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During upregulation of a hormone response the number of receptors decreases. the number of receptors increases. the amount of hormone increases. None of these.

the number of receptors increases.

A example of a negative feedback loop would be: the release of a hormone in response to a single stimulus. the release of glucagon in response to low blood sugar. the release of oxytocin in response to stretching of the uterus. All of these

the release of glucagon in response to low blood sugar.

What is the functional importance of the hypophyseal portal veins? signals pass from pituitary to the hypothalamus transmits hypothalamic hormones to the anterior pituitary allows release of hypothalamic hormones into the blood All of the choices are correct.

transmits hypothalamic hormones to the anterior pituitary

A fellow student with hyperthyroidism complains of feeling hot all the time. Explain why.

A student with hyperthyroidism would complain of feeling hot due to the effect of thyroid hormone on BMR. Hyperthyroidism may cause sensisiivity to heat, sweating and often weight loss. The thyroid gland becomes too active and too much thyroid hormone is produced.

Evan suffered head trauma in a car accident. In the days following the accident he noticed that his urine production increased dramatically. He also had an unquenchable thirst and when he had no access to water he began feeling very ill. His physician believes he may have a hormone imbalance that is causing the problem. The most likely cause is a deficiency in ADH FSH LH TSH ACTH


Cortisol increases blood glucose and decreases inflammation. True False


Which of the following hormones are stored in the posterior pituitary? ACTH antidiuretic hormone oxytocin antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin

antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin

Parathyroid hormone is the major regulator of which ions in the blood? calcium sodium potassium chloride manganese


Iodized salt is common throughout the United States. Why might adding iodine to salt be a good idea?

Adding Iodine to salt will help eliminate goiter. Goiter causes an enlargement of the thyroid. Goiter affects geographic areas that lack iodine in nutrient; majority of thrid world contriesmay suffer with this. It is very unlikley to occur in the United States due to the addition of iodine in salt.

Complete removal of the adrenal glands would eliminate the release of which hormones? aldosterone cortisol epinepherine All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Removal of your anterior pituitary gland would affect the thyroid gland reproduction the adrenal gland growth All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

If a female has an adrenal tumor that causes masculinization, is the tumor located in the adrenal cortex or adrenal medulla? Which hormone is being produced in excess?

If a female has an adrenal tumor that causes masculinization is the tumor located in the adrenal cortex. Androgen hormone is being produced in excess

Hyperthyroidism Decreased heart rate due the inhibition of norepinephrine and epinephrine Increased metabolic rate due to increased use of oxygen to make ATP Most common cause is pituitary tumors High circulating levels of T4 stimulate secretion of TRH

Increased metabolic rate due to increased use of oxygen to make ATP

In hypothyroidism. Clinical manifestations include increased heart rate Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism Primary hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by antibodies that mimic action of TSH Secondary hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by thyroid disease

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism

Why might hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone level) in an infant result in mental retardation? nervous system development is impaired calcitonin is necessary for cranial development the BMR is altered it would not, the mother's thyroid takes over to prevent infant hypothyroidism

nervous system development is impaired

The indicated endocrine gland is the Enter your answer in accordance to the question statement


Which of the following is a posterior pituitary hormone involved in a positive feedback loop? prolactin antidiuretic hormone oxytocin luteinizing hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone


Which of the following is FALSE? parathyroid hormone is involved in the production of calcitriol parathyroid hormone is released when blood calcium is elevated parathyroid hormone stimulates osteoclasts calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D

parathyroid hormone is released when blood calcium is elevated

The indicated endocrine gland is the Enter your answer in accordance to the question statement


Which of the following is NOT a function of a hormone? regulates chemical composition and volume of the internal environment regulates metabolism regulates glandular secretions produces electrolytes controls growth and development

produces electrolytes

In comparison to the nervous system, the endocrine system responds more rapidly uses chemical neurotransmitters produces results that are longer lasting has target cells that are usually close to the endocrine gland targets only cardiac and smooth muscle cells and glands

produces results that are longer lasting

Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates milk production? leutinizing hormone prolactin thyrotropin melanocyte stimulating hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone


This figure illustrates a hormone binding to its receptor on the cell membrane. This results in the formation of cAMP which acts as a/an new protein second messenger gene suppressor catalyst to alter gene expression mRNA strand

second messenger

Parathyroid hormone stimulates osteoblast activity increases metabolic rate stimulates osteoclast activity decreases metabolic rate inhibits osteoclast activity

stimulates osteoclast activity

How does angiotensin II increase blood pressure? stimulates vasospasm causes release of aldosterone increases renin release stimulates vasospasm and causes release of aldosterone

stimulates vasospasm and causes release of aldosterone

What effect would drinking a large volume of water have on the osmotic pressure of your blood? stimulate osmoreceptors increase vasopressor production stop ADH release inhibit kidney filtration

stop ADH release

Which of the following is a characteristic of the nervous system rather than the endocrine system? longer duration of action takes several minutes to act substances act locally target cells scattered throughout body

substances act locally

How does a sudoriferous (sweat) gland differ from an adrenal gland? sweat gland has a duct sudoriferous glands secrete into interstitial fluids sudoriferous gland secretions are very powerful the sudoriferous glands are endocrine glands

sweat gland has a duct

The major hormone produced by the indicated endocrine gland is


Patients with hyperthyroidism frequently complain of feeling hot all of the time. This is due to the effect of thyroid hormone on protein synthesis epinephrine actions in the body the body's heart rate the BMR None of the choices is correct.

the BMR

The indicated endocrine gland is the


The major metabolic hormone targeting most cells of the body is TSH thyroid hormone cortisol ACTH calcitonin

thyroid hormone

Which hormone increases metabolic rate? insulin adrenocorticotropic hormone glucagon thyroid hormone calcitonin

thyroid hormone

Which of the following hormones is also called thyroxin? calcitonin triiodothyronine T4 parafollicular hormone


Lipid soluble hormones bind to intracellular receptors. True False


Low blood glucose level stimulates secretion of glucagon from alpha cells of the pancreatic islets. True False


Proteins produced by a hormone-receptor binding will alter the cell's activity. True False


The sensitivity of a target cell to one type of hormone depends on the number of receptors available in that cell type. True False


What is the benefit of adding vitamin D to various food products such as milk?

The benefits of adding vitamin D to the food from is to maintain bone health, take in calcium. This will help with negative feedback of blood calcium. When calcium is too high, Thyroid releases calcitonin, calcium deposits come in the bone, decreased calcium uptake occurs in the intestine and decrease calcium reabsorption from urine. Calcium level fall.When calcium levels are too low, parathyroid releases PTH, increases calcium release from bone, increase calcium up take in intestines, and increase calcium reabsorption from urine. Calcium levels rise.

What controls the anterior pituitary gland? chemical signals from the blood the peripheral nervous system action of hypothalamic hormones action potentials from the thalamus chemical changes in CSF

action of hypothalamic hormones

The indicated endocrine gland is the


Where do androgens in females come from? adrenal cortex ovaries pituitary gland hypothalamus

adrenal cortex

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by the adrenal medulla adrenal cortex adrenal capsule thyroid medulla thyroid cortex

adrenal medulla

Which of the following is NOT produced by a zone of the adrenal cortex? androgens adrenalin aldosterone cortisol glucocorticoids


Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates cortisol production? leutinizing hormone prolactin insulin like growth factors melanocyte stimulating hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone

adrenocorticotropic hormone

The four small glands embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland regulate? the rate of metabolism blood sodium levels the production of aldosterone the adipose layers blood calcium levels

blood calcium levels

The amount of ADH that is secreted varies with blood osmotic pressure. blood calcium levels. oxygen content of blood blood levels of glucose. All of the choices are correct

blood osmotic pressure.

When blood levels of calcium are high, which is released by the thyroid gland to return levels to a normal level? calcitonin parathyroid hormone thyroid hormones thyroglobulin throxine-binding globulin


Which of the following hormones opposes the action of parathyroid hormone? thyroid stimulating hormone testosterone insulin calcitonin calcitriol


Which of the following is FALSE? calcitonin is produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland calcitonin stimulates the action of osteoclasts calcitonin secretion is controlled by blood levels of calcium calcitonin inhibits the breakdown of bone extracellular matrix

calcitonin stimulates the action of osteoclasts

What feedback stimulus influences the release of oxytocin? pregnancy childbirth suckling response oxtocin releasing hormone


Which of the following is NOT a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary? human growth hormone corticotropin-releasing hormone thyroid-stimulating hormone follicle-stimulating hormone prolactin

corticotropin-releasing hormone

What will stimulate the release of PTH? elevated blood calcium decreased blood calcium increased urine calcium decreased urine calcium

decreased blood calcium

Complete loss of the aldosterone will lead to death due to decreased heart rate decreased airway dilation dehydration no oxygen to the brain kidney failure


Which of the following is NOT a function of antidiuretic hormone? decreases urine volume increases blood pressure decreases water loss via sweat glands enhances contractions of uterine smooth muscle cells constriction of blood vessels

enhances contractions of uterine smooth muscle cells

The major hormones produced by the indicated endocrine gland are

estrogen and progesterone

You have noticed your neighbor's 8-year-old child is the same height as her 5-year-old cousin. This child could be deficient in which hormone? growth hormone thyroid hormone ACTH prolactin

growth hormone

A patient with primary hypothyroidism would be expected to have a TSH level that is higher than normal lower than normal not significantly different from normal

higher than normal

Antidiuretic hormone is produced by neurosecretory cells of the anterior pituitary posterior pituitary hypothalamus adrenal gland kidney


As a regulator of homeostasis, this part of the diencephalon produces several enzymes. It is the


The hypophysis is located adjacent to the spleen just superior to the kidney in the sella turcica in the neck within the pelvic cavity

in the sella turcica

Which of the following is NOT a glucocorticoid effect? protein and fat breakdown glucose formation immune suppression reduction of inflammation increase in blood cell production

increase in blood cell production

As the level of glucocorticoid ______, it exerts negative feedback inhibition both on the anterior pituitary to ______ release of ACTH and on the hypothalamus to ______ release of CRH.

increases; reduce; reduce

The principal actions of the major hormones produced by the indicated endocrine gland are to ------ blood glucose levels by promoting uptake into cells and by converting glucose into glycogen (effect of insulin) and to______ blood glucose levels by promoting breakdown of glycogen into glucose (effect of glucagon).

lower increase

A patient with hyperthyroidism would be expected to have a TSH level higher than normal lower than normal not significantly different from normal

lower than normal

Which stimulus initiates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway? Is this a negative or positive feedback loop?

negative feedback―hemorrhage

endocrine system

Glands secrete hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction, and nutrient use (metabolism) by body cells.

Why might world travelers flying across several time zones be tempted to try small doses of melatonin supplements? to help them stay alert prevent daytime sleepiness reset the biological clock stimulate the hypothalamus

Reset the biological clock

A chemical messenger carried throughout the body in the bloodstream is termed a/an exocrine gland endocrine gland hormone target cell receptor


The indicated endocrine gland is the


Thyroid imaging was used for direct measurement of TSH levels TRH levels T4 levels Iodine uptake in thyroid gland

Iodine uptake in thyroid gland

This gland secretes HGH, TSH and FSH among other hormones.


Hypothalamic releasing hormones travel to the anterior pituitary gland through vessels known as the infundibulum. True False


Describe the role of the hypothalamus in the regulation of the pituitary gland.

The hypothalamus is the major integrating link between the nervous and endocrine system. Hypothalamus is involved in controlling homeostasis and hormones. The hypothalamus manipulates hormone release primarily by controlling the pituitary gland. The pituitarygland is a hormone-secreting gland that sits just below the hypothalamus. The pituitary glands consists of two lobes called the anterior and posterior pituitary. The anteriorpituitary include growth hormone, which involved with growth,follicle-stimulating hormone which plays a role in development and reproduction, luteinizing hormone, which is essential to testosterone production and reproduction, adrenocorticotropic hormone, which is involved with stress and fear response, thyroid stimulating hormone, which is important to healthy metabolism,andprolactin, which promotes milk productionin females. The release of these hormones is controlled by the hypothalamus, which sends signals in the form of releasing hormones to tell the anterior pituitary when to secrete its hormones. The posterior pituitary also secretes two hormones, but does not synthesize them. Instead, they aresynthesized by the hypothalamus and then sent to the posterior pituitary for release into the bloodstream. The hormones are oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin playsarole in assisting with childbirth and lactation. Vasopressin control urine outputand regulate blood pressure. Hypothalamus. Region of brain below the thalamus. Cell bodies of neurosecretory cells. Functions: Controls body temperature, thirst and hunger.Regulates sexual behavior, and defensive reactions, circadian rhythms and states of consciousnessSynthesizes hormones that stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones.Synthesizes oxytocin and antidiuretic hormones that are stored and released in the pituitary gland.

If you received a thyroidectomy, should you be concerned about your skeletal system? Why or why not?

Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of the thyroid gland. I would be concerned with my larynx and trachea. Not concerned about the skeletal system

Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates sex cell production? a follicle stimulating hormone TSH prolactin-releasing hormone melanocyte stimulating hormone growth hormone

a follicle stimulating hormone

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