ENG-121 Academic Writing I Midterm - Saint Leo

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which example is correctly punctuated?

"I wanted to go to the fair." said Keith, "But, I don't have any money." "I wanted to go to the fair," said Keith. "But, I don't have any money."-CORRECT "I wanted to go to the fair " said Keith. But, I don't have any money." "I wanted to go to the fair, said Keith, But, I don't have any money."

What can you do to improve sentence variety?

Combine two independent clauses to make one longer sentence.- CORRECT Remove all punctuation marks. Join two dependent clauses. Join two predicates when they have different subjects.

In which of the following situations might a formal tone be used?

Everyday speech Your college essays Scholarly and sophisticated work-CORRECT All of the above

T/F Standard English reflects the jargon and dialect spoken by typical Americans


T/F When you revise a paper, you should only be looking for spelling or grammatical errors


When you begin to write, what question should you ask yourself?

How long do I want my essay to be? What is the purpose of my essay?-CORRECT What rules should I follow? None of the above

Define proofreading

Proofreading is when you change the structure of your paper. Proofreading is the adding and deleting of ideas to make your paper better. Proofreading allows you to discover mistakes and typos.-CORRECT None of the above

What is the challenge of a process analysis?

To write clearly so the reader can perform the task Estimating how much knowledge your reader has of the material you are covering-CORRECT Knowing about the process you are writing about None of the above

What is a process analysis essay?

Using examples and comparisons Something that takes a direct object Fleeting or ephemeral referent Telling how to complete a procedure-CORRECT

Effective introductions do all of the following except:

build interest and bring the reader into the writer's world. have a focused thesis statement that tells the reader the main point of the essay. discuss all the main points of the essay, as well as the counterarguments that are addressed, and include facts, statistics, and a review of literature.-CORRECT all of the above.

A well-developed paragraph will have all of the following except:

generalized ideas that form a generalized whole.-CORRECT main ideas that are properly outlined in the paragraphs. paragraphs can involve library research evidenced by the use of quotes from experts in the field. the paragraph covers the topic fully using details, evidence, and examples that add credibility to the essay.

Coherence is an important aspect of your essay, so your essay will have coherence if:

readers can discern the meaning you intend. each sentence and paragraph seems to fit together smoothly.-CORRECT you have one main idea per paragraph. none of the above.

All of the following are common mistakes to avoid in the introduction of your essay, except:

stating your thesis in the first sentence. capturing the reader's attention by introducing the topic.- CORRECT presenting a focused thesis statement in the first sentence. all of the above.

In your essay, you might consider introducing generally known information first because:

you might forget to do it later. you should not introduce generally known information. Instead, you should begin with a quote from a famous scholar, preferably one that contains impressive terminology. you should begin with the familiar because it helps readers understand your writing.-CORRECT none of the above.

Which of the following is not a technique for avoiding wordiness?

Avoid repetition. Combine sentences. Include all brainstormed ideas.-CORRECT Avoid fillers.

Freewriting is part of the planning/prewriting process. What does freewriting involve?

CORRECT-Writing ideas on paper as you think of them without censoring and without stopping- Searching for what you know about the topic and recording the points Writing brief entries in a notebook daily Writing out sentences in order of priority in your paper

In which of the following situations might an informal tone be used?

Everyday speech-CORRECT Your college essays Scholarly and sophisticated work All of the above

An informative process analysis contains which of the following characteristics?

Explains how something happens or how something works, not how to complete the task Causes the reader to understand the process, not perform it Thesis statement should identify the process and explain why the information is worth knowing or important All of the above-CORRECT

T/F Wordiness is usually preferable in writing


The characteristics of a narrative essay include which of the following?

It should convey action or detail. It should present a conflict and build toward a climax. It needs a sequence of events and should contain dialogue. All of the above-CORRECT

Define Tone.

Neutrality of the topic The attitude the author takes toward his or her audience- CORRECT Stereotyping by the author None of the above

Narrowing the topic of your essay is an important stage of writing. Why?

No one can write an effective paper that is vague or promises to cover too much. -CORRECT If the topic is too broad, you will do more work than is required for the assignment. If the topic is too vague, you will do more work than is required for the assignment. All of the above

To improve sentence clarity, you should move from what to what?

Old to new information-CORRECT Compound sentences to run-on sentences Unfamiliar to familiar information None of the above

Why are positive statements advised over negative statements?

Readers will finish an essay that is positive. Negative statements are harder for people to understand. CORRECT Readers will agree with an argument based on positive statements. Negative statements are harder to write.

Define revision.

Revision is the checking over of your paper for mISTAKES. Revision is adding ideas, deleting ideas, changing the order of your ideas, rewording and altering your paper. It is making changes to improve your paper.-CORRECT Revision is attending to the mechanical parts of the essay. None of the above

If you are writing a text message, you can assume the tone ought to be informal. What is the meaning of the term informal?

Specialized Serious or official Neutral Friendly and relaxed-CORRECT

Name the four types of examples.

Specific, broad, general, and remote Typical, anecdotal, specific, and hypothetical-CORRECT Hypothetical, general, typical, and universal None of the above

Sentence variety is important in your essay and can be improved by using which technique?

String several quotes from notable authorities into the paragraph. Add irregular verb forms and vary verb tense within a sentence. Adding a dependent clause to an independent clause, thereby making a complex sentence.-CORRECT All of the above

What is the difference between the thesis and topic sentence?

The topics of both are different. The topic sentence states the focus of the essay, and the thesis states the focus of the paragraph. The thesis states the focus of the essay, and the topic sentence states the focus of the paragraph.- CORRECT None of the above

A narrative essay has what purpose?

To detail the people, places, and things drawn from the senses To tell a story with events typically arranged in chronological order-CORRECT To set down a structured and orderly selection of points None of the above

The process analysis is one type of essay we have learned about. What is its purpose?

To explore and analyze a process To explain the steps (or set of directions) involved in doing something.-CORRECT To explain the reasons and consequences of your essay None of the above

The use of examples in your essay has a purpose. What is that purpose?

To give as many as possible To focus on only one main example To support and illustrate your point so that the reader can understand it-CORRECT None of the above

What does it mean to collaborate?

To refuse or deny To work with others to achieve a better paper or essay- CORRECT To criticize To sabotage

T/F Faulty parallelism occurs when listed items are not in the same grammatical form or structure.


T/F Freewriting is a prewriting technique that means to write in whatever direction that occurs to you without stopping.


T/F Listening to the sounds of words and visualizing similar elements are methods of proofreading for parallel structure.


T/F Typical, specific, hypothetical, and anecdotal are all different types of examples that can be used in writing.


T/F When you proofread a paper, you should only be looking for spelling or grammatical errors


Which of the following is a technique to use when transitioning?

Use assonance. Use words that rhyme. Use of pronouns or repetition.-CORRECT Avoid faulty predication.

A 12-point essay:

has support sentences for each reason, followed by a conclusion. has an introductory sentence. has a thesis with the word "because" in it, followed by three reasons. has all of the above.-CORRECT

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