English Exam Fall 2015

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"In the Shadow of War" (author)

Ben Okri

"The Lost Child: An Algerian Childhood" (author)

Albert Bensoussan

From The Devil that Danced on water: A Daughter's Quest (author)

Aminatta Forna

From The Devil that Danced on water: A Daughter's Quest (characters)

Aminatta Forna Caroline (father not in jail, daughter considers him a murderer) Helen (hysteric, believes her parent don't want her around, Aminatta doesn't want to be like her)

From The Devil that Danced on water: A Daughter's Quest (summary)

Aminatta Forna struggles with a life in England. She is of African descent, and is in England receiving British Education. As a child, she cannot understand the sacrifices her parents make for her education that paid off

From Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam, "Last Gamble" (characters)

An (narrator, nine years old) Hoa (Crush) Chi (beaten by father) Father (wants to escape) Grandma (spoils children)

From Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam, "Last Gamble" (summary)

An's family plans to leave Vietnam. An forms a relationship with Hoa as he becomes a man. By the end of the story, with new found feelings for Hoa, he realizes that he might not live through the escape attempt

From Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam, "Last Gamble (author)

Andrew X. Phan

"The Lost Child: An Algerian Childhood" (characters)

Benyamine (six year old to nine year old that loses his mother) Fatiha (two years older, cares for Benyamine even after he is reunited until she is eleven and must wear the veil)

"The Lost Child: An Algerian Childhood" (summary)

Benyamine loses trust in his mother, only to later be separated from his best friend.

"Everything in This Country Must" (author)

Colum McCann

Persepolis (summary)

In Persepolis, an autobiography by Markane Satrapi, Marjane progresses towards adulthood throughout the story, and her journey quickens when she experiences the affects of the deaths around her.

"Everything in This Country Must" (characters)

Katie (disabled) Father (lost family, relies on disabled daughter) Stevie (nicer soldier) Hayknife, Longrasses (other soldiers)

From Baby No-Eyes, "Kura" (summary)

Kura, a grandmother to a boy named Shane (despite being Maori) explains why his name is a Western name rather than a traditional name (protection)

From Baby No-Eyes, "Kura" (characters)

Kura- narrator, can't protect her innocent sister so she dies Riripeti- dies of depression

Persepolis (author)

Marjane Satrapi


Marjane Satrapi Anoosh (arrested uncle, gets murdered) Father (politically assertive) Mother (cares about Marjane's safety) Grandmother (Marjane's role model)

"In the Shadow of War" (characters)

Omovo Witch Three soldiers

"In the Shadow of War" (summary)

Omovo's perspective of who the enemy is changes as he moves towards manhood

From Baby No-Eyes, "Kura" (author)

Patricia Grace

"Everything in This Country Must" (summary)

Soldiers that killed Katie and Father's family assist the duo in rescuing their horse. The Father sees the soldiers as evil and trying to take advantage of Katie. Katie becomes a woman as she realizes the cruelty of the world

"Beets" (summary)

Starshine realizes her father's ridiculousness along with that of her teacher's and history. She realizes the world around her is not perfect

"Beets" (characters)

Starshine- narrator Dewdrop- sister Reverend buck- father Corn woman- mother

"Beets" (author)

Tiffany Midge

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