ENGL 123 Midterm

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which of Jocasta's words trigger Oedipus's memory? Is it partial or full recognition?

"crossroads" partial recognition because Oedipus is accepting that he may have killed Laios but has no idea that Laios is his father


-extended work which carries one or more levels along with surface/base story -the structure involves a continual connection between ideas/events -it is an extended metaphor which separates allegory from mere symbolism

Aristotle's elements

1. everything has to focus around single action, tightly unified 2. plot- sequence of incidents (simple and complex plots) 3. Hero-character, actions he takes, doesn't work with angel/vicious character but one in the middle

every play has 6 parts

1. plot 2. characters 3. thought 4. diction 5. song 6. spectacle

Eighth Circle: 10 deep ditches (Malebolgia)

1.) Seducers/Panderers 2.) Flatterers 3.) Simonists 4.) Soothsayers- false predictors/seers, heads are twisted backwards 5.) Barrators- corrupt politician in civil government, submerged in hot tar 6.) Hypocrites 7.) Thieves 8.) False counselors 9.) Sowers (creators) of discord- issues between people/countries etc., sliced open, walk 22 miles around, heal and sliced open again 10.) Falsifiers

Dante's levels of story

1.) story surface (fiction) 2.) moral teaching 3.) allegorical level 4.) analogical level ex. Bible

shift of church tropes to medieval plays

1.) tropes grew longer 2.) lustier, more active, comic (effort to make realistic) were performed in the backporch/yard of church and after mass 3.) switch to vernacular-common language of an area. cut off from church due to vernacular written by priests, still tied to church under control of guilds (secular groups) 4.) formation of a cycle of the pageant plays, performed one time a year. Corpus Christi Day-late May/early June-every town had a collection of plays (creation, fall of Adam/Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Christ, birth/death, apocalypse, last judgment) lasted 3 days, people gathered in square, pagaent wagons-storage at lower level, top used as stage


20 years


3 lined verse

First Circle

Acheron River between vestibule and first circle with Charon guarding who notices Dante is alive and refuses to take him across but Dante passed out and awakes on other side. those who are not baptized/virtuous. sighing, sadness, sense there is something more. Virgil's circle.

what and where are the Acheron and Styx?

Acheron-river that borders between vestibule and first circle. Styx- toxic swamplike river in fifth circle.

as Everyman is about to enter the grave, which of the new qualities leaves him? who goes with Everyman into the grave?

All four new qualities leave Everyman. Only Good Deeds goes with him into the grave.

who is Antaeus? how does he transport Virgil and Dante to the 9th circle?

Antaeus is a Giant who puts Virgil and Dante in the palm of his hand and places them in the 9th circle.

How does Medea manipulate Jason into letting the boys stay with him and Glauce?

By forgiving his actions and weeping over the fact that she cannot be with her sons

Describe Charon and the emotions Dante's words stir in the reader.

Charon is a devil, eyes glowing of coals and transports sinners across Acheron River. The emotions are to stir uneasiness toward his job but admire his strong will and kindness towards Dante since he is a living soul.

Christianity's concept that universe has perfect structure

Christianity's belief that as history unfolds, it reveals God's divine plan

what does Dante fear in canto ii? what qualities does Virgil want Dante to have in line 123?

Dante fears that the journey will be dangerous and he will get lost in Hell, it would be foolish for them to try and succeed the journey. The qualities are to be bold, free and fearless.


Dante given vision of the force of the universe

two voices

Dante the Pilgrim: younger Dante to traveled through Hell Dante the Poet: older Dante who is retelling his journey through Hell. older self is judgmental of younger, naive self

in what condition does Everyman find Good Deeds? to whom does Good Deeds send Everyman? what four new qualities does Good Deeds add to Everyman?

Everyman finds Good Deeds on the cold ground, since he cannot stand because there are few good deeds to hold him up. He sends Knowledge to Everyman. The four new qualities are Discretion, Strength, Beauty and Five Wits.

when Everyman asks: "shall I have no company from this vale terrestrial/ of mine acquaintance that way me to lead" what is Everyman asking? what is Death's reply? what does the word "hardy" mean?

Everyman is asking if anyone he knows from Earth will be his companion after he dies. Death's reply is yes if he find anyone brave enough. Hardy means smart, tough, courageous.

where is Everyman at the end of the play? how do you know?

Everyman's body is in the grave and his soul is in heaven at the end of the play because the doctor said he made amends with God and overall only good deeds allows you entrance into heaven.

what sin is Farinata Delgi Uberti in Hell for? why does he talk to Dante?

Farinata is a heretic. he speaks to Dante because he recognizes he is from Florence.


Festival in Athens that honored Dionysius. It featured the production of plays.

in canto v, who killed Francesca da Rimini and Paolo? What emotion does the brief episode arouse in Dante? what happens to Dante at the end of the canto?

Francesca da Rimini and Paolo were killed by Francesca husband and Paolo's older brother, Gianciotta. Pity arouses Dante. Dante faints at the end because he is very emotional and pitiful after hearing their story.

Eighth Circle

Geryon guards here. Sinners who have committed fraud-use intelligence to manipulate others for their own gain. Geryon transports Virgil and Dante down the well, Dante compares the experience to Icarus who flew near sun and Phaethon who made people believe the sun was going to collide with Earth. hubris-excessive pride, believing more capable of doing something than Gods and other mortals

why is it important to Medea's plan for her boys to carry the gifts into the palace?

Glauce will not suspect harm from the gifts when delivered from the boys rather than from the hands of Medea.

Third Circle

Gluttons- those who did not control their appetite are punished in the rain, mud and hear constant barking from Cerberus the three-headed dog beast who guards


God of vegetation

what does reckoning mean in Everyman?

God's judgment on someone's good and bad deeds in life.

what lesson does Goods teach Everyman in: "I follow no man in such voyages; For, and I went with thee, Thou shouldst far much the worse for me; for because on me thou did set thy mind, thy reckoning I have made blotted and blind."

Goods is teaching that Everyman brought misfortune on himself because he should not love his wealth and material goods more than how much he should love God.

when Everyman cries out that Goods deceived him, "and caught me in thy snare," explain what Good's reply means: "Marry (an oath- by St. Mary) thou brought thyself in care."

Goods reply means that Everyman made his own judgments and errors. Everyman himself decided to love his money and goods more than God; no one deceived Everyman.

How does Jason defend his decision to marry Glauce? Does Medea believe him?

He wanted a better life for his family, his sons will be part of the royal family, create a blended family with children from Glauce. No, she does not believe him because if he was honest upfront, she wouldn't have been as upset but he lied.

what is King Creon's intention? what does Medea want to do?

He wants Medea to exile Corinth with her sons immediately because he is anxious that she will harm his family. Medea wants to stay in Corinth.

who is Count Ugolino?

Italian politician accused of treason and gnaws on the head of Archbishop Ruggieri in the ninth circle of Hell.

who did Jocasta and Oedipus each murder? what motivated each to commit murder?

Jocasta=newborn son because received a prophecy that he would kill his own father and marry his mother Oedipus=Laios and his men because driver tried to push him off road and Laios struck/wounded Oedipus

in what ways has Medea destroyed Jason's life?

Medea has murdered his new wife, Glauce, her father King Creon, refused to allow him to touch his boy's bodies or bury them and left him with nothing/no power.

How does Medea manipulate King Aegeus? Why does she make him swear an oath?

Medea manipulates him by telling him that her powers can grant him and his wife children. She makes him swear because she has enemies in Corinth who want her exiled.

what words does Medea use to manipulate Creon into granting her request?

Medea talks about family realizing how important family is to Creon and that she must stay with her own family

where is Minos and what does he do with his tail?

Minos guards the 2nd circle. He wraps his tail around himself to determine the number of the circle the sinner must travel to because of their sins.

what does Noah asking his family to do? what does Noah's wife reply?

Noah asks his family to go on to ark and his wife refuses.

what judgment does Oedipus make about Teiresias and Kreon?

Oedipus believes Teiresias murdered Laios/works for Kreon, and is not a real seer

what information does Oedipus expect Teiresias to tell him?

Oedipus expects Teiresias to tell him who murdered Laios

What is one example of a spectacle?

Oedipus repeatedly gouges his own eyes with bloody pins of brooches to make himself blind

what and where are the Phlegathon and Cocytus rivers?

Phlegathon is located in the first part of the seventh circle and is a river of boiling blood. Cocytus is located in the ninth circle and is frozen.

what is the news the messenger from Corinth brings to Oedipus?

Polybos is dead and the people of Corinth want Oedipus as their king. Oedipus and Jocasta are relieved that the prophecy didn't come true and Oedipus didn't kill his father

who gives Guido da Montefeltro evil advice? what is the evil advice?

Pope Boniface VIII gave him evil advice which was to conquer and destroy his enemies

Seventh Circle

River Phlegethon. willed violence is punished here, separated into three circles- violence towards others, suicide and violence against God. Minotaur guards here-who has a cow head and body of man usurers-loan sharks Pier committed suicide due to being falsely imprisoned.

how is Medea capable of foresight?

She contemplates between different weapons of murder and sees the outcomes and rejects them before deciding on poison.

what does Jocasta suddenly realize?

She realizes that Oedipus may be her son because the messenger saved him before he died in Kithairon

What does Medea cry out that she wants to happen to Jason and his new wife, Glauce?

She wants revenge, wants to see them suffer in a destroyed palace, grind them to pieces.

What is Medea's full plan?

She wants to convince Jason that what he did was wise and she doesn't hold a grudge any longer. She will poison Glauce and murder her two sons, leaving Jason with nothing

what character traits does Oedipus reveal when questioning the old shepherd? when did we observe these qualities earlier?

The traits Oedipus reveals are demanding, harsh, cruel, anxious. We observed these traits when he speaks with Teireisas and he becomes frustrated/aggressive


a comic work whose sole intent is to make audience/reader laugh. usually uses crude jokes and language and plot revolves around trickery. ex. end of canto XXI with fart


a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine

(tragic) hero

a man or woman, extraordinarily good and just, who brings misfortune on himself, not by vice or depravity, but by making errors of judgement and/or frailties (excessive pride)

dramatic action

acting (second oldest form of storytelling)

what are the possible reason(s) the dramatist changed the character of Noah's wife from the obedient one found in the Bible?

add dimension and switch up the story from what everyone knows


added 2nd actor, possibility of conflict


added 3rd actor, audience witnesses character's reactions, stirs powerful emotions


added agon (exchange of short responses)



what is an alchemist, counterfeiter, and impersonator?

alchemist is someone turns metals into gold. counterfeiter is someone who falsifies money. impersonator is someone who poses as someone/something they're not to advantage themselves.

what "refuge" do Noah's wife and her Gossip seek from the flood?

alcohol (Malmsey-strong and sweet wine)

Great Chain of Being

all societies have perfect structures


an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude (embraced in one view). whose function is-by stirring the audience's emotions of pity and/or fear, to provide a katharsis, or cleansing, or purging, of these and like emotions

who arrives with a wand to open the closed gate to inner Hell?

angry angel/messenger

Fourth Circle

avarice, greed, prodigal are punished here by half of the sinners pushing large boulders until meet other half in middle and then turn around and push again. punishment makes no sense like how hoarding money doesn't. Plutus guards. Virgil's lecture about Dame Fortuna

in medias res

begin in the middle. reader tries to catch up, story uses flashbacks

what are blasphemers and usurers?

blasphemers- violent against God, lay face upward on burning sand usurers- loan sharks crouching in sand

one way Everyman tries to manipulate Death.

by offering a bribe of a thousand pounds.

complex plot

change WITH recognition and reversal of situation. most effective plot.

simple plot

change in hero's fortune takes place WITHOUT recognition, reversal of situation

what sin is Pier Delle Vigne in he seventh circle for?

committed suicide while he was in prison serving time for a crime he was falsely accused of (jealous men turned king against him and accused of treason)


curly beard (creature's name)


disagreement or divergence or inconsistency as between facts or claims

dramatic irony

discrepancy between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or action that is understood by the audience but not by the character(s) in the play. it is when the audience knows the truth before the character(s) in the play

Aristotle's poetics

discusses tragedies, comedies, epics. argues all art serves a high purpose, exposed to learn, what qualities make work of art powerful

what is one understandable reason that Oedipus did not kill Laios?

during his travels to Thebes, he engaged in many brawls and is not aware that he murdered Laios. he also says he came to Thebes after Laios was killed

where does Dante place Brutus, Cassius and Judas?

each in one of the mouth's of Satan

Mankind can achieve perfection

each individual has: 1.) rational aspect-intellect, ability to reason, will power 2.) irrational aspect-emotions and possibility to achieve perfection, using commandments, God's grace


emotional hymns that narrate incidents from the life of a God


end of Earthly world


entrance to Hell. neutrals/uncommitted to good or bad. Heaven and Hell do not want these sinners. continuously stung by hornets


evil claws


evil pockets (ditches)


excessive, scenic, bloody actions. to Aristotle, the cheap way of stirring the audience's emotions


exchange of short responses or one-liners instead of long speeches


first drama actor


gentleman who worked on estate

what are the Harpies?

have bodies of a bird and faces of beautiful women

what does Geryon look like? why is he a symbol of fraud?

he has the face of an honest man and a reptile body with a scorpion tail. he is a symbol of fraud because he deceives his victim with honest face and poisonous tail/stinger.

in the opening speech, what do Oedipus' words reveals about his personality?

he is compassionate, gentle, cares more for his people than the throne, treats his people as family, sense of pride, noble, sincere, intelligent, determination

why do the lines, "Now I am here/ I will begin the search again I/ will reveal the truth, expose everything" (160-2) indicate Oedipus is a strong ruler?

he is determined to reveal the truth and find justice for the people of Thebes

what is Oedipus searching for?

he is searching for the men who murdered Laios

Fellowship refuses to die with Everyman when he hears they cannot return again, but what does he offer to help Everyman do? what does this reply teach the audience about the quality of Fellowship?

he offers to help Everyman with a good will but refuses to go with him. this reply shows that Fellowship is unloyal.

what does Ulysses persuade his sailors to do?

he persuades his sailors to sail towards the mountain and a storm struck and sunk their ship

if Oedipus knew about what was happening in Thebes, why did he ask the question in the opening?

he wants to assure his people that he is going to do everything in his power to help his people and end the plague

Sixth Circle

heretics- someone who practices/teaches incorrect religious doctrines especially Christian. Medusa guards-has hair of snakes who turn people into stone. sinners are placed into tombs of fire, tombs have up to 1,000 souls in each. Farinata delgi Uberti and Cavalcante de Calavant talk to Dante, Cavalcante thinks his son, Guido who is friends with Dante died but he married Farinata's daughter, Beatrice. Farinata is self absorbed and does not think to explain that to him.

verbal irony

in verbal irony the discrepancy is between what is said and what is meant. when someone says one thing and means another.


individual who represents all mankind


invoking the Gods, a calling on the Gods to speak through the character


leader of the malebranche


leading/main character


monologue of self reflection/thoughts to audience

why can the reader identify with Everyman?

nobody wants to learn that they're going to die when they don't feel ready to go. anyone in this position would beg for more time too.


not corresponding, disagreeing, incompatible, inconsistent

what lesson does the play teach?

obedience, loyalty, trust to God and is important to any relationship

irony of situation

occurs when there is a discrepancy between the actual circumstances and those that would seem appropriate, or between what one anticipates and what actually comes to pass. ex. King Midas turning everything he touches to gold


opposes the protagonist


oral narrative, lengthy, in the high style which tells the story of a hero or group of heroes

what are panderers, barrators and simonists?

panderers (pimps) are people who profit from selling and buying others or sexual purposes. simonists have fraudulent possession of ecclesiastical (religious) privileges barrators committed fraud as a politician in civil government.

what conditions does the priest describe in Thebes?

people are hungry, crops are not growing/being harvested, women are giving birth to still borns, cattle are dying

what souls are punished in 4th circle? how are they punished?

people who were greedy, avarice, wasteful spenders, hoarded money. they are punished by pushing large boulders

Quem Quaeritis (who do you seek?)

priest created a short play performed/enacted in the middle of the mass near the altar in Latin in year 1000. early example of drama's return, to illustrate/teach Easter week the significance of the rising of Christ.


punishment of sin mirrors the sin


purpose: to teach you how to prepare to make a good death single action: Dante's effort to return to the road that leads to heaven (what sins to avoid, what sinful inclinations to purge, what virtues to strengthen) theme: justice genre: Dante calls his work a comedy because it begins in adversity and ends in happiness comus oda- rustic song humble language-Italian epic: high style that follow heroic actions of a single person's invocation

what does "straight path" in "midway along the journey of our life, I had wandered off from the straight path" mean?

refers to the path to Heaven/Paradise and God.

terza rima

rhyme scheme, interlocking ex. a,b,a, b,c,b


scratching dogs

what does Medea say to the women to make them sympathize with her?

she draws them to feel for her situation, talking about how women are treated poorly and used by their husbands in marriage

what vitally important thing does Medea want the women to do?

she wants them to be on her side, stay silent/keep her plan a secret

Second Circle

sinners did not control their lustful urges. guarded by Minos (judge of the underworld who determines which circle to send sinner with his tail). eternal storm/blown about. Francesca + Paolo had an affair and were killed by her husband-Giancotta Dante the pilgrim is pitiful and the poet understand God's justice

Fifth Circle

sinners who didn't control anger and were lazy/slothful/sullen. guarded by boatman Plegyas. sinners are submerged underwater. River Styx between 5th and 6th circles. Plegyas knows Dante is alive as well and him across to the gate of inner Hell in 6th circle

Circles 1-5

sins of incontinence (lack of control)


someone who travels for religious experience

what type of fraud is punished in ninth circle? what does contrapasso mean?

sowers of discord and scandal are punished. contrapasso means the punishment of the sin mirrors the sin.

Ptolemy (2nd CE)

studied stars, Earth at center and planets/etc. perfect-fully circled around so perfect as if celestial music played


telling a story (oldest form of storytelling)

what is the Tower of Hunger?

the place where Ugolino and his children & grandchildren were imprisoned and denied food.

what happens to the plague when Oedipus leaves Thebes?

the plague is gone

why are the lines, "Now I am here/ I will begin the search again I/ will reveal the truth, expose everything" (160-2) an example of dramatic irony?

the reader knows the truth before the characters do

in the 5th ditch, at the end of canto 22, where does the captured sinner escape to?

the sinner escapes back into the hot tar.

when Cousin tells Everyman he has a cramp in his toe, what does his reply teach the audience about Kindred and Cousin? Are they qualities to value?

they are not willing to die with Everyman and will do whatever they can to excuse their way out of it. they are not qualities to value because they were dishonest and unloyal.

what is one reason Medea gives to proceed with killing her boys?

they'll be better off dead than to have to live without their mother

what sinners are punished in the seventh ditch? how are they punished?

thieves are punished by walking naked with their hands tied behind their backs as serpents/snakes bite them


to teach/show brief imitations of life, watch characters make decisions and see consequences that follow, learn.


tomb (stone)



morality play

uses personified abstractions to teach a moral lesson

reversal of situation

what character expected to happen in the future but falls apart and nothing goes as expected

what is one good argument Kreon uses to refute Oedipus' accusation?

why would he want to be king when he gets everything he wants from Oedipus without all the royal responsibilities

Ninth Circle

willed evil intelligence that lead to betrayal/treachery. guarded by Satan. frozen Cocytus lake/river. sinners are buried in ice, with heads above. 4 parts: Caina-betrayal against family, heads leaning forward so ice falls on their neck. Antenora- betrayal against party, ice falls into eyes, Count Ugolino gnaws on Archbishops head. Tolomea- betrayal against special significant. Guidecca/Judecca- Satan.

Circles 6-9

willed sins/ deliberate decisions



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