English 221 FINAL

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Define zionism

Its general definition means the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.


Mahmood Darwish (violent)

Define empathy

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

What is Anti-Semitism?

Traditional hatred of Jews

Quote from "How to Write the Great American Indian Novel"

"In the Great American Indian novel, when it is finally written, all of the white people will be Indians and all of the Indians will be ghosts." -Means that Indians are invisible to white people

What is Mein Kampf?

"My Struggle" a book written by Hitler blaming Jews for everything

Quote from "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian"

"Reservations were meant to be prisons, you know? Indians were supposed to move onto reservations and die. We were supposed to disappear. But somehow or another, Indians have forgotten that reservations were meant to be death camps." (Alexie 216-7)

What was at Auschwitz Base Camp (Auscwitz 1)?

-"Work will make you free" sign -Fake train station -Guards housing

Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Reservation in South Dakota

-97% of the population live below federal poverty line. -Unemployment rate ranges from 85% to 95%. -Median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is $2,600 - $3,500/year. (Compare: SC is $42,300 and considered poor.) -Average life expectancy is 45 to 52 years, the shortest in the Western Hemisphere except Haiti. -Rates of heart disease, diabetes, depression, tuberculosis, and other diseases are many times higher than the national average. -Average of 17 people per house, and 40% of houses lack electricity. -70% high school drop-out rate. -No libraries. No industry. -Few paved roads. -Huge problems with addiction and crime -Size of Connecticut & 40,000 people

Why was Thanksgiving invented?

-Abraham Lincoln invented the holiday in 1863 to celebrate the Union victory at Gettysburg. -He promoted the 1621 Wampanoag peace treaty story for its message of peace and cooperation. -Thanksgiving: one of many, many times when the experiences of Native Americans got hijacked to make a better story.

Holocaust Victims

-Approx. 11 million total deaths -6 million Jews from Germany and nations controlled by Germany in WW2 (1/3-1/2 of world's Jewish population) -Millions of Poles & Slavs *Professionals & intelligencia specifically targeted -Hundreds of thousands of Roma (Gypsies) -The Disabled ("Operation T4") -Political Dissidents -Homosexuals -Jehovah's Witnesses

Ellie Wiesel

-Born in 1928 in a Romanian village, Sighet -At 16 in 1944, deported with his family to a ghetto and then Auschwitz -Liberated in 1945, Published "Night" in 1958 -Won Nobel Peace Prize, died in 2016

Holocaust Roots

-Centuries of Anti-Semitism in Europe -Economic aftermath of WW1 leaves Germany vulnerable to hate -Rise of Hitler in 1933 -Eugenics and the idea of "Aryan" supremacy (supreme race) -Germany invades Poland in 1939 and Russia in 1941 -The Final Solution: mass extermination

N.W. Thiong'o

-Educated both in Africa & Europe -Activist for both education and preservation of tribal languages -Wrote River between in 1965 -Considered a "Postcolonial" writer after European colonization


-Largest of the death camps, opened in 1943 -Zyclon B: a chemical used in the gas chambers once it combined with air cyanide gas is formed -Killed 6,000 per day -Dr. Mengele: psychopath doctor that was in charge of selection process


-Nuremberg Trials and struggle to define "war crimes" -Zionism & Israel (1947), ongoing conflict in the Middle East -Holocaust Denial Movement -Neo-Nazi movements

What really happened?

-Smallpox—first wave in 1617 (hence the 1621 treaty) -The empty village of Patuxet is renamed Plymouth. -His people ravaged by plague, Chief Massasoit makes a compromise. -Tisquantum (aka "Squanto"), an escaped slave, finds he is the last survivor of Patuxet. -Massasoit's sons, Wamsutta and Metacom: imprisonment, King Phillip's War, and a severed head. -At least one batch of smallpox hospital blankets. -Indian Removal Act of 1830... -The Trails of Tears... -Relentless Westward expansion...Broken treaties... -Forced cultural extinction... -Impoverished reservations... -John Wayne.

The Final Solution

-Targeted groups concentrated in ghettos and concentration camps -Einsatzgruppen Death Squads 1941 (1-2 million victims) -Death camps open in 1942 (2.7 million victims) -Slave labor used to keep camps and wartime manufacturing operational -Death marches of 1945 -Liberation by Allies Spring of 1945

Specific setting of The River Between

-The climax of the book is set in the Mau Mau Rebellion of the 1950's, during which members of the Gikuyu (Kikuyu) tribe and their allies rebelled against the English colonists -Kenya gained independence from England in 1963, shortly after Thiong'o wrote this book

What was at Birkenau Death Camp (Auscwitz 2)?

-Workers housing -Gas chambers

Mau Mau Rebellion

A revolt against colonial rule in Kenya, lasted from 1952-1960 and helped to hasten Kenya's independence

Trail of Tears

A series of forced removals of Native American nations from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to an area west of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Indian Territory

How many survivors of Auschwitz?

About 200,000 camp survivors

Quote from "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian"

I always think its funny when Indians celebrate Thanksgiving. I mean, sure, the Indians and Pilgrims were best friends during that first Thanksgiving, but a few years later, the Pilgrims were shooting Indians. So, I'm never quite sure why we eat turkey like everybody else. "Hey, Dad," I said. "What do Indians have to be so thankful for?" "We should give thanks that they didn't kill all of us." We laughed like crazy. (Alexie 101-2)

Where was Auschwitz loacted?


Indian removal act of 1830

President Andrew Jackson, passed the Indian Removal Act which gave the federal government the power to relocate any Native Americans in the east to territory that was west of the Mississippi River.


Yehuda Amichai (non-violent)

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