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consume a lot of alcohol.

Esophageal varices MOST commonly occur in patients who:


The vocal cords are located in the:


To ensure that you will deliver the appropriate number of chest compressions during one-rescuer adult CPR, you should compress the patient's chest at a rate of about ______ per minute.


Together, the right and left lungs contain how many lobes?

Have you had a sonogram?

Which of the following questions is of LEAST pertinence when determining whether amother will deliver her baby within the next few minutes?

implied consent

Which of the following types of consent allows treatment of a patient who is unconscious or mentally incapacitated?

Narrowing of the bronchioles in the lungs

While auscultating breath sounds of a patient who was stung multiple times by a yellow jacket, you hear bilateral wheezing over all lung fields. This indicates:

stand behind him and administer abdominal thrusts.

While eating dinner, your partner suddenly grabs his throat and has a panicked look on his face. He still has a weak cough, faint inspiratory stridor, and cyanosis around the lips. You should:

Tell your partner to stop and report the incident to your supervisor

While on duty, your partner asks you out on a date and touches you in an inappropriate location without your consent. You should:

Question about the possibility of pregnancy in private, if possible

A 16-year-old female complains of vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping that began several hours ago. During your assessment interview, you should:

Contact med control and administer oral glucose

A 19-year-old male complains of "not feeling right." His insulin and a syringe are on a nearby table. The patient says he thinks he took his insulin and cannot remember whether he ate. He is also unable to tell you the time or what day it is. The glucometer reads "error" after several attempts to assess his blood glucose level. In addition to administering oxygen, you should:

cool the child with tepid water and transport to the hospital

A 2-year-old female has experienced a seizure. When you arrive at the scene, the child is conscious, crying, and clinging to her mother. Her skin is hot and moist. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. She further tells you that her daughter has no history of seizures, but has had a recent ear infection. You should:

Assume that the arrow injured an internal organ

A 20-year-old male wasaccidentally shot in the right upper abdominal quadrant with an arrow during an archery contest. Prior to your arrival, the patient removed the arrow. Your assessment reveals that he is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. The entrance wound is bleeding minimally and appears to be superficial. You should:

dimming the lights in the back of the ambulance and transporting without lights and siren.

A 29-year-old male complains of a severe headache and nausea that has gradually worsened over the past 12 hours. He is conscious, alert, and oriented and tells you that his physician diagnosed him with migraine headaches. He further tells you that he has taken numerous different medications, but none of them seem to help. His blood pressure is 132/74 mm Hg, his pulse is 110 beats/min and strong, and his respirations are 20 breaths/min and adequate. In addition to high-flow oxygen, further treatment should include:

Suction oropharynx for 15 seconds

A 30-year-old female was robbed and assaulted by a gang as she was leaving a nightclub.She has massive facial trauma and slow, gurgling respirations. As your partner manually stabilizes her head, you should:

assess for a carotid pulse for up to 60 seconds

A 30-year-old male was rescued after being lost in the woods for approximately 18 hours. The outside temperature is 30°F (-1°C). He is immediately placed in the warmed ambulance, where you perform a primary assessment. He is unconscious, pale, and apneic. After initiating artificial ventilations, you should:

Reassess and document her response to meds

A 31-year-old female is experiencing an acute asthma attack. She is conscious and alert, but in obvious respiratory distress. After assisting her with her prescribed MDI, you should:

Assess the rate, regularity and quality of her carotid pulse

A 33-year-old female presents with lower abdominal quadrant pain. She is conscious and alert, A&O x 4, pale, warm & moist, but in moderate pain. While your partner is asking her questions about her medical history, you take her vital signs. When you assess her radial pulse, you are unable to locate it. You should:

Place her in a left lateral recumbent position

A 33-year-old woman who is 36 weeks pregnant is experiencing scant vaginal bleeding. During transport, you note that she suddenly becomes diaphoretic, tachycardic, and hypotensive. In addition to administering 100% oxygen, you should:

acute cholecystitis

A 35-year-old mildly obese woman is complaining of localized pain in the right upper quadrant with referred pain to the right shoulder. The MOST likely cause of her pain is:

Irreversible renal damage

A 37-year-old female with a history of diabetes presents with excessive urination and weakness of 2 days' duration. You apply 100% oxygen and assess her blood glucose level, which reads 320 mg/dL. If this patient's condition is not promptly treated, she will MOST likely develop:

Begin CPR and apply AED

A 38-year-old male was electrocuted while attempting to wire a house. Your assessment reveals that he is unresponsive, pulseless, and apneic. A coworker has shut off the power to the house. You should:

restrain the patient with appropriate force in order to treat his injuries.

A 38-year-old male with a history of schizophrenia is reported by neighbors to be screaming and throwing things in his house. You are familiar with the patient and have cared for him in the past for unrelated problems. Law enforcement officers escort you into the residence when you arrive. The patient tells you that hesees vampires and is attempting to ward them off by screaming and throwing things at them. He has several large lacerations to his forearms that are actively bleeding. The MOST appropriate way to manage this situation is to:

Apply direct pressure to wound

A 39-year-old male sustained a stab wound to the groin during an altercation at a bar. As you approach the patient, you note that he is conscious, is screaming in pain, and is attempting to control the bleeding, which is bright red and spurting from his groin area. You should:

ask the father to hold the child so you can assess him while your partner tries to calm the mother

A 4-year-old boy had an apparent seizure. He is conscious and calm and is sitting on his mother's lap. His father is sitting in a nearby chair. The child's mother suddenly begins crying uncontrollably, which causes the child to start crying. You should:

A. Deliver the shock followed by immediate resumption of CPR.

A 40-year-old man is in cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing CPR. You are attaching the AED when the patient's wife tells you that he has an automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD). The AED advises that a shock is indicated. What should you do?

Pinching patients nose and having him lean forward

A 43-year-old man is experiencing a severe nosebleed. His blood pressure is 190/110 mm Hg and his heart rate is 90 beats/min and bounding. Appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

Be alert for signs and symptoms of shock

A 47-year-old male presents with severe abdominal pain of 3 hours' duration. His abdomen is distended and guarded. Your MOST important consideration for this patient should be to:

Maintain his airway and assist his ventilations

A 48-year-old male is found unconscious in the garden by his wife. When you arrive at the scene and assess the man, you find that he is unresponsive, has severely labored breathing, and has hives over his entire trunk. You should:

Ask if he took viagra with in the past 24 hours

A 49-year-old male with an extensive cardiac history presents with 2 hours of crushing chest pain and shortness of breath. He is pale and diaphoretic and tells you that he feels like he is goingto die. His medications include nitroglycerin, sildenafil (Viagra), and enalapril (Vasotec). His blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg and his heart rate is 110 beats/ min. In addition to administering 100% oxygen, you should:

fully immobilize her spine, attempt to locate the dislodged teeth, suction as needed, and transport.

A 52-year-old unrestrained female struck the steering wheel with her face when her truck collided with another vehicle. She has obvious swelling to her face and several dislodged teeth. A visual exam of her mouth reveals minimal bleeding. She is conscious and alert with a blood pressure of 130/80 mm Hg, a pulse of 110 beats/min, and respirations of 22 breaths/min with adequate tidal volume. You should:

Administer oxygen and prepare for fast transport

A 59-year-old male presents with a sudden onset of severe lower back pain. He is conscious and alert, but very restless and diaphoretic. Your assessment reveals a pulsating mass to the left of his umbilicus. You should:

spontaneous pneumothorax

A 59-year-old male with a history of emphysema complains of an acute worsening of his dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain following a forceful cough. Your assessment reveals that he has a barrel-shaped chest, unilaterally diminished breath sounds, and tachycardia. What is the MOST likely cause of this patient's condition?

Moderate dehydration

A 6-month-old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. He is conscious, but his level of activity is decreased. The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. The infant's heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. You should suspect:

Apply a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), monitor his BP and observe him for signs of improvement or deterioration

A 62-year-old man with a history of congestive heart failure presents with severe respiratory distress and an oxygen saturation of 82%. When you auscultate his lungs, you hear widespread rales. He is conscious and alert, is able to follow simple commands, and can only speak in two-to three-word sentences at a time. You should:

Ask daughter how father normally behaves

A 66-year-old male presents with bizarre behavior. His daughter states that he did not seem to recognize her and was very rude to her. The patient is conscious, and has a patent airway and adequate breathing. You should:

septic shock

A 70-year-old female was recently discharged from the hospital following a total hip replacement. Today, she presents with restlessness, tachycardia, and a blood pressure of 100/64 mm Hg. Her skin is warm and moist. You should be MOST suspicious that she is experiencing:

Retreat and notify law enforcement personnel

A 75-year-old male with a terminal illness has died at home. As you and your partner enter the residence, a family member becomes verbally abusive, pushes you, and states that you took too long to get there. You should:

inquire about the possibility of head trauma.

A 78-year-old female presents with an acute change in her behavior. The patient's son tells you that his mother has type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 6 months ago. The patient's speech is slurred and she is not alert to her surroundings. You should:

blunt injury to the kidney

A football player was struck by another player in the right flank area just below the posterior rib cage. He complains of severe pain and point tenderness to the area. Your assessment reveals that there is a small amount of blood in his underwear. You should be MOST suspicious for:

Distal humerus fracture

A fracture of the humerus just above the elbow would be described as a:

Compression of the head against the roof

A small compact car was involved in a rollover crash. As you are approaching the vehicle, you note that the roof is significantly collapsed. The patient, a 29-year-old male, is complaining of severe pain in his neck and to the top of his head as well as numbness and tingling in his extremities. Witnesses who removed the patient from the vehicle state that he was wearing his seatbelt. What injury mechanism is MOST likely responsible for this patient's condition?

Assess for an exit wound

A young male sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen during an altercation with a rival gang member. As your partner is assessing and managing his airway, you should control the obvious bleeding and then:

Apply occlusive dressing to the wound and continue assessment

A17-year-old male was shot in the right anterior chest during an altercation with a gang member. As your partner is applying 100% oxygen, you perform a rapid secondary assessment and find an open chest wound with a small amount of blood bubbling from it. You should:

Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after the 20th week

Abruptio placenta occurs when:

Monitor closely but recall that anxiety and tachycardia are side effects of epinephrine

After administering 0.3 mg of epinephrine via auto-injector to a 22-year-old female with an allergic reaction, you note improvement in her breathing and dissipation of her hives. However, she is still anxious and tachycardic. You should:

When blood flow to the heart muscle is abruptly cut off causing tissue damage

An acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when:

12-20 breaths per minute

An adult at rest should have a respiratory rate that ranges between:


An oxygen cylinder should be taken out of service and refilled when the pressure inside it is less than:

Apply a cervical collar and immobilize him with a vest style device

An unrestrained patient is sitting in his car after an automobile crash. He is conscious and alert, has no visible trauma, and is complaining of neck and back pain. Before removing him from his car, you should:

stop the move and request additional lifting assistance.

As you andyour partner are carrying a stable patient down a flight of stairs in a stair chair, you feel a sudden, sharp pain in your lower back. You should:


At rest, the normal adult heart rate should not exceed:


Bruising to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen following blunt trauma is MOST suggestive of injury to the:

Experiencing respiratory distress but can still maintain own airway

CPAP is indicated for patients who:

Right atrium

Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the:

Repeat primary assessment

During transport of a 40-year-old female with acute abdominal pain, you note that she has stopped talking to you and has become extremely diaphoretic. You should:

Assist ventilations with a bag valve mask

During your assessment of a patient with blunt chest trauma, you note paradoxical movement of the left chest wall. As your partner is administering oxygen to the patient, you should:

are in violation of HIPAA because you did not remove the PHI from the PCR beforehand

During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports (PCRs) with the staff of your EMS system. You identify the patient's name, age, and sex, and then discuss the treatment that was provided by the EMTs in the field. By taking this approach to the QI process, you:

Instruct him to assist her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment

During your primary assessment of a semiconscious 30-year-old female with closed head trauma, you note that she has slow, shallow breathing and a slow, bounding pulse. As your partner maintains manual in-line stabilization of her head, you should:

. stabilize the pelvis with a pelvic binder and protect the spine.

During your rapid secondary assessment of a 30-year-old male who fell 25ʹʹ, you note crepitus when palpating his pelvis. Your partner advises you that the patient's blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and his heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak. After completing your assessment, you should:

engorged jugular veins

Following a stab wound to the left anterior chest, a 25-year-old male presents with a decreased level of consciousness and signs of shock. Which of the following additional assessment findings should increase your index of suspicion for a cardiac tamponade?

constant communication with your partners

General guidelines for carrying a patient on a stretcher include:


Heroin is an example of a(n):


Hypoperfusion is another name for:


Hypotension, hypoventilation, and pinpoint pupils would be expected following an overdose of:

Start CPR

If a newborn's heart rate is less than 60 beats/min following delivery, you should:

Respiratory distress

In MOST cases, cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is caused by:

Is focused on the nature of the illness, chief complaint and their symptoms

In contrast to the assessment of a trauma patient, assessment of a medical patient:

Slows the heart rate and respiratory rates

In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system:

use preparatory commands to initiate any moves

In order to facilitate a safe and coordinated move, the team leader should:

A. provide emotional support and visually assess her for obvious trauma.

Law enforcement personnel request your assistance to assess a 31-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, youfind the patient sitting on a curb outside her apartment. She is conscious, alert, and crying. When you ask her what happened, she tells you that she does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. She further tells you that all she wants to do is clean up. You should:

-Atropine & pralidoxime chloride

Multiple people in a small town began experiencing abdominal cramps, excessive salivation and urination, and muscle twitching shortly after a small crop duster plane made several passes over the community. As you are assessing the patients, you further determine that most of them are bradycardic and have miosis. In addition to 100% oxygen, the MOST important treatment for these patients includes:

Coronary heart disease

Narrowing of the coronary arteries due to a buildup of fatty deposits is called:

A failure of the nervous system causes wind-spread vasodilation

Neurogenic shock occurs when:

A mentally component adult can withdraw his/her consent to treatment at anytime

Shortly after loading your patient, a 50-year-old man with abdominal pain, into the ambulance, he tells you that he changed his mind and does not want to go to the hospital. He is conscious and alert and has no signs of mental incapacitation. You are suspicious that the man has a significant underlying condition and feel strongly that he should go to the hospital. Which of the following statements regarding this situation is correct?

The pregnant uterus compresses on the inferior vena cava

Supine hypotensive syndrome occurs when:


The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the:

Adult: 0.3mg, Infant: 0.15mg

The adult epinephrine auto-injector delivers ______ mg of epinephrine, and the pediatric auto-injector delivers ______mg.

Vasocontriction and shivering

The body's natural protective mechanisms against heat loss are:

Appearance, Work of Breathing, Circulation to skin

The components of the PAT are:

Its both voluntary and an involuntary muscle

The diaphragm is a unique muscle because it:

Kinetic energy

The energy of a moving object is called:


The foreign substance responsible for causing an allergic reaction is called a(n):

Carotid arteries

The head and brain receive their supplyof oxygenated blood from the:

Low blood oxygen levels

The hypoxic drive—the primary stimulus to breathe for patients with certain chronic respiratory diseases—is influenced by:

Pulmonary vein

The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through the:

Brain stem

The most basic functions of the body, such as breathing, blood pressure, and swallowing, are controlled by the:

2000 psi

The pressure of gas in a full cylinder of oxygen is approximately pounds per square inch (psi).


The proper depth of chest compressions on a 9-month-old infant is:

60 to 100bpm

The pulse rate of a child from ages 6 to 12 years is approximately

allow you to rapidly and visually form a general impression of the child

The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is to:

foramen magnum

The spinal cord exits the cranium through the:

direct your partner to manually stabilize her head while you quickly visualize her chest for signs of breathing.

Upon arriving at the residence of an elderly female who apparently fainted, you find the patient lying supine on her living room floor. She is not moving and her eyes are closed. A neighbor tells you that she found the patient this way, but did not move her. When you talk to the patient, she does not respond. You should:

Introduce yourself to the patient

Upon arriving at the scene of a patient with difficulty breathing, you determine that the scene is safe. You enter the residence and find the patient sitting in a chair in obvious distress. Your first action should be to:


What Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score would you assign to a patient who responds to painful stimuli, uses inappropriate words, and maintains his or her arms in a flexed position?

duty, breach of duty, causation, damages

What components are needed to prove negligence?


What is the correct ratio of compressions to ventilations when performing two-rescuer child CPR?


What percentage of exhaled oxygen is delivered during Bag-to-mask breathing without supplemental oxygen?

Stays in motion until acted upon by an external force

When a motor vehicle strikes a tree while traveling at 40 mph, the unrestrained occupant:

Increases by 4 times

When the speed of a motor vehicle doubles, the amount of kinetic energy:


Which of the following is NOT an assessment parameter included in the CincinnatiPrehospital Stroke Scale?

Partial thickness burns 20% of the body

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 65-year-old patient?

Assign him a delayed (yellow) category and continue triaging the other patients

While triaging patients at the scene of a building collapse, you encounter a young child who is conscious, alert, and breathing; has bilateral radial pulses; and has points to his severely angulated leg, which is not bleeding. According to the JumpSTART triage system, you should:

Have your partner check for a pulse to confirm that the patient is deceased

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The driver, ayoung male, is severely entrapped in his car. He has an open head injury with visual grey matter and massive facial trauma. He is unresponsive, is not breathing, and does not have a palpable carotid pulse. You should:

Begin CPR and apply AED ASAP

You and your partner arrive at the side of a 60-year-old woman who suddenly collapsed about 7 minutes ago. She is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. You should:

Avoid placing him in a supine position if possible and administer oxygen

You are assessing a 440-lb man who complains of shortness of breath and lower back pain. The patient is conscious and alert, hisblood pressure is 148/98 mm Hg, and his heartrate is 120 beats/min. Your MOST immediate action should be to:

Remove the nitrogen patch and place him in a supine position and elevate his lower extremities, prepare for immediate transport

You are assessing a 49-year-old man who complains of chest pressure that began the night before. He is conscious, but anxious, and tells you he has a history of angina and hypertension. After applying high-flow oxygen, you expose his chest to auscultate his lungs and note that he has a nitroglycerin patch on his right upper chest. His skin is cool and pale, his blood pressure is 78/50 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110 beats/min and irregular. You should:

Ruptured cerebral artery

You are assessing a 49-year-old man who, according to his wife, experienced a sudden, severe headache and then passed out. He is unresponsive and has slow, irregular breathing. His blood pressure is 198/104 mm Hg and his pulse rate is 50 beats/min. His wife tells you that he has hypertension and diabetes. He has MOST likely experienced:

Position yourself in between the patient and gun and ask partner to request police

You are assessing a 72-year-old man with abdominal pain. The patient is sitting in a chair; he is conscious, alert, and calm. As you are talking to the patient, your partner discreetly directs your attention to a handgun, which is located on a nearby table. You should:

oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, left lateral recumbent position, and transport.

You are caring for a semiconscious man with left-sided paralysis. His airway is patent and his respirations are 14 breaths/min with adequate tidal volume. Treatment for this patient should include:

small infants are nose breathers and require clear nasal passages at all times.

You are dispatched to a call for a 4-month-old infant with respiratory distress. While you prepare to take care of this child, you must remember that:

Stabilize head and check for pulse

You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. He is not moving and does not appear to be conscious or breathing. You should:

a shuffling gait when walking

You are dispatched to a residence for a 40-year-old female who complains of lower abdominal pain, fever and chills, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Which of the following additional assessment findings would increase your index of suspicion for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible

You are dispatched to a residence for a 66-year-old male who, according to family members, has suffered a massive stroke. Your primary assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. You should:

Acute pulmonary embolism

You are dispatched to a residence for a 67-year-old female who was awakened by shortness of breath and sharp chest pain. Her husband tells you that she was recently discharged from the hospital after having hip surgery. Your assessment reveals dried blood around her mouth, facial cyanosis, and an oxygen saturation of 88%. This patient's presentation is MOST consistent with:

Log roll him as a unit to a supine position

You are dispatched to a residence where a middle-aged man was found unconscious in his front yard. There are no witnesses who can tell you what happened. You find him in a prone position; his eyes are closed and he is not moving. Your FIRST action should be to:

Ensure that he's aware of the risks of refusing medical care

You are dispatched to an office building for a 49-year-old male with chest pain. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient to be conscious andalert, but in obvious pain. He tells you that he did not call 9-1-1; a coworker did. He further states that he does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. You should:

Provide assisted ventilations

You are dispatched to the county jail for an inmate who is "sick." When you arrive, you find the patient, a 33-year-old male, unresponsive. His airway is patent and his respirations are rapid and shallow. Your initial action should be to:

Document this on your PCR and advise the ED staff of what the kids parents told you

You are dispatched to the residence of an Asian family for a child with a high fever. When you assess the child, you note that he has numerous red marks on his back. The child's parents explain that these marks represent coining—a traditional Asian healing practice in which hot coins are rubbed on the back. You should:

Reassess his condition in 5 minute

You are transporting a 33-year-old male who was involved in a motor vehicle crash. You have addressed all immediate and potentially life-threatening conditions and have stabilized his condition with the appropriate treatment. With an estimated time of arrival at the hospital of 20 minutes, you should:

Begin transport and closely monitor her condition while en route

You are treating a 45-year-old woman who was stung by a hornet and has a rash. She tells you that she is allergic to hornets and has her own epinephrine auto-injector. She also tells you that she takes medication for hypertension. Her breath sounds do not reveal any wheezing, her breathing is unlabored, and her blood pressure is 154/94 mm Hg. What should you do if you are not able to make contact with medical control?

Seal mouth and nose

You are ventilating a patient with a stoma; however, air is escaping from the mouth and nose. To prevent this, you should:

Get description of how the seizure developed

You arrive at a grocery store shortly after a 35-year-old male stopped seizing. Your assessment reveals that he is confused and incontinent of urine. The patient's girlfriend tells you that he has a history of seizures and takes carbamazepine (Tegretol). When obtaining further medical history from the girlfriend, it is MOST important to:

Laceration of the aorta

You arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The patient, a 50-year-old female, was removed from her vehicle prior to your arrival. Bystanders who removed her state that she was not wearing a seatbelt. The patient is unconscious, tachycardic, and diaphoretic. Your assessment reveals bilaterally clear and equal breath sounds, a midline trachea, and collapsed jugular veins. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient has experienced a:

remain at the scene until at least one other ambulance arrives.

You have a critically injured patient in the back of your ambulance, ready to be transported. There are other injured patients at the scene and it will be approximately 10 minutes before other ambulances will arrive. Law enforcement personnel are at the scene. You should:

remove the medication patch, wipe away any medication residue, and apply the AED pads

You have assessed an unresponsive middle-aged female and determined that she is in cardiac arrest. When you apply the AED pads, you note that she has a medication patch over the same area where one of the AED pads will be placed. You should:

Prepare patient for immediate transport

You have just completed your primaryassessment of a 48-year-old man with crushing chest pain. The patient has been given 324 mg of aspirin and is receiving high-flow oxygen via nonrebreathing mask. As you begin your secondary assessment, you note that his mental status has deteriorated and he is now bradycardic. You should:

Keep baby warm and provide ventilatory assistance

You have just delivered a premature baby. Your assessment reveals that he is breathing adequately; however, his heart rate is 90 beats/min. You should:

immobilize the patient with neck and back pain on a long backboard and place him on the wheeled stretcher. Place the patient with the deformed femur on a folding stretcher secured to the squad bench

You have two patients who were involved in a motor vehicle crash when their SUV struck a tree—one with neck and back pain, and the other with a deformed left femur. The patient with the deformed femur states that he does not want to be placed on a hard board, nor does he want a collar around his neck. What is the MOST appropriate and practical method of securing these patients and placing them into the ambulance?

Assist with ventilations with a bag mask device

You receive a call for a 70-year-old female with respiratory distress. Her husband tells you that she has congestive heart failure; however, he does not think that she has been taking her medications as prescribed. The patient is laboring to breathe, appears tired, and has cyanosis around her lips. You should:

Immediately suction her oropharynx

You respond to a call for a female pedestrian who has been struck by a car. As your partner maintains manual stabilization of her head, you perform a primary assessment. She is unconscious, has ineffective breathing, and has bloody secretions in her mouth. You should:

Leave him in seated position and keep him warm and transport ASAP

You respond to the residence of a 70-year-old male who complains of weakness and severe shortness of breath. His wife tells you that he is a dialysis patient, but has missed his last two (2) treatments. After applying high-flow oxygen, you auscultate his lungs and hear diffuse rhonchi. The patient is conscious, but appears confused. His blood pressure is 92/54 mm Hg, his pulse rate is 120 beats/min and irregular, and his respirations are 24 breaths/min and labored. You should:

his ability to physiologically compensate for his injury may be impaired due to an inability to increase cardiac output.

You suspect that a 75-year-old man has internal injuries after he fell and struck his ribs and abdomen on the corner of a table. When assessing and treating an injured patient of this age, you must recall that:

Placing mother supine with her head down and pevis elevated

Your 22-year-old patient is in active labor. Upon visual inspection, you note that the infant's leg is protruding from the vagina. Appropriate management of this situation includes:

perform CPR for 2 minutes and reassess.

Your EMS team is performing CPR on a 60-year-old male in cardiac arrest. You connect the AED, push the analyze button, and receive a "no shock advised, continue CPR" message. You should:

Discreetly report your suspicions to your supervisor

Your partner, a veteran EMT who you have worked with regularly for the past 4 years, seems unusually agitated during a call involving an elderly patient. Upon arrival back at your station, you note the obvious smell of alcohol on his breath. What should you do?

administer oxygen with appropriate device

Your primary assessment of an elderly woman reveals that she is conscious and alert, but is experiencing difficulty breathing. She has a history of emphysema, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. As you assess the patient's circulatory status, you should direct your partner to:

Take off ventilator and apply a cervical collar

a 13 year old child is on a home ventilator. The parents called because the ventilator is malfunctioning and the child has increasing respiratory distress. You should:

compartment syndrome

a 30 year old male experienced a crushing injury when his arm was trapped between the back of a truck and a loading dock. Upon your arrival the mans arm has been freed. Your assessment reveals that his arm is obviously deformed, swollen, cold and pale. Further assessment reveals an absent radial pulse. You should be MOST concerned that this patient has:

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