EMT interim 3 (Final exam)

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You are called to a home where the father has just assisted the mother in the delivery of twins. In this case a total of ___ prehospital care reports PCRs should be handed to the ED. a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4

a. 3

A 70 year old patient presents with blistering burns of both arms and one leg. You inform medical control that your patient has ___ burns. a. 36% partial thickness b. 18% partial thickness c. 18% full thickness d. 36% full thickness

a. 36% partial thickness

If a baby is born at 7:52, the second APGAR score should be calculated at: a. 7:57 b. 7:53 c. 8:00 d. 7:59

a. 7:57

Which of the following statements regarding a breech presentation is most correct? a. a breech presentation occurs when the buttocks are the presenting part b. there is minimal risk of trauma to the infant with a breech presentation c. it is impossible to deliver a breech presentation in the prehospital setting d. breech deliveries occur rapidly, so the EMT should deliver at the scene

a. a breech presentation occurs when the buttocks are the presenting part

During your assessment of a 22 y/o male who was assaulted you note widespread contusions and abrasions to his face, chest and abdomen. His pulse is rapid and weak, and his skin is cool and clamy. You should: a. administer oxygen and prepare for rapid transport b. conclude that he is experiencing intracranial bleeding c. place him in a sitting position and give him oxygen d. perform a focused physical exam of his abdomen

a. administer oxygen and prepare for rapid transport

You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The patient, an 18 month old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Her skin is pink and dry , her heart rate is 120 bpm. The most appropriate treatment for this child includes: a. administering blow by oxygen and transporting the child with the mother b. requesting a paramedic ambulance to insert an advanced airway device c. allowing the child to remain with her mother and applying a nasal cannula d. separating the child from her mother and providing ventilatory assistance

a. administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother

The most significant complication associated with facial injuries is : a. airway compromise b. cervical spine injury c. damage to the eyes d. mandibular immobility

a. airway compromise

A 17 y/o male was shot in the right anterior chest during an altercatiotn with a gang member. As your partner is applying 100% O2, you perform a rapid secondary assessment and find an open chest wound with a small amount of frothy bubbling blood from it. You should: a. apply a semi-occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your assessment b. place a sterile dressing over the wound and apply pressure c. direct your partner to assist the patient's ventilations with a BVM d. control the bleeding from the wound and prepare to transport at once

a. apply a semi occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your assessment

During your assessment of a 29 y/o female with significant deformity to her left elbow, you are unable to palpate a radial pulse. You transport time to the hospital is approximately 40 minutes. You should: a. apply gentle manual traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse b. carefully straighten the injured arm and secure it with board splints c. make two or three attempts to restore distal circulation by manipulating the elbow d. splint the elbow in the position of deformity and transport immediately

a. apply gentle manual traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse

When treating partial thickness burns to one hand you should: a. apply moistened sterile dressings or moist burn sheets to burned areaas b. rupture any blisters to prevent infection c. apply a burn cream with pain relieving ingredients d. immense the affected part in warm water

a. apply moistened sterile dressings or moist burn sheets to burned areas

You are called for a 35 year old female motorcycle passenger with neck pain following an accident. Upon arrival, she is found to be walking around with one hand on her head and the other being used to hold her cell phone. She tells you she is talking with her insurance company. You should: a. approach her from the front and apply manual stabilization of her cervical spine b. realize that if she is able to walk, she doesn't need any evaluation or medical assistance c. approach her from the rear and apply manual stabilization of her cervical spine d. realize that if she is able to walk, she should be led over to the stretcher

a. approach her from the front and apply manual stabilization of her cervical spine

You are assessing a 25 year old woman who is 39 weeks pregnant. She is experiencing regular contractions that are approximately 3 minutes apart and states that her amniotic sac broke 2 hours ago. After taking the standard precautions, you should: a. assess her for crowning b. transport her immediately c. apply 100% oxygen d. place her on her left side

a. assess her for crowning

The third stage of labor begins when the a. baby is expelled from the vagina b. placenta is fully delivered c. umbilical cord has been clamped d. cervix is completely dilated

a. baby is expelled from the vagina

The CNS is composed of the a. brain and spinal cord b. meninges and spinal cord c. cerebellum and brain d. cerebrum and meninges

a. brain and spinal cord

While using lights and siren, most state laws permit an ambulance to a. carefully exceed the posted speed limit while showing due regard b. disregard railroad traffic control signs c. proceed through red lights without stopping d. drive as fast as the department allows

a. carefully exceed the posted speed limit while showing due regard

If the umbilical cord is wrapped too tightly around the infant's neck or wrapped around the neck more than once, preventing the delivery of the infant, immediately: a. clamp the umbilical cord with two clamps and cut the cord between them b. wait 3-5 minutes to see if the additional lubrication is necessary c. begin cardiac compressions on the infant d. begin cardiac compressions on the mother

a. clamp the umbilical cord with two clamps and cut the cord between them

When assessing a patient with a possible fracture of the leg, the EMT should: a. compare it to the uninjured leg b. carefully move it to elicit crepitus c. ask the patient to move the injured leg d. assess proximal circulation

a. compare it to the uninjured leg

A 30 y/o male experienced a crushing injury when his arm was trapped between the back of a truck and a loading dock. Upon your arrival, the man's arm has been freed. Your assessement reveals that his arm is obviously deformed and swollen and is cold and pale. Further assessment reveals an absent radial pulse. You should be most concerned that this patient has: a. compartment syndrome b. severe closed fracture c. damage to the radial nerve d. internal hemorrhage

a. compartment syndrome

When inserting an OPA in an infant or child you should a. depress the tongue with a tongue depressor b. ensure that his or her neck is hyperextended c. place padding under the child's head d. insert it until the flange rests behind the teeth

a. depress the tongue with a tongue depressor

Which of the following statements regarding penetrating injuries is correct? a. external bleeding may be minimal but internal injuries can be extensive b. if the condition was caused by a bullet, the entrance wound is always larger than the exit wound c. the depth of a penetrating injury should be throughly assessed by the EMT d. the degree of internal injury can often be estimated by the external injury

a. external bleeding may be minimal but internal injuries can be extensive

Delivering a patient to the hospital involves all of the following activities except: a. giving a verbal report to the triage clerk b. informing the dispatcher of your arrival c. restocking any disposable items you used d. completing a detailed written report

a. giving a verbal report to the triage clerk

During your primary assessment of a semiconscious 30 year old female with closed head trauma, you note that she has slow (<8 breaths/min), shallow breathing and a slow bounding pulse. As your partner maintains manual in-line stabilization of her head, you should: a. instruct him to assist with her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment b. perform a focused secondary assessment of the patients head and neck c. immediately place her on a long backboard and prepare for rapid transport d. apply 100% oxygen via NRB and obtain baseline vitals

a. instruct him to assist with her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment

The amniotic fluid serves to: a. insulate and protect the fetus b. remove viruses from the fetus c. transfer oxygen to the fetus d. assist in fetal development

a. insulate and protect the fetus

A tight fitting motorcycle helmet should be left in place unless: a. it interferes with your maintenance of the airway b. the patient must be placed onto a long backboard c. the helmet is equipped with a full face shield or visor d. the patient complains of severe neck or back pain

a. it interferes with your maintenance of the airway

Which of the following statements regarding the vitreous humor is correct? a. it is a clear jellylike fluid near the back of the eye that cannot be replaced if it is lost b. it is a clear watery fluid that cannot be replaced if it is lost during an eye injury c. it is a clear fluid that is produced by the lacrimal glands and cannot be replaced if it is lost d. it is a clear watery fluid that is located in the front of the lens and can be replaced if it is lost

a. it is a clear jellylike fluid near the back of the eye that cannot be replaced if it is lost

Bruising to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen following blunt trauma is most suggestive of injury to the a. liver b. kidney c. stomach d. spleen

a. liver

A 4 year old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. You should: a. monitor her airway and give oxygen b. place her supine and elevate her legs c. give 12.5 to 25g of activated charcoal d. determine why the ingestion occured

a. monitor her airway and give oxygen

As you approach a young man who was involved in an industrial accident, you note that his eyes are closed and he is not moving. You can see several large contusions to his arms, a laceration to his forehead with minimal bleeding, and a closed deformity to his right leg. You should: a. open his airway and assess his breathing status b. apply high flow O2 and assess his injuries c. assess his pulse for rate, regularity and quality d. perform an immediate head to toe assessment

a. open his airways an assess his breathing status

Once entrance and access to the patient have been provided, you should: a. perform a primary assessment b. administer high flow oxygen c. begin treating his or her injuries d. cancel extrication teams in route to the scene

a. perform a primary assessment

A 77 year old woman slipped and fell on a throw rug and landed on her left hip. She denies striking her head or losing consciousness. Assessment of her left leg reveals that it is shortened and externally rotated. Distal pulses, sensory and motor functions are intact. You should: a. place her onto a scoop stretcher, pad around her left hip with pillows and secure her to the scoop with straps b. carefully slide a long backboard underneath her, keep her in a left lateral recumbent position and apply a splint to her leg c. manually stabilize her left leg, apply a traction splint, and then secure her to a long board or scoop d. bind both of her legs together with triangular bandages and carefully secure her onto the ambulance stretcher

a. place her onto a scoop stretcher, pad around her left hip with pillows and secure her to the scoop with straps

When arriving at the scene of an overturned tractor trailor rig, you not that a green cloud is being emitted from the crashed vehicle. The driver is still in the truck, he is conscious but bleeding profusely from the head. After notifying the hazardous materials team, you should. a. position the ambulance upwind b. ask the driver to exit the vehicle c. park downhill from the scene d. quickly gain access to the patient

a. position the ambulance upwind

While examining a woman in labor, you see the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina. You should: a. push the infant's head away from the cord b. gently pull on the cord to facilitate delivery c. cover the umbilical cord with a dry dressing d. carefully push the cord back into the vagina

a. push the infant's head away from the cord

Fracture management of a suspected clavicle can be done with a a. sling and swathe b. board splint c. ladder splint d. pillow splint

a. sling and swathe

You should be most suspicious that a patient has experienced a significant head injury if his or her pulse is: a. slow b. irregular c. rapid d. weak

a. slow

While en route to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest, you approach a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing. You should: a. stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing b. back up and take an alternate route to the scene c. slowly and carefully pass the bus on the left side d. pass the bus only after all the children have exited

a. stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing

Common signs of a skull fracture include all of the following, except a. superficial scalp lacerations b. noted deformity to the skull c. mastoid process bruising d. ecchymosis around the eyes

a. superficial scalp lacerations

Skeletal muscle is attached to bone by tough, ropelike fibrous structures called: a. tendons b. ligaments c. fascia d. cartilage

a. tendons

When a child experiences a blunt chest injury: a. the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking b. the sudden force against the ribs causes them to fracture c. there is usually obvious injury to the external chest wall d. the flexible rib cage protects the vital thoracic organs

a. the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking

Vigorous suctioning of a newborn's airway is indicated if: a. there is an indication of respiratory obstruction due to meconium in the amniotic fluid b. his or her heart rate is less than 60 c. positive pressure ventilations are indicated d. the newborn presents with labored breathing and loud crying

a. there is an indication of respiratory distress due to meconium in the amniotic fluid

You get called to an elementary school for a child that is reportedly in cardiac arrest a. you may use adult pads if infant pads are necessary b. the best results are gotten by waiting for ALS to arrive at the scene c. transport of the patient should be delayed if the dispatcher advises that the parent is 4-5 minutes from the school d. question the school nurse for medical history and allergies prior to initiation of medical care

a. you may use adult pads if infant pads are necessary

According to the rule of palm method for estimating the extend of a patient's burn, the palm of the patient's hand is equal to __ % of his/her total BSA. a. 2 b. 1 c. 6 d. 4

b. 1%

Splinting should be used for all of the following except: a. a shattered distal humerus injury b. a diabetic patient with diminished lower extremity sensation c. an open fracture d. if patient has an early or superficial local cold injury

b. a diabetic patient with diminished lower extremity sensation

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a direct injury? a. a person lands on his or her feet and fractures the lumbar spine b. a passenger fractures her patella after it strikes the dashboard c. a skier dislocates his knee after twisting his ankle d. a child dislocates his elbow after falling on his outstretched arm

b. a passenger fractures her patella after it strikes the dashboard

In general, medivac helicopters should be utilized when: a. ground transport would leave your service area without an ambulance for greater than 30 minutes b. a patient has a time dependent injury or illness and traffic conditions would cause a significant delay in definitive care c. a patient has been in cardiac arrest for more than 15 min and has not responded to CPR and defibrillation d. group transport to the hospital exceeds 30-45min, even if the patient's present condition is stable

b. a patient has a time dependent injury or illness and traffic conditions would cause a significant delay in definitive care

An indicator of an expanding intracranial hematoma or rapidly progressing brain swelling is a. acute unilateral paralysis following the injury b. a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs c. an acute increase in the patient's pulse rate d. a progressively lowering blood pressure

b. a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs

A 39 y/o male was struck in the head by a baseball during a game. He is confused, has a large hematoma in the center of his forehead, and cannot remember the events preceding the injury. After manually stabilizing his head and assessing his airway, you should a. apply ice to the hematoma b. administer high flow oxygen c. palpate his radial pulse d. perform a neurologic exam

b. administer high flow oxygen

A normal level of consciousness in an infant or child is characterized by : a. normal interactiveness, awareness to time, and pink skin color b. age-appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact c. awareness to place, pink and dry skin and consistent eye contact d. crying or combativeness, good muscle tone, and awareness to time

b. age appropriate behavior, good muscle tone and good eye contact

During your rapid secondary assessment of a 30 y/o male who fell 25', you note crepitus when palpating his pelvis. Your partner advises you that the patient's blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and his heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak. After completing your assessment, you should: a. log roll the patient onto a long backboard and transport at once b. apply MAST pants and protect the spine c. defer spinal immobilization and transport to a trauma center d. perform a focused physical exam with emphasis on the pelvis

b. apply MAST pants and protect the spine

During your visual inspection of a 19 year old woman in labor, you see the baby's head crowning at the vaginal opening. What should you do? a. place your fingers in the vagina to assess for a nuchal cord b. apply gentle pressure to the baby's head as it delivers c. tell the mother not to push and transport her immediately d. maintain firm pressure to the head until it completely delivers

b. apply gentle pressure to the baby's head as it delivers

Neurovascular compromise is often associated with injury to the: a. proximal tibia b. articulation of the distal humerus with the proximal ulna c. mid-humerus d. articulation of the proximal humerus with the clavical

b. articulation of the distal humerus with the proximal ulna

You respond to a skate park where a 10 year old male fell from his skateboard and struck his head on the ground; he was not wearing a helmet. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma to the back of his head. After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. His pulse is slow and bounding. You should: a. insert an oral airway, hyperventilate him with a bag mask device, apply full spinal precautions and transport to the closest trauma center b. assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center c. apply high flow oxygen via a nebulizer, obtain baseline vital signs, apply full spinal precautions and perform a secondary assessment d. apply oxygen via a nasal cannula, perform an in depth secondary assessment, apply full spinal precautions and transport

b. assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center

The body's functions that occur without conscious effort are regulated by the ____ nervous system. a. somatic b. autonomic c. sensory d. voluntary

b. autonomic

An injury that separates various layers of soft tissue, resulting in complete detachment or a flap of skin is called an: a. laceration b. avulsion c. incision d. amputation

b. avulsion

If a newborn's pulse rate drops below 60 bpm at anytime, or does not increase above 60 bpm after 30 s of ventilations: a. re-suction the mouth only b. begin chest compressions c. flick the soles of the feet d. provide ventilations for 30 seconds

b. begin chest compressions

When caring for a patient with a possible fracture of the scapula, the EMT should a. recognize that scapular fractures are life threatening b. carefully assess the patient for breathing problems c. assume that minimal force was applied to the back d. apply rigid board splints across the chest and back

b. carefully assess the patient for breathing problems

The umbilical cord: a. separates from the placenta shortly after birth b. carries oxygen to the baby via the umbilical vein c. carries blood away from the baby via the artery d. contains 2 veins and 1 large umbilical artery

b. carries oxygen to the baby via the umbilical vein

A construction worker fell approx 30' and landed in a pile of steel rods. Your assessment reveals that he is pulseless and apneic and has a 10" steel rod impaled in his left leg. The best order of treatment would be for the EMT to: a. remove the rod, control the bleeding, apply an AED begin CPR and transport to a trauma center b. control the bleeding, begin CPR, stabilize the rod, immobilize the spine and transport immediately c. control the bleeding, carefully remove the steel rod, begin CPR, transport as soon as possible d. stabilize the rod, control the bleeding, begin CPR and rapidly transport to a trauma center

b. control the bleeding, begin CPR, stabilize the rod, immobilize his spine and transport immediately

You arrive at the scene of a motorcycle accident. The rider is unresponsive and is still wearing his helmet. Treatment should include: a. no need to stabilize his cervical spine since the helmet provides c spine protection b. having two trained rescuers remove his helmet c. fitting a cervical collar prior to removing the helmet d. lifting his body to the stretcher with an extremity lift

b. having two trained rescuers remove his helmet

A sign of kidney damage following blunt trauma is a. hematemesis b. hematuria c. hematochezia d. hemoptysis

b. hematuria

Which of the following statements regarding gestational diabetes is correct? a. the onset of gestational diabetes typically manifests with hypoglycemia b. in some cases, women with gestational diabetes require insulin injections c. gestational diabetes results in permanent diabetes mellitus after delivery d. diet and exercise are typically ineffective controlling gestational diabetes

b. in some cases, women with gestational diabetes require insulin injections

In addition to external bleeding, the most significant risk that an open soft tissue injury exposes a patient to is: a. vessel damage b. infection c. hypothermia d. nerve damage

b. infection

When splinting a possible fracture of the foot, it is MOST important for the EMT to: a. apply a pneumatic splint b. leave the toes exposed c. use a pillow to support the carpal joints d. observe for tissue swelling

b. leave the toes exposed

Normal capillary refill for an infant is: a. not relative to a patient's medical status b. less than 2 seconds c. the first thing that should be checked in the initial exam d. more than 2 seconds

b. less than 2 seconds

When a person is exposed to a cold environment: a. blood vessels dilate and divert blood to the core of the body b. peripheral vessels constrict and divert blood away from the skin c. sweat is produced and is warmed when the vessels constrict d. the skin becomes flushed secondary to peripheral vasodilation

b. peripheral vessels constrict and divert blood away from the skin

Fetal complications associated with drug or alcohol-addicted mothers include all of the following except: a. premature delivery b. profound tachycardia c. low birth weight d. respiratory depression

b. profound tachycardia

The ONLY indications for placing your gloved fingers in the vagina during delivery are: a. vertex presentation and delivery of the placenta b. prolapsed umbilical cord c. limb presentation and severe vaginal hemorrhage d. nuchal cord and presentation of an arm or leg

b. prolapsed umbilical cord

Moderate elevation in intracranial pressure with middle brain stem involvement is characterized by : a. fixed and dilated pupils, decreased blood pressure and irregular respirations b. sluggishly reactive pupils, widened pulse pressure, bradycardia and posturing c. ataxic respirations, unequal pupils, no response to pain, and an irregular pulse d. increased blood pressure, bradycardia, reactive pupils and rapid respirations

b. sluggishly reactive pupils, widened pulse pressure, bradycardia and posturing

All are EMS immobilization devices except: a. KED b. stair chair c. long board d. short board

b. stair chair

Patients do not generally complain of pain in the area of full thickness burns (third degree) because: a. blister formation protects the skin b. the nerve endings have been destroyed c. subcutaneous vessels are usually clotted d. he or she is generally not conscious

b. the nerve endings have been destroyed

General treatment guidelines when caring for a woman with traumatic vaginal bleeding includes: a. carefully removing impaled objects b. transporting to an appropriate facility c. packing the vagina with sterile dressings d. cleaning external wounds with sterile water

b. transporting to an appropriate facility

In which of the following patients should you remove an impaled object? a. an apneic patient with a shard of glass impaled in the abdoment b. a semiconscious patient with an ice pick impaled in his chest c. a pulseless and apneic patient with a knife impaled in the back d. a conscious and alert patient with a fishing hook impaled in the eye

c. a pulseless and apneic patient with a knife impaled in the back

When immobilizing the spine of an injured infant for a fall from 3 feet: a. the infant should always be transported in a car seat b. the infant should be transported in the mother's lap c. a small towel can be used for cervical spine support d. it is generally not necessary to stabilize the neck

c. a small towel can be used for cervical spine support

You have just delivered a major trauma patient to the hospital. Shortly after departing the ER, dispatch advises you of another call. The back of the ambulance is contaminated with bloody dressings and is in disarray, and you are in need of airway equipment and numerous other supplies. You should: a. have your partner quickly clean the ambulance as you proceed to the call. b. proceed to the call, functioning only as emergency medical responder c. advise the dispatcher that you are out of service and to send another unit d. quickly proceed to the call and clean and restock the ambulance afterwards

c. advise the dispatcher that you are out of service and to send another unit

Following direct trauma to the left upper back, a 44 y/o male presents with diaphoresis and restlessness. His blood pressure is 100/50mmHg, pulse is 120 bpm and weak, respirations are 24 breaths/min and labored. Your assessment reveals abrasions and contusions over the left scapula. You should: a. focus your assessment on his scapulae and clavicles and apply high flow oxygen b. apply high flow oxygen, perform a detailed secondary assessment and transport c. apply high flow oxygen, consider spinal precautions and transport without delay d. hyperventilate with a bag mask device and monitor his oxygen saturation

c. apply high flow oxygen, consider spinal precautions and transport without delay

Common activities that occur while you and your partner are en route to the scene of a call include all of the following except: a. obtaining additional information from the dispatcher b. fastening your seatbelts before the ambulance departs c. apprising the medical director of the nature of the call d. assigning tasks to each member of the response team

c. apprising the medical director of the nature of the call

Which of the following is not a component of the apgar scale? a. activity b. grimace c. body size d. pulse

c. body size

During childbirth, the mother presents with a prolapsed cord. All of the following should be considered except: a. administer high concentration oxygen b. insert a gloved hand into the vagina and gently push up on the presenting part of the fetus to keep pressure off of the cord c. carefully, insert the cord back into the uterus d. continue to hold the presenting part away from the cord until you are relieved by the ED staff

c. carefully, insert the cord back into the uterus

Which of the following statements regarding crush syndrome is correct? a. provided that a patient with a crush injury is freed from entrapment within 6 hrs, the amount of tissue damaged is generally minimal b. tissue damage that occurs in crush syndrome is severe, but kidney injury is unlikely because toxins are quickly eliminated from the body c. compromised arterial blood flow leads to crush syndrome and can occur when an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours d. with crush syndrome, massive blood vessel damage occurs following severe soft-tissue injuries, such as amputation of an extremity

c. compromised arterial blood flow leads to crush syndrome and can occur when an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours

Prior to using a stairchair transport, the patient should be: a. be given the opportunity to walk up or down the stairs b. taken have their oxygen supply shut down c. conscious and cooperative d. first fitted for a cervical collar

c. conscious and cooperative

Your presence is requested by law enforcement to assess a 33 year old female who was sexually assaulted. The patient is conscious and obviously upset. As you are talking to her, you note and impressive amount of blood on her clothes in the groin area. Her blood pressure is 98/58 mmHg, her pulse is 130 beats/min and her respirations are 24 breaths/min. You should: a. arrange for a rape crisis center representative to speak with the patient b. allow her to change her clothes and take a shower before you transport c. control any external bleeding, administer oxygen and transport at once d. visualize the vaginal area and pack the vagina with sterile dressings

c. control any external bleeding, administer oxygen and transport at once

A newborn's respirations are absent or depressed (less than 30/min). You should consider all of the following except: a. clear the infant's airway by suctioning the mouth and nose gently with a bulb syringe b. snap the bottom of the infant's feet with your index finger gently c. cool the infant to reduce metabolism d. rub the infant's lower back gently

c. cool the infant to reduce metabolism

A 33 y/o male sustained an abdominal evisceration to the left lower quadrant of his abdomen after he was cut with a large knife. After appropriately managing his ABCs and assessing him for other life-threats how should you care for his wound? a. cover the exposed bowel and keep his legs in a straight position b. carefully replace the exposed bowel into the abdomen and transport c. cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing d. irrigate it with sterile water and cover with a dry dressing

c. cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing

Which of the following is an indication of imminent birth? a. expulsion of the mucus plug from the vagina b. irregular contractions lasting 10 min c. crowning of the baby's head d. rupture of the amniotic sac

c. crowning of the baby's head

The most reliable sign of a head injury is: a. a pulse that is rapid and thready b. decreased sensation in the extremities c. decreased level of consciousness d. abnormally low blood pressure

c. decreased level of consciousness

Which of the following is the best example of gaining simple access to a patient? a. breaking glass to gain access to the patient b. using a pry bar to open a damaged door c. entering a vehicle through an open window d. removing the roof to access a critical patient

c. entering a vehicle through an open window

The Glasgow Coma Scale GCS is used to assess a. sensory response, pupil reaction and heart rate b. mental status, eye opening and respiratory rate c. eye opening, verbal response and motor response d. verbal response, eye opening and mental status

c. eye opening, verbal response and motor response

The number one cause of respiratory arrest in infants is a. cardiac arrest b. motor vehicle accident c. foreign body airways obstruction d. child abuse

c. foreign body airway obstruction

The first rule of safe lifting is to: a. always life with your palms facing down b. spread your legs approx 20" apart c. keep your back in a straight, vertical position d. keep your back in a slightly curved position

c. keep your back in a straight, vertical position

All of the following are hollow abdominal organs except for the a. bladder b. stomach c. liver d. ureters

c. liver

The best order for assessment and management of a suspected fracture is a. chose-size-apply splint, pms assessment, manual stabilization, pms assessment b. pms assessment, manual stabilization, pms assessment, choose size apply splint c. manual stabilization, pms assessment, choose size apply splint, pms assessment d. pms assessment, choose size apply splint, manual stabilization, pms assessment

c. manual stabilization, pms assessment, choose size apply splint, pms assessment

An abdominal evisceration: a. often causes severe hypothermia because of heat loss b. should be covered with bulky, dry strerile dressings c. occurs when organs protrude through an open wound d. is most commonly the result of blunt force trauma

c. occurs when organs protrude through and open wound

When preparing a pregnant patient for delivery, you should position her: a. on her left side with the right leg elevated b. in a sitting position with her hips elevated 12" c. on a firm surface with her hips elevated 2" to 4" d. in a flat supine position with her legs spread wide

c. on a firm surface with her hips elevated 2" to 4"

When assessing an infant's ventilation status you should a. give oxygen if the SpO2 is less than 90% b. rule out hypoxia if cyanosis is absent c. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall d. observe the chest for rise and fall

c. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall

When immobilizing a child on a long backboard, you should: a. secure the head prior to securing the torso and legs b. defer cervical collar placement to avoid discomfort c. place padding under the child's shoulders as needed d. place the child's head in a slightly extended position

c. place padding under the child's shoulders as needed

A 56 y/o male has an incomplete avulsion to his right forearm. After controlling any bleeding from the wound you should: a. carefully remove the avulsed flap and wrap it in a moist, sterile trauma dressing b. carefully probe the wound to determine if the bleeding is venous or arterial c. replace the avulsed flap to its original place and cover with a sterile dressing d. thoroughly irrigate the wound with sterile water and cover it with a sterile dressing

c. replace the avulsed flat to its original place and cover with a sterile dressing

During delivery of the baby's head, you should suction the mouth before the nose because: a. it is easier to suction larger volumes of fluid from the baby's oropharynx b. babies are primarily mouth breathers and do not breath through their nose c. suctioning the nose first may cause the baby to gasp and aspirate fluid d. the the mucosa of the nose is fragile and is easily damaged by vigorous suctioning

c. suctioning the nose first may cause the baby to gasp and aspirate the fluid

Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following except: a. headache and fever b. an altered mental status c. sunken fontanelles d. a stiff or painful neck

c. sunken fontanelles

An open fracture is most accurately defined as a fracture in which a. a bullet shatters the underlying bone b. bone ends protrude through the skin c. the overlying skin is no longer intact d. a large laceration overlies the fracture

c. the overlying skin is no longer intact

A 22 y/o male was punched in the abdomen several times. You find him lying on his left side with knees drawn up. He is conscious and alert and complains of increased pain and nausea when he tries to straighten his legs. His blood pressure is 142/82mm Hg, pulse is 110 bpm and strong, respirations are 22 bpm and regular. In addition to administering high flow oxygen, you should: a. apply full spinal motion restriction precautions b. place him supine but allow him to keep his knees bent c. transport him in the position in which you found him d. keep him on his side but gently straighten his legs

c. transport him in the position in which you found him

If the amniotic sac has not broken: a. contact medical control for instruction before preceding with the delivery b. get a detailed history from the mother asking if this has happened in the past c. use your finger or a clamp to puncture the sac and pull it away from the infant's head and mouth as they appear d. instruct the mother to take slow and long breaths

c. use your finger or a clamp to puncture the sac and pull it away from the infant's head and mouth as they appear

The most common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is a. high fever b. refusal to drink fluids c. vomiting and diarrhea d. internal blood loss

c. vomiting and diarrhea

When parking your ambulance at a secured scene of a motor vehicle crash, you should position the ambulance: a. 50' past the scene on the opposite side of the road b. alongside the scene to rapidly access the patients c. 50' before the scene on the same side of the road d. 100' past the scene on the same side of the road

d. 100' past the scene on the same side of the road

Portable and mounted suction units must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of at least ___ mm Hg when the tubing is clamped. a. 200 b. 400 c. 100 d. 300

d. 300

With regard to the legal implications of child abuse: a. child abuse must be reported only if it can be proven b. a supervisor can forbid you from reporting possible abuse c. you should document your perceptions on the run form d. EMTs must report all suspected cases of child abuse

d. EMTs must report all suspected cases of child abuse

Which of the following statements regarding cervical collars is correct? a. once a cervical collar is applied, you can cease manual head stabilization b. cervical collars are contraindicated in patients with numbness to the extremities c. the patient's head should be forced into a neutral position to apply a cervical collar d. a cervical collar is used in addition to, not instead of, manual immobilization

d. a cervical collar is used in addition to, not instead of, manual immobilization

An indication of MAST pants use is a. a medical patient with a systolic blood pressure of 100 feeling like he is going to pass out b. a pregnant trauma patient with a systolic blood pressure of 90 c. a trauma patient with a diastolic blood pressure of 70 and suspected bilateral femur fractures d. a trauma patient with a systolic blood pressure of 90 and suspicion of a pelvic fracture

d. a trauma patient with a systolic blood pressure of 90 and suspicion of a pelvic fracture

An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with: a. bulging fontanelles b. moist oral mucosa c. excessive tearing d. absent urine output

d. absent urine output

In addition to severe bleeding, the most life threatening complication associated with an open neck injury is: a. a spinal fracture b. nerve fiber damage c. an ischemic stroke d. an air embolism

d. an air embolism

Which of the following children would benefit the least from a nonrebreathing mask? a. a responsive 6 year old male who responds appropriately b. a semiconscious 7 year old female with normal ventilation c. a conscious 4 year old male with adequate tidal volume d. an unresponsive 5 year old male with shallow respirations

d. an unresponsive 5 year old male with shallow respirations

A temporary loss or alteration of part or all of the brain's abilities to function without physical damage to the brain most accurately describes a a. cerebral contusion b. intracranial hemorrhage c. intracerebral hematoma d. cerebral concussion

d. cerebral concussion

Interruption of cerebral blood flow may result from all of the following except a. a thrombus b. an embolism c. an acute arterial rupture d. cerebral vasodilation

d. cerebral vasodilation

A viral infection that may cause obstruction of the upper airway in a child is called: a. bronchitis b. asthma c. epiglottitis d. croup

d. croup

A common cause of shock in an infant is a. excessive tachycardia b. cardiovascular disease c. cardiac arrhythmia d. dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea

d. dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea

Which of the following statements regarding electrical burns is correct? a. the size of the entry and exit wounds is a reliable indicator of internal damage b. the exit wound by electrical burns is smaller than the entrance wound c. respiratory or cardiac arrest following electrical burn is very uncommon d. entrance wounds are small relative to the amount of internal tissue damage

d. entrance wounds are small relative to the amount of internal tissue damage

Assessing a person's neurovascular status following a musculoskeletal injury includes all of the following except a. assessing motor function b. assessing distal pulses c. assessing sensory function d. evaluating proximal pulses

d. evaluating proximal pulses

A 45 year old male was working on his roof when he fell approximately 12' landing on his feet. He is conscious and alert and complains of an ache in his lower back. He is breathing adequately and has stable vital signs. You should a. obtain a Glasgow Coma Scale value and give him oxygen b. allow him to refuse transport if his vitals remain stable c. recheck his vital signs every 15 minutes d. immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam

d. immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam

The most common and usually most serious ambulance crashes occur at: a. railroad crossings b. stop lights c. stop signs d. intersections

d. intersections

A laceration: a. rarely penetrates through the subcutaneous tissues to the muscle b. is an injury that separates various layers of tissue c. is a sharp, smooth cut that is made by a surgical scalpel d. is a jagged cut caused by a sharp object or blunt force trauma

d. is a jagged cut caused by a sharp object or blunt force trauma

Atrophy is a condition that occurs when a. carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other wastes accumulate in the muscle b. the tendon that attaches muscle to bone becomes stretched or injured c. increased use of skeletal muscle causes an increase in strength d. muscle decreases in size and function because of disease or trauma

d. muscle decreases in size and function because of disease or trauma

When approaching a helicopter, whether the rotor blades are moving or not, you should: a. remember that the main rotor blade is flexible and can dip as low as 5' to 6' from the ground b. approach the aircraft from the side because this will make it easier for you to access the aircraft doors c. carefully approach the aircraft from the rear unless a crew member instructs you to do otherwise d. never duck under the body or the tail boom because the pilot cannot see you in these areas

d. never duck under the body or the tail boom because the pilot cannot see you in these areas

Treatment of a 55 y/o male with a knife wound to his neck, with associated serious blood flow, would include: a. vaseline ointment b. torniquet c. burn cream d. occlusive dressing

d. occlusive dressing

In order to evaluate hazards present at the scene and determine the number of patients, you should: a. request the fire department at all scenes b. interview bystanders present at the scene c. use the information provided by dispatch d. perform a 360 degree walk around of the scene

d. perform a 360 degree walk around of the scene

a child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after playing with a small toy. you should: a. visualize the child's airway b. give oxygen and transport at once c. perform a blind finger sweep d. perform abdominal thrusts

d. perform abdominal thrusts

To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to a. slightly flex the neck to prevent tracheal kinking b. hyperextend the neck to ensure adequate alignment c. place bulky padding behind his or her occiput d. place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders

d. place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders

Your 22 year old patient is in active labor. Upon visual inspection, you note that the infant's leg is protruding from the vagina. Appropriate management of this situation includes: a. gently pulling on the infant's leg in an attempt to facilitate delivery b. carefully attempting to push the infant's leg off the umbilical cord c. placing the mother in a recumbent position and rapidly transporting d. placing the mother supine with her head down and pelvis elevated

d. placing the mother supine with her head down and pelvis elevated

When driving an ambulance on a multilane highway in emergency mode, you should: a. pass other drivers on the right side b. drive in the center lane of the highway c. remain in the extreme right hand lane d. remain in the extreme left hand lane

d. remain in the extreme left hand lane

A 22 female was ejected from her car after striking a tree head-on. As you approach her, you note obvious closed deformities to both of her femurs. She is not moving and does not appear to be conscious. You should a. assess for a carotid pulse and assist her ventilations b. apply manual stabilization to both of her femurs c. administer oxygen and perform a rapid assessment d. stabilize her head and perform a primary assessment

d. stabilize her head and perform a primary assessment

Skeletal muscle is also referred to as ____ muscle. a. involuntary b. smooth c. connective d. striated

d. striated

Situtational awareness is most accurately defined as: a. performing an initial scan of the scene in order to identify hazards that will post an immediate threat to you and your crew b. predicting the presence of certain hazards at the scene after receiving initial information from the dispatcher c. an initial process of information gathering and scene evaluation to determine appropriate strategies and tactics d. the ability to recognize any possible issues one you arrive at the scene and act proactively to avoid a negative impact

d. the ability to recognize any possible issues once you arrive at the scene and act proactively to avoid a negative impact

When determining the exact location and position of the patients in a wrecked vehicle, you and your team should routinely consider all of the following except: a. the position of the crashed vehicle b. the possibility of vehicle instability c. hazards that pose a risk to rescuers d. the make and model of the vehicle

d. the make and model of the vehicle

Functions of the skin include all of the following except: a. maintenance of water balance b. regulation of body temperature c. sending information to the brain d. the production of key antibodies

d. the production of key antibodies

The term "bloody show" is defined as: a. mild vaginal bleeding the occurs within the first 30 minutes after the onset of the second stage of the labor process b. the normal amount of vaginal bleeding that occurs within the first 24 hours following delivery of the baby and placenta c. any volume of blood that is expelled from the vagina after the amniotic sac has ruptured and contractions have begun d. the small amount of pink-tinged mucus that is discharged from the vagina after expulsion of the mucous plug

d. the small amount of pink-tinged mucus that is discharged from the vagina after expulsion of the mucous plug

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