endocrine- A&P

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adrenal gland cortex regions (3)

"GFR" 1.The zona glomerulosa 2.The zona fasciculata 3.The zona reticularis

•The anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) makes up 75% of the weight of the pituitary gland and secretes ___ hormones •The posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) is made of ____ and releases ___ hormones made by the ____

-7 -neural tissue, 2, hypothalamus

_____-Known as vasopressin Released in response to an: •Increase in _____ (number of dissolved particles in the blood) •Decrease in ____ controlled primarily by ____ of the blood.

ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH) -blood osmolality -blood volume -osmotic pressure

____ glands secrete hormones •do not have ____, instead they secrete their hormones directly into the ____ that surrounds them •The hormones diffuse into the ____ through ____ and are carried to ___ throughout the body

ENDOCRINE -ducts, interstitial fluid -blood stream, capillaries, target cells

____-•hormones released into the bloodstream travel throughout the body ***results may take hours, but last longer***

Endocrine system

adrenal medulla secretions ___ and ____, which produce effects similar to ____ response-are released under stress by direct innervation from the autonomic nervous system

Epinephrine, norepinephrine (NE) sympathetic

_____ effects on glucose metabolism: On muscle: -Promotes muscle _____ and metabolism -_____- promotes storage of glycogen in muscle On liver: Promotes liver uptake, storage and use of glucose Promotes ____ and storage Liver: after enough glycogen is formed, glucagon is used to synthesize lipids

Insulin -glucose uptake -Glycogenesis -fat synthesis

_____- secrete ____-initiates milk production in the mammary glands

Lactotrophs, prolactin

_____-hormones circulate bound to transport proteins


_____- Secreted by the zona glomerulosa •95% of hormonal activity due to ___ (Increases rate of ____ reabsorption by kidneys increasing sodium blood levels)

MINERALOCORTICOIDS -aldosterone sodium

____-cells like nerve cells but they also make hormones like cells of the endocrine system. receive messages (signals) from the nervous system and respond by making and releasing hormones


_____-is released in response to stretch placed on the cervix during child birth •Oxytocin affects the: •Mother's uterus - enhances ____ •Mother's breasts - stimulates ____ (let down) from the mammary glands in response to suckling •Expulsion of the ____ ____ may be used to induce labor contractions

Oxytocin contractions milk ejection placenta Synthetic (Pitocin

_____ GLANDS •Increasing blood ____ level and decreasing blood phosphate level. •_____ blood levels of Ca+2 stimulate the release of different hormones - CT or PTH

PARATHYROID calcium, phosphate -High or low

_____- Secreted by F-cells -Secreted by: Meals containing protein, fasting, exercise , and acute ____ stimulate secretion; - ____ and elevated ___ level inhibit secretion.

Pancreatic Polypeptide hypoglycemia somatostatin, blood glucose

____ cells- Secrete ____ in which reduces calcium concentration in body fluids when levels elevated (inhibit osteoclast activity)

Parafollicular calcitonin

_____- section of tissue that resides between the posterior pituitary and pars distalis (produces MSH)

Pars intermedia

_____-a second hormone, strengthens the effects of the first

Permissive effect

_____- A small endocrine gland attached to the roof of the third ventricle -gland secretes _____-set the body's biological clock

Pineal melatonin

follicles secrete ____ and ____

T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine)

ACTION OF ____ HORMONES: metabolism -Increase in ____ ( to increase body heat production) -_____ : stimulate fat mobilization, leading to increased concentrations of fatty acids in plasma. -_____ :Enhancement of insulin-dependent entry of glucose into cells and increased gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis to generate free glucose.

THYROID -basal metabolic rate -Lipid metabolism -Carbohydrate metabolism

____ hormones circulate freely in the plasma


____-•One on top of each kidney and weighs 5 grams The glands are covered by a ___ capsule The glands are divided into two regions: The outer ____ and the inner ___

adrenal gland connective tissue cortex, medulla

The ____ consists of hormone-producing cells, called ____ cells, which surround large blood-filled ____

adrenal medulla chromaffin, sinuses

Insulin Promotes protein synthesis by: •Stimulating ____ up take by tissue •Increasing protein ____ from mRNA •Regulating ___

amino acid translation gene expression

_____- Some hormones oppose the action of others

antagonistic effect

The _____ pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus by an unusual blood vessel connection-____ vessels

anterior, hypothalmo-hypophyseal portal

_____- act on same cell that secreted them ex ____

autocrines -prostaglandins

•Steroids- lipids derived from ___ on ____ •different functional groups attached to core of structure provide uniqueness

cholesterol, smooth ER

______-_____ hormones, act on distant targets travel in blood

circulating hormones; Endocrine, blood

pancreas is located in the curve of the ___ •It is both and ___ and ___ gland •Cells (99%) in ___ produce digestive enzymes •Endocrine cells in ____ produce hormones

duodenum endocrine, exocrine acini pancreatic islets

____ glands secrete their products into ducts (None are hormones) Exocrine glands include? sudoriferous (sweat) glands, sebaceous (oil) glands, mucous glands, digestive glandsand several other throughout the body

exocrine -sudoriferous (sweat) glands, sebaceous (oil) glands, mucous glands, digestive glands and several other throughout the body

acinar cells are part of the ____ gland that surround a ____ -•Endocrine cells secrete near a capillary -types of endocrine cells produces by the pancreas pancreatic islet?

exocrine, small duct -capillary -alpha, beta, delta and F cells

•Low blood glucose stimulates release of ___ •High blood glucose stimulates secretion of ___

glucagon insulin

alpha cells secrete ____ beta cells secrete ____ delta cells secrete ____ F cells secrete ____

glucagon insulin somatostatin pancreatic polypeptide

The axons of the ____ and ____ pass down the infundibulum and end within the ____ pituitary in close proximity to capillaries. The axon terminals release hormones into these capillaries, which collect into veins and the general circulation

hypothalamic supraoptic, paraventricular nuclei, posterior

parathyroid glands on bones stimulates ____ (bone degrading cells) resulting in bone ___ and increase of ____ and ____ levels in blood

osteoclasts, resorption, Ca+2 and HPO4-2

____-act on neighboring cells- e.g____

paracrines; histamines, prostaglandins

_____- where portion in which the majority of the hormone production occurs.

pars distalis

____ has tubular sheath that winds around the pituitary stalk. Epithelial cells arranged in cords and hypophyseal portal vessels reside in this space.

pars tuberali

•The hypothalamus secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones that control the release of hormones by the ____ •They reach the pituitary gland via the ___

pituitary gland -hypophyseal portal system

•The ____ pituitary gland does not synthesize any hormones Two hormones produced by the neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus? •Axons from the _____ cells form the hypothalamo hypophyseal tract

posterior 1. Oxytocin (OT) 2. Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) neurosecretory

_____ pituitary - Not an actual gland -Extension of the neuro components of the hypothalamus -Does not _____, it store and release two hormones that are produced by the ____ cells of the hypothalamus -The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland regulate all aspects of growth, development, metabolism and homeostasis

posterior -synthesize hormones, neurosecretory

Amine, peptide and glyco/protein hormones are modified amino acids or amino acids put together •ex? (4) •some ____

serotonin, melatonin, histamine, epinephrine -glycoproteins

Neurotransmitters are release into the ____

synaptic cleft

_____-Some hormones work more effectively when a second hormone is present to assist them (two hormones acting together for greater effect)

synergistic effect

•Most hormones circulate through the blood and bind to receptors on "____"; Neurotransmitters also bind to receptors on them

target cells

____-Large organ in infants and atrophies as adult -located in ____ - Each lobule has ____ & ____ •Cortex-tightly packed ____& ____ •Medulla-reticular epithelial cells produces ____

thymus gland mediastinum cortex, medulla lymphocytes, macrophages thymic hormones

which gland is part of the endocrine system but part of the immune system as well

thymus gland, it secretes several hormones related to immunity

______- The only endocrine gland that stores its hormone in large quantity (100 days supply -Highly vascular - receives 80-120 ml of blood/min -composed _____ and ____

thyroid gland -vascular - follicles, parafollicular cells

The hypothalamus secretes the ____, which stimulates thyrotrophs in the ____ pituitary to secrete ____. TSH is released by the anterior pituitary and stimulates the thyroid follicular cells to release ____ and ____

thyroid releasing hormone (TRH), anterior, TSH -thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)

an example of Permissive effect

thyroid strengthens epinephrine's effect upon lipolysis

•Thyroid hormones- ____ ring plus attached ____ are lipid-soluble

tyrosine, iodines

ADH Decrease ____ Decrease ____ Blood vessel _____ Increase _____

urine production sweating constriction blood pressure

ADH acts on the kidneys to increase ___ from renal tubules,(more concentrated urine and less concentrated blood plasma) -Acts on _____

water retention -Blood vessels

____-•certain parts release hormones into blood •rest releases ____, excite or inhibit nerve, muscle & gland cells ***results in milliseconds, brief duration of effects***

•Nervous system -neurotransmitters

an example of synergistic effect

•estrogen & LH are both needed for oocyte production

an example of antagonistic effect

•insulin promotes glycogen formation & glucagon stimulates glycogen breakdown



Thyroid hormones are necessary for normal growth in children! •Cardiovascular system: ____ heart rate, cardiac contractility and cardiac output. Also promote _____, which leads to enhanced blood flow to many organs. •____system: Both decreased and increased concentrations of thyroid hormones lead to alterations in mental state. Too little vs too much

-Increases, vasodilation -Central nervous

Mineralocorticoids maintains homeostasis of ___ and ____ •increase reabsorption of ___ with Cl-, HCO3-, and H2O •promotes excretion of ____ and ___ (pH regulation) •adjusts ____ and ____ Secretion is controlled by the ___ and the blood level of ____.

-Na+ and K+ - Na+ -K+, H+ -blood pressure, blood volume renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway (RAA), potassium

______-•function is unknown-secreteexcess PTH in cases of parathyroid cancer _____-•cells produce parathyroid hormone (PTH);more numerous

-Oxyphilcell -Principal (Chief)

-Almost all of the exocrine cells of the pancreas are arranged in clusters called ____. -Acini produce digestive enzymes that are delivered to the gastrointestinal tract through ____ -Scattered among the acini are clusters of endocrine tissue called ____ (islets of ____) •The islets contain ____ cells

-acini -ducts -pancreatic islets, Langerhans -secreting

PITUITARY GLAND •Differentiated into the anterior pituitary ____, the posterior pituitary ____ •_____ attaches it to brain •Anterior lobe develops from roof of mouth aka ____ •Posterior lobe neuroglial cells called ____

-adenohypophysis, neurohypophysis -Infundibulum -Rathke's pouch -pituicytes

GLUCAGON -Secreted by ____ -Glucagon's role in the body is to prevent ____ levels dropping too low. •Stimulates liver ____ -Increase ____ liver -Stimulates ____ -activates lipases in adipose cells - FA available for energy NET= increase glucose availability to other tissues. opposite effects to insulin

-alpha cells, blood glucose -glycogenolysis -gluconeogenesisin -lipolysis

Eicosanoids are derived from _____ •ex? (2)

-arachidonic acid (fatty acid) -prostaglandins or leukotrienes

Water-soluble hormones bind to receptors on the ____ surface of the target cell •Can not diffuse through ____ •Hormone receptors are ____ proteins •act as ____ •Receptor protein activates ____ in membrane •G-protein activates ____ to convert ATP to ____ in the cytosol look at pic on slide 59-60

-exterior -plasma membrane -integral membrane -first messenger -G-protein -adenylate cyclase, cAMP

Lipid-soluble hormones -Hormone diffuses through ____ & into cell -Binds to receptor turning on/off specific genes (hormone complex alters ____) -New ____ is formed & directs synthesis of new proteins on ____ -New ____ alters cell's activity

-phospholipid bilayer -gene expression -mRNA, ribosomes -protein

-Hypothalamus is a section of brain where the ____ is suspended from a stalk -Hypothalamus receives input from ____, _____, ____ & ____ -______ controls pituitary gland with releasing & inhibiting hormones

-pituitary gland -cortex, thalamus, limbic system & internal organs -Hypothalamus

•Hormones traveling throughout the body will only affect target cells that possess specific ___ for the hormone •Receptors are continually being synthesized and broken down •Receptors may be ____ in the presence of ___ concentrations of hormone •Receptors may be ___ in the presence of ___ concentrations of hormone

-protein receptors -down-regulated, high -up-regulated, low

•Hormones are secreted in short bursts when needed. Secretion is regulated by?

1. Signals from the nervous system 2. Chemical changes in the blood 3. Other hormones

parathyroid glands on kidneys 1. _____ loss from blood into the urine (stimulates Ca+2 and Mg+2 reabsorption); 2. _____ from blood into urine [HPO4 -2 loss is greater than HPO4 -2 gain from bone reabsorption] for a net decrease of HPO4 -2 in plasma; 3. Stimulates formation of _____ (the active form ofvit.D).

1. Slows rate of Ca+2 and Mg+2 2. Increases loss of HPO4 -2 3. calcitriol

ex of water soluble hormones

1. amine hormones 2. peptide and protein hormones 3. eicosanoid hormones

types of local hormones?

1. paracrines 2. autocrines

Anterior pituitary = adenohypophysis consists of three areas with indistinct boundaries called

1. pars tuberalis 2. Pars intermedia 3. pars distalis

what does the endocrine glands include?

1. pituitary 2. thyroid 3. parathyroid 4. adrenal 5. pineal glands

paathyroid gland has ____ and ______ cells

1. principle cells (chief) 2. oxyphil cells

ex of lipid soluble hormones

1. steroid hormones 2. thyroid hormones 3. nitric oxide

Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vessels supplies blood to the anterior pituitary is from the _____

1. superior hypophyseal arteries

Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vessels supplies blood to the posterior pituitary

1. superior hypophyseal artery 2. infundibular artery 3. inferior hypophyseal artery.

adrenal gland cortex produces ____ different types of hormones from 3 zones of cortex -Medulla produces ___ types of hormones

3 2

____- Secreted by Zona reticularis -Small amount of male hormone produced -Major androgen is ____ -____ stimulates secretion of DHEA

Androgens -DHEA -ACTH


CA2+, MG2+, AND HPO42- -calcitonin

PTH •Raise blood ____ levels •increase activity of ____ •increases reabsorption of Ca+2 by ____ •inhibits reabsorption of ____ •promotes formation of ____ by kidney which increases absorption of Ca+2 and ___ by intestinal tract

Ca+2 osteoclasts kidney phosphate (HPO4-2) calcitriol (vitamin D3) Mg+2

______-secrete ______-stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids-cortisol -it also secretes ____

Corticotrophs, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) -melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)

•Major androgen is ___ •insignificant in _____ •contribute to sex drive in females (libido) •is converted to ____ which have feminizing effects; it is the only source of estrogen in postmenopausal females •Stimulate growth of ____ and pubic hair in boys and girls •Contributes to _____ during puberty

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) males -estrogens -axillary -growth spurt

______- Secreted by Zona fasciculata •95% of hormonal activity is due to ____ Functions: help regulate ____ •increase rate of ____ •conversion of amino acids to glucose (gluconeogenesis) •Stimulate ____ •Decreases ____

GLUCOCORTICOIDS, cortisol metabolism protein catabolism lipolysis inflammatory response

______- secretes _____ and ____- acts on the gonads- Men-stimulates testes to produce sperm and secrete testosterone, women-stimulate the ovaries to mature oocytes and secrete estrogen & progesterone

Gonadotrophs; FSH and LH

The major integrating link between the nervous and the endocrine systems


____- Secreted by delta cells •Inhibits ____ and ____ secretion •______ of stomach, duodenum and gall bladder •Decreases ____ and ___ in GI

SOMATOSTATIN -glucagon, insulin -Decreases motility -secretion, absorption

THE 5 CELLS THAT SECRETE 7 HORMONES ______- secrete _____ - stimulates general body growth _____ -Secretes ______- controls secretions and other activities of the thyroid

Somatotrophs, growth hormone Thyrotrophs, TSH(thyrotropin)

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located inferior to the ____ and anterior to the ____ -It has right and left lateral lobes connected by an _____

larynx trachea -isthmus

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