Eng 232- Final Exam

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What is an unreliable narrator?

An unreliable narrator is a person who tells a story with a lack of credibility.

Who was the founder of Surrealism and primary writer of the Surrealist manifesto

André Breton

Using specific examples from "The Metamorphosis," describe how Gregor is dehumanized both before and after his transformation into a bug, and explain how it might connect to modern human experience.

Before Gregor transformation an example of his dehumanization is being forced to work as a businessman to support his own family, which is shown through how his parents are banging on his door because he is expected to go to work. His parents and sister do not even work because they provided lame excuses which are invalid. The fact that his parents take advantage of their son by relying on his money, shows how little they truly care about him. But the dehumanization only goes further after their son has transformed into a bug, he is treated with even less respect, due to his appearance. His sister takes furniture out of his room because she feels it no longer has any use for him, and his father constantly shoos him into his room, so that he doesn't have to look at him. Furthermore, he is treated like a piece of crap,as his family doesn't want anything to do with him after his transformation. In connection to the modern human experience, the metamorphosis depicts society's greed, specifically with the extent that no amount of money never seems to be enough. Even including that money, makes people do crazy things, which is quite sad just like his own family disowning him.

Using specific examples, give your best explanation of what the sublime is and compare and contrast the sublime in the poetry of Wordsworth and Shelley.

Both Wordsworth and Shelley capture the meaning of the sublime throughout a variety of their works. First, in the poem titled " Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" by Wordsworth, it is clear that he feels awe- inspired by nature, because he provides the audience with beautiful imagery as he states,"These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs." Another one of his poems called "Ode on Intimations of Immortality", he describes nature in such a positive manner, for example when he brings forth his gratitude of having the sun, by stating ,"the sunshine is a glorious birth." In Shelley's poem called, " Stanzas Written in Dejection" he is deeply infatuated by the sea, as he describes its movement when he states ,"the waves are dancing fast and bright". Lastly, in the poem titled "Ode to the West Wind" by Shelley,he describes the destruction that wind can cause, as he states, "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead." The sublime is defined for both poets, as being overcome by nature, which lead them to write about the different aspects of nature they were drawn to. To contrast Wordsworth, feels that the sublime of nature is comforting and good, while Shelley believes the sublime of nature is beautiful yet can be deadly. In conclusion, Shelly things about how destructive nature can be, while Wordsworth is more focused on the peace of nature through his memory.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez in an author from what country?


Choose one text we read this semester. Define defamiliarization, and using specific examples, explain how it connects to the text you chose.

Defamiliarization can be defined as language used in such a way that ordinary and familiar objects are made to look different. Defamiliarization can be seen in Pablo Neruda's poem called "Ode To A Tomato" in which he personifies a nonliving object which is a tomato. Specifically when he uses the word assasination he makes the process of cutting a tomato look different, then flat out saying that he is cutting a tomato. Another example of defamiliarization is found when he says a tomato invades the kitchen, he is emphasizing the role that tomatoes play, in a different way then just stating that tomatoes are very prominent in the kitchen. Throughout the text, defamiliarization is shown, to convey readily known messages in a slightly more complex way.

Explain what defamiliarization is, and using specific examples, connect defamiliarization to the poetry of Pablo Neruda and to one other writer from this semester.

Defamiliarization refers to the literary device whereby language is used in such a way that ordinary and familiar objects are made to look different. A prime example of defamiliarization is seen in Pabloc Neruda's poem called "Ode To a Tomato" when he acts as he refers to the cutting of a tomato as an assassination which is foreign language in terms of speaking about a non living thing. He also uses defamiliarization in his poem "Walking Around" he is essentially stating the problem of society with wanting to be like other people, but explains it through a series of phrases which are different, rather than simply stating it, for example he mentions that he no longer wants his feet, nails, hair, or shadow. The writer , Percy Shelley presents defamiliarization in his poem called "Ode to the West Wind" through his sublime thoughts that nature is also dangerous, which is what he is trying to illustrate through his personified description of wind. Resulting in an emphasis towards the various aspects of life, that the wind destroys, further showing an example that nature can literally be dangerous.

Using specific examples from "Parable of the Madman," explain what the implications (what problems and opportunities arise) from the so-called "Death of God," according to Friedrich Nietzsche.

Due to the age of science and reason the church is fading away, because people are no longer following the church. In the story, everyone is considered to be a murderer and there is no way that they can be forgiven for their deed of turning from the church. Man's lack of following the church leads to the Death of God, which creates a repercussion for man, in which man is now being held accountable for their actions separate of the church. But man is given the opportunity to have free-thinking, by taking the place that gods once held and invent their own rituals.

Name two plays written by Samuel Beckett.

Endgame and Waiting for Godot

Who wrote "The Metamorphosis?"

Franz Kafka

Surrealism was an influential movement throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century. Choose one of the authors we read this semester. Using specific examples from The Surrealist Manifestoand from the author you chose, describe the influence of surrealism on your author's work. ( end game)

Franz Kafka presents surrealism, through his writing form of pure expression that is not associated with logic in his story called "The Metamorphosis." In the beginning of the story, the main character Gregor Samsa, wakes up one morning from being a human into becoming a dung beetle, which is on the imaginative aspect of writing. The description conveyed about how his movement, as a bug, in which he struggles to get up out of bed is realistic to the reality of a bug, but not for Gregor because he was just a human. In the Surrealist Manifesto, Andre Breton draws on the importance of Freud's unconscious thinking, which is represented by "The Metamorphosis" because logically the whole storyline does not make sense, but is instead dream-like. Gregor's transformation is pure imagination, to then further showcase deeper thought results in scenes shown through a bug's perspective of how people react towards bugs, such as when he is told to go back into his room because his family is disgusted of his appearance.The whole point of surrealism which ties to "The Metamorphosis" is for an expansion of freedom towards writing to allow thoughts to freely be placed onto paper, resulting in different perspectives and thinking other than logic.

Define and explain free indirect discourse, giving specific examples to clarify your explanation.

Free indirect discourse is defined as a third person narration that slips in and out of character thoughts and feelings. Free indirect discourse can be found in the story "The Metamorphosis" starting off with in the beginning when Gregor finds out that he is a bug, resulting in him thinking about what could be wrong with himself in his head. Constantly throughout the story there are several other mentions of what Gregor is thinking inside of his head at a certain moment, representing free-direct discourse. Another example would be when he was late for work he started thinking about what would happen if he didn't show up to work, among other things that make him sound like he is in a panic state. To conclude, free indirect discourse, are thoughts a character has that are not directly implied towards the audience.

"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is subtitled "A Tale for Children." Using specific examples from the text, describe what expectations might that subtitle create for a reader and how does the story meet and subvert the expectations you have chosen?

From the beginning of the story you would expect for there to be a moral of the story and ultimately have a happy ending. He is poorly treated when the old man with enormous wings, is believed to be an angel, as he is fed like a circus animal through a chicken coop, and is solely used for other people's entertainment. But rather because of it being a children's story I would expect there to be parts that are considered to be funny within the play. In the story, satire, which is a form of humor is actually shown as the adults in the story are acting very childishly towards the belief that the old man is an angel.I also felt an expectation of a children's story would be for the angel's treatment to not be so bad, as he is very humiliated, through being treated like he is a prize won rather than a person and is locked up like a prisoner throughout the story. Frankly, the story seems to have too many suggestions that do not make it appropriate as a tale for children.

Who wrote "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings?"

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

In "What Is Enlightenment," Immanuel Kant differentiates public use of reason from private use of reason. Using specific examples from the text, explain what these terms mean and what degree of freedom Kant gives to each use.

He says that public use of reason should be free to use at any time, which describes enlightenment thinking. As he states that one must use public use of reason, in order to be enlightened. An example he talks about for public use of reason is that you have to pay your taxes regardless, and you have to listen to authority or you will get in trouble otherwise.Rather, private use of reason would be a person's own opinion of not wanting to pay these taxes. There is an obstacle to freedom which is presented by private use of reason, that has limits on when it should be used. He also adds that private use of reason, is reserved for the sharing of ideas for specific groups instead of public use of reason which are thoughts that can be shared in public. The degree of freedom Kant wants for public use of reason is unlimited but having restrictions on freedom for private use of freedom.

Using specific examples from The Surrealist Manifesto, explain how Surrealism functioned as a critique of the Enlightenment and why André Breton believed this critique to be necessary following World War I.

He says that we have been living under the reign of logic, which identifies with the enlightenment, and how logic can only be used to solve problems of secondary interest. The surrealist Manifesto functions as a critique by bringing forth the need for humans to not focus solely one logic but their imagination as well. Leading humans to carry out further investigation as a result of not only confining one to reality. He points out that surrealism can help a person to think more positively by offering imitation of what could be. That a person has much more freedom as a result of imagination or "automatic writing" through writing based on their unconscious thoughts rather than the enlightenment focusing on logic. As a result, various perspectives can be found and allows for much more creativity in thinking. André Breton believes his critique of Surrealist Manifesto is necessary following World War because he felt many soldiers could use this type of thinking, rather than thinking only about the reality of the war in order to think more positively. As he states his desire to captivate the mode of free expression through surrealism to friends of his. Ultimately, bringing forth the message that it is not necessary to dwell on the worst that has happened, but to think in a much more optimistic and positive light through surrealism.

When was Paul Celan born and when did he die?

He was born November 23, 1920 and died on April 20 1970.

Both "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" and "The Metamorphosis" have been discussed in relation to Magical Realism. Using specific examples from the texts, compare and contrast the two stories, discussing how the use of a magical event shows truths about society or human nature.

In both "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" and "The Metamorphosis" magical realism is presented through an odd description of the main character. Through creating the persona of an angel for the very old man with enormous wings, the element of magic brought forth by the character, presents an advantage for people who discover him. Because of the benefit, that an angel can bring, like in the story, the adults are so quick to lock him like a prisoner for his powers. Similarly, Gregor's transformation which represents the element of magic, makes his family feel as though they are no longer benefiting from him because he is no longer human, which for example leads to him getting apples thrown at by his father which injures him. Gregor is ultimately treated like crap, by his own family because he is no longer able to contribute to them anymore in the form of money due to his transformation. To contrast, the man in " A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" deals with a different situation then Gregor's, as he isn't looked at in disgust by humans but rather is glorified. The story shows the immense obsession that humans have towards what is considered the best, for example in this case is once people learn the man is said to be an angel, they cannot get over him as though he is a celebrity. Whereas, for "The Metamorphosis" Gregor is seen simply as disgusting, after his transformation, that can be obviously seen through his family having a hard time looking at him. Ultimately, showing that humans are so quick to grasp or let go of things for their own selfish desires.

What is Immanuel Kant's argument for free-speech and freedom of religion in "What Is Enlightenment?" Use specific examples from the text as evidence.

In order for man to break their self- incurred tutelage, man need's to use free speech and freedom of religion. Public use of reason is granted through free speech and freedom of religions resulting in man being enlightened.He states that man who are enlightened allow others to use free speech and freedom of religion as forms of public use of reason. Therefore, Kant concludes that people's use of free speech and freedom of religion provides room for their minds to extend to their full capacity.

Samuel Beckett was at one point employed by what other famous author?

James Joyce

Answer the question asked by the title of Immanuel Kant's essay "What Is Enlightenment?"—What Is Enlightenment? Use specific examples from the text as Evidence.

Kant states the Enlightenment is man's release from their self-incurred tutelage. To clarify tutelage means the inability to make a decision without guidance form others. He states that In order for man to be released of their self-incurred tutelage or enlightened , man must use their own public use of reason. Instead of following the footsteps of others, brought on by laziness and cowardness, the action of courage is recognized as the enlightenment movement allows for one to follow their own thinking instead of simply another person's. Therefore the Enlightenment is the process man takes by simply not using the guidance or directions of others but instead using their own individual thoughts to make choices.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is an example of what literary movement?

Magical Realism

Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" is a forerunner of what predominantly Latin American literary style?

Magical Realism

Immanuel Kant claims that "Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage." What is man's tutelage, how is it self-incurred, and how does Enlightenment free humans from that self-incurred tutelage?

Man's tutelage is the inability for man to make decisions without guidance from others. Tutelage is self-incurred by man lacking the courage due to laziness and cowardliness, getting in the way, of thinking for themselves. The Enlightenment frees humans from self-incurred tutelage through promoting free-thinking which allows for man to use their own public use of reason separate from other individuals.

Explain what Nietzsche means when he claims that "God is dead."

Nietzche means that the result of the enlightenment has caused the morals and values of the church to fade. The beliefs held by the church are dissipating, as people are turning to their own public use of reason rather than using logic.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez won what award in 1982?

Nobel Prize in Literature

What major literary award did Samuel Beckett receive in 1969?

Nobel Prize in Literature

What major prize did Pablo Neruda win in 1971?

Nobel Prize in Literature

Nostalgia is a main theme throughout the short story "All the Way Home," by Levi Henriksen. In what ways does Henriksen emphasize this theme?

Nostalgia is emphasized when he reflects back on his time spent with his children on christmas. He keeps adding parts towards the memory of having Christmas with his children, and Brings forth a tone of sadness from adding to the fact of why his life is not the same. He says that his children are grown up and have already gone off to college. Reflecting back on the times he spent with his children onChristmas. He states how the memories remind him of time spent with his own parents, as well which is bittersweet.

Using specific examples from the story, explain how the last two sentences "Ku she wrote. Ku back." tie into to the overall message of "The Trip."

Overall the message of "The Trip" is to show the cultural transformation of an american born chinese women, who struggles to fully connect with her chinese heritage. For example when she gets in an argument with her cousin, she says a different word in chinese, then what she really meant to say. As a result she was criticized by her cousin, and told That the words he really meant to say was ku to describe cool, rather than shaung. Another point is that she wants to be more into the chinese culture, as she feels like she is left out, and criticized for being americanized by her own family. Then towards the end of the story she ultimately starts to trace back towards her chinese roots, and says the word ku as a sign of her increased knowledge of the chinese language.

Who wrote the following passage? What is its title? What is the significance of the passage to the larger themes of the text? Too bad we must assassinate, a knife plunges into its living pulp

Pablo Neruda wrote the following passage which is called Ode To A Tomato. The significance is to convey the usage of a tomato, but in a way that is more complex, by giving the object in this case the tomato personification. Rather this passage, is stated as though the tomato is a living person, who is dying in order to glorify the tomato, in a way that represents how important tomatoes use are, and ultimately describes the process of cutting a tomato. To the larger themes of the text, the passage serves as the beginning point of the whole entire process of tomato being placed into a salad.

Describe why Paul Celan had a complex relationship with the German language, and using specific examples, explain how an understanding of this relationship could connect to an understanding of his poems.

Paul Celan grew up speaking German, and was passed on the love of German literature by his mother. But the problem is from his father's concern of going with the Jewish tradition because he transmitted his belief of Zionism onto Celan. He had two contradicting sides, from his parents creating a complex relationship with the German language, as one encouraged his ability to learn German while the other felt that he should stay away from German language. But in the end his knowledge of the German language came in handy, as he transmits the German language throughout his poems, that can not be fully translated with the same meaning as in his poems.People are able to get a sense of his meaning but are not able to completely grasp what he means by certain parts because even in the translation some of the German can be found for which if a person does not know German, they will have a hard time deciphering the meaning of German words.

Using specific examples from Notes from Underground, compare and contrast the story's narrator with Liza. What do these characters show us about how Dostoyevsky believes we should live our lives?

The Underground Man, does not have a filter he just says what he feels at the spare of the moment without any consideration to any persons feelings. Specifically when he meets Liza he is very honest with her and does not sugar coat a single thing about her messed up life. He barely just met Liza, but here he is already talking bad about her and not caring about how it makes her feel. While Liza, on the other hand, is the opposite she thinks before speaking and is considerate. As she has a soft tone in her voice, and she doesn't blurt out everything she feels. Rather she speaks from the heart, as a prostitute, she has to make men happy, and she has emotions that she slowly discloses to the narrator. . Both characters are suffering with problems of their own, specifically the underground man is mentally ill and Liza's life is not as great either, from being sold into prositution by her own parents. But the main difference lies in their attitudes resulting from their conditions, which is also conveyed when he invites her over to his home, and she begins to show affection towards him but he disregards her; which hurts her even more in the long run.In all, Dostoyevsky has the main character as the underground man, but I believe he wants people to act like Liza, a person who who cares about other people and is even willing to do things that she may not like which sadly was going into prostitution by her horrible family. A character who very well demonstrates humbleness, which is quite the opposite of the underground man who selfishly thinks of himself and criticizes while still being conscious of his wrongdoing but doesn't try to change himself for the better.

Name three texts we read this semester with unreliable narrators.

The Yellow Wallpaper, Diary of a Madman, and Notes from Underground.

Who wrote the following passage? What is its title? What is the significance of the passage to the larger themes of the text? Black milk of daybreak we drink it at evening we drink it at midday and morning we drink it at night we drink and we drink we shovel a grave in the air where you won't lie too cramped

The author and poet Paul Celan wrote the following passage. The title of the passage is called "Deathfugue". The significance of the passage is to illustrate the horrific conditions of a prisoner camp, as many jews were poisoned to their deaths. Frankly the black milk is absurd, because the color of milk is normally white and for it to be black could mean that ashes or some bad chemical was added to ensure that Jews would die. But also, this passage illustrates the treatment of the jews,in the concentration camps, being disregarded completely as a form of human life but instead treated worthlessly. Tying into to the forcing of prisoners to play dancing tunes while prison commanders or even other Jews would dig up graves

In Joy Harjo's "Bless This Land," Harjo emphasizes the beauty and strength of nature, commenting on its resilience to violence and destruction. What major Romantic ideal is present in this poem? Give at least one example of a Romantic poem we have discussed in class that relates to the ideals expressed in Harjo's poem

The element of the sublime is present within the poem "Bless This Land" as beauty and strength of nature is emphasized. The feeling of the sublime, can also be found in the poem called "Lines Composed a Few Lines Above Tintern Abbey" Wordsworth, as well emphasizes the beauty of nature through reflecting back on his visit to Tintern Abbey. Both Harjo and Wordsworth represent the element of sublime through their deep interconnectedness and inspiration towards varying aspects in nature.

Who wrote the following passage? What is its title? What is the significance of the passage to the larger themes of the play? CLOV Why do you keep me? HAMM There's no one else. CLOV There's nowhere else. [Pause.] HAMM You're leaving me all the same. CLOV I'm trying. HAMM You don't love me. CLOV No. HAMM You loved me once. CLOV Once!

The following passage was written by Samuel Beckett. The title of the passage is called Endgame. The significance of the passage is to show the context, that Clov and Hamm have a complicated relationship with one another. From the beginning of the play Clov helps Hamm, by awaking him because it is the morning, and Hamm complains about his condition of otherwise being blind to try to make Clov feel sympathy. In the dialogue Hamm keeps on asking him the same questions day after day which draws on the whole idea of Clov becoming very tired of being there without freedom away from him, but is forced to stay because he doesn't have anywhere else to go. Their whole relationship between each other is kind of absurd as they mess with one another and are both tired of one another. But, they are helping one another out, through actions which Clov may be doing more of, but Clov benefits by being provided shelter. Hamm is constantly asking Clov for some form of help, as he is blind and cannot see, but due to Clov's benefit of having a place to stay all he can do is keep surrendering to Hamm's requests.

In "The Man Who Came Back," what does the man, from the vietnamese poem, represent?

The man represents a broken soldier, who although has stopped fighting in a war, he is fighting a much bigger force within himself known as PTSD.

he narrator of Notes from Underground claims that he is representative of all modern individuals. Using specific examples from the text, explain how the narrator might be right

The narrator of Notes from Underground talks in an irrational manner, by presenting himself in a variety of forms throughout the text, supporting his claim that he is representative of all modern individuals. An example is when he says that he was a nasty official but then not to long after denies his own remarks of being a bad official by coming up with a lame excuse. Through this measure he has portrayed himself as a deceitful individual, which he truly is. Another example is after bashing a girl named Liza who happens to be a prostitute, he invites her to his home because he wants to act as if he is being nice to her. In this instance he represents an individual who is fake, by acting sympathetic when in fact he doesn't actually care about her feelings. There is also a time in the story where he reflects back on his time of working as a soldier and found pleasure in seeking revenge by giving petitioners a hard time. His overall behavior illustrates the many unconscious thoughts that modern individuals possess, but rarely put into action, simply because they are conscious about the feelings of others. Within the storyline, he acts primarily on his own selfish desires,which can be seen in the example of him wanting to seek revenge towards a friend of his, who he just felt like messing with by making him feel low, and worthless. Due to his hunger, of seeking revenge, he pours out his irrational thoughts with the conscious that modern individuals tend to think about daily, he represents all modern individuals, through his relation to their inner thoughts profoundly.

Identify the author and title of the poem from which the following selection is drawn. Explain the significance of the passage, including how it connects to the poems as a whole: Dizzy Ravine! and when I gaze on thee I seem as in a trance sublime and strange To muse on my own separate fantasy, My own, my human mind, which passively Now renders and receives fast influencings, Holding an unremitting interchange With the clear universe of things around...

The significance of the passage is to illustrate what the feeling of sublime looks like within the poem. During this point of the text, Shelley talks about experiencing the Ravine of Arve. As he looks upon the Ravine, he states that he begins to feel dizzy and rather feels as though he is in a dream-like state. By including his own perception of how he feels during this passage, he explains the feeling of the sublime. He is at a loss for words which is the result of feeling like he is in a dream, and in awe regarding the existence of mont blanc.He goes further by explicitly saying the word sublime in the passage, and states that the sublime is brought forth, through his mind connecting with nature. The connection of one's mind with nature in this part of the passage connects exactly with the first stanza of the poem, where he states that the human mind is filled with nature, which further emphasizes the whole idea of the sublime. Then within the third stanza, following this passage he compares Mont Blanc specifically to dreams which provide a sense of life after death, captivating the sublime feeling of being in awe of how magnificent the mountain looks. In the fourth stanza he talks about various things throughout nature, that bring forth an attraction towards him, leading him to write about the nature he admires. Lastly, in the final stanza, he says that it would be foolish for a person to feel alone and quiet in nature, because one is not alone as nature connects with a person through one's mind. The specific passage chosen summarizes the poem as a whole, by one's mind connecting with nature, resulting in the feelings represented by the sublime.

Does this theme in "All the Way Home" affect the bus driver positively or negatively?

The theme of nostalgia, within "All the Way Home" affects the bus driver negatively due to his life changes,in comparison to his old memories Of spending christmas with his children. He is at the point in his life, where the children have now grown up, and life s altogether not the same anymore but rather bittersweet. As he states that he no longer enjoys any season within Himself, meaning that he is not in the spirit for celebration. Clearly through his statement that he no longer enjoys any season that he feels a sense of sadness towards it.

In the Checkers Player, the General experiences a series of checkers games with a ghost, a ghost that only the general could see and who embodied his enemy. In what ways does Surrealism help explain the relationship between the general and the ghost?

To start off surrealism, embodies the idea of unconscious thinking from Sigmund Freud, which is shown, by the general calling guards into the tent because he is unsure who the ghost is, but they are unable see the ghost. The writing of the story, tying to the idea that only the general can see the ghost, leaves readers to think deeper, as to what is the reason for the ghost to be presented in this specific form.Bringing forth the ideal of imagination from surrealism, can help to illustrate that there can be many perspectives to the reason. But in this case, the General experiences a series of checker games with a ghost who is truthfully himself, which explains why no one can see him but himself. Surrealism allows for unconscious thoughts to be addressed leading to a much deeper meaning, essentially explaining the close relationship between the general and the ghost.

Using specific examples from the text, explain the narrator's discussion of revenge and how revenge differs between a spontaneous individual and a man of overly acute consciousness.

Towards the beginning of the story, he draws upon the time when he worked as a , and because he felt hatred towards his coworkers as he seeks revenge on them. He feels that his impulse on revenge constantly, is justified through the laws of consciousness, which is not even a valid reason. Constantly he feels as though he has the right to hurt others, one example is when he made his friend feel less superior and low. He further says that he has done the right thing in terms of revenge, because he is a man of overly acute consciousness, and knows that he cannot change. While for a spontaneous individual is one who will not act upon revenge, but rather will stop before they act. Therefore he states that a spontaneous individual is kind hearted and and tender like mother nature which is the opposite of how he describes himself as a man of overly acute consciousness. Mentioning that all though he is constantly aware of his actions, he uses the excuses that he will never for why he doesn't make any actual change for his obsession of vengeance.

What critic coined the term "defamiliarization?"

Viktor Shklovsky

Both Endgame and "The Metamorphosis" center on a character who takes care of others. Using specific examples from the texts, compare the theme of care in the two texts, explaining how the theme comments on contemporary life.

Within Endgame, the character Clov is physically taking care of Hamm, Negg, and Nell because they are unable to care for themselves. Frequently, Clov is asked to help them with a variety of tasks, such as giving Hamm his prescription drugs, which he does in return for having a place to stay. Where as in The Metamorphosis, Gregor does not explicitly realize how much he is caring for his family. Gregor is naive in a way, that he doesn't understand that his own parents are manipulating him by telling him to save his money, but instead they are spending the majority of his income as a businessman.

In what way might Endgame be seen as a play about caregiving? Using examples from the text, describe what caregiving looks like and how it functions in the play.

Within end game there are many aspects of caregiving provided, from the very start of the play. Clov is the caretaker represented, in which he very well wakes up Hamm, when it is morning time, because Clov otherwise would not know when to wake up due to being blind. Clov is told several times throughout the story to come over to where Hamm is because he needs his help, and Clov always aids in whatever he needs. Caregiving is shown in a quite literal way of Clov making sure that Hamm is taken care of because he is disabled through his blindness. Not only does he take care of Clove, but Nagg and Nell who are Clove's parents as well, by cleaning the house, giving them food, and responding to all of their requests. But the caregiving provided by Clov in the play functions as an obligation in order to receive his daily reward of having a place to stay instead of him truly wanting to caretake out of the goodness of his heart.

Both Kafka and Beckett have been described as Absurdist writers. Using specific examples from texts, compare and contrast Endgame with "The Metamorphosis." Based on these texts, how would you describe Absurdism? How does the Absurdism of Endgame differ from the Absurdism of "The Metamorphosis?

n "The Metamorphosis" and the Endgame the main characters who take part in the care of other characters are mistreated. Starting with the Metamorphosis, Gregor wakes up to becoming a dung beetle, which is dehumanizing in how he is further treated by his family. An example is when his family, sees his transformation into a bug, he is judged by his appearance badly, as everyone does not want to be around him. Where as in the Endgame, Clov is used almost like a slave, because he has to do whatever tasks asked of him by Hamm, and Hamm's parents in order to continue living in the same place. Continually throughout the endgame he is told by Hamm to come back to where he is right after he has left, to ask him for more. But in the Metamorphosis, Gregor is treated much worse, because throughout the story, his parents are taking advantage of him by taking his money, rather he is the only one providing, and his family has nothing in return for him. Where as in endgame, Clov benefits from his caretaking of Hamm and Hamm's parent because he has a place to stay or else he would not have anywhere else to go. Based on the texts of Endgame and "The Metamorphosis" I would describe absurdism as the placement of characters into odd predicaments, which create a meaningless and otherwise chaotic environment around them. The absurdism in Metamorphosis is much more present, because the main character turns into a bug which is not normal, and results in the character who was once a human being treated literally like a bug. But for endgame the presence of absurdism is less prevalent, because it is only until you look further into the play that you see that the living conditions of the characters is odd along with the relationship between Hamm and Clov.

Choose a text from our class. Demonstrate how that text connects with "Parable of the Madman," using specific examples from both texts.

n connection to the story "Parable of the Madman" the poem called "The World Is Too Much With Us" points to the overall message that the enlightenment thinking has gone to far causing corruption in society.Specifically from "The World Is Too Much With Us" Wordsworth emphasizes how everyone is obsessed with their own desires represented in the form of materialistic worldly things. Rather than focusing on nature as an example of more important matters everyone wants to think of their own selfish wants. Wordsworth is describing the lack of people connecting with nature, and boldly claims that he would much rather be a pagan so that he could be able to focus on what really matters such as nature. But instead, the free-thinking as a result of the enlightenment is in the way, which Wordsworth is quite concerned about and does not condone the fall man has taken away from the church. Tying into The Parable of the Madman, Nietzche does not want man to keep freely thinking because he sees their is a problem from man falling away from the church,as it can be seen from the first paragraph of the "Parable of the Madman" which says "I seek God! I seek God." Nietzche purposely makes the main character say bold statements throughout the story to further show, just how bad of a decision falling away from the church into free-thinking, or ultimately following the enlightenment really is. Ultimately, both authors of these texts are not keen about the aspects that correlate with the enlightenment.

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