Energy Flow Through Living Systems

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*Organisms that feed on other organisms in a food chain *eats producers or other consumers to obtain energy.


All consumers - something that feeds itself by eating other things.

Food Chain

An energy path from one organism to another showing a linked series; feeds on the one prior to it in the series.


Animals that eat only plants or plant products. - Prmary consumer


Animals that eat other animals. Organisms that eat—or prey on— herbivores. - Secondary consumer

Trophic Level

Any class of organisms occupying the same position in a food chain, such as primary consumers or secondary consumers.


is required by organisms to survive, and comes either from the Sun (for plants) or other organisms (for animals). The Sun is the ultimate source


the mass of matter in living things.

Energy Pyramid

A system consisting of all of the interactions that occur between the abiotic and biotic factors within an environment.

Energy Flow

Most amount of energy


Organisms such as bacteria and fungi that break down the remains of dead plants and animals, without need for internal digestion.

Tertiary Consumers

Organisms that get their energy by eating secondary consumers.

Secondary Consumers

Organisms that get their energy by feeding on primary consumers (herbivores) in the food chain.

Primary Consumers

Organisms that get their energy by feeding on producers in the food chain.


Organisms that transform energy from the Sun and use carbon dioxide and water to make food. They provide a source of chemical energy for organisms that eat them.

Food Web

Overlapping food chains with different pathways for the flow of food energy in an ecosystem.


People who eat both meat and plant-based foods


Primary producers - something that nourishes, or feeds, itself by producing its own food.

Energy Pyramid

Shows how much energy transfers to the next trophiclevel in a food chain.

Detrital Food Web

Starts with chemical energy stored in organic debris or waste from other food webs; continues energy flow from debris directly to decomposers that break down the organic matter, which then becomes food and energy for large and larger consumers, and eventually decomposers.

Grazing Food Web

Starts with radiant energy captured by producers (plants) through photosynthesis, and continues with energy flow from producers to consumers and finally to decomposers.


The movement where energy moves from a starting point through living systems in a one-way direction.


green plants use energy from the Sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar molecules.

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