English Midterm

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"The Crucible" Danforth does not want Hale in the jail because

Hale has no authority in the jail

"The Scarlet Letter" She has sinned and must wear the letter "A"

Hester Prynne

"The Scarlet Letter" What convinced the Governor to let Hester keep Pearl?

Hester would constantly remain Pearl of the consequences of sin

"The Scarlet Letter" What did Hester and Pearl see in the breastplate of the armor?

Hester's "A"

"The Scarlet Letter" Mr. Wilson asks Pearl, "Canst thou tell me, my child, who made thee?" What is Pearl's answer?

I was plucked from the wild rose bush by my mother's prison door

"The Crucible" One conflict that drives the plot in Act Two of this drama is a struggle between

John and Elizabeth Proctor

"The Crucible" The plot of the drama moves forward through dialogue when

Mary says that she can no longer lie

"The Scarlet Letter" She is the daughter of the sinner


"The Death of the Hired Man" What does Mary know all along?

Silas has come to their home to die

"The Crucible" Giles says that George Jacobs is named as a witch because

Thomas Putnam wants George's land

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" The narrator suspects that Leonidas W. Smiley is

a made-up person

"The Death of the Hired Man" How does Mary define home?

a place where you are always welcome

"The Scarlet Letter" For what does the letter A stand for?


"The Scarlet Letter" What "sign" did the meteor make in the sky?

an A

"The Crucible" Deference is the respect that

an elder deserves

"The Death of the Hired Man" Mary show her perspective nature when she

anticipates Warren's argument

"The Crucible" Trepidation means


"The Scarlet Letter" Where had Mr. Wilson, Hester, Pearl and Roger Chillingworth been that night that they would all be walking by the scaffolding at midnight?

at the governors death bed

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" Use the context clues to choose the best meaning of "Bannanner" in the dialect of the following expert: "Well, this-yer Smiley had a taller one-eyed cow that didn't have no tail, only a short stump like a bannanner . . ."


"The Crucible" Elizabeth explains to Proctor that if people confess to witchcraft they will

be saved from hanging

"The Scarlet Letter" Describe Pearl

beautiful but unusual

"The World on the Turtle's Back" The twins' creation in this myth tell you that Iroquois culture

believes in a balance of nature

"The Death of the Hired Man" Why does Silas have problems with both his brother and Harold?

both seem to look down upon Silas because of his level of education

"The Crucible" Reverend Hale show his education and authority by

bringing books with him to Salem

"The World on the Turtle's Back" When the woman falls from the Sky-World, the birds' actions show the animals

care about the gods

"The Devil and Tom Walker" What does the devil do to Tom at the end of the tale?

carries Tom away on a horse

"The Devil and Tom Walker" A censurer is someone who

criticizes harshly

"The Devil and Tom Walker" Ostentation is a

display to impress others

"The World on the Turtle's Back" When is the left-handed twin most likely present?

during war

"The World on the Turtle's Back" What does the left-handed twin want the mountain lion to do?

eat the deer

"The Devil and Tom Walker" Propitious means


"The Devil and Tom Walker" Tom and his wife are unhappy because they

fight about money

"The Crucible" Hale tries to be a hero in this drama when he tries to

get people to confess

"The Devil and Tom Walker" What does melancholy mean?


"The Death of the Hired Man" What does Warren think that Silas should do?

go to his brother's place

"The Devil and Tom Walker" What is avarice?


"The Devil and Tom Walker" The author most likely uses the image of Tom's green spectacles to show that Tom is

greedy and obsessed with wealth

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" What does infamous mean?

having a bad reputation

"The Crucible" What behavior allows you to draw the conclusion that something is bothering Parris?

he cries all the time

"The Crucible" What conclusion can you draw about Proctor after he forgets the commandment about adultery?

he feels guilty

"The Crucible" Why is Elizabeth suspicious of Proctor?

he lied about seeing Abigail alone

"The World on the Turtle's Back" Why does the man go to the Great Tree at the beginning of the myth?

he wants to make his wife happy

"The Crucible" You can draw the conclusion that Abigail Williams thinks she knows more about the world than the other women in the village know from

her conversation with John Proctor

"The Crucible" What do the stage directions in the following line tell you about Abigail Williams? Paris: Child. Sit you down. Abigail (quivering, as she sits): I would never hurt Betty. I love her dearly.

her uncle, Reverend Parris, makes her nervous

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" What does Andrew Jackson, the bull-pup, do to win his dog fights?

holds the other dog's hind legs

"The Crucible" What does Proctor question as Elizabeth is being arrested?

how innocent the accusers are

"The Scarlet Letter" What did Pearl ask Mr. Dimmesdale?

if he would stand hand in hand with her & Hester on the scaffolding

"The Crucible" When Danforth says that ". . . a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between" you can draw the conclusion that he

is a stern person

"The Crucible" Mary Warren refuses to go to court after Elizabeth is arrested because she

is afraid that Abigail will hurt her

"The Crucible" Danforth says, "I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime." You can draw the conclusion that he

is unwilling to admit his mistakes

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" What does Wheeler say that Dan'l Webster can do better than any other frog?

jump distances

"The World on the Turtle's Back" The right-handed twin is angry because the left-hanse twin

kills their mother

"The Crucible" Proctor knows that Abigail

lied about witchcraft in the woods

"The Crucible" Paris wants Hale to come to the jail to

make people confess

"The Death of the Hired Man" Characterization of Silas is achieved in this narrative poem mainly through

other characters' words

"The Death of the Hired Man" Lines 121-123 show that the setting of this narrative poem is

outside the house

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" What does tranquil mean?


"The World on the Turtle's Back" What does the creation myth explain about the Iroquois dance rituals?

people dance in the same direction as the sun

"The Crucible" Giles, Proctor, and Francis come to the court to

prove that their wives are innocent

"The World on the Turtle's Back" The Great Tree is important in the Iroquois' creation myth because the tree's roots

provide the earth's plants

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" Dilapidated means


"The Crucible" Proctor finally tells about his affair with Abigail to

save Elizabeth

"The Death of the Hired Man" Warren refuses to let Silas come back because Silas

seems unreliable

"The Scarlet Letter" How did Hester support herself and Pearl?


"The Scarlet Letter" Hester is released from prison. Why doesn't she run away to a different settlement?

she feels her soul may be purged clean if she remains living there, disgraced

"The Scarlet Letter" Describe Hester's feelings towards Pearl

she loved Pearl

"The Scarlet Letter" What did Hester tell Roger Chillingworth when they met on the peninsula?

she was going to break her promise to him

"The Crucible" Ann Putnam sends her daughter Ruth to Tituba to

speak to Ann's dead babies

"The Scarlet Letter" What were people beginning to think of Hester?

started recognizing her as a person instead of as just a sinner

"The Crucible" Elizabeth's willingness to go with Cheever allows you to draw the conclusion that she is


"The Crucible" Corroborating means

supporting with evidence

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" Someone who is garrulous is


"The Death of the Hired Man" Mary is waiting for Warren to

tell him about Silas

"The Crucible" Anarchy means

the absence of order

"The Scarlet Letter" How did Roger Chillingworth become Dimmesdale's medical advisor?

the church elders and deacons reminded him it would be a sin not to seek medical help

"The World on the Turtle's Back" The right-handed twin takes control of

the daylight realm

"The Crucible" What does Reverend Parris see in the forest?

the girls dancing and Tituba waving

"The Scarlet Letter" What information did Hester refuse to tell the officials and Mr. Dimmesdale?

the name of the man who had sinned with her

"The Crucible" What circumstance points to Abigail as the villain in this drama?

the needle in the doll

"The Death of the Hired Man" Study the form of line 161. What does the poet show with the line break?

the speaker has interrupted the dialogue

"The Crucible" Why does Danforth insist that Proctor sign the confession?

the town must know that he has confessed

"The World on the Turtle's Back" The arrows that the man brings to the girl represent

the twins

"The Scarlet Letter" What does Rev. Dimmesdale's congregation think of him?

they think he's practically a saint

"The Scarlet Letter" What was the relationship between Hester and Roger Chillingworth?

they were married but had been separated

"The Scarlet Letter" What did Hester promise to Roger Chillingworth?

to conceal his true identity

"The Scarlet Letter" Why do Hester and Pearl go to the forest?

to intercept Dimmesdale

"The Scarlet Letter" Why did Mr. Dimmesdale rush from the room to the end of the conversation he had with Roger Chillingworth?

to keep from being trapped into a confession

"The Scarlet Letter" Why did Hester go to see Governor Bellingham?

to plead to keep Pearl

"The Scarlet Letter" Where did Mr. Dimmesdale go at midnight?

to the scaffolding

"The Notorious Jumping Frog" Indifferent means


"The Crucible" What evidence does Parris give that the townspeople do not support the trials?

very few people come to Proctor's excommunication

"The Devil and Tom Walker" Tom begins praying and reading the Bible because he

wants to escape the devil

"The Crucible" Elizabeth thinks that Abigail has accused her of witchcraft because Abigail

wants to marry Proctor

"The Crucible" What does iniquity mean?


"The Notorious Jumping Frog" An example of hyperbole in this tale is Wheeler saying that Smiley

will follow a bug to Mexico

"The Devil and Tom Walker" What is the author making a satire of in the following passage? "Tom was a hard-minded fellow, not easily daunted, and he had lived so long with a termagant wife that he did not even fear the devil."


"The Scarlet Letter" Who is the leech?


"The Crucible" Why is Proctor angry after he signs the paper?

Proctor refuses to be part of a lie

"The Scarlet Letter" He asks the sinner to reveal the name of the man who sinned with her

Rev. Mr. Dimmesdale

"The Scarlet Letter" He is the sinner's former husband

Roger Chillingworth

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