EMAE 260 Exam 1

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Why do we prepare function decomposition diagrams

-To breakdown bug functions into smaller basic sub functions to improve out ability to match existing concepts to basic functions -fully understand customer requirements -disconnect function from form -identify system boundaries -increase the potential for new combinations.

What are the seven phases of design

1. Conceptual design: narrow down to best concept from several candidates 2. Embodiment design: strength, materials selection, size, shape etc 3. Detail design: complete engineering description of a tested and producible product 4. Planning for manufacture: detailed plans for manufacturing, tools, fixtures, work schedules, inventory costs, quality assurance, labor costs 5. Predict distribution 6. Product use 7. Product retirement or decommissioning

What is the typical design process

1. Customer needs a solution to problem 2. Requirement analysis 3. System design (go back and check requirement analysis for this) 4. Detailed design and test (go back and check system design for this) 5. System integration and product test (go back and check detailed design and test) 6. Properly functioning system

What are the nine steps of project management

1. Define project(project charter) 2. Generate tasks(work breakdown structure, task description) 3. Determine roles and responsibilities and develop estimates (responsibility matrix, effort and duration estimates) 4. Define task interdependencies and analyze critical path(project network diagram) 5. Develop schedule(Gantt chart) 6. Perform resource loading and leveling(resource loading and histogram) 7. Generate project budget 8. Develop risk management plan(preventative and contingency plans) 9. Track and manage the project 10. Perform post project review

What are the steps in concept design

1. Defining the design concept 2. Clarifying functional requirements 3. Generating design concepts 4. Analyzing alternative designs 5. Developing product alternatives 6. Evaluating product alternatives 7. Concept design review

What is the design process model

1. Identify the need or problem 2. Research the need or problem 3. Develop possible solutions 4. Select the best possible solutions 5. Construct a prototype 6. Test and evaluate solutions 7. Communicate the solutions 8. Redesign

What are the five stages of team development

1. Orientation (forming) 2. Dissatisfaction (storming, differences in personalities etc) 3. Resolution 4. Production 5. Termination

What are the two basic principles that TRIZ is based on

1. Somebody, sometime, somewhere has already solved your problem or one similar to it. Creativity means finding that solution and adapting it to the current problem 2. Don't accept contradictions. Resolve them, use the defect as a resource to solve the problem

Define decision

A choice made between available alternatives

What are adaptive decisions

A combination of moderately unusual and only partially known problems and alternatives

What is a programmed decision

A decision that is repetitive and routine and can be made by using a definite, systematic procedure

What is a non programmed decision

A decision that is unique and novel

What is the critical path method

A graphical network diagram that focuses on identifying the potential bottlenecks in the project

What is product development

A set of activities starting with the perception of a market opportunity and ending with the sale of a product

Define lateral thinking

A set of approaches and techniques designed to find radically new approaches to problems, to come at them from the side rather than the front

Define requirement

A statement that identifies a capability or function that is needed by a product or service in order to satisfy its customers needs

What is needs analysis

Assessment: understand what the problem is rather than solve it What does the client want What is the problem that the design is to solve Identify objectives and constraints

What are ways to generate ideas

Brainstorming -Seek quantity of concepts not quality -no judgement or analysis concepts Search similar designs -patents

Why does the break the rules method work

Broken rules are springboards for new ideas By questioning why we do what we do, we can be sure we are doing the right thing

What is the delphi technique

Can probe the views of industry experts Materials sent to participants for reactions Options are individually written and sent back Summaries are sent out for further comment Role of in house coordinator crucial The group never meets together No final decisions are made by this group This is a virtual group which can be internet connected Successive feedback redefines and focuses ideas Final decisions are made by company officials, not the group

What are the four decision making conditions

Certainty, risk, uncertainty, ambiguity

Pass the parcel method to thinking outside the box

Choose a problem or challenge and think of an absurd bizarre, illegal, immoral, or crazy idea to meet the challenges. Pass it Make it somewhat realistic Pass it Develop workable solution.

What are routine decisions

Common problems with well defined solutions

What is phase 1

Concept development: considers the different ways the product and each subsystem can be designed Identify customer needs Research competitive landscape Develop concepts Determine feasibility of design concepts Build and test prototypes Estimate manufacturing costs

What is the process for requirement analysis

Customer needs a solution to a problem--> assess needs--> define problem--> specifics design requirements--> requirement specifications

What makes a project successful

Customer requirements satisfied/exceeded Completed within allocated time frame Completed within allocated budget Acceptance by the customer

What is a dynamic product

Customers are willing to, and may even demand change (Ie. Wireless phones, software etc)

What is the decision making process

Define the problem, clarify your objective, identify alternatives, analyze consequences, make a choice

What is the problem statement

Describes the customers needs and expectations, states the goals of the project, delineates the scope of the project, reports the concept of operations, describes the stakeholders, lists the deliverables and presents the key decision s that must be made

What is project scope

Describes the work required to deliver a product or service with the intended product scope (the envisioned functions of the final product)

What is engineering design

Design us to synthesize simething new or rearrange exisiting things in a new way to satisfy a need Design provides solutions to problems not previously solved before or new solutiins to problems which be solved bedofe

When evaluating a design what should you do

Determine if the synthesized system meets the objectives Determine the risks Develop mathematical models for the blocks Go back to synthesis, refine a solution Analyze again Evaluate alternative solutions Choose one solution

ABET definition of design

Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component of process to meet desired need

6 thinking hats method to thinking outside the box

Everyone evaluates from all points of view White:information, what do we need to know Red: feelings, how does this make us feel Black: caution, what is wrong with this idea Yellow: optimism, what is good about the idea Green: creativity, how can we adapt this to make it work Blue: control, is the process working Simple, effective, quickly and productively analyzes proposals

TRIZ method for thinking outside the box

Evolving, open ended system for enhancing human inventiveness through 1. Systematic identification of problems and ideal solutions 2. Overcoming various blocks through heuristics and approaches that have works in other disciplines

What are derived requirements

Expression of the customer requirements in technical terms that are used for design decisions

Random word method to thinking outside the box

Find a noun at random in the dictionary List four attributes, associations of that word Force connections between the word and the objective From these connections, generate new ideas

What are the benefits of a Pugh chart

Finding best design Considers manufacturability Communication tools; builds consensus Based on the voice of the customer Integration with other levels of business Results in significant cost savings

What does the random word method work

Forces the brain to start from a new departure points to come at the problem from an entirely new direction

Define functional requirement

How week and under what conditions one or more inputs must be converted into one or more outputs at the boundary in question in order to satisfy the customers needs

What is the marketing plan

Identifying the target market--> product strategy--> expressing product benefits

What is a redesign

Improve an existing design Redesign a failing component Reduce manufacturing cost

What is a stakeholder

Include all people, organizations and institutions that are a part of the system environment because the system provides some benefit to them and they have an interest in the system

What are the stages of product life cycle

Introduction, growth, maturity, decline

What is an original or innovavtive design

Inventions (rare), disruptive to current market, top of the design hierarchy

What does the similes method work?

It draws on different personal experiences, which is a reservoir for ideas It can clarify a situation by comparing it to another recognizable situation

What is the design swamp

It is an alternative 9 step design process model 1. Recognizing need 2. Problem definition 3. Project planning 4. Gathering information 5. Conceptualizing alternatives 6. Evaluating alternatives 7. Selecting preferred alternative 8. Communicating design 9. Implementing the preferred design

What is the Pugh method

It is an iterative creative idea or concept evaluation technique that uses criteria derived from the voice of the customer in an advantage-disadvantage matrix

What is an adaptive design

Known solutions to meet different needs Involve synthesis at the core of the process

What is radical innovation

Leads to widespread change and a whole new technology, and arises from basic research

Break the rules method for thinking outside the box

List all basic rules that's apply to the situation Go for quantity Go through each rule and ask if you can break this rule for the benefit of the situation How can these ideas lead to other ideas and improvements

What are the three steps of product development

Marketing -identify market opportunities - identification of customer needs - identification of target pricing -promotion of product Design - product quality -product cost -development time -development capability Manufacturing -product system -supply chain

What does NABC stand for when making an argument

Need Approach Benefit Competition

What are customer requirements

Nontechnical and use the customers vocabulary

What is phase 0

PLANNING Describe market opportunities Consider existing product platform Consider new technology Identify production and or corporate constraints Allocate project resources

What is the product development process in stage gate format

Phase 0: planning Phase 1: concept design Phase 2: system level design Phase 3: detail design Phase 4: testing and refinement Phase 5 production Ramp up

What are the stages of product development cycle

Premarket phase: R&D and market study Market phase: sales

What are the factors the affect product success

Product price and cost Profit = price-cost

What is phase 5

Production ramp up: when manufacturing operations begins to make and assemble the product using intended and actual production system Get first run products to preferred customers Start production

What are tools for decision making

Pros and cons list Cost-Benefit analysis Decision tree Pugh chart Group voting

6 serving men method to thinking outside the box

Repeated approaches of good and bad Forces new answers and input Paints a broad picture of the issue and the underlying factors

Why do projects fail

Scope creep Poor requirements gathering No functional input in planning Lack of sponsorship Unrealistic planning and scheduling/impossible schedule commitments Lack of resources

List some principles of TRIZ

Segmentation, taking out, dynamics, periodic action, copying, skipping, feedback, color changes, merging anti weight etc.

Function structure diagrams illustrate and show what

State one inputs(energy, material, signal) Function State two outputs(energy, material, signal)

What are phase 2 and phase 3

System level design and detail design System level design: functions of the product are examined leading to the divisions of the product into various subsystems Detail design: the phase where the design is brought to the state of a complete engineering description of a tested and producible product Develop extended product family Develop marketing plan Describe all subsystems and components Develop software and firmware Create prototypes of each subsystem Choose all parts and tolerances Identify suppliers Create assembly scheme Define assembly process and obtain tooling

The worst solution method to thinking outside the box

Take the challenge and reverse it Instead of finding the best idea or best solution, find the worst Analyze the list of bad ideas and then reverse then. They will generate good ideas

What is phase 4

Testing and refinement: making and testing many preproduction versions of the product Develop plans for field testing Create alpha and beta prototypes Perform as and reliability testing Iterate and refine design Refine assembly and fabrication schemes Create quality assurance strategy

What is a static product

The changes in their design take place over long time periods through incremental changes occurring at the subsystem and component levels (ie cars, dishwashers etc)

Define judgement

The cognitive as pets of the decision making process

Define invention

The creative act whereby an idea is conceived, articulated, and recorded

Define innovation

The process by which an invention of idea is brought into a successful practice and is utilized by the economy

Define decision making

The process of developing and analyzing alternatives and choosing from among them

Define diffusion

The successive and widespread implementation and adoption of successful innovations

What is the work breakdown structure

Tool used to divide a project into manageable segments to ensure that the complete scope of work is understood

What are innovative decisions

Unusual or ambitious problems which require unique or creative alternative solutions

What is the project triangle

Viewing a project in terms of time, cost, scope

What is need driven innovation

Where the development team seeks to fill an identified gap in performance or product cost

Simile method to thinking outside the box

Write down sentence: our challenge is like... The likeness does not have to be accurate or exact, they can be more feelings rather than exact analogies

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