English Semester Exam

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What is an abrupt break in the middle of a line of poetry?


Why did Grendel attack the Danes in the first place?

He was lonely and felt isolated.

What was the name of the sword Beowulf used to initially fight the Troll-wife?


Who has just died as the story opens?

Lots of danes killed by Grendel (30 men)

Define an alliterations?

Repetition of the same word or letter in a sentence.

What was the second type of Anglo-Saxon literature?


What was the name of the Anglo Saxon poet?


Faerie Queen: By Edmund Spenser

-They are trying to find a place to cover themselves from the rain. -The forest is the thickest, looking for deception. -He gives his weaponry to someone who serves satan. -When its the hottest there is no smoke. -His pride is not allowing him to listen. -His light is diminished and he knows it, but he doesn't see it. -Error or hypocrisy is what he is on a mission to defeat. -Hes thinning like a youth. -Toads and frogs--> Witches

Immediately before he left Denmark, who did Beowulf give a sword to and why?

Boat Warden

Riddles: (Anonymous Anglo Saxon Poem)

Book Worm and Honey Mead:

Who is considered the first Anglo Saxon poet whose name we know?


According to the poem about sailors, what were three primary ways that Anglo-Saxon people died?

Old age, illness, war

What does the name Unferth literally mean?


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Pearl Poet

Le Morte d'Arthur

Sir Thomas Malory

What is the name of the mysterious rock formation on the Salisbury Plains?


Who is considered to be the founder of english history?

Venerable Bede

What are three points to Beowulf's resume?

1. Arm strength of 30 men 2. Killed 5 giants and their families 3. Killed Nikers

Define the word Boon?

A favor or request

Who was taken by the Troll-wife?


Part One: The Conversion of King Edwin

-The Nation of the Northumbrians, the nation of the angels that live on the north side of the river Humber with their King Edwin. -They received their faith through the preachings of Paulinus. - King Edwin would sit several hours alone, and ponder as to what religion he should follow. - The man of God came to him, and placed his right hand on the long's head and asked whether he knew that sign?" -The king was about to fall down when he raised him up. -THe king hearing the words from him, said that he was willing and able to receive the faith which he taught. -Paulinus consenting, the king did as he said, for holding a council with the wise men, he asked of everyone in particular what they thought of the new doctrine, and the new worship being preached. -The chief of his own priests: Coifi He says the religion taught to us he "sees no virtue in". -Another one of the King's chiefs says "If therefore this new doctrine contains something more certain, it seems justly to deserve to be followed."

Get Up and Bar the Door

-The ballad opens with a woman busy with chores and cooking while her husband is lounging. When a gust of wind opens the door to their home, the husband insists his wife "get up and bar the door". She refuses on account of her workload. They agree that the first to speak must do it and they sit in silence for hours. At midnight, two thieves arrive and eat all of the food prepared by the wife and then propose to molest her. The husband finally speaks up in protest, making him the loser of the bet. The wife, with no hesitation, tells him to "get up and bar the door!".

Sir Patrick Spens

-The poem of Sir Patrick Spens tells the story of a knight, Sir Patrick Spens, who goes to sea on a mission for the king. Sir Patrick was asked by the king to fetch the daughter of the king of Norway and sail with her to Scotland. As Sir Patrick Spens begins his mission in winter, he feels a little worried about it. A lot of troublesome vents occur to Sir Patrick Spens and his crew, and the reader has to judge whether it was a wise voyage, or not. In the end you find out it was not a wise voyage because Sir Patrick and his crew die while at sea.

Part 2: The Story of the Caedmon:

-There was in this abbess's monastery a certain brother who was remarkable for the grace of God. -He would make poetical expressions from what he interpreted from the Lord. -English was his native language. -He did not learn the art of poetry from men, but from God. -He could never compose any trivial or vein poem. -In his sleep, a person appeared and said caedmon sing a song to me. He said he left, because he could not sing. -The other person who talked to him said "However you shall sing." He asked what he should sing, and the other replied " sing and the other replied "sing the beginning of created beings." -He began to sing the verses to praise God, which he had never heard.

5 Guildsmen:

-Wear fine clothes, they are wealthy. -They wear distinctive dresses of their occupations. -Included: Haberdasher, a dyer, a carpenter, a weaver, and a tapestry- maker. -Treated as a group. -Their wives are addressed as madam they drive them. -Have their tails carried behind them like royalty. -Silver dagger, a lot of money, poor quality. -They are going to Canterbury because they can. -Tell a tale about being a pro in their field.


-Wears red to represent the blood of his patients. -Blue sash is feminine. -Health food nut. -Into astrology. -Mixed up drugs: apothecary -Loved money and wealth. -Takes the hypocratic path, "do everything in your power to help your patients." -Really doesn't care about their health. -Doesn't read his Bible.

What is etched on the Sword of the Giants/ Gods?


What makes Beowulf a universal hero? Why?

He has courage the odds are always against him.

What was the first type of anglo-saxon literature?


Define alliteration

The repetition of like sounds

Ecclessiastical History of the English People (By: The Venerable Bede)

Background: The Venerable Bede loved to meditate and make notes on the Scriptures. Shortly before his death, Bede dictated his translation of the Gospel of John into English. -In Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Bede tells the story of the conversion of King Edwin and the story of Caedmon. -Caedmon, sometimes called "the Anglo-Saxon Milton". He was the first Anglo-Saxon poet whose name we actually know.

What is considered the oldest Germanic epic?


Danish people are called _______ in the story?


What is the title of the book from which we get out facts about early English history?

Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Swedish people are also called________ and _______ in the story?

Geets, veters

What was the name for the Anglo Saxon performer, chanter, or harper?


Bede was fluent in what three languages?

Greek, Latin, Hebrew

List the three adversaries of Beowulf?

Grendel, Troll Wife, Dragon

What are the two names of the mead hall of Hrothgar?

Hall of the Heart, Heroat

Who was the Danish king who Beowulf helped?


Who is the nephew of Hrothgar?


What English king was converted to Christianity in this excerpt by Bede?

King Edwin

Ruling Pyramid

Knight: -He loved faith, honor and freedom. -Hes fought in 15 mortal battles. -Hes fought the turks. -His best contribution to society was he never said an ill word to a knight or surf. -"Perfect gentle knight" (as meek as a maid) -Hes going because he wants to genuinely seek the Lord. -Hes writing a story with God at the center of it, one with integrity.

What was the type of wood used to make bucklers?

Lindey wood

Anglo-Saxon Questions?/Introduction

Period was 449-1066 -Stonehenge was one of the greatest mysteries of all time. It stands on the plains of Salisbury in Southern England. The Anglo-Saxons would give England her name, her language and the beginnings of her literature. -The greatest of the Anglo-Saxon poems and the oldest surviving epic of any Germanic people is Beowulf. -Beowulf had no author. It is the story of a man struggling against three monstrous and mysterious incarnations of evil. It is divided into 3 parts: 1) Beowulf's flight with Grendel 2) Beowulf's confrontation with Grendel's mother 3) Beowulf slays the dragon 50 years later.

What is the name of the anonymous Anglo-Saxon poem dealing with the sea?


What ultimately happened to Unferth's sword?

The end of it melted, so Beowulf got it refurbished.

-The speaker announces that he can make a true song about himself and the suffering he went through in the middle of winter. -He remembers terrible cold and loneliness, instead of hearing sounds of the mead-hall. -The life of hardship is something the "city dwellers" do not understand. -His spirit is troubled, so he is enduring harsh regions to find a "foreign homeland". -Spring has arrived, and it only provokes more wanderlust. The cry cry of a cuckoo makes the speaker fall down right in the dumps. -The seafarer's spirit leaps out of his chest and soars all over the world, then returns to him unsatisfied. -He knows the world's riches will not last. -The days of earthly glory are over, because the wealthy and powerful have fallen. -The weak have inherited the earth. Glory and nobility have all faded. - A sinful soul can't take gold with him after death. -Only a fool does not fear God; he will meet death unprepared. -What 3 things are unpredictable until it happens? (Death by illness, old age, and in battle)

What attractive power does the sea have on the seafarer? Old English poem by an anonymous author. He compares the "call of the sea" to the "call of God to his heart".

What did Beowulf give to Hydgelac?

3 Horses and a necklace

Who was the man who stopped Beowulf and his men at the mead hall door?

Coast Guard

Wife of Bath:

-Red dress, scarlet hoes, great big hat. -Had 5 marriages: 5 rings. -Gap between her teeth, deaf in the left ear. -Seimstress. -She is self deceived. -Going to the canterbury to seek God.


-Someone who hunts, cooks, and cleans for the knight. - Dressed in brown and green. (forrester) -Peacock feather arrows, that he buys with the knight's money.

What 3 things did Beowulf ask of Hrothgar before he jumped into the water?

1. To send his men back home 2. To have his things send home 3. Proper burial

What is the party after Grendel's arm ripped off considering tainted or unfulfilling?

Unfulfilling, because Grendel may still be alive.

Lord Randall

-The real story, however, is the cryptic narrative that Lord Randall offers in response to his mom's queries. He reveals that he went hunting, then had dinner with his special lady friend, who fed him a dish of eels in broth. His dogs, who probably ate some of the same food, died rather horribly. This leads Lord Randall's mother to the terrible conclusion that he has been poisoned, like the dogs. -Lord Randall confirms this, and, stating that he's "sick at heart," also confirms that it was his treacherous "true love" who poisoned him. Yikes. We discover at the end that his refrain, "make my bed soon" refers to the fact that he is "weary" because he's actually going to die soon (in olden days, talk of making beds or going to bed was often a way of referring to death, so the bed in question is either a deathbed or a grave, depending on circumstances).

Part Three: Caedmon's Hymn

-The words he sang about God and his glory could literally not be translated into another language, because they would loose their beauty and loftiness. -When he awake, he remembered everything he sung in his dream, and he continued to add more verses worth of deity. -In the morning the steward (his superior) conducted him to the abbess, where he was ordered to tell his dream in front of many men. -All the men concluded that heavenly grace had been conferred on him by our Lord. -The men wanted him to write it down. He came back the next morning and gave it to them composed in the most excellent verses. -Embracing the grace of God in the man instructed him to quit the secular habit, and take upon the monastic life. -She associated him to the rest of the brethren in her monastery, and ordered that he should be taught the whole series of sacred history. -The gift of poetry was given to Caedmon.


-A knight in training, strong and quick. -He trained his hair to curl. -He cares about external things. -He wore a tunic. -Plays the flute. -Everytime there is a moonlight, he falls in love. -Hes not authentic. -He is going to use one of his "lines". -Going to tell a tale about love.

Edward Edward

-A mother questions her son, Edward, of the blood on his sword. He lies to her repeatedly, claiming that he killed his hawk, steed, and eventually admitting to killing his father for his riches. He declares that he is going to leave over seas, leaving his family and property to fend for themselves. The last stanza implies that his mother had a part in the murder by asking him what she will gain from his father's death and Edward's departure. Edward hopes that "The curse of hell from [him she] shall bear,/ Such counsels [she] gave to me, O". This indicates that she "counseled", or encouraged, Edward to kill his father out of greed.


-A wealthy landowner. -He loved parties, they would last for days. -Very wealthy. -Made sure his staff had supplies on hand at all times. -Very expensive clothes on, has a white beard. -Did not come from Nobility. -Holds several titles. -Respected at the bank and in the community. -Has a pure white silk purse, he got it authentically. He has a dagger on his body. -Violent temper, no respect for the lower class. -Hurt his servants physically. -Would tell a tale of success.

Canterbury Tales (Background Info)

-Author: Geoffrey Chaucer -Might have been born around 1328-1345 -Geoffrey starts working for the king as 8 years old, then he became a squire, and then a knight. He then became a diplomat for Italy. -He married Phillipa Roet -He was married at Westminister Abbey, Poet Corner (first one to be buried there) -Inferno= the nine levels of Hell -The Arch Bishop of Canterbury was the authority. -Talbert Inn: Meeting place -Of the 120 tales, only 24 were written -One type of tale was called exemplum. Short tale that teaches a lesson. An Example, The Pardoner's Tale - which taught that the love of money is the root of all evil.


-Captain of a ship. -Plain wool outfit. -Wears a dagger around his neck. -Knows his business very well. -Specializes in importing and exporting wines. -A little bit of a pirate. -Never takes any prisoners. -Gamble on his life. -Not religious. -Going to canterbury to get more clientele.


-During a New Year's eve feast at King Arthur's court the green knight shows up. -He challenged the leader or anyone else to a game. -The green knight says whoever accepts the challenge to strike him with his own axe on the condition that the challenger find him in one year to receive a blow in return. -Arthur steps up, but Gawain takes his place. -He cuts off his head and before riding away the knight puts it back on and reminds him of the deal. -One year, and a day at the chapel. -Gawain sets off on his horse (Gringolet) going through many hardships. -When he gets to the castle, the host, Bertilak, makes a deal to go hunting everyday with his men, and when he returns he will exchange things with what Gawain found at the castle. -The first day, the lord brings back a doe, and back at home the lord's wife gives Gawain a kiss. -The second day, the lord hunts boar, and the lady gives him 2 kisses and later they exchange. -The third day, the Lord hunts fox and the wife gives him three kisses, she also asks for a love token. -The love token is either a ring or gloves. -He won't give her anything, until she talks about her Girdle, its silk and claims to protect whoever wears it from death. -He accepts it, but doesn't give it to the Lord. -He leaves to meet the Green Knight on New Years Day, a guide joins him in the forest and promises not to say anything if he gave up, but he kept going. -The knight reveals himself, he strikes him 3 times and the last drew barely any blood. -He reveals himself as Bertilak and known he was dishonest and reveals the old woman was Morgan le Faye, Gawains Aunt. -She sent the knight originally, and changes his face. -Gawain wear the girdle on his arm as a reminder of his failure, all the other knights join in support.


-He begs for the poor all day. -He hangs out with the rich and the women. -Pocketed the money for himself. -Bought his own street to beg on. -Owns hair pins and pocket knives. -Arranged marriages. -Plays the harp. -He has a really nice outfit on that he's not supposed to have. -When he passed the offering plate, he developed a lisp, so that people would give him more money. -Fun, loving, tan, and loves to hunt. -Goes to Canterbury for the girls.


-He has a wound on his knee. -He is well known and very famous. -Kitchen is not clean. -Famous for desserts and his chicken stew. -Wine, and ale drinks a lot. -His sore will get into the stew. -Going to canterbury because of his knee. -Hes going to tell a tale about the success of his stew with the king.

The Oxford Clerk:

-Hes not paying money back, but he'll pray for you. -He doesn't talk much. -He is poor and thin. -Well educated. -Integrity problem. -He knows lots about Aristotle, this book is on his night stand. -Going to tell a philosophical tale.


-In charge of a covenant. -Her outfit was made of pleats and darts. -She wants people to think she's in the noble class. -Coy: playful, artificial -She doesn't care about people. -Has a rosary around her neck that is rosary and gold. -Taken a vow of poverty. -Gold around her neck "Love conquers all".

Camelot: Character List

-King Arthur: A legendary British leader who according to medieval histories and romances led the defense of Britain against saxon invaders in the 5th and 6th centuries. -Guinevere: A princess at the plays beginning, Genny has reluctantly come to Camelot to accept her fate as bride to King Arthur, who she has not met. She continues to love and support Arthur even though she loves Lancelot. -Clairse: She is a friend to one of the wandering companions "Sir Laris." -Dap: Lancelot's Squire -Lancelot: A knight of the round table. -Merlin: Arthur's long time magician friend. He can predict the future because he has already lived it. -Pelenoire(Penny): Hunter of the questioning beast. -Mordred: A notorious traitor who fought King Arthur at the Battle of Caiman, where he was killed and Arthur was fatally wounded. -Mordred's mother's name: Morgause -Mordred's fathers name: King Lot -Lionel: An imposing, strong knight in Arthur's court. Choose to defeat Lancelot. -Sagamore: Another one of the knights in Arthur's court. -Deniden: A knight in Arthur's court choosen by Genny to joust against Lancelot in hopes of humbling the arrogant Knight. -Pendragon: The mighty English King. He is the father of King Arthur and three daughters. Sir Kay: Sir Ector's son. He is knighted by Arthur and later goes with Arthur on a pilgrimage to St. Micahels Mount. -Sir Bruce: An evil Knight known for his sneak attacks and ambushes.


-King Uther of England falls in love with Igrayne, the wife of one of his vessels. -Wizard Merlin, disguised himself as her husband and sleeps with her having Arthur. -He is hidden away with another vassal, Sir Ector until new years day, a little after Uther's death. -Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes King of England. -His reign begins with an alliance of twelve northern kings led by his uncle, King of Orkney. -He dies in a fight with Sir Pellyhore. -The king solidifies his kingship by marrying Gwenyvere, one round table for 150, including 100 knights. -Arthur supplying 49 more men and a seat left, the Round Table is born. -He receives demand for tribute from Lucius, emperor of Rome, goes to war with him becoming the emperor of Rome. -On the way home, he makes all the lands a part of his kingdom. -Lancelot and Gwenyvere's love is exposed by Sir Aggravaybe and Mordred. -Instead of her being burned at the stake, Lancelot rescues her. -In this battle Lancelot kills Sir Garetn and Gaheris. -When Richard leaves, he has Mordred in charge who declared himself King of England, and when Richard comes back they kill one another in the battle of salisbury plain.


-Lives in a monestary. -Writer, highly educated. -A man's man. -Kept many horses, greyhounds. -They did not do their own labor. -The finest furline outfit. -Hood on= authority over you. -Hood off= no authority over you. -He has a gold pin in the form of a love knot.

Sergeant at Law

-Narrator of the 5th tale, lawyer, and judge. -No errors in his legal writings. -Appointed by the king to be a judge. -Very wealthy. -Land buyer, all the land is his. -Looks like he works a lot, but he is lazy. -He knew all the crimes for the past 400 years. -A part of the upper class. -Coat of red, belt made of silk. -Hes going to tell a tale of prosperity.

Barney Barbara Allan (Roger Quilter)

-On November 11 Sir John Graeme fell in love with Barbara Allan. He sent his servant to her house to call her to his house. She slowly gets up and goes to him, where she coolly points out that he is on his deathbed. He agrees and points out he is dying for her love. She reminds him of that one time he was in the tavern, drunk, and he "slights" her, causing her embarrassment. He turns his head in shame and declares that his friends to be kind to Barbara even though she rejected him. After she hears of his passing so soon after her visit, she tells her mother to prepare her deathbed. They are buried together in a churchyard. A red rose sprouts from his grave while a briar grows from hers, eventually growing and intertwining.

Camelot Questions:

-Why was Guinevere reluctant to marry Arthur? First time to marry, she doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't love. -Why was Arthur reluctant to marry Guinevere? He is panicked about marriage, because he has never lived with a woman before. -Give three examples, according to Arthur, of why Camelot is a great place to live? Limited amount of snowfall, Light by day break, rain in the night. -Who is Merlin, explain? Arthur's long time magician friend. He can predict the future because he has already lived it. -How does Merlin know Arthur's future? He has already lived it. -What is the primary thing King Arthur wants to do to England? Bring them unity and happiness. -What is Lancelot's last name, and who is his father? Du Lac and King Ban -At what age could Lancelot defeat all the jousters in France? 14 -How did Merlin teach Arthur to think? As an animal and that knowledge was more. -Who are the three knights Guinevere gets to joust against Lance in order to kill him? Lionel, Sagamore, Deniden -Finally you get to see a headstalls in this film. What two are seen? Swine and Deer -Which knight is "killed" by Lance? Deniden -Lance says, "my skill comes from training, my strength from? Purity -Who is the lost king that Arthur knew as a boy? King Pelliniore -What are three things the people do to celebrate May? Fasting, sing, picnic, Festival -What does Arthur want to begin in England, really to protect Guinevere? A jury and trial.


-Wore a cloak, a hat with fur from Finland, his shoes have buckel's on them. -Has a forked beard. -Hes a liar. -Imports and exports a lot of stuff. -He thinks the english government should escort his ships because of pirates. -He was very humble in the way he spoke. -In major debt.

List 5 things Hrothgar gave to Beowulf?

1. 8 horses 2. Jewels 3. Saddles 4. Horses

What are the six languages of Beowulf?

1. Anglo-Saxon 2. Celtic 3. Scandinavian 4. Jute 5. Latin 6. Danish

List four characteristics of an epic?

1. Contains a universal hero 2. Contains the supernatural 3. Tells a story and relates it to other stories 4. Tells a few events of a person's life.

List the 8 characteristics of an epic?

1. Contains a universal hero 2. Supernatural 3. Tells and relates to other stories 4. Tells a few events of a persons life 5. Concerned with moral choices 6. Unbiased 7. Deep elemental passions 8. Historical document

List 3 things Wealtheow gave to Beowulf?

1. Corselet 2. Collar 3. Wants him to befriend and mentor her sons

List the three reasons why England is a desirable country?

1. Fertile soil 2. Warm weather (Gulf Stream) 3. Water inlets

What are the three reasons why Hrothgar is so we'll liked by his men?

1. Gives them land 2. Gives them their lives 3. Gives them the mead hall

List 3 Characteristics of the Anglo Saxon People?

1. Hardy warriors 2. Sea Rovers 3. They were capable of profound and noble creations

List five characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature?

1. Love of freedom 2. Responsiveness to nature 3. Strong religious convictions 4. Reference for womanhood 5. Devotion to glory

Medieval Era: Introduction

1. Ruling class: Kings and Queens 2. Noble Class: Knights and squires 3. Clergy: Prioress, Monk, Friar, Pardoner, Parson 4. Middle: Merchant, oxford clerk, doctor, wife of bath, Franklin, Sergant-at-law 5. Trade: Carpenter, weaver, Dyer, Cook, Haberdasher, Carpet-maker 6: Peasant: Host, Skipper, Yeoman, Plower, Miller Medieval Period was 1066-1485 -When William the Conqueror invaded England from Normandy, France in 1066, the Old English period ended. Many social and literary changes followed. The religious life of the people was restructured by the Roman Catholic Church -Literature written in English was not to be found for 100 years after the Norman Invasion. Literature was written in Latin, the language of the Roman church. As well poetry was written in French, the language of the Normans. -Here sprang the romance of which the tales of King Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are examples. -During the Medieval period, many literature genres were born, such as the lyric and drama. -Sir Thomas Malory (Morte Darthur) was the most notable writer of the fifteenth century. -William Caxton set up the first printing press in England. He printed Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Malory's Morte Darter and Virgil's Aeneid.

What 2 things did Beowulf bring up from under the water in his fight with the Troll Wife?

1. Sword of God's 2. Grendal's Head

Book Worm

1. What does the bookworm eat? Books 2. What is the theme? Mans words are not immortal 3. What is the irony of the Bookworm? He steals words, but is not wise 4. Name a quote from the riddle? "Was not a whit the wiser for swallowing words." An anonymous Anglo-Saxon Poem.

Honey Mead

1. What is honey mead? Alcoholic drink consisting of honey, spices, and fruit. 2. What does Honey-mead warn against? The dangerous of drinking alcohol. 3, What does honey- mead alcohol make people do? Forgetful, speech impediment, binds them. Anonymous Anglo-Saxon poem. The chief lesson from this riddle is: That alcohol will rob one of his strength and reason.

The 5 Ballads

1.Barney Barbara Allan 2.Lord Randall 3.Edward Edward 4.Sir Patric Spence 5.Get up and bar the door Popular ballad: short narrative folk song which tells of a single (usually tragic) event in an objective, unbiased nature. Consists of 4 rhyming lines and 4 accented iambic syllables. Carol: Popular art form that originated in medieval France. Joyous songs. "The Cherry Tree Carol" is an example of an early English folk carol.

The barrow/ monument of Beowulf took ______ days to build?


How many gifts did Hrothgar give to Beowulf before he left Denmark? Why this number?

12, Representing the 12 years Grendel attacked the mead hall.

What ultimately happened to Sword of the Giants/Gods?

Beowulf gave it to Hrothgar.

What is the chain mail called that goes under the great plate?


What is a shield called in the story?


Everyman: Anonymous

The subject of Everyman is the Hour of Death Everyman has 3 friends: 1) Fellowship 2) Kindred 3) Good-Deeds but ONLY Good Deeds is willing to go with him after death and plead his case before God. Unknown Author -Kindred (which means "of the same family") deserts Everyman, along with Cousin. This represents Everyman's close family and friends deserting him. -Goods refuses to go with Everyman=you can't take material goods with you. -Good Deeds is the one character who doesn't desert Everyman, because only your good deeds are what matters when you go to heaven. -Discretion: One of the three persons of great might that help Everyman redeem himself in the end. Assures him that all will be well. -Five-Wits: Represent the 5 senses. Another person of great might. Teaches Everyman about the importance of priesthood and reassures him in the end. -Angel: Emerges as Everyman dies. Tells us that he has made it into heaven. -Doctor: Delivers final speech/prayer. Prompts the audience to cleanse themselves as Everyman has. -Knowledge: Guides Everyman from around the middle of the play, and leads him to Confession. -Knowledge is best defined as 'acknowledgement' of sin. -Confession: Allows Everyman to confess and repent his sins. -Beauty and Strength: Both of these characters desert Everyman in the second half of the play.

What are the theories regarding how Beowulf was written?

Theory 1: Written by one monk (they were the only ones who could read and write at the time) Theory 2: Written by two monks (the story takes place in two different locations. Denmark and Sweden) Theory 3: Written by three monks (3 battles that take place, and they are all very different)

Describe Beowulf and his men's armor that makes it different from the Danish?

They have a chest plate, and it is made out of complete Gold.

Define a kenning? Give 2 Example?

Two or more word metaphor. 1. Whale, road 2. Battle sweat, Blood

What was Beowulf's relationship to Hygelac?


Who belittled Beowulf in front of Hrothgar?


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