English final!!

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If you are using the Block method of organization, what is the fifth (V) paragraph of your essay?

A. Personification from Poem II

From the following passage, how do we know the Narrator's point of view in "The Californian's Tale" is First Person?Sec. 21:

B. The Narrator is a character in the story and the reader sees and feels only what he sees and feels.

What best describes the tone found in the underlined passage of this excerpt of "The Burning Book"?

B. The narrator uses an emotion-filled, suspensful tone.

Which poetic device is being utilized in the following excerpt from Whitman's poem? "Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!"

A. repetition

Which of these does NOT describe a potential voice for a narrator?

A. setting

Based on the context clue in the sentence below, what does alliance mean?The US formed an alliance with other countries to fight against the Nazis in World War II.

A. union

What is the structure and style of section 1 (highlighted) of "Specimen Days," a personal essay by Walt Whitman?

C. The structure is by event; the style is formal.

In Saki's story "The Open Window," how are the characters revealed to us in Sections 1-2?

C. directly and indirectlly - through dialogue and the narrator's descriptions of the characters

Which verb agrees with the subject of the sentence?The car with the luxurious leather seats and the fancy all-terrain tires ________ for sale.

C. is

When revising your expository essay,

C. make sure that the points you are making support your thesis statement.

Based on the clues given by Hawthorne in this excerpt of his biographical sketch of Ben Franklin, what is the best meaning of the word discerned used in section 33?

C. recognized

Which answer best describes the following excerpt from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar? MARULLUS: Knew you not Pompey?

C. reverse word order

What does the following dialogue reveal?29-

A. information about the past

When they were first played, performers in Greek Tragedies wore

A. masks.

Which sentence contains a gerund?

B. Letting dogs sleep is good advice.

Which answer shares a word part with the word below?impeccable

C. imperceptible

If you were writing that the theme of "A Piece of String" was that "people will believe what they want to in spite of truth," which passage would give the best support?

A. "What grieved me so much was not the thing itself as the lying."

In the sentence below, the word bug is jargon specific to which field or occupation?I couldn't finish my homework last night because my computer has a bug.

A. (Technology) = an unexpected error or fault

How long should your answer to the counterargument be?

A. Addressing the counterargument should only be as long as needed to make your case more solid.

Which passage below best reveals the cultural setting of "A Piece of String"?

A. All the aristocracy of the plow ate there at Matre Jourdain's,..

What does the imagery in this passage from "The Cactus" tells us about Trysdale?"He saw all the garbs of pretence and egoism that he had worn now turn to rags of folly."

A. Allowing the lie to continue ("garbs of pretense") caused him to lose his love ("rags of folly").

Which of the following is a complete sentence?

A. Because the story was long and filled with complex words and complicated puns, she fell asleep.

How does Shakespeare suggest the theme of honor in the highlighted passage from Section 21 of Act IV Scene 3?

A. Brutus stands up for honor by attacking Cassius' lack of honor.

Which of the following organizes the Body Paragraph information using the data dump method?

A. Claim: exercise; mental health; eating habits; reason increased; reason enhanced; reason improved

Which sentence contains transitional words or phrases?

A. Even though I love to eat chocolate chip cookies, I know I shouldn't eat them all of the time.

Which sentence uses the underlined academic vocabulary word incorrectly?

A. He was deduced by the math teacher who pointed out his error, so he didn't complain.

Which of the following is the best way to build context (give important background info) in an introduction paragraph about music in schools?

A. Music has been a component of American school studies since the early 18th century.

Which sentence below shows the correct punctuation of an introductory transitional phrase?

A. Overall, schools prefer their students to read Shakespeare instead of Edgar Allen Poe.

What is the best way to combine the sentences below using a participle phrase?Sally was sailing the cove of the little lake. She realized that life couldn't get much better.

A. Sailing the cove of the little lake, Sally realized that life couldn't get much better.

What is the best way to combine these sentences?The niece stared through the open window. A look of shock and surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

A. Staring through the open window, the niece suddenly looked shocked and surprised.

What are the three components of a body paragraph for an argumentative research report?

A. The components are claim, data, and warrant.

Which sentence is in passive voice?

A. The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.

Which answer is the best example of imagery?

A. The old theater smelled of dust and mildew . . . with a faint hint of roses and grease paint.

Which sentence combines these two sentences using a coordinating conjunction?The twenty mile hike almost ruined Matt. Once he ate dinner, he felt rejuvenated.

A. The twenty mile hike almost ruined Matt, yet once he ate dinner, he felt rejuvenated.

Which is the correct use of the following participle phrase:watching the clock nervously

A. Watching the clock nervously, he breathlessly noticed the quiet, empty room.

Which sentence below correctly punctuates the quote?

A. Whitman says, "My Captain does not answer," in "O Captain! My Captain!"

What is the function of the following sentence in the sample persuasive conclusion?This is sometimes the case.

A. acknowledging the opposition

When writing a personal reflective essay, the first part of prewriting is to

A. choose your theme or central message.

In which sentence is the participle phrase punctuated incorrectly?

B. The plea from the stranger touched our hearts spoken in broken English.

Which passage reveals the baby's motive in Stephen Crane's "A Great Mistake"?

B. Then tumultuous desires began to shake him. His dreams were of conquest.

Which of the following is a run-on sentence?

C. Go to the gym work out then take a nice long shower.

Which sentence uses the underlined academic vocabulary word incorrectly?

C. Her decision was well-thought out and arbitrary, considering the opinions of others as well.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

C. I have just enough time to shower, dress, and get to school.

Which part of the following passage from "The Crisis, No. 1" is an example of the rhetorical device of contrast?"I turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out: I call not upon a few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel..."


Which of the following lines from Browning's "Meeting at Night" uses onomatopoeia (words that imitate sounds)?

B. A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch

Which of the following sentences correctly punctuates the transitional phrase?

B. After much dispute, coffee is brewed in my house each and every morning.

Which of the following should you do DURING your interview?

B. During the interview, take a moment to make sure your notes are accurate and complete.

Which passage from Stephen Crane's "A Great Mistake" contributes to the setting of the story?

B. Elevated trains thundered to the station and the stairway poured people upon the side walks.

Which of the following would be part of a persuasive essay that is using an argument based on evidence?

B. Experts indicate that rainforests that originally covered 14% of the planet now cover only 6%.

Which of these lines from "A Piece of String" helps set up the conflict of Matre Hauchecome?

B. He concealed his "find"... then he pretended to be still looking on the ground for something...

Which of the following titles is most likely a memoir?

B. Home, Home on the Range: My Year on a Cattle Ranch

Which of the following lines from "True Stories of History and Biography" uses a tone that reveals Hawthorne's attitude toward Isaac Newton?

B. Isaac possessed a wonderful faculty of acquiring knowledge by the simplest means

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly?

B. It is only in the elite time of year that this unusual flower chooses to bloom.

Which passage on the left uses the best VARIETY of sentence structure and sentence length?

B. Passage B

Which best describes Portia's monologue in Scene 1 Section 23 (underlined)?

B. Portia asks what is bothering Brutus in a long speech to Brutus.

How does Reagan use contrast to make his point in the highlighted text from Sec. 4 of "A Time for Choosing"?

B. Reagan contrasts lasting global peace WITH soldiers dying for US citizens' freedoms.

Which passage below from Twain's "The Californian's Tale" shows foreshadowing?

B. Sec. 19: I said to myself: "I will go straight away from this place for peace of mind's sake."

Which is an example of a good thesis statement for a research report?

B. States should require all drivers to take a skill and safety course before receiving their license.

Which sentence below has correct subject/verb agreement?

B. Swimming is a great total body exercise.

Which of the following passages from "A Great Mistake" helps to advance the theme that the desire to possess is greater than the power of fear?

B. The babe investigated ... it had thrilled him as few things he had met with in his travels.

Which of the following would make a good thesis statement on the topic of changing the driving age to 18?

B. The driving age should be increased from 16 to 18 to ensure fewer car accidents.

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word correctly according to the provided definition? plain(n.)- flat, treeless land

B. The pioneers moved west and settled in the plains.

Choose the word that correctly completes the analogy.disposed : tendency ::

B. console : solace

What rhetorical device is evident in the following passage from Thomas Paine's "The Crisis, No.1"?Sec. 1: These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

B. emotional appeal

What type of essay should be used to share with your readers some ideas and directions on how to conserve electricity?

B. expository essay

When a character's traits are revealed by his own thoughts and actions it is called

B. indirect characterization.

How is Charlie's character revealed in this passage from "The Burning Book" by Cora Collen?

B. indirectly through dialogue and by a revelation of his thoughts given by the author.

Which type of nonfiction writing is described below?Point of View: 3rdSubject: The effects of college graduation on lifetime income Author's Purpose: PersuasiveTone: Formal

B. persuasive essay

Which part of the plot structure does the following section of Stephen Crane's "A Great Mistake" fall under?"For a time he was a simple worshipper at this golden shrine. Then tumultuous desires began to shake him. His dreams were of conquest."

B. rising action

Which answer best describes the following text? a fire station burns down

B. situational irony

When the theme of a short story is implied

B. the author uses indirect methods to deliver his message.

A speaker's purpose in delivering a persuasive speech is which of the following?

B. the speaker's message -- what he/she is trying to convince us to think or do

In Shakespearean Sonnets, the ending couplet

B. turns from or breaks with the flow of the quatrains to emphasize the theme.

Which sentence uses the semicolon correctly?

C. I waited in line for hours to get my passport photo; I did crossword puzzles while I waited.

Select the answer that combines the following sentences using a subordinate conjunction.Joseph dedicated himself to conquering the problem. It would probably be very difficult.

C. Joseph dedicated himself to conquering the problem although it would probably be very difficult.

Which sentence uses the antonym of the following word?imminent

C. Marge felt that the chances of the expensive, new car malfunctioning were remote.

What kind of an argument does Reagan pose in the following excerpt from Sec. 16 of "A Time for Choosing"?"They've just declared Rice County, Kansas, a depressed area. Rice County, Kansas, has two hundred oil wells, and the 14,000 people there have over 30 million dollars on deposit in personal savings in their banks. And when the government tells you you're depressed, lie down and be depressed."

C. Reagan's argument is based on fact - "Rice County, Kansas, has two-hundred oil wells."

What example of foreshadowing can be seen in the following passage from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?CASSIUS:

C. The signs in the elements have the same complexion as what is about to happen in the affairs of men.

For which of these ideas should you give credit in a research report?

C. A recent study shows the oceans rising an average of 0.13 inches over the past 20 years.

Which would be the best way to combine the following sentences using an appositive?Adam won the gold medal at state this year. He is the best swimmer on the team.

C. Adam, the best swimmer on the team, won the gold medal at state this year.

Which of the following lines is an example of personification?

C. And wide-mouth orchids smile.

Which sentence incorrectly uses an apostrophe to show possession?

C. Brendas' best friend, Tracy, was not going to be able to come to her birthday party.

What if you find you want to use some additional material you didn't include in the body of your report?

C. Go back and put it in your body paragraphs. Do not introduce new material in your conclusion!

According to the sample works cited page, which of the following author's text was published in a magazine?

D. Amanda Ripley

In Act II Scene 2, Decius Brutus learns Caesar is not planning to go to the Senate, thus upsetting the plans for his assassination. He quickly tries to convince Caesar otherwise. As the suspense builds, which of Decius' arguments most likely changes Caesar's mind?

D. Caesar was to be crowned Emperor, and a delay may change the Senators' minds.

What is the best way to correct the following confusing pronoun antecedent?Chris said he was taller than him.

D. Chris said Todd was taller than Jeff.

Join the following sentences using a transition preceded by a semicolon.Emma doesn't brush her teeth every day. The dentist says she is getting a cavity.

D. Emma doesn't brush her teeth every day; consequently, the dentist says she is getting a cavity.

Which of the following best describes this expository essay excerpt?

D. It uses formal word choice with some informal voice.

Which word in the choices below completes the analogy?Attain : Acquire :: Deposit : ___________

D. Sediment

Which sentence below uses an incorrect homophone?

D. The best part about the summer is the sand and the son.

Which sentence below uses the correct form of the pronoun?

D. They and we met up with them after the show.

Which sentence below correctly uses the infinitive to receive?

D. To receive an acceptance letter from the college of your choice is a great reward for your efforts.

What is the rhyme scheme of the second stanza of Emily Dickinson's poem?

D. abcb

The following phrase is an example of which common poetic feature? by the big bowl of boiled beets

D. alliteration

Which of the following words from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is a loaded word?So well as Brutus living; but will followThe fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus

D. noble

Which sentence from the sample introduction is the thesis statement (statement of the position of the essay)?

D. sentence 6

When proofreading your persuasive essay, pay special attention to

D. spelling, punctuation and grammar.

One of the elements of public speaking is cadence. Cadence can be defined as

D. tempo, or a modulation or inflection of the voice.

What kind of plays did Shakespeare write?

D. tragedies, comedies, and histories

How would you indicate the title of an e-book: Mountain Mantras


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