Endorsements Alpha's
A.40 or 61.39(a)
a combination of A.1 and A.2 for instrument applicant
A.3 or 61.87(b)
pre-solo aeronautical knowledge created and administered by instructor
A.5 or 61.87(o)
pre-solo endorsement allowing for night solo's
A.4 or 61.87(c)(1) and (2)
pre-solo flight training. shows competency in ground maneuvers and landing
A.1 or 61.39(a)(6)(i) and (ii)
prerequisites for practical test
A.73 or 61.49
retesting after failure of knowledge or practical test
A.68 or 61.31(e)
to act as PIC in a complex airplane
A.69 or 61.31(f)
to act as PIC in a high-performance airplane
A.70 or 61.31(g)
to act as PIC in a pressurized aircraft capable of high altitudes
A.71 or 61.31(i)
to act as PIC of a tailwheel airplane
A.7 or 61.87(p)
additional 90 days if needed
A.34 or 61.35(a)(1), 61.123(c), and 61.125
applicant is ready to take commercial pilot knowledge test
A.38 or 61.35(a)(1) and 61.65(a) and (b)
applicant is ready to take instrument knowledge test
A.39 or 61.65(a)(6)
applicant is ready to take instrument practical test
A.32 or 61.35(a)(1), 61.103(d), and 61.105
applicant is ready to take private pilot knowledge test
A.33 or 61.103(f), 61.107(b), and 61.109
applicant is ready to take private pilot practical test
A.6 or 61.87(n)
first 90 days of student solo operations
A.65 or 61.56(a) and (c)
flight review
A.14 or 1552.3(h)
endorsement by instructor verifying that the student is a US citizen
A.67 or 61.57(d)
instrument proficiency check
A.2 or 61.39(a)(6)(iii)
review of deficiencies identified on airman knowledge test
A.12 or 61.95(a)
solo flight into or entering class bravo airspace
A.13 or 61.95(b)
solo flight that includes an airport in class bravo airspace
A.72 or 61.31(d)(2)
solo operations where pilot does not hold a type rating
A.10 or 61.93(c)(3)
solo x-country endorsement permit to fly, may be given at least 2x
A.9 or 61.93(c)(1) and (2)
solo x-country endorsement permit to try