English semester 1 exam

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The theme of the poem "Making a fist" is...

Inner strength

The main theme of jealousy found in "Jane Eyre" is considered...

1. A conflict of many of the characters 2. An internal conflict

In the poem "A poison tree" the tree symbolizes revenge?


An important theme in this story connects to the social class and following social rules?


Select all statements that are true about Victorian times...

1. Social class was basically set in stone at birth 2. Birth rights and inheritance usually went to the first born son 3. Men in the upper class spent a good half of the year doing business leaving their children to cared for by nannies

Which of the following statements is true for "The road not taken" ?

1. The outcome of the decision is ambiguous because we don't know if the decision was a good one or a bad one 2. The path in the poem represents choices that the speaker must make in life 3. This poem can be called an extended metaphor

Which of the following statements is true? Or " An American draft dodger in Thunder Bay"

1. The speaker in the poem is an American living in Canada to avoid the draft 2. The Canadian Shield has two meanings in the poem 3. This text uses personification

People had to be highly educated to remain in the working class?


The "Man in the Arena" referrers to people who sit on the sidelines


In "Jane Eyre" what is the red room?

The room in which Jane's uncle reed died

Which of the following statements is true?

1. Roosevelt would not measure the mans worth by his success but rather by the number of the attempts he has made to accomplish something 2. Roosevelt would approve of Nelson Mandela's attempt to bring racial equality to South Africa 3. The use of allusion is evident and Angelou says "Out of the huts history's shame..."

The lyrics in "Fulsome prison blues"... let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away.. serves as an example of these literary devices

1. Alliteration 2. Personification

In the poem "A poison tree" the tree symbolizes wrath?


Which of the follow statements are true true from the poem " Life is fine" ?

1. The theme is that no matter how things seem in your life, there is a reason to go on 2. It was written by Langston Hughes 3. The narrator has lost loves

Mark all answers that apply to the term GOTHIC LITERATURE...

1. We can associate the word with feelings of uneasiness, suspense, and even despair 2. It can often contain supernatural elements 3. Takes place in settings such as castles, abbeys, or lakes

The theme of the poem "The choice" is always chose money if you want to be happy?


Victorian era class rooms were similar to the class rooms that we see today?


At the beginning of the novel Jane feels a sense of alienation as an orphan?


Governesses typically came from upper or middle class families and were more often then not unweeded woman?


In "Fulsome prison blues" the whistle blowing also serves as a symbol for the life that is going on outside the prison reminding the speaker that he is confined?


In the first stanza of "The stranger" the speaker does not complain so much about the way the stranger looks but more about the way the speaker can not understand how the stranger thinks?


Jane divides her inheritance equally among her cousins, the Rivers?


Mr. Loyd suggest that Jane be sent away to school


Roosevelt gave this speech "Man in the arena" in Paris, France in 1910


Saint John Rivers finds Jane a teaching job in the town of Morton?


The woman in the poem "The choice" chose the person who gave her love?


doctors and lawyers, clerks, and the bankers were considered middle class?


Which of the following are true for "Drink your tea" ?

1. Martin Luther King Junior nominated Hanh for a Nobel piece prize 2. The final sentence of the poem serves also as a summary of its meaning

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