English 1130 self test
beginning of new spiritual awakening
A statement to prove
Act of the will
Psalm 6
Deals with personal depression
poetic form of the Book of Job
Dramatic poetry
best response to humanism
Excerpt from Job
Whole duty of man
Fear God and obey Him
Free from error
basis for Mr. Bryan's argument
Genesis 1:1, 24, 26
Psalm writers
Moses and david
Not capable of being touched or felt
Not living
In finding a life ministry, if we are _________________________________, God will ______________________________________.
Willing, do the rest
Biblically based, uplifting literature will produce a _____________________________ spirit.
________________________________________ should be asked about the theme before writing the story.
What are three actions we can take to foster spiritual health and Godliness?
read good, Biblically based literature; discipline ourselves to use encouraging words; saturate our minds with God's Word
Worlds appeared when God ___________________________________.
Complication and resolution reveal the __________________________________ of a novel.
_____________________________________ selection is the first step in planning a story.
Write the five basic elements which comprise the development of a story or novel.
theme, conflict, characters, setting, point of view
We would guard our __________________________________ if we knew the awesome power of ______________________________.
tongues, words
The power of _____________________________________ is a powerful force affecting people.
"The Bible or Evolution"
William J. Bryan
Great dislike
what evolution really is
issue Mr. Bryan addresses
Is the Bible true?
Write the three possible ways for beginning a story or novel.
a vivid description of the setting; a flashback; a detailed description of the main character
Only literature that reinforces positive Biblical principles is _____________________________________ literature.
feared more than the atheist
Theistic evolutionist
To admit as true
To annoy or provoke
To make peace
significant technological developments
Transportation and communication
Uninterrupted succession
tragedies of Modern America
used by Mr. Darwin over 800 times
We may well suppose
Write the Scripture verse Romans 14:13
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather: that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way
revealed by Supreme Court rulings
Little concern for Bible
kind of poetry of most Psalms
Lyric poetry
greatest menace to religion
Man's guess for God's law
two things evolutionists suppose
Matter and force
what evolutionists have never found
Missing link
poetic form of Ecclesiastes
Narrative poetry
Modern Period's most popular poet
Robert Frost
relevant to any people
The Bible
What a person says may be impacting, but ________________________________ it is said may be more critical.
Good _______________________________ are corrupted by _______________________________ communications.
manners, evil
A positive spirit is corrupted when exposed to ___________________________________ word power.
___________________________________________ is writing a story from a "first person" or "third person" perspective.
point of view