opprobrium to the entire police department. N,a bad reputation or disgrace gained after a specific action.


He predicted melodramatically that she would one day rue her decision not to invest in his company. Adj,rueful. V,to regret


His ambition used to be something he could control,but now that he's had a taste of power,there's no hope of restraining his megalomania. N,megalomaniac. N,a condition marked by delusional fantasies of power,wealth,or omnipotence(n. 全能; 无限威力; 万能).


His ingenuous belief in the kindness of total strangers could get him in trouble some day. Adj, innocent;naive.


His latest book couldn't possibly be more juvenile and derivative;it's certain ti disenchant those readers who responded so enthusiastically to his other works. V,to free from false belief


His mordant sense of humor did more to hurt people's feeling than to amuse them . Adj,bitingly sarcastic.


His slovenly appearance makes you wonder whether there's some kind of high wind running through his room each morning. Adj, careless about one's own appearance.


Hoping he would sound more decisive than he really felt,the president delivered his speech in a pompous,turgid style that fooled no one and bored many. N,turgidity. Adj,excessively ornate or complex in style;swollen,as from fluid.


Hoping not to let on how much he knew about the vandalism,Jerry managed to prevaricate until the questioning was interrupted. N,prevarication. V,to avoid telling the truth.


I can see the merit in sweet pickles,but my predilection is for heavily-seasoned dill. N,a preference.


I don't see how our small company can hope to stand against a corporate juggernaut such as IBM. N,a terrible,irresistible force.


I have not checked your work thoroughly yet, but a cursory glance tells me you have the right idea. Adj.superficially done;performed rapidly


I hope you're not going to try to console me in my time of failure with some trite comment about how at least I tried hard. N,triteness. Adj,worn out,used too often


I will never be able to enumerate all the various ways you have been kind to me ; you have been so incalculably generous to me with your time ;patience and financial assistance.N .Enumeration.V.To count off or list


I would have liked to answer her insult with an urbane retort,but all I could think of was,<OH, yeah?>. N,urbanity. Adj,sophisticated


I'd like to join you on the next trip,but so far I haven't been able to procure a passport. N,procurement. V,to obtain or acquire.


It seems to be an inevitable tendency for large organizations,over time to become bureaucratic,ossified,and resistant to change. V,ossify. Adj,change to bone;hardened,often figurative


If you ask him point-blank whether he took the money,you will probably just get another evasive answer. V,evade. Adj,tending to avoid;misleading


If you sneeze,it is imperative that you wash your hands before you resume cooking or serving food. Adj,urgently necessary;impossible to deter or evade(v. 躲避; 回避; 逃避; 逃避; 避开).


If you two do not desist from talking,I will have to make you sit on different sides os the room. V,to cease;stop


If you're going to maintain your headstrong insistence on getting a raise,you'd better be ready in advance with all your reasons. Adj,showing determination


Illness made the old man ornery,as his pain caused him to lash out at others. Adj,mean-spirited and contrary in attitude.


Improperly handled,even paper can lacerate your skin. N,laceration. V, to rip,cut,or tear,to cause deep emotional pain


Instead of cutting the grass as he had promised his wife,the young father lay supine in the grass with his young son,making up stories about the clouds. Adj,lying on the back.


It takes a year or more to learn the basics of tapestry-weaving,and even longer to become truly proficient. Adj,very skillful,esp.through training.


It took only a few minutes for the assembly to resolve to support the president's decision. N,resolution. V,to decides;to bring into focus.


In a debate you should address ideas rather than demean your opponent's character. V.to disrespect;to lower;to degrade;to ridicule


In a society with rigid class boundaries,people who attempt to rise form the station into which they were born risk suffering abuse. N,social position


In an age of easy transcontinental travel,it's easy to forget how intrepid were the efforts of early seagoing explorers. Adj,bold;fearless.


In an attempt to sound more educated than he really is,Keith's language is replete with fancy words that he often misuses. Adj,will-filled;abundantly supplied


In describing the car accident,she purposely included all the morbid details to make her story interesting. N,morbidity. Adj,gruesome;awful.


In his role as the President's liaison to Congress Richard spends many hours each week briefing senators. N,a communication between different groups;the person in charge of a communication.


In keeping with his boorish nature,he grudged an apology,even when it was clear to all that he was in the wrong. Adj,grudging. V,to be reluctant to give or admit.


In modern American life,the hierarchy of celebrity has replaced the hierarchy of ancestry and even of great wealth. Adj,hierarchical. N,a ranking according to status or ability;a group having authority.


In the 1970s,many predicted that the world would run out of fossil fuels by year two thousands,but these estimates merely extrapolated form known oil reserves, and since then many new sources have been discovered. N,extrapolation. V,to predict by extending known information


In the Middle Ages,it was not uncommon for monks actually to steal relics belonging to one church to bring to their own. Adj,worthy of worship;made holy.


In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on September 11,2001,fears of another such strike seemed pandemic. Adj,general,widespread; n,a very widespread disease.


In the days before exam week,a sense of unease permeated the school. Adj,permeable. V,to spread or flow throughout.


In the half of the nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix led an effort to give more humane treatment to the insane, arguing that they should no longer be shackled(n. 桎梏, 束缚物v. 加桎梏, 束缚, 加枷锁) or kept in solitary confinement(n. 限制, 坐月子, 禁闭).Adj .Kind;compassionate


In the midst of all his problems,Omar was heartened by the moral support of his friends. V,encourage;give strength.


In the move to economize and trim down,we have lost our taste for the grandiose and luxurious hotels of old. Adj,impressive;imposing;showy


In time of prosperity,few people complain about the government. Adj,prosperous. N,wealth;good fortune.


Initially,Heloise did the assigned reading carefully, but after a few weeks she began to give her books only a perfunctory glance. Adj,done without care or interest or merely as a form or routine.


It didn't require a great sleuth to figure out that the thief must have left through the broken window. N,a detective.


It is an exclusive restaurant;the rumor is you can only gey a reservation if you are a celebrity or can prove there is royalty somewhere in your lineage. N,direct descent from an ancestor;derivation


It is astonishing that the mayor was re-elected after he was videotaped committing a flagrant felony. Adj,conspicuously bad or offensive.


It is likely that whatever traffic management we devise for outer travel will be based of the terrestrial examples we are already familiar with. Adj,relating to the earth


It is one thing for you to reprimand your employee;it is considerable more dangerous to chide your boss. V.to scold(n. 好责骂的人, 责骂v. 责骂; 唠唠叨叨地责备; 骂, 叱责)


It isn't likely you'll be able to inveigle an invitation to his party,but you can always try. V,to obtain by flattery


Jenny's projects, as impressive as they are , pale (n. 尖板条, 尖桩; 围起的地方, 围场; 界限, 范围; 管区, 辖区v. 用栅栏把...围起来; 使苍白, 使黯淡; 变苍白; 显得逊色; 变黯淡; 相形见绌adj. 苍白的, 灰白的; 微弱的, 暗淡的; 淡的)in comparison (n. 比较; 比喻; 对照)to Gina seems to have spent every waling hour working on hers.V .To decrease in relative importance


Joan was rather disconcerted to find that her new boss expected servile flattery rather than thoughtful critique. N,servility. Adj,slavish;abjectly;submissive.


Joe DiMaggio was respected for him great composure,even under the constant pressure of intense public attention. Adj,composed. N,a calm state of mind ,esp.as the result of self-control.


John affects a regal demeanor , a pretense that annoys all his coworkers,since he's only an assistant manager. Adj,kingly,adj. 国王的; 国王似的; 适于君主身份的; 高贵的


Joseph Kennedy,Sr.insisted that Bobby Kennedy be made Attorney General,despite the inevitable charges of nepotism that Bobby's brother would face for appointing him. N,showing favoritism to relatives.


Just as Arafat thought he had his Palestinian Liberation Organization under control,its most militant faction refused to go along with his plan. Adj,factional. N,a group within a larger group,usually one that produces dissent(disagreement)


Kalpna's ability to judge the manifold responsibilities of her job with apparent effortlessness of her job with apparent effortlessness amazed her co-workers. Adj,of many kinds;numerous and varied.


Karen fainted in the stifling(adj. 令人发闷的; 令人窒息的; 郁闷难受的) press of the crowd,but paramedics quickly resuscitated her with oxygen. N,resuscitation. V,to revive(v. 使苏醒, 使振奋, 使复兴; 苏醒, 复兴, 复活),esp.from apparent death or unconsciousness.


Keith often makes investment decides based on intuition rather than careful research. Adj,intuitive. N,instinctive knowledge,acquired without conscious reason. V,to shake or wave,as of a weapon;to show threateningly


The soldier was awarded a silver star for his extraordinary valor in combat. Adj,valorous. N,marked courage or bravery


Lars paid his therapist $150 an hour just so he could have someone in whom he could confide his problems. Adj,confidential. N,confidant. V, to tell something in secret.


Last week,workers came to excavate the aging water main on our street and replace it with a new one . N,excavation. V,to expose to view by digging out.


Lenny was in such a foul mood that if he had to watch another sweet endearment pass between his parents he thought he would scream. V,endear. N,an act expressing affection;fondness n. 喜爱; 溺爱; 钟爱


Leo Tolstoy criticized George Bernard Shaw for the facetious tone in Shaw's play <Arms and the Man,>saying that one should not joke about a subject like the purpose of human life. Adj,playfully humorous.


Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the most famous polymath ever;in addition to his skill as an artist,he excelled as a scientist,a mathematician,an engineer,an inventor,a musician,and a writer. N,one who knows a great deal about several different fields.


Maria's testimony(n. 证言, 声明, 证据) that she knew her husband was at work because that's what he had told her was deemed(v. 认为, 以为; 视作; 持某种看法, 作某种评价)hearsay and thus inadmissible(adj. 不可许可的, 难承认的). N,rumor;gossip.


Life for our ancestors was generally one of unremitting labor,but to day most people have the opportunity for at least some leisure. Adj,constant;not stopping


Like most couples,Ed and Serena have the occasional spat over minor issues,but their relationship remains strong and loving. N, a small argument or dispute.


Listening to the latest in a long line of excuses about why they couldn't refund my money,I grew too livid to speak and hung up the phone. Adj,extremely angry;discolored,as from a bruise;pale,ashen


Liz's insistence on practicing her drums for three hours a day exasperates her parents,who are irritated not only by the noise but also by their daughter's failure to study. V,to make very impatient;to annoy greatly


Looking down form the lofty spire of Chartres Cathedral,my dad had to turn his eyes to the side for s moment so he woundn't get dizzy. Adj,very high;noble


Management countered the union's demand for higher wages by offering better medical benefits. V,to offer in response


Many intelligent and well-educated people have been taken in by that charlatan and his claim that he can help people make a fortune through real estate investments. N,a fake;one who pretends to have expert knowledge.


Many of the finding in quantum physics are counterintuitive,and some seem flat-out to defy our expectations. Adj,contrary to intuition or common sense


Many phrases in English obscure origins and conflicting claims about how they came about. N,obscurity. Adj,lacking light;dim ;dark.


Many readers found Stephen Hawking's book<A Brief History Of Time>to be unduly recondite,even though it contains only a single formula:E=mc2. Adj,not easily understood


Many restaurants garnish their meals with a spring of parsley,but few customers eat the parsley or even care that it's there. V,to decorate;adorn.


Many were shocked when Congressman Joe Wilson had the temerity to shout<You lie!>at the president during a speech to congress,especially since the president was,in fact,telling the truth. Adj,temerarious n,willingness to do or say something that shocks or upsets people.


Many young men in the 1960s found their ambitions of going to college side-tracked when they were conscripted into the army and sent to Vietnam. V,to draft(v. 起草; 选派; 设计; 征) compulsorily(adv. 强迫地; 必须地; 强制地),esp. Into military service; N, a draftee(n. 被征召入伍者).


Mary disguised the hatred she felt for her former boyfriend under a thin veneer of politeness. N,an attractive,ultimately misleading outward show:thin layer


Matilda protested that,while she may have made an honest mistake in her testimony(n. 证言, 声明, 证据),she was never intentionally mendacious. Adj,lying;false,esp.habitually(adv. 习惯地; 惯常地).


Matt enjoyed driving past the stately homes in Beverly Hills,dreaming of a lifestyle he knew he would never be able to afford. Adj,dignified and handsome,esp.in size or proportion.


Mauricio had grown accustomed to hearing the staccato sound of his mother's high heels as she walked up the concrete steps. Adj,composed of abrupt,disconnected parts or sound.


Melissa knew the her husband had an affair,but she had no desire to learn all the sordid details. Adj,extremely dirty;morally corrupt.


Mimi always cries at weddings because she finds the thought of two people swearing fidelity to each other unbearably(adv. 不堪忍受地; 忍不住地) romantic. N,strict faithfulness to vows or promises;exact correspondence with fact.


Moments before the air-raid sirens began to wail,an ominous silence fell over the city. Adj,threatening harm;showing evil.


Months after freighter smacked into the iceberg,flotsam from its hull and cargo still littered the North Sea. N,wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the sea.


More and more,legislatures have been issuing precepts to guide sentences givens in criminal cases,taking discretionary power away from judges. N,a rule of action or conduct.


More than one Romantic poet resolved to compose an epic observing strict rhyme and meter but then died of old age before getting around to it. N,a long narrative poem,in a dignified style,celebrating the deeds of a hero


Most Arabs who immigrate to the United States are law-abiding;it is unfair that their popular image is dominated by those few intent on sedition. N,the promotion of rebellion against the government.


Most adults who put their parents into rest homes act not from selfishness but from a sense of filial responsibility. adj,like or relation to a daughter or son.


Most cities in Europe have a clearly defined center,a hub of civic activity. Adj,pertaining to a city or citizen


Most employees believed their boss was acting out of a real sense of charity,and not from any Machiavellian motives. Adj.practicing deceit or cunning;favoring expedience over moral principle(n. 权谋政治家adj. 察计多端的)


Mrs.Sampson bellowed from the kitchen for her kids to come in for lunch. V,to yell very loudly;to shout.


Much to the dismay of mainstream politicians,partisans on both sides of the controversy proved willing to use violence to advance their causes. N,s strong,often militant(n. 好斗者; 激进分子; 富有战斗性的人adj. 好战的; 积极从事或支持使用武力的), supporter.


Mudslides have eroded almost half of his back yard since he bought his house,but such are the dangers of living on the edge of a cliff. N.erosion;. Adj,erosive. V,to wear away slowly.


My grandparents have been married for over fifty years,and their conjugal affection is still as strong as it was the day they were wed. Adj,pertaining to marriage relationships


My mother takes a perverse delight in telling my girlfriend every embarrassing anecdote she can remember about my childhood. Adj,anecdotal. N,a brief story, often humorous.


My parents were always quick to chastise me whenever I did the slightest thing wrong. V,to punish by beating;to scold or condemn sharply


My twins are having a hard time getting along with each other,and their constant discord is beginning to irritate me. Adj,discordant. V,conflict or disagreement.


My uncle considers it sacrilege to put his record albums back in the wrong order when you finish listening to them. Adj,sacrilegious. N,the intentional desecration or disrespectful treatment of something sacred.


Naomi's apartment is decorated with a hodgepodge of items she has gathered from her many travels over the years. N,mixture;combination.


New pet owners resolve to be strict and authoritarian at first but often wind up spoiling their animals just like everyone else dose. N,demanding unquestioning obedience


Niles is no bewitched by his new girlfriend that he bought her a new car,even though they've only been dating for two week. Adj,bewitching. V,to put a spell on; to charm


No amount of kindness could help acclimate Melissa to her new life as an orphan. N,acclimation. V,to make comfortable in a new environment;to adapt to.


No matter how gingerly you raise the subject of my weight problem,I'll probably be offended. Adv,very carefully;cautiously.


No matter how many life change I experience,one thing is immutable :my love for my family. Adj,unchangeable.


No one ever doubted his guilt ,despite his loud and vehement claims of innocence. N,vehemence. Adj,forceful;furious


Nothing could induce Keisha,a dedicated vegetarian,to try even a bit of the hamburger. V, to influence,esp.by persuasion;to bring about;to infer by inductive reasoning


Nothing could dampen the young child's enthusiasm for Christmas,and so she woke her parents at four in the morning to ask if she could open her presents yet. V,to deaden,restrain,or repress.


Now that half your teeth have been pulled for future orthodontic work,your incoherent babble is certain to flummox anyone who tires to understand you. V,to confuse or perplex.


Now that you'er received so many fabulous wedding gifts, you must beat the onus of writing all those thank-you notes. N,an unpleasant task or duty;a burden or obligation


Now that you've survived your ride on the Ferris wheel,perhaps you're ready to try something a little more venturesome,like hang gliding. Adj,adventurous,risky,daring


Observers are pointing out the obvious when they say there won't be an end to the hostilities until some sort of accord is hammered out. N,accordance. N,agreement.


Obviously,she owes her high SAT scores to devoting assiduous attention to her vocabulary tests. Adj,diligent;hard-working ;constant.


On New Year's morning ,Sam took several aspirin and a large amount of water to recruit himself from the excesses of the previous night. V,to restore or renew the health or vitality of


On every car trip the sibling bickered with each other constantly,no matter what their parents did to try to gratify them. V,to please;to satisfy.


On his death bed, the Duke refused to see a priest,instead heaping profane abuse on the Church and all its minions. N,profanity. Adj,showing contempt(n. 轻视; 耻辱; 轻蔑)towards what is sacred;nonreligious in subject matter;. V,to treat with contempt,to degrade.


Once its most famous spokesman, the celebrity instead began to denounce the product when he found out it was poisonous. N,denunciation. V,to speak out against;to accuse publicly


REM and 10,000 Maniacs were in the vanguard of alternative music in the 1980s. Adj,the leading position in army,as it destroyed half the house on the little island. Adj,calamitous. N,an event causing extreme trouble and misery.


Once the little canoe made it through the tributary,there was no doubt it would be eventually washed out to sea. N,a stream floating into a larger river;adj,making additions or producing supplies.


One complaint often issued against those who major in education is that they spend so much time studying pedagogy that they do not learn the actual subject they are supposed to teach. N,pedagogy. N,the art or profession of teaching


One of his lungs hand to be removes because of the malignant tumors growing in it. N,malignancy. Adj,very harmful;threatening death;cancerous(of a tumor)


Online surveys are almost never representative of the general population since the very nature of having people volunteer to take the survey skews the results one way or another. Adj,skewed. V,to place at an angle;to cause bias in or distort;adj. Asymmetric ;biased.


Only a few generations ago,many would have scoffed at the idea that people would one day be able to cross the U.S. In only a few hours. V,to make fun of ;to ridicule.


Only in the nineteenth century did surgeons understand the nature of airborne contaminants and thus realize the importance of an immaculate operating room. Adj,perfectly clean.


Only those who have lived through the havoc of a natural disaster can appreciate the dedication of relief workers. N.great destruction and devastation


Ordinary,Ellen become suddenly pensive whenever the subject of her dead canary comes up. Adj,thinking deeply pr seriously, often of sad things.


Reporters questioned the propriety of the politician's receiving such a large donation from someone who had ties to organized crime. N,good manners.;proper behavior.


Our driving instructor demonstrated how,even at top speed,the car will veer downhill if you take your hands off the steering wheel. V, to change direction.


Our group was jovial as the trip began,but a series of problems quickly dissipated our good humor. Adj,full of hearty,playful good humor


Our incompetent guide proved unfamiliar with the region's topography,and soon we were hopelessly lost. N,the surface feature of a place,region or object.


Out of respect for the more conservative members of the audience, she skipped over some of the bawdy jokes in her repertoire. N,the range of pieces an artist is prepared to perform.


Owing to a colossal misunderstanding,the groom went to one church while the bride showed up at another. N,colossus. Adj,very large.


People ordinarily agonize for months over the purchase of a new house;it's seldom a capricious decision. N,caprice. Adj,erratic;tending to change abruptly


Periodic outbreaks of continued fighting have undermined the diplomats' claim that the cease-fire is holding. V, to weaken


Peter prepared a romantic candlelit dinner for his girlfriend, hoping to create an opportune mood to ask her to marry him.Adj .Suitable for a particular purpose ; occurring at a favorable moment.


Picasso's painting<<Guernica,>>depicting Nazi atrocities during the Spanish Civil War,was intended to rouse public indignation toward the enemy. V,to wake or provoke


Powell as first categorically denied that he would run for office but later qualified his remarks by admitting that friends were urging him to do so. N,qualification. V,to modify,limit,or restrict,as by giving exception


Preparing to argue his first court case,the new lawyer spent the night carefully marshaling his arguments,planning the best way to present his case. V, to arrange in order


Quentin found his son's story that aliens had abducted him on the way home from home from school to be highly implausible . N,implausibility. Adj,difficult to believe.


Proverbs are not amiss when aptly and reasonably applied,but to be forever using them,right or wrong,hit or miss,renders conversation insipid.adj,uninteresting;having no flavor


Rap artists claim their violent lyrics are intended to describe a present situation,never to incite future violent acts. V,to provokes and urge on;to encourage to act,esp.in a hostile(adj. 怀敌意的, 敌对的) action.


Rebecca jumped into the argument with what she thought were intelligent and critical comments,but later she worried that she had sounded too captious. Adj,critically faultfinding


Some parents allow their children to do whatever they want under the mistaken belief that imposing rules will only stifle children's creativity. Adj,stifling. V,to suffocate or smother


Reformists point out that prisons may be effective as punishment,but not as rehabilitation,for the number of recidivists is usually very high. N, one who returns to criminal habits.


Remaining artifacts from the region are beautiful,making it all the more poignant that so few are extant. Adj,currently or actually existing


Ricardo's pride often leads him to take umbrage at the slightest hint of an insult. N,offense;resentment.n. 愤慨, 怨恨, 忿怒


Sarah showed a fierce determination to surmount every obstacle and achieve her goal of becoming a wealthy businesswoman. V,to overcome(e.g.,an obstacle);to climb to the top of


Saying someone has passed onto meet his maker in that great cornfield in the sky is just a euphemism for saying he has died. Adj,euphemistic. N,the substitution of an agreeable word or phrase to replace one that might offend.


Science the Soviet Union because defunct,the political situation in Eastern Europe has turned far more complicated. Adj,having ceased to exist or live.


Scientists have learned much about primeval life on this planet by the use of radio-carbon dating.adj,relating to the beginning of the first world ages.


Shakespeare frequently compares life to the theater,as in his famous metaphor<all the world's a stage.>. Adj,metaphorical. N, a figure of speech calling one thing another to imply likeness(without using <like,><as,>etc.)


She has become notably less hidebound since she returned to college after her retirement,as the experience had opened her mind to new ways of thinking. Adj,narrow-mind


Some people are raised in an atmosphere of high culture and refined appreciation;for others,eating a TV dinner while watching a good video is the most sublime pleasure they desire. N,sublimity. adj,of high spiritual of moral worth.


She usually travels incognito,so that the police won't recognize her and act on that old warrant for her arrest. Adv,in disguise.


She was too perspicacious to be deceived by such a flawed argument. N,perspicacity. Adj,having keen perception or understanding


Shy and subservient,Henry acquiesces to all of the demands that other people make of him. N,acquiescence. V,to agree without protest.


Since I still have a headache,I'll ask you to modulate your voice to a lower volume. N,modulate. V,to adjust or regulate.


Since large corporations and businesses must develop marketing schemes to appeal to specific consumer groups,they often have a keen interest in demographic. N,demography;. N,demographer. N,the distribution of human population groups.


Since no rejoinder came to mind immediately,I had to take her refusal to go out with me as her last word on the subject. V,an answer,esp.to another answer.


Since she refuses to have engine work done on her car, Molly instead subjects pedestrian to clouds of black,noxious fumes that belch form the tailpipe. Adj,harmful to health or the mind


Since she's smarter than you are,it wasn's really appropriate for you to pontificate her about the beast way to study. V,to speak pompously and at length


Since the participants obviously could not agree on their own,they brought in an outsider to adjudicate for them. V,to judge(n. 法官, 推事, 审判官v. 审理; 判断; 鉴定; 下判断; 作评价); to preside(v. 任主席, 当主人, 统辖).


Since there would be an interesting festival in town a few days later,we agreed to depart from our itinerary and stay longer. N,a route or proposed route for a journey.


Since they aren't in vogue anymore,people are having a hard time selling fedora hates to businessman. Adj,voguish. N,prevailing fashion


Since we did not want to listen to the lengthy recorded message,we agreed to go straight to the theater and pick from among the movies listen on the marquee(n. 大天幕; 遮篷; 华盖) outside. N,a sign over the entrance to a public building.


Since you're so confused ,maybe a few helpful photographs will help me elucidate the process of erosion. V,to make something clear;to clarify


Sir Isaac Newton carefully protected his reputation as the preeminent scientist of his day. Adj,superior in status or fame to all others,esp.as a generally recognized quality.


Situation comedies often feature a foolish character whom the other characters deride with witty put-downs. N,derision. Adj,derisive. V,to ridicule n. 嘲笑, 笑柄, 愚弄v. 嘲笑, 愚弄, 嘲弄


Skeptic wondered whether the grandiose scheme was even feasible. N,feasibility. Adj,capable of being done.


So far,I hate your book but I will forbear to give you any criticism until I have read the whole thing. V, to be patient or avoid doing


So many people vie for admission to a handful of elite colleges that only a small percentage of those who apply are accepted. V,to complete


So many students from one class got perfect scores on their AP tests that ETS,suspecting the students had cheated,invalidated the results and made them retake the test. V,to cancel;deprive of legal importance;nullify(v. 使无效, 取消, 废弃).


Study after study has shown that teachers alone are rarely effective unless they have concurrent support of parents and school administrators. Adj,happening at the same time;acting together.


Successful politicians must be impervious to all the criticism that will inevitably be leveled at them. Adj,completely resistant to penetration;unaffected


The Great Depression was a time of tribulation for many Americans. N,great misery or distress.


The Japanese legal system operates more leniently for those defendants who plead guilty and appear truly penitent. N,penitence. Adj,feeling regret.


The Madagascar ritual involves digging up the dead and washing their rotting bodies strikes many visitors as macabre. Adj,suggesting the horror of death.


The Nobel committee voted to bestow yet another honor on the world-famous scientist. V,to present or give(used with <on>)


The Social Security attempts to prevent destitution among the elderly bu providing a financial safety net. Adj,destitute. N,the lack of any means of subsistence.


The Taj Mahal,built by Shah Jajan to honor the memory of his favorite wife,is the most famous extant example of a mausoleum. N,a huge tomb.


The U.S. Declaration of Independence doesn't set out to describe an ideal government but instead to fulminate against the tyranny of King George III. N,fulmination. V,to issue a strong verbal attack.


The United States continues to proscribe the importation(n. 进口; 输入品) of any Cuban goods. N,proscription. V,to prohibit or forbid;to denounce.


The abundant insects of the forest nettle my dog when she tries to sleep outdoors. V,to bother; to irritate


The acid was so strong that it corroded any metal it touched. Adj,corrosive. V,to eat into ;destroy gradually,as by a chemical process.


The actress's career,with its resume(n. 摘要, 梗概; 简历v. 重新开始, 继续; 重返; 恢复; 重新占用; 重新开始, 继续) of undistinguished roles ,must surely have hit its nadir with the release of this terrible movie. N,the lowest point ;the bottom.


The adventurer felt a quiver of fear run through him as he came under the baleful eye of a panther. Adj,harmful or threatening harm or evil.


The afternoon sun saturated the living room with a warm,amber light. N,saturation. V,to soak(n. 浸泡, 浸渍; 烂醉; 酒鬼v. 使上下湿透, 吸入, 浸; 浸泡, 渗透) or fill to capacity.


The agent let us know politely that his actor was more expensive than we could afford,and though he'd love to help us out,his client was unfortunately not altruistic. N,altruist;n,a altruism. Adj,unselfish;benevolent;caring more for others than oneself.


The allied British,Belgian,and Prussian forces vanquished Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo. V,to defeat;esp. Totally


The smell of roast chicken whetted my appetite,and by the time we sat down to dinner I was ready to eat the whole bird myself. V,to sharpen;to make keen.


The amusement park ride spun in a rapid circle,the centrifugal force squishing riders against the siders of their cars. Adj.moving away from the center


The appointment of the politician's daughter to a position of power was factious, and even some of his loyal supporters complained.Adj .Causing dissension(n. 意见不合, 倾轧, 纠纷)


The band's latest recording,full of foul language and exhortations(n. 规劝; 告诫) to violence,is certain to incense the public even than its last one. V,to make angry;to enrage.


The bathroom window had a translucent finish,which admitted sunlight without allowing anyone to see inside. Adj,letting light through,but in visual details.


The board voted unanimously to discontinue the new line of computers,but the CEO demurred,saying that the product would become popular given enough time. V,to object;to disagree with something.


The book is amazingly thoughtful and offers nearly everyone who reads it variety of insights about how to live a fulfilling life. Adj,insightful. N,the power to sense or understand something


The bouncer was hired mostly for his imposing brawn,but he was surprisingly intelligent too. Adj,brawny. N,muscles;strength.


The box wasn't heavy,but it was too cumbersome for one person to carry. Adj.clumsy or difficult to manage


The boxing ring is a favorite hang-out for attorneys and stock brokers,who get few chances anywhere else to exhibit their feral natures. Adj,existing in a wild or untamed state


The businessman tried to assuage feelings of guilt over the means by which he had become wealthy by giving generously to charity. V,to lesson pain or distress


The first speed bump at the Bel Air gate knocked the muffler off car,making the gardeners and day workers frown(n. 皱眉, 蹙额; 不悦之色v. 皱眉; 不赞成; 蹙额; 皱眉表示) at me with irritation and disdain. Adj,disdainful. N, a feeling of contempt(n. 轻视; 耻辱; 轻蔑).


The celebrity used her fame to propagate her rather controversial ideas about socialism. N,propagation. V,to multiply or reproduce;to transmit;to extend to a wider area.


The child's transparent delight at receiving the new toy made all the adults in the room smile. N,transparency. Adj,obvious;undisguised


The city was originally founded as a center for religious study,but since than its activity has become more mercantile,with the growth of trade and light industry on its outskirts. Adj,relation to business.


The civil rights movement of the 1960s had as its goal the elimination of the many iniquities faced by African Americans in society. Adj,iniquitous. N,extreme immorality or injustice; wickedness


The clans of the Scottish Highlands identify themselves by the distinctive plaid patterns,or tartan,of their kilts. N,a group of several families descended from a common ancestor and sharing a family name.


The close fraternal tie remained undiminished,despite the fact that the brothers lived on opposite sides of the country. Adj,showing comradeship;brotherly


The color scheme of the celebrity's house,while undeniably striking and original,caused much concern among the owners of the adjacent house,who had to look as it every day. Adj adjoining;next to


The colt galloped about the field playfully ,but never strayed far form his mother. N,a young male horse


The communists went through the charade of a trial for Bukharin ,but the outcome was foreordained. N,an obvious pretense or deception.


The computer programmer discovered a few more bugs that he hadn't been aware of and had to revise his initial diagnosis of the problem. V,diagnose. N,the recognition of a disease ot injury by symptoms;a critical analysis of the nature of something


The conductor had become used to sliding open the door to the freight car finding vagrants napping,eating scraps,or writing poetry. N,a person who wanders from place to place,esp.one who lives on the streets and constitutes a public nuisance.


The congressman was arrested when it turned out that the businessman form whom he had solicited a bride was actually an FBI agent. N,solicitation. V,to ask for ;to seek.


The new candidate has insisted in public that his long-shot campaign stand a chance,owing to an incipient surge of support at the grass-roots level,which no one else happens to have noticed yet. adj,beginning to appear or be noticed.


The cowardly act of some crew members in abandoning the ship while leaving the passengers behind brought ignominy upon the entire crew. Adj,ignominious. N,shame;dishonor.


The cuisine in this fancy restaurant is excellent and beautifully presented,but the serving sizes are so paltry that it isn't worth the high price. Adj,lacking importance or worth;contemptibly small.


The curators were overjoyed to have the Picasso exhibit come to their museum,since they knew it would boost their attendance enormously. N,a person in charge of a museum.


The custom of throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder is an ancient superstition(n. 迷信) intended to avert bad luck. V,to turn away.


The defendant was touched by the stalwart loyalty of his friends,who were called to testify at his trial. Adj,firm and resolute;having imposing physical strength.


The demand for verisimilitude is reduces in comic books,where the readers permit a greater departure into fantasy. N,resemblance to the truth.


The detective , working undercover , served as a decoy to find those who were slling drugs.N.A thing or person used to lure or tempt into a trap.


The development of the corporate database was left in abeyance after the lead programmer unexpectedly quit. N,a suspension of activity.


The dictator didn't care what happened to his country so long as he was safe in his impregnable underground bunker.ad,invincible;unconquerable.


The discovery of radiation has opened up a fecund realm(n. 王国; 界, 领域; 国土, 领土; 范围) of study for many scientists. Adj,producing offspring;fruitful;intellectually (adv. 智力上)productive.


The drought was visibly behind us when the hills were suddenly covered with lush(n. 酒; 醉汉; 酒鬼v. 喝酒adj. 苍翠繁茂的; 丰富的; 多汁的),verdant vegetation. V,green.


The editor tried to keep the substance of the article while shortening it , eliminating the verbiage. N,excessive wordiness.


The new high school teacher thinks of his class as an oasis of erudition in a bleak,illiterate landscape. N,a fertile place in a desert due to the presence of water;any place or thing offering relief form difficulty or dullness.


The emergency rescue team placed a tourniquet around his badly mangled(v. 乱砍, 乱撕; 损毁, 弄糟; 使受严重损伤; 把送入轧布机中轧压) arm in an effort to save him from bleeding to death . N, a device,usually an encircling bandage,used to cut off the flow of blood.


The entire community was horrified when the local church was desecrated by vandals who spray-painted the altar(n. 圣坛, 祭坛; 圣餐台) with vulgar graffiti. N,desecration. V,to violate the religious quality of something.


The estate lawyer had many suggestions for the Parks so they could avoid inheritance taxes and pass more of their money to their progeny. N,children or descendants(descendant).


The experience Bill had swimming with the dolphins was ineffable :never afterwards could he describe to his friends how he had felt. Adj,incapable of being expressed.


The experienced runner allowed others to take an early leas,but husbanded his energy in the knowledge that an early sprint would leave him exhausted. V,to use sparingly(adv. 节俭地; 保守地; 爱惜地; 谨慎地);to conserve(v. 保存; 保藏).


The explorer found himself in a dilemma when he was caught between a hungry lion and a steep cliff. N,a situation in which one must chose between two equally bad alternatives


The exuberant good cheer Roberto demonstrated proved infectious,and soon everyone was smiling broadly. N,exuberance. Adj,likely,happy,and full of good spirits.


The family reunion photograph shows four generations of the Park family,gathered around the proud,elderly patriarch at the center. Adj,patriarchal; N,patriarchy. N,a man who rules a family clan;a very respected old man.


The final day of the convention was a farce,with the delegates making a public show of debating and voting on issues that had already been decided privately. N,a comedy based on crudely humorous,unlikely situations;something absurd or ridiculous,as an obvious pretense.


The food at the party was delectable;we enjoyed every morsel. Adj,very pleasing;delightful;esp.to the taste


The football player was fined $15,000by the league for his intemperate response after the referee had called a penalty in him. Adj,lacking in moderation;excessive.


The gale arose without warning,endangering several sailboats that had ventured out of the harbor when the day appeared calm and peaceful. N,a strong wind


The government appointed an arbitrator to intervene in the dispute between the airline and its pilots. N,intervention. V,to come between two things.


The government auditors,suspicious that the businessmen were hiding some of their revenue,insisted on seeing each business ledger from the past five years . N,a book for keeping financial records.


The guards at Buckingham Place are famous for their ability to remain stationary for fours,unreactive to the crowd around them. Adj,not moving.


The health department encourages all parents to have their children inoculated against childhood diseases as early as possible. N,inoculation. V,to inject something,esp. A medicine,into in order to create immunity.


The high demand for nurses make this a propitious moment to enter the nursing profession. Adj,presenting favorable circumstances.


The historian spent many hours in the library poring over the voluminous records of old tax data. Adj,having great size or fullness


The historical novel was wildly inaccurate conflating radically different eras that were centuries apart. N,conflation. V,to bring together;to merge into a composite whole


The hurricane wreaked havoc along the coastline,and a week later,many towns were still flooded. V,to inflict;to cause(something bad.)


The ice encrusting her mittens gradually melted,leaving them cold and sodden. Adj,throughly wet,drenched


The idea that you could generate could fusion in a laboratory as a cheap source of energy turned out to be supported conjecture. N,an inference or conclusion based on incomplete evidence.


The impoverished family subsisted on one meager meal a day,and the consisted merely of rice and a few scraps of vegetables. N,subsistence. V,to maintain life.


The island of Madagascar was separated from nearly continents early in its history;as a result,it hosts indigenous plant and animal species found nowhere else. Adj,native,occurring naturally


The judges couldn't remember a case of more brazen rule-breaking on the field;it was as though the athlete wasn't even trying to hide her cheating. Adj,showing shameless,insolent boldness;made of brass(n. 黄铜; 黄铜制品, 铜器; 黄铜色; 铜管乐器).


The jury for the competition deemed that to pianist in this year's competition merited the first prize,so only a second prize was awarded.


The jury found the defendant guilty despite the eloquent speech of his attorney. N,eloquence. Adj,articulate;convincing and effective in speech.


The landlord led the way up the rotten steps to the second floor,which was so top-heavy made the ramshackle house lean sideways. Adj, about to fall apart or fall down.


The last thing this army needs id some maverick who goes off with a loaded weapon without first waiting for orders. N,one who rebels;a nonconformist;an individualist.


The lawyer's specious arguments were aimed at deceiving the jury,but once the jurors thought though the case they saw the fallacy in his remarks. Adj,seeming to be trustful on the surface,but actually false


The light brought the white church into relief from the flat ledges. N.a distinction or prominence due to contrast


The little girl's relatives were impressed by the easy decorum she had learned form her parents. Adj,decorous. N,polite behavior


The lively repartee between Nora and Charles in the old<thin man >movies has delighted generations of movies-goers and served as a model for dialogue in many later romantic comedies. N,a quick,with reply;a series of such replies


The notion that just because two events happen in sequence they must have a causal connection is a widespread fallacy. Adj,fallacious. N,a false notion,esp. One based on incorrect reasoning .

Red tape

The small business owner wanted to expand but was discourage by the pointless red tape that made the process far more complicated than it should have been. N,procedures(n. 程序, 手续, 过程, 规律, 草案, 协议; 动作过程) or forms necessary for a task,esp.excessively complicated steps as part of a bureaucratic process


The loss of a leg in an automobile accident has precluded Michael from pursuing professional baseball as a career. V,to make impossible;to prevent the occurrence of


The love scenes in this movies were considered torrid in their day,but to us they just like rather tame and silly. Adj,parched with heat;ardent or passionate


The mammoth cargo ship was so big it was impossible to steer(v. 掌舵, 驾驶; 带领; 指导; 操纵; 驾驶, 掌舵; 被驾驶, 驾驶起来; 行驶, 行进) in shallow(adj. 浅的, 肤浅的) waters and needed tugboats to enter and exit harbor. Adj,very large;of clumsy or unwieldy size.


The manufacturer expected complaints after the defective product hit stores but was not prepared fr the dramatic influx of consumer outrage. N,a mass arrival or incoming


The mayor had promised to do all he could to ensure the weekend was a success , but ultimately he made only a token appearance at the opening ceremonies.Adj.Performed only as an indication of indent.


The mayor's adamant refusal to listen to the protestor's grievances only sparking further and more violent demonstrations. Adj,stubbornly unyielding;impervious to pleas,appeals,or reason.


The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is one of the amazing phenomena of nature. V,metamorphose. N,a transformation,as by magic;a marked change in appearance or function.


The mob coerced the restaurant owner into paying protection money by threatening to burn down his business. N.coercion. V.to force by threat or intimidation


The month-old corpse fell out of the linen closet and stared up at me with a ghastly grin. Adj,terrible;horrible.


The nascent democracies of Eastern Europe have suffered from unstable economies and a long tradition of authoritarian(n. 权力主义者; 独裁主义者adj. 权力主义的; 主张服从权力的; 独裁主义的) control. Adj, coming into being;being born.


The negotiations won't get very far as long as both sides remain entrenched and refuse to budge from their initial positions. Adj,dug in


The nun walked demurely to the microphone and then belted out out a hymn so vigorously that she shook the rafters loose. N,a religious song;a a song of praise


The obdurate headmaster seemed deaf to the complaints of the students about the ridiculous rules;nothing could get him to change his mind. Adj,not easily moved to pity or sympathy


The old man sat quietly with a benign smile on his face as he watched his great-grandchildren play on the floor in front of him. N,benignity. Adj,kindly;creating a favorable influence;(in medicine)not dangerous to one's health.


The old woman's house is redolent of dried violets. N,redolence. Adj,aromatic;fragrant;suggestive.


The once limpid waters of the mountain river have now become muddied and polluted by the discharge of so much waste into it. Adj,perfectly clear;transparent.


The only reminder of the hurricane's force was a light rain and the howling winds that died down to a zephyr which lasted for several more days. N,a gentle,soft breeze


The only way she could stay out of debt with such a low-paying job was by leading a particularly Spartan life. Adj,hardy,frugal and highly disciplined;not lavish or luxurious.


The opposing sides have been at war for so many centuries that it's unlikely they can ever live in peace along a contiguous border. N,contiguity. Adj,sharing a common boundary;adjoining


The paintings of docked sailboats on my dentist's wall are there to connote feelings of calm and peace so that i will forget my desperate fear of getting my teeth drilled. N.connotation. V.to imply something beyond a literal meaning


The promises of fabulous prizes turned out to be so much humbug;the rewards were worthless. N,something done to trick or deceive.


The parish lacked the money for a comprehensive reconstruction of the church and so instead settled for some selective repair work. Adj,complete;covering broadly and all-inclusively


The park was infamous among the neighbors as a place where drugs were sold,but the police seemed to take few steps to combat the problem. N,infamy. Adj,having a bad reputation.


The party was so noisy and crowded that Lisa and Rose had to hunt for a secluded corner where they could talk without shouting. V,seclude;n,seclusion. Adj,hidden;removed;sheltered


The passion that some collectors have for old things has meant that artifacts that belong in museums have often been looked form archaeological sites and sold on the black markets. N, an object produced by human work,esp.one of historical or archaeological interest


The peculiar neural disorder left him unable to sense temperature in this left hand. Adj,pertaining to a nerve,the nervous system.or the brain.


The personnel department at Sunny Vistas wrote Jenny a polite letter of rejection,explaining that she was a little too feisty to work with frail old people. Adj,irritate;quarrelsome;full of spirit.


The physics final consisted of only one problem,but one so difficult that it stymie half the class. V,to obstruct;to stump.


The picnickers were recumbent on the thick grass under the tree. Adj.lying down in a position of comfort(adj. 靠着的, 不活泼的, 躺着的; 休息的)


The plaintive yaps that my dog makes when I leave for work just break my heart. Adj,expressing sorrow


The poignant death of the film's main character from cancer had the entire audience weeping by the end of the movies. N,poignant. Adj,sharply painful to the feelings.


The police officer unlock chuckled to herself,convinced that my claim to have been abducted by aliens must be a figment of my imagination. N.something that if created;something that is imagined


The police quickly captured the leader of the threesome who pulled off the kidnapping,but they haven't found either accomplice yet. N,accessory;one who assists in a crime


The police stopped the car on the pretext that its brake lights were out,but in fact they just thought the driver looked suspicious. N,an excuse;a strategy intended to conceal something.


The politician took a deliberately ambiguous position on the controversial issue,hoping to avoid offending partisans on either side. N,ambiguity. Adj,having more than one possible interpretation.


The politician's wife led a long campaign against rock music with lyrics that she considered. N,obscenity. Adj,offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty(n. 谦逊, 虚心; 羞怯; 端庄, 稳重; 节制, 中肯).


The politician's wife was lambasted in the press for her remarks that seemed to disparage women who chose to be housewives. V, to scold or criticize harshly; to beat or whip severely


The politician's youthful transgressions came back to haunt him when he ran for president. V, transgress. N,a violation(n. 违反; 违犯; 违背; 违反行为) of law;the exceeding of proper boundaries.


The politician,accused of taking bribes,answered with recriminations of his own,claiming that the FBI had entrapped him. V,recriminate. N,a reply to one charge with a counterchrge


The professor was noted for his teaching,not his publishing;in fact,his most recent publication was a monograph on washing machines published in the '80s. N,a scholarly book on a narrow subject.


The rapture that the people felt at the news that a peace treaty had been signed was quickly tempered when they discovered how many of their soldier had died during the conflict. Adj,rapturous. N,the experience of great joy;ecstasy


The reporter's question was so idiotic that the celebrity did not even deign to reply. V,to stoop to a level considered beneath one's dignity.


The revelation that the company's employees frequently cut corners can only prove a detriment to its corporate image.Adj detrimental.N.injury or damage


The road that leads through the city center is more direct,but the traffic is so bad that we will save more time if we take roads that skirt the urban center. V,to lie along the edge of ;to pass nearby or around,rather than through.


The serene confidence that General Grant showed at the battle of Shiloh heartened troops who were on the verge of running away and encouraged them to keep fighting. N,serenity. Adj,calm and peaceful.


The somber(adj. 昏暗的; 忧郁的; 阴沉的; 闷闷不乐的) music heard at the opening of the film creates a sense of foreboding,but true disaster dose not materialize until the conclusion. N,a sense of impending(adj. 逼迫的, 悬空的, 迫切的) evil,esp.one without definite cause.


The sound of the horns form surrounding cars brought her out of her reverie on the meaning of life and back to the mundane effort of driving to work. Adj,typical of this world;commonplace.


The speaker's arguments were not particularly logical,after a few telling quips he had the audience thoroughly persuaded. Adj,strikingly effective


The speaker's fierce polemic relied on emotion more than logic and moved inly those who were already of his opinion. Adj,polemic. N, a controversial argument; esp.attacking a particular opinion.


The stricture on rude v\behavior are purely social convention and do not have the force of law. N, a restrain or limit


The tanker ran aground along a shoal,but was soon pulled free by a pair of tugs. N.an area of shallow water


The team was rankled by the loss to its arch-rivals all the more because it seemed that the referees had made numerous bad calls in the other team's favor. V,to cause persistent irritation.


The teenage vandals sabotaged their teacher's car by pouring sugar into the gas tank. V,to deliberately obstruct or destroy.


The thief's convoluted plan to rob the museum showed that he had been reading too many mystery novels;in the real world,such a scheme had too many elements that could go wrong. Adj,intricate;complicated


The thirty-foot-high storm surge from the hurricane engulf the beach-front homes,flooding even second-story rooms. V,to swallow up; overwhelm.


The three musketeers made a pact to help each other in every circumstance. N,an agreement between persons,groups or nations


The three year od tipped over the bucket and a little cascade of paint fell from the countertop to the carpet. N,a waterfall of series of small waterfalls;a succession of stages,processes,or units


The thrilling conclusion to the movie redeems the rather slow first half. N,redemption. V,to turn in and receive something in exchange; to make up for


The timorous eyes of the child revealed his reluctance to leave his mother in order to spend the day with his kindergarten class. Adj,full of fear


The veteran soldiers had already had their mettle tested in combat and were unlikely to shrink form the dangerous duty to which they were assigned. Adj,mettlesome. N,courage;strength of character.


The war left destruction and famine in its wake. N,track of turbulence left by something moving through water (or figuratively,anything that has passed.)


The way that Marissa smirks whenever anyone makes a mistake really annoys everyone who knows her. V,to smile in a self-satisfied or artificial way


The wedding reception was a gala event,prepared by the family months in advance. Adj,characterized by festivity; n,a festive occasion,esp.a lavish social event


The whole family was disappointed to learn of grandpa's decision to bequeath his enormous fortune to some little-known art museum. N,bequest. V,to pass down to ;to had sown,esp. In a will.


The young gunslinger was eager to quaff the last of his chocolate milk and head back out to the street foe a showdown. V,to drink quickly or with enthusiasm.


There are so many different permutations of the major chess openings that even a master cannot hope to learn them all. N,a thorough change in form ;the act of changing a given set of elements in a group.


This set of orders is meant to supersede the last set,which you can now throw away. V,to replace


Those grocery stores located in warm climates can have produce departments with strikingly heterogeneous offerings year-round. Adj.not similar;very different;mixed together(adj. 异种的, 异质的; 非均匀的)


Though generally well-received,the novel received some criticism for its lurid depictions of battle-scene violence. Adj,causing shock or horror;tastelessly vivid;glowing like fire through a haze(n. 霾, 薄雾; 模糊; 朦胧v. 变朦胧; 变糊涂; 使劳累; 欺侮, 戏弄; 使苦恼)


Though he's certainly no prodigy,he can at least make his way across a dance floor without knocking anyone over. N,one with exceptional talents.


Though his remarks were widely viewed as insulting and hostile,will swore he had not had any such invidious intent when making them. Adj, tending to a arouse hostility or resentment.


To the chagrin of the campaign manger,his predictions of an overwhelming victory turned out to be wildly inaccurate. N,feeling of embarrassment because of failure or disappointment.


Today,the power of the British monarch is confined largely to ceremonial functions. N,monarchy. N,one who rules a state,usually for life and by hereditary right.


Vin knew it would be a long time before he could afford to eat in such an expensive restaurant again,so he ate slowly,determined to savor every morsel of his meal. V,to taste or smell;esp.with pleasure;n.the taste or smell.


Vern likes singing into the refrigerator because the plastic walls make his voice sound impressively resonant. N.resonance adj.strong and deep in tone


Vernon is prone to tripping;last time he was so embarrassed to have tripped on the staircase that he simply lay prone at the bottom.hoping everyone would be gone by the time he got up. Adj,tending or likely to do something;lying face down.


Veteran's Day is set aside each November as a time to venerate those who fought to defend our country in times of war. N,veneration. V,to look upon with respect and honor.


Vince had great affection for his Grateful Dead t-shirt and continued to wear it even after it became threadbare and torn. Adj,old and worn out.


We can blame a lot of bad science fiction movies on <star wars,>a seminal film whose impact even its worst imitators can't diminish. Adj,original and inspiring further similar efforts


We can have empathy for a criminal's troubled childhood without excusing the crimes he commits as an adult. Adj,empathic;v.empathize. N,ability to understand and identify with another's feelings and emotions


We expected the worst when the neophyte insisted on taking the boat through the harbor without any help from the experienced crew. N,a beginner;an immature person who is learning .


We should not be complacent about our safety;we must always be alert. N,complacence. Adj,too pleased with oneself;self-satisfied


We went there expecting a close and exciting game,but rout was so through and immediate that we left at halftime. N,an overwhelming defeat;a disorderly retreat or flight following a defeat;to defeat overwhelmingly.


We were all in an ebullient mood when we saw that we held the winning numbers to the lottery. N,ebullience. Adj,in high spirits;boiling or seeming to boil


We were elated at the sight of our new home,excited that we had finally moved out of our old,cramped apartment. N,elation. Adj,in high spirits;joyful


We'd better take what we can with us ;when the troops get here they'll ravage whatever we leave behind. V,to damage;to ruin.


Weeks of working away from sunlight in the top secret underground facility left the Special Agent looking wan and sickly. Adj,sickly pale;colorless.


What began as a serious discussion of important policy issues quickly degenerated into a squabble over who deserved the most blame for past mistakes. N,a noisy argument,esp.over an unimportant matter.


When Alejandra visited the Galapagos Islands she was impressed not only by the wide array of animals she saw,but also by the great variety of flora.n,plants as a group,esp.of a specified region or time.


When Brad's mother heard that he was dropping out of medical school to became an actor,she pursed her lips in grim disapproval but restrained herself form making any outburst. V,to contrast into wrinkle or folds;to pucker


When Carol skips breakfast,she feels sluggish all day. Adj,lazy;lacking energy.


When Henry returned home after a mouth away,his apartment reeked of rotten milk since he had left a nearly full carton sitting on the counter. V,to give off a strong,unpleasant odor;to be pervade with something unpleasant.


When I was little ,my parents made me believe that if I picked up a matchbook,I would inevitably start a conflagration that would destroy the house. N,large,disastrous fire.


When a guest drives home drunk from a party,both the guest and the host are culpable. N,culpability. Adj,deserving blame or punishment


With a French mother,an English father,a German nurse,and a Russian tutor,George grew up a polyglot,fluent in all four languages. N,one who speaks many languages;adj,speaking many languages


With age , Mark has become more reflective and less inclined to act without considering the consequences.Adj .Thoughtful


With everyone racing to turn in assignments and study for exams,the last few days of the semester are usually hectic. Adj,characterized by intense activity.


With his patent on an innovative new manufacturing process, Garvey become a very wealthy men in short time.V .Innovate ; n.Innovation .Adj .Marked bya new or unusual ways of doing things.


With only an hour to go before the execution the governor commuted the prisoner's death sentence to life prison. V,to change a punishment to one less serves.


Writers in eighteenth-century England were particularly adept at satire,and not even the highest nobles were exempt form their scorn. Adj.satirical. N.irony,sarcasm,or caustic wit used to attack human vice or folly,esp.in a literary work


Years of works as a reporter on the crime beat left Kristy with a sense of jaundice about the inherent evil of human beings. Adj,jaundiced. N,prejudice;bias;a yellowish discoloration of the skin.


Your attendance at the next meeting is obligatory,but after that you need come only when you want to. Adj,legally or morally required .


You got the right answer on this geometry proof,but the teacher marked off some points anyway,because your reasoning along the way had a few tenuous links. Adj,weak;thin


You have to be patient in his this class,because learning vocabulary is something you will learn increment by increment,not by a great stride all at once. N,an increase in quantity; v,to increase


You have to look film and assertive(adj. 断定的, 过分自信的) when you ask you boss for a raise;you'll only lose his respect if you grovel. V,to beg;to lower oneself to please another.


You may think you want to fo to summer camp,but getting a good look at place should temper your enthusiasm. V,to bring down in tone;to moderate; to soften


You ought to have a doctor check your wound before to starts to fester. V.to rot;to decay;to putrefy


You stand to make a lot of money on this deal,so long as they don't renege at the last minute. V,to fail to carry out a promise.


You will understand this novel much better if you reread it,for there are many shades of meaning that aren't evident at first. N,a small variation,a nuance(n. 细微差别);a small amount.


adj. dryly humorous, with a touch of irony The wry, subtle humor of David Letterman took some time to catch on, but once it did , his show's popularity took off.


adj. occurring in irregular outbursts;occurring in spurts(n. 喷射, 冲刺 v. 喷射, 喷出; 突然加速行进, 冲刺; 喷射, 喷出) You will not get very far by applying only fitful attention to learning these words; you have to be steady and methodical.


adj. put forth or accepted as true on inadequate grounds;supposed. This book is actually ghost-written, and the putative author did little more than put his famous name on the tile page.


adj. slow understanding ; dull; stupid Keith was too obtuse to realize that the looks the woman was giving him meant that she was interested in him. n.obtuseness


adj. suspicious; distrustful Jane's suspicious is usually misapplied; she is leery of perfectly trustworthy(adj. ) people and credulous(adj. 轻信的, 易受骗的, 易被瞒的) of con artists.


adj.Successful criminals are those who hide their wealth from the Internal Revenue Service by maintaining inexpensive and unassuming lifestyles.


despite the efforts of reformers,the government's massive bureaucracy remained inert and resistant to ant change. N,inertia. Adj,unable to move or respond;sluggish;


the Congressman put his hand over his microphone as he insulted the witness,so that the slander would not be broadcast to the whole country. N.a false,oral statement that damages a person's reputation;v.to make such a statement

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