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In the FedEx apology case, FedEx was praised not only for taking responsibility for the driver's actions but also for discussing the incident on social media and even for using the event as an opportunity to improve its training procedures.


In the United States, the share of female adults who use the internet is approximately the same as the share of male adults.


Sara is a personal assistant computer, developed at the Carnegie Mellon HCI Institute, that is designed to model good behavior in building interpersonal bonds with humans.


The "Firehose of Falsehood" strategy is based on the principle that messages received in greater volume and from more different sources are likely to acquire more credibility and achieve more persuasive effect


The Friedman Doctrine says that corporations have no social responsibility to society or the public.


The GDPR mandates Privacy by Design as a key requirement of the legislation.


The MIT study concluded that the reason fake news travels faster is because it is more novel and interesting than the truth AND because it usually triggers stronger emotions.


The Supreme Court has ruled that, in most cases, anonymous speech is protected speech under the First Amendment.


The US Constitution does not make mention of a "right to privacy."


The Washington Post claims that its primary purpose for using its news writing bot is to target a larger number of audiences with more stories of local interest.


The first computer programmer is considered to be Ada Byron Lovelace, who in the mid 19th century developed a theoretical method for a machine to perform a set of pre-programmed instructions.


The infamous Kenneth Cole Egypt tweet was an example of a company trying to use a tragic news event to market its products.


Which ethical framework best describes the following statement? —> "Value judgments about which games are unethical depend on the eye of the beholder." (Takahashi)


In general what percentage of undergraduate computer science graduates in the U.S. are women (as of 2017)?


According to a report from the US Global Engagement Center, approximately how many tweets containing conspiracy theories about the coronavirus were published in a 3-week period in January-February?

2 million

A research team from Oxford University found that, during the third 2016 U.S. presidential debate, pro-Trump writing bots outnumbered pro-Clinton writing bots by a factor of what?

3 to 1

In Beverly Engel's article on "How to Give a Meaningful Apology," which one of these characteristics are most important to making your apology sincere?

All are important

The flight air route map discussed in the Dotto & Berkefeld article was cited as an example of an effective data visualization representing for the coronavirus pandemic.


The idea of "owning information" is an old concept in Western civilization, stemming from ancient Roman notions of property.


Younger people, ages 18-34, are more inclined to read legal terms of service conditions for online apps than their older counterparts.


Your IP address is personal information, under US law.


In general what percentage of the engineering workforce in the U.K. are women (as of 2017)?

Not 10-20% got answer wrong

Which of the following techniques should you use to make sure that your company's online apology does not end up included in searches or circulated forever?

Not use NoIndex tag, not sure of answer got wrong

In 2012 Google was found guilty of circumventing the Do Not Track option on which of the following web browsers?


What is the name of the Miami student who managed the problematic OxfordAsians Twitter site?

Sam Kornau

Fake news travels both faster AND deeper (i.e., spread into social network chains) than correct information, according to the MIT study you read about.


Haley Barber's racist Instagram videos resulted in her being expelled from her university and dismissed from her sorority.


Holocaust denial is not a protected form of speech/writing in German


In its original uses the word computer referred to a person, not a machine, and that person was usually a woman.


In the United States, more women than men use Facebook.


Most consumers would rather handle customer service using chat rather than by phone.


"Equal pay for equal work" is an ethical principle that is most closely allied with which of the following ethical frameworks?

a justice approach

Andrew Ingram is

a personal assistant scheduling bot

Which of the following best describes the concept of ethos?

a persuasive appeal based on the credibility and trustworthiness of the speaker/writer

Which of the following best describes a "transparency report"?

a report by a company on government agencies' requests for consumers' private information

Which of the following is NOT one of the main ethical values of the American Marketing Association?


Phatic refers primarily to which of the following functions or purposes of communication?

building a strong relationship with your audience

Which of the following is NOT a reason that businesses prefer the opt-out approach?

businesses want to convince consumers that they are concerned about consumer privacy

Which of the following is NOT part of the TARES test?

clarity and conciseness of the style

To say that "torture is always wrong" is a claim that would most likely be associated with which of the following ethical approaches?

deontological ethics

How would you describe the following statement about the ethics of digital sex: "Digital video which degrades the human spirit and reduces the human person to merely 'meat' is innately unethical, regardless of their purported aesthetic values."


Macroethics refers to which of the following:

ethical issues related to organizations, institutions, governments

Establishing "goodwill" with the audience is an important part of the phatic purpose. What is the word for that in classical rhetoric?


According to Jerry Lodriguss, the "Blue Moon Composite" picture of Philadelphia is ethically allowable, even though it is a composite exposure photo, because ...

it is an accurate representation of reality as it appears to the human eye

The primary technology that Catherine Crump discusses as a significant privacy concern is which of the following?

license plate readers

The ethics of staying home (shelter in place) for the coronavirus pandemic is a:

not macro ethical question, got answer wrong

According to the Women's Media Center, which of these print news sources has the widest gender gap?

not sure what answer is - wall street journal maybe?

Which of the following forms of speech are NOT protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution?


Which of the following is NOT a quality of ethos, or character, in Greek philosophy and rhetoric?


How would you describe the following statement about the ethics of photomanipulation? "Photoshopping photos is not illegal so there is nothing wrong with it."

person is confused about law versus ethics

Which of the following is NOT one of the persuasive appeals in rhetoric?


Which of the following CEO/corporate apologies is often cited as a GOOD example of a corporate apology?

Apple/Taylor Swift apology

Which of the following philosophers is most closely associated with virtue ethics?


In an Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI) survey, which group was found to be MOST likely to observe misconduct in their place of employment and fail to report it?


Primum non nocere refers to the following ethical principle:

Do no harm.

Which of the following CEO/corporate apologies is often cited as a BAD example of a corporate apology?

Equifax/data breach

Which of the following statements best represents argumentum ad populum ethical reasoning?

Everybody is doing it, so it must be right.

A University of Southern California researcher says that the best way to counter disinformation is to flood social media with accurate information.


According to McKee and Porter, flogging is ethical in some situations.


According to the Associated Press Code of Ethics for Photojournalists, removing "red eye" from photographs is permissible.


According to the assigned reading, the Washington Post is using Heliograf to write only simple news articles, not editorial or analysis pieces.


All speech and writing are protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.


Automated processes (bots) are more likely than humans to be responsible for the spread of misinformation on social media like Twitter.


COMPAS is a risk-assessment algorithm designed to determine whether a person is likely to be involved in an auto accident.


COVID-19 is the first viral outbreak to occur in the age of social media.


Communication specialists generally agree that you should always provide a rationale or justification for the actions for which you are apologizing.


Courts in the United States have maintained that, by and large, EULAs are unenforceable.


Ethical reasoning should be a purely logical form of analysis that leaves emotions and feelings out of the process.


Ethical reasoning should not be guided by community wisdom or traditional authorities, as those are likely to be prejudicial.


If I were to argue that telling a lie in order to save human life is justified, then I am invoking a deontological framework for ethical decision making.


In general, it is advisable to provide a generic apology ("I'm sorry") rather than to specify what you are apologizing for.


It is illegal for a person to take your picture on High Street without your permission.


Li Wenliang, the Chinese ophthalmologist who posted messages on the early spread of coronavirus, was hailed as a hero by the Chinese authorities.


One possible answer to the problem of gender and racial bias in AI machines is to build the machine as a "blank slate" that will learn on its own and not reflect the bias of the developers.


Richard Bayer sees the Tylenol Case as an example of how a company should NOT handle an ethical crisis.


Stasis theory is a form of analysis that helps you understand the facts and issues involved in a given ethical dilemma, but does not address the question of action—i.e., what should be done in response to the dilemma.


The COVID-19 pandemic has raised a number of macroethical issues—but so far not microethical ones.


The Chinese chatbot Xiaoice was "stolen" by hackers and turned into a racist hatebot.


The First Amendment of the United States was established in 1789, when the US Constitution was drafted.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled to uphold the law that made it a crime for someone to claim that they had received military medals or decorations when in fact they had not.


Which of the following philosophers is most closely associated with "the rights approach" to ethics?

Immanuel Kant

What was wrong with Instagram's 2012 apology about its ambiguously written terms of service?

Instagram blamed users for being "confused."

Which of the following statements is closest to representing Porter's view of phatic communication?

Phatic is a necessary component of all communications.

Data Mining is a practice that primarily involves which of the following areas and rights?


A University of Southern California researcher estimates that up to 15% of all Twitter accounts are held by automated bots.


According to Anita Varma, if journalists' reports about coronavirus focus on the frame of "attribution of responsibility," that frame can lead to fear-mongering.


According to a 2017 Fossbytes Staff article, Facebook does not claim to OWN the photos you upload to your Facebook account, but it does claim a LICENSE TO USE the photos in any way they deem appropriate, including selling them to a third party.


According to many netiquette guidelines, using ALL CAPS in online messages signifies shouting or aggression, and so should be avoided.


According to the "Out Online" report, LGBT youths have higher rates of online civic engagement than do non-LGBT youths.


Anita Varma argues that journalists should employ a positive frame for talking about the coronavirus, focusing on what people can do to protect themselves and their communities.


Bazerman and Tenbrunsel emphasize that overvaluing outcomes (e.g., rewarding employees for narrow goals like sales targets) can often lead to unintentional ethical lapses in business.


Businesses for the most part prefer the opt-out option.


Cynthia Weber challenges the assumptions of a recent study (Wang & Kosinski, 2017) that AI facial recognition technology can determine a person's sexual orientation.


Determining "the facts," and separating established facts from opinion and speculation, is a critical feature of ethical reasoning.


References to the gender gap in internet studies typically refers to which of the following?

all of the above

Internet infrastructure refers to which of the following?

all of these elements

Which of the following is the best definition of phronesis?

practical judgment

Martin Tisne thinks that users should own their own data.


Kite and Kite's blog about photo manipulation could be best described as applying which of the following ethics frameworks?

feminist ethics

What ethical approach puts care, empathy, and active concern for the well-being of others at the forefront of its framework?

feminist ethics

Which of the following actions is NOT protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution?

for a student to advocate drug usage at a school-sponsored event

"Opt-in" marketing means that ...

the consumer must affirmatively express a willingness to receive marketing information

What did the BBC get wrong with its COVID-19 visualization (according to Andy Cotgreave)?

the scale of the data visualization made the problem look much worse that it was

According to a 2011 National Business Ethics survey, active social media networkers have a higher tolerance for unethical business behaviors than do employees not active on social media.


In the United States, employers are legally allowed to read their employees' email.


The European Union has stronger data privacy protections in its laws than does the United States.


The GDPR requires informed consent before businesses can collect personal information from EU residents.


The Privacy by Design initiative insists that privacy should be the default setting for all systems: that is, if the user does nothing, then it is assumed that they want their privacy to be maintained.


A medical triage question that is guided first and foremost by the ethical principle of "make medical decisions based on what maximizes care for the most people" is calling upon what ethical framework?


To say that "Lying is allowable to save lives" is a claim that would most likely be associated with which of the following ethical approaches?


Confucian ethics is most closely aligned with what Western ethical framework?

virtue ethics

Which of the following internet data sources DOES collect information on LGTBQ+ persons?

women's media center

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