English midterm

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What does Blanche tell Mitch about life with Stanley and what is his reaction?

Blanche ays that Stanley is rude and goes out of his way to offend her. Mitch is suprised by this and thinks it is a misunderstanding.

How and why does Blanche drive Mitch away at the end of the scene?

Blanche drives Mitch away at the end of the scene by calling fire out the window. She drives him away because she is very upset and does not want to advance any farther with Mitch.

What does Blanche hope for in a relationship with Mitch?

Blanche hopes for stability and security in her relationship with Mitch. She wants Mitch to fix all her problems.

What might Blanche have meant in her last line of this scene?

Blanche might have meant that God is showing that He is here for her by having Mitch embrace her

What does Blanche tell Stanley about truth and illusion? What "truth" does she tell Stanley?

Blanche tells Stanley that a woman's charm is fifty percent illusion and that the truth isn't as attractive. The "truth" she tells Stanley is that Belle Reve was not sold but lost after the men in her family spent the money on materials things.

Who does Blanche try to phone and why? What does she do when she learns this person is not home?

Blanche tries to phone Mitch to get an explanation to why everyone is acting so strange. When she learns Mitch is not home she tries to leave a message

What is Blanche's immediate reaction to Mitch? What does she tell Stella?

Blanche's immediate reaction to Mitch is positive as she believe he is different than the other men. Blanche tells Stella that he seems superior to the others and he has a sort of sensitive look

Why does Mitch want to know her age?

Mitch wants to know Blanche's age so he can tell his mother

describe the conversation Stanley overhears between Blanche and Stella. Give Stanley's reaction. How does Stella respond when Stanley enters the room? Why?

Stanley overhears a conversation about his animalistic nature between Stella and Blanche. Stanley's reaction is to listen but pretend not to have heard it. Stella respond to Stanley entering the room by throwing herself into his arms to show Blanche she is on his side.

Stanley returns home. Why? What condition is he in?

Stanley returns home because Stella isn't having the baby yet. He is drunk when he returns home.

What are Stanley's plans for Blanche?

Stanley's plane for Blanche is putting her on a bus on Tuesday and sending her on her way

What does Stella say when she learns of Blanche's shock over the reconciliation? What does Stella reveal about her wedding night that further shocks Blanche?

Stella says that she forgot how excitable she was and that she was making too much of a fuss. Stella reveals that on her wedding night Stanley smashed all the lights in the house

What is known about Blanche before she speaks her first line?

Before Blanche speaks her first line we know she is the same background as Stella, is about the same age as Stanley and looks uncertain and shocked about where Stella lives. She is described as being dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district, suggesting moth like appearance.

Why id Blanche's nervous when preparing for her date with Mitch? How has she deceived him?

Blanche is nervous for the date because she wants to be proper but not bore Mitch. She has deceived him by lying about her age.

At the beginning of the scene, Blanche is taking a bath. What is the symbolic meaning of this?

They symbolic meaning of Blanche taking a bath is her cleansing herself from her past

Blanche recalls a death scene. Then she tells Mitch that the opposite of death is desire. What does this mean?

When Blanche says that death is the opposite of desire she means that everyone craves and chances desire where as no one wants death and everyone runs away from death.

What does Eunice say that indicates this sin't the first time he has struck Stella?

When Eunice says "... same as last time." it indicated it is not the first time Stanley has hit Stella

How does Blanche respond when Mitch asks to kiss her? Why is her response ironic?

When Mitch asks to kiss her Blanche responds by asking him why he always asks to kiss her. her response is ironic because it is the gentlemen thing to do and she is making fun of it.

What is Mitch's response when he hears Blanche's voice? What does this suggest about his feelings for Blanche?

When Mitch hears Blanche's voice he goes weak and breaks down with guilt. This suggest he feels guilty about what has happened and where she is going now

Describe Mitch's reaction after he turns on the light.

When Mitch turns on the light he says he doesn't mind her being older than he though he is upset about the lies

Why is Blanche depressed at the opening of this scene?

Blanche is depressed at the opening of this scene because the date with Mitch didn't go very well.

Why does Blanche say she can't forgive Mitch? Why id this ironic?

Blanche says she can't forgive Mitch because he was deliberately cruel. This is ironic because her deliberate lying could be considered cruel

What reason does Blanche provide for her arrival in New Orleans?

Blanche says she has come to New Orleans because she is not well due to her nervous breakdown that made her loose her job.

What does Blanch urge Stella to do? what is her response? how does Shep Huntleigh figure into this scheme?

Blanche urges Stella to leave Stanley. Stella's response is to say she doesn't want to leave him. Shep Huntleigh is a rich man Blanche used to date Blanche was going to ask for money

Why does Mitch embrace Blanche?

Mitch embraces Blanche because he wants to have sex with her and make up for all that she has held out over the summer.

How does Mitch respond to Blanche's offer of a drink?

Mitch response to Blanche offering him a drink is to say he doesn't want any of Stanley liquor and tells Blanche to lay off it as well

Why does Stella ask Stanley to understand and be nice to Blanche?

Stella asks Stanley to understand and be nice to Blanche because she is upset and has gone through trauma

How is Stella's understanding of desire different from Blanche's?

Stella's understanding of desire is not relate to lust like Blanche's understanding of desire

What is Blanche doing as the scene opens? Why?

At the beginning of the scene Blanche is drinking because she is nervous and frightened

Describe the situation at the beginning of the scene

At the beginning of the scene Blanche, Stella and Stanley are sullen at the diner table. Blanche asks Stanley to tell them a funny story to cheer them up

What feeling prevails at the end of the play, and how is this feeling communicated?

At the end of the play a mood of cruelty and tragedy is left. This feeling is communicated by the sobbing of Stella and the indifference in Stanley and the rest of the men

What is the situation at the end of the scene? Discuss the significance of Stanley's final line in this scene.

At the end of the scene Blanche tries to defend herself against Stanley but he overtakes her and rapes her. The significance of Stanley's last line is he is insinuating that this was could to happen from the first time they met

What does Blanche learn about Stanley before she meets him? What image does she form of him?

Before Blanche meets Stanley she learns that he is polish, he was a master sergeant in the Engineer's Corps and that he travel a lot. Blanche forms an image of a different type of man than what she is used too and who has no manners

What has happened to Belle Reve? How does Blanche try to make Stella feel guilty for what has happened?

Belle Reve was lost from the possession of the Du Bois. Blanche tries to make Stella feel guilty by talking about the hardships she went through and all the money she had to use to pay for the deaths of their family without any help. She makes it seem that if Stella had been there to help they wouldn't have lost Belle Reve.

What is the color of the dress Blanche has chosen for her departure? How does this color become symbolic?

Blanch has chosen a cool yellow colored dress for her departure. This color becomes symbolic because yellow is the color of happiness and warmth which is the opposite of reality. The colors adds to her living in a imaginative reality.

Why does she ask Mitch to place the paper lantern over the light bulb? What does the lantern symbolize, and what does covering it symbolize?

Blanche asks Mitch to put the paper lantern over the bulb because the light is too harsh and bright. The lantern symbolizes the reveal of her deceptions and covering it symbolizes her hiding from the truth.

What does Blanche do that seems flirtatious? How does Stanley react?

Blanche asks Stanley to button her dress which can be seen as flirtatious. Stanley reacts by saying he does not consider a women's appearance and does not buy into the flirting.

Stanley disappears into the bathroom. How does Blanche now attempt to save herself from disaster?

Blanche attempts to save herself from the disaster by calling Shep Huntleigh and then trying to send a telegram

What is Blanche's condition? What action has Stella taken regarding Blanche?

Blanche has become totally unaware of reality and has retreat completely into fantasy in a mental break. Stella has decided to admit Blanche to a mental institution

How does Blanche react to Stella's apartment?

Blanche is in shock of the living conditions that Stella lives in. She keeps bringing it up in the conversation and comments on how small and simple it is. She makes it obvious to Stella that she is not found of it.

Blanche indicates that she'll be leaving soon. Why is she planning to leave?

Blanche is planning to leave because she thinks she has outstayed her welcome

How does Blanche respond to the doctor and matron's arrival?

Blanche is shocked and tries to escape when the matron and the doctor arrive. At first she is confused because she was expecting shep

Why is Blanche writing Shep a letter? What do the contents of the letter reveal about Blanche?

Blanche is writing Shep a letter because she wants to come visit him. The contents of the letter reveals that she is nervous and fibs a lot.

What is Blanche's attitude about money? How does she react when Stella offers her pocket money?

Blanche likes the opportunities that money gives a person. Blanche turns down Stella's offer of her pocket money.

Explain Blanche' statement that she doesn't know how much longer she can " turn the trick"

Blanche means she doesn't know how much longer she can lie about her age when she says turning the trick.

Explain what ironies exist during Blanche's "special moment"

Blanche reminds Mitch to act as a gentlemen when she just scolded him for doing the gentlemen like action of asking permission to kiss her. Then she tells him that he is a natural gentlemen

What does Blanche reveal about her past? Why does she confide in Mitch?

Blanche reveals that her husband was depressed and was struggling with his sexuality and ended up committing suicide. She confides in Mitch because she is comfortable with him, and know he will understand.

What important detail does Blanche reveal about her past and how does she react to this?

Blanche revels that she was once married, when she was young but her husband died, she reacts by getting upset and feeling sick

What does Blanche say about realism and magic? Why does she prefer magic? What has he been trying to do for Mitch with her magic?

Blanche says that she wants magic and not realism. Blanche prefers magic because it is less harsh than realism. Blanche has been trying to show itch what ought to be truth and hiding what is the truth

Why does Blanche take the tin box from the trunk? what is in it?

Blanche takes the tin box from the trunk because Stanley asked to see her papers from Belle Reve. All of her papers and love letters from her dead husband are in the tin box.

What deceptions surface in Blanche's conversation with Mitch?

Blanche tells Mitch that Stella is the older sister and that she is very adaptable and that Stella is the one that is unwell not herself all of which are deceptions

What lies does Blanche tell Stanley about Mitch, and why does she tell them?

Blanche tells Stanley that Mitch came back with a box of roses and begged for forgiveness. She also says that she is the one that dumped him. She tells the lies because she wants to believe a different situation happened because she is self conscious about the trauma she has gone through

When Stella comes home, why does Blanche tell her to turn off the over-head light? What does this reveal about her?

Blanche tells steal to turn off the overhead light because she thinks she doesn't look presentable. This reveals how much Blanche cares about her image in other people's eyes and what they think of her

What celebration is in the works as the scene opens and why is this irony?

Blanche's birthday is in the works when the scene opens. it is ironic because Blanche consistently lies about her age

How is Blanche's drinking problem introduced?

Blanche's drinking problem is introduced by her tossing down a half glass of whiskey and then carefully returning everything to its place so that no one would know.

What is the significance of Blanche's final line?

Blanche's last line solidifies he delusion because the "kindness" from strangers is actually desire from men

What is Eunice's advice to Stella?

Eunice's advice to Stella is to keep going with Stanley no matter what happens

The author often relies on stage directions to establish character rather than dialogue. Explain what the stage directions reveal about Stanley's character?

From the stage directions we learn that Stanley has a primal joy, is built strongly and compactly and is of medium height. We also learned that the views women as sexual objects and based on what they look like determines how he will act towards them. He also values materialism things such as his car and rough humor.

What expressionistic effects are created just before and after Blanche is attacked by Stanley? What mood is created?

Just before Blanche is attacked by Stanley the 'blue piano" goes quite and jungle noises rise up. After he attacks the trumpets and drums sound loudly. a mood of chaos and panic is created

Why does Mitch destroy the paper lantern? Why is this symbolic?

Mitch destroys the paper lantern because he wants to see Blanche in the full light. This is symbolic because Mitch has uncovered all of Blanche's lies and has revealed the true Blanche.

What impression of Mitch is created during this opening scene?

Mitch gives the impression of being different that the other men. He seems more caring and refined than the other men.

How does Mitch respond to her secret about her past?

Mitch responds to her secret about her past by comforting her in an embrace and saying that everyone needs someone.

Mitch reveals that he knows about Blanche's past. How did he verify the truth about her history?

Mitch reveals that he know about Blanche's past by saying he has verified the history with three different sources. A merchant, Stanley, and shaw all backed up Stanley's story

Who rings the doorbell? What does Blanche do before she opens the door? Describe the visitors's condition and Blanche's reaction.

Mitch rings the doorbell. Before Blanche opens the door she hides the liquor and puts on powder and cologne. Mitch is intoxicated and blanche reacts by scolding him for not being at diner and insulting her.

Explain the significance of Mitch's silver cigarette case and how it helps to increase the attraction between Blanche and Mitch.

Mitch's silver cigarette case shows value and has a literature inscription on the face. Blanche is attracted to the silvers value and the inscription of literature shows the similarity and common inerest between Mitch and Blanche

As the play opens, how is Stanley's primitive nature revealed?

Stanley bellows at Stella and throws meat at her, showing him to be impulsive and care free

What does Stanley conclude about the loss of Belle Reve?

Stanley concludes that Belle Reve was not lost but there is a coverup and Blanche is using the money from Belle Reve to fund her lifestyle.

Why does Stanley disregard Stella's request to keep her pregnancy a secret? How does Blanche respond when she learn Stella is pregnant?

Stanley disregard's Stella's wish to keep the pregnancy a secret to try and get sympathy from Blanche and get her to fess up to hiding the Money. Blanche responds with shock and joy when she finds out.

Why does Stanley get out his silk pajamas?

Stanley gets out his silk pajamas because if Blanche is all dressed up he said he should be too

What has Stanley learned of Blanche's past in Laurel? How did he learn this?

Stanley has learned that Blanche had a relationship with a man named Shaw and has been seen around the Hotel Flamingo. He learned it from his friend Shaw.

How does Stanley react to the news that Belle Reve has been lost?

Stanley is confused and skeptical when he hears that Belle Reve has been lost because he does not have evidence and believes something else is at play in the story

Why is Stanley, and not Mitch or Blanche, the best character to now tear the paper lantern from the bulb?

Stanley is the best person to tear down the paper lantern because he is the person who exposed all of Blanche's illusions that are represented by the paper lantern.

How does Stanley know that Blanche is lying about her encounter with Mitch? How does he react to this last episode of lies?

Stanley knows that Blanche is lying about Mitch because he knows where Mitch went after the encounter. He reacts to her last episode of lies by calling her out and yelling at her.

Stella demands to know why Stanley has done this to Blanche. What does he tell her and how does Stella respond?

Stanley says its because they haven't been as happy as they were since Blanche has been there. he also believes that Blanche is changing Stella. Stella responds by looking ill and saying she needs to go to the hospital

Why does Stanley slap Stella?

Stanley slaps Stella because she tried to get the men to leave after Stanley throws the radio out the window. He probably blames the radio noise on Stella and does not like being called a drunk by his wife.

Stanley tells Stella that he told Mitch about Blanche's past. Why did he tell him? What was Mitch's response?

Stanley tells Mitch because he would fell guilty if he didn't Mitch's response is that he is not done with her but is informed and won't be marrying Blanche

Describe the story Stanley tells Blanche about his cousin. Why does he tell his story?

Stanley tells the story of his cousin that could open beer bottles with his teeth until he broke his teeth and was ashamed of himself and would hide from people, He tells this story to ease the tension between Blanche and himself

Why does Stanley throw the radio out the window? Describe the immediate effect this has on Blanche.

Stanley throws the radio out the window because he already turned it off and told the women to be quite. The immediate effect is Blanche being worried about Stella

Stanley tells Stella that his life has been interrupted by the arrival of Blanche as well as Stella's pregnancy. What kind of life does he want to return to?

Stanley wants to return to a life of intense physical relationship that they has before Blanche came. He also claims that they were much happier together before Blanche came.

What is Stanley's birthday present for Blanche? Why is this a cruel gift? How does she react?

Stanley's birthday present for Blanche is a bus ticket back home. This is a cruel gift because he knows that she has nothing to go back to Laurel for. Blanche reacts by feeling sick and coughing and running to the bathroom.

The scene opens on another poker night. How has Stanley's luck changed since the first poker game?

Stanley's luck has improved since the first poker game. Stanley was losing in the first poker game and in this one he is winning. The game is symbolic because Blanche is a different person than in the beginning, Stella has changed but Stanley is the same if not better than before and is more pleased with himself

Blanche claims to have forgotten something. What is Stanley's response to this, and how does this response become symbolic?

Stanley's response to Blanche's claim is telling the doctor to come inside then reassures Blanche that anything she forgets they will send to her. The response becomes symbolic because it can be taken as kindness that Blanche preserves from strangers

How do Stanley, Pablo, and Steve react to Mitch's desire to quit the game?

Stanley, Pablo, and Steve react to Mitch's desire to quit the game by calling him antsy and making fun of him comparing him to a little kid with a piggy bank

Describe Stella's return to Stanley. Why is Blanche so shocked? What is Mitch's comment about their reconciliation?

Stella comes down the stairs and falls on her knees with Stanley with her eyes blind with tenderness and lets Stanley take her back home. Blanche is shocked because she has never seen such violence. Mitch's comment about their reconciliation is the they are crazy about each other and not to take it seriously.

What does Stella say that angers Stanley? What is his reaction and why?

Stella compares Stanley to a pig that is what angers him. His response is to smash all the plates and dish wear on the table and yell at Stella and then sulk outside. He responds this way because he does not like to be called degrading terms and thinks that is is all Blanche's fault

Describe Stella's reaction to Stanley's violence. What does he do to her? How do the others in the apartment respond to this next outburst?

Stella cries out against Stanley's violence. Stanley hits Stella. The others react by getting Stella out of the house and calming Stanley down and getting him away from her.

How has Stella deluded herself?

Stella has deluded herself into not believing what Blanche has told her and continues to ignore Stanley's fault. She also convinced herself that admitting Blanche is the only option

How is Stella is described in the stage directions? How does she contrast with Stanley?

Stella is a gentle women, about twenty-five and of a different background than her husbands. Stanley is described as being around thirty and being roughly dressed.

Why is Stella's labor and the suggestion of birth appropriate at thee end of this scene?

Stella is in labor due to all the stress the situation has caused her. The suggestions of birth is appropriate at the end of the scene because of al the chaos that has issued in this scene

Explain Stella's assessment of Stanley in relation to the other men.

Stella says that Stanley is the only one of the men to get anywhere and that he has drive

why is Stella taking Blanche out for the night? What is Stanley's reaction?

Stella takes Blanche out for the night because Stella doesn't think that Blanche could handle poker night with Stanley's friends. Stanley's reaction to this is anger because he thought Stella didn't make his dinner. He was also cynical towards Blanche.

Why are Steve and Eunice quarreling? How does Blanche react when she hears it?

Steve and Eunice are quarreling because Steve is cheating on Eunice. When Blanche reacts when she hears them quarreling by being up beat joking that he killed her

What dramatic function do Steve and Eunice, as a couple, serve?

Steve and Eunice as a couple serve a function to show an older version of Stella and Stanley

Tell how tension is created with the appearance of Stanley.

Tension is created with the rise of honky-tonk music and the door slams

What does the appearance of the tamale vendor suggest at the end of this scene?

The appearance of the tamale vendor suggests celebration will soon come along

Blanche hears the cathedral bells chime. What does this chiming represent?

The chiming represents time passing and her youth slipping away

How does the use of COLOR IMAGERY set the scene and create mood?

The color imagery sets a . harsh tone and a scene like something out of a van goh painting. The colors are raw much like the manners and personality of the men.

Explain the dramatic use of the piano music in the background

The dramatic use of the piano music is to create suspense and tension. When the piano music gets louder something dramatic is about to happen.

When does the flower vendor appear? what purpose does he serve?

The flower vendor appears after Mitch calls out Blanche for all her lies. The purpose she serves is to disrupt and tension and to flash back to Blanches past and increase her stress level (represent death)

How does this incident in her past life affect her present life?

The incident in her past still affects her present life as the guilt and sadness carries with her. it still greatly upsets her to talk about it

Blanche tells Mitch the meaning of her name. How is it both ironic and symbolic?

The meaning of Blanches name is ironic because it seems to indicate youth which Blanche pretends to have. The name is symbolic because it seems pure and delicate which is what Blanche wants her image to be

What is the Napoleonic code? When Stanley mentions the code to Blanche, how does she respond?

The napoleonic code means that a husband shares his goods with his wife and a wife shares her goods with her husband. Blanche responds by promising that she is not hiding anything.

What news does Stanley reveal about Blanche and how does Stella respond?

The news that Stanley gives Stella is that Blanche is infamous for dating around and lying. She also had relations with a seventeen-year-old student. Stella responds in sick and disbelief

What does the opening dialogue suggest about the poker players?

The opening dialogue suggests that the poker players are blunt and course and are comfortable with each other

What mood do the opening stage directions and setting description create? What effect is created with the "blue piano"?

The opening stage directions are setting description create a mood of chaotic peace. In the sense that it is all chaotic with the voices and Jazz but everyone is at peace. The blue piano music puts life into the scene with a melancholy tune.

Blanche says that she has been foolish to cast her pearls before swine. What are Blanche's "pearls", and why does she feel that she has cast them before "swine"?

The pearls Blanche is talking about is her qualities that make her special. She feels she has cast them before swine because Mitch and Stanley aren't worth it.

What is the purpose of Mitch's appearance at the end of the scene?Bla

The purpose of Mitch's appearance is to show that Blanche can pretend that nothing has happened.

Stanley asks Blanche why she is all dressed up. What reason does Blanche give? What is Stanley's response?

The reason Blanch gives is that she got a telegram from Shep Huntleigh to go on a cruise of the Caribbean. Stanley's response is to play along with it and mock her.

When does Scene 10 begin? What is Blanche's condition at the beginning of the scene?

The scene begins later that night. Blanche is drunk and hysteric at the beginning of the scene.

What is ironic about the song Blanche sings in the bathroom?

The song Blanche is singing is ironic because it talks about being phony and believing in someone which is much like Blanche

Who is the young man, and why does he come to the apartment? What happens between him and Blanche? What do we learn about Blanche from this scene?

The young man is a paper boy he comes into the apartment to sell a paper. Blanche makes advances on the young boy and kisses him. We learn that Blanche goes after children.

What is Blanche's reaction when she discovers she has arrived at Stella's home?

When Blanche realizes she is at Stella's house she is shocked and is in disbelief because it is so different than what she has come from.

How does Mitch become involved when Blanche retreats? What does this indicate about his temperament?

When Blanche retreats Mitch steps in and tries to protect Blanche. This indicates that he can become overtaken with emotions and reacts in response

How does Stanley exhibit his "commonness" when he first meets Blanche?

he takes his shirt off and askes about her dead husband, and offers her a drink

What expressionistic devices are coupled with the doctor's arrival, and what effects do the devices create?

when the doctor arrives the "varsouviana" that is playing becomes distorted and jungle noises rise up. Shadows also appear on the walls. These devices create a mood of chaos, panic, and delusion of reality.

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