English 3 vocab 3
Definition: A character who contrast with another character to highlight particular qualities Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Defense Original Sentence: Frankly, I am stunned that there isn't more alliteration.
Definition: A very typical example of a certain person or thing, an original that has been imitated Word of speech: Noun Synonym: Model Original Sentence: The book is a perfect archetype of the genre.
Definition: Adjective or phrase to express the characteristic of a person or thing Word of speech: Noun Synonym: Title Original Sentence: Old men are often unfairly awarded the epithet dirty.
Definition: Determine, admirable purposeful Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Bold Original Sentence: The student was resolute as he studied for a big test.
Definition: Extravagant, elaborate, or luxurious Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Excessive Original Sentence: The flower vase was lavish.
Definition: Incapable to fail or of being wrong Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Unfailing Original Sentence: The girl is infallible when it comes to test and quizzes.
Definition: Lasting for a very short time Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Temporary Original Sentence: Fashions are ephemeral
Definition: Long, poetic composition, centered upon a hero Word of speech: Noun Synonym: Narrative Original Sentence: His bond to Katie tempered what was otherwise a disaster of epic proportion.
Definition: Make something right to correct a mistake Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Improve Original Sentence: The student had to rectify his sleeping pattern.
Definition: No clearly defined shape or form Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Vague Original Sentence: Amorphous blue forms and straight black lines.
Definition: Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Plentiful Original Sentence: The opulent comfort of a limousine.
Definition: Praise enthusiastically Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Glorify Original Sentence: The baseball team extolled as their teammate hit a home run.
Definition: Repetition of the same consonant sound or sound group Word of speech: Noun Synonym: Exaggeration Original Sentence: Janie had alliteration and read a book by the babbling brook.
Definition: Roll or fold up secure or neatly Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Curl Original Sentence: The butterfly furled into a cocoon.
Definition: The belief or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others Word of speech: Noun Synonym: Kindness Original Sentence: The grocery store worker had altruism as the elderly needed help with her groceries.
Definition: To cause someone to feel drained of energy, to weaken Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Fatigue Original Sentence: The athlete was enervate after a two hour workout.
Definition: To make a concerted or violent attack on Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Abuse Original Sentence: The US put on assail on the Japanese.
Definition: To surround a place with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender Word of speech: Verb Synonym: Blockade Original Sentence: The navy continued to besiege major cities in the north.
Definition: Violently, forcefully with emotion Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Forcible Original Sentence: The lion was vehemently toward the gorilla.
Definition: having or displaying a passionate intensity Word of speech: Adjective Synonym: Zealous Original Sentence: A fervent disciple of tax reform.