Which of the following will make you research easier?
A good thesis statement.
Which is the first step in investigating your research topic?
Analyzing the assignment
Which of the following would be included in a book citation?
Author, title, publisher name
When you search for information on your chosen topic and come up with no useful results, what is the best strategy?
Be flexible with your thesis statement and try a broader search to identify other aspects of the issue
Plagiarism includes:
Borrowing the ideas of someone without crediting them
Students who live off campus
Can look up library books and articles from any Internet connection
In TIP, CRAAP is an acronym for
Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose
The two major classification systems used in academic libraries are:
Dewey Decimal System and the Library of Congress System
Which of the following questions should you ask yourself when considering the relevance of a potential source?
Does the source add something new to your knowledge of your topic?
A confirmed case of plagiarism at Blinn may result in
Failing the course
Including an image of a painting with proper citation in your art history paper is:
Fair use
APA and MLA style guides both refer to
Formats for citing sources used in a paper
Why is investigation so important to the research process?
How you ask + where you look = what you get.
The fashion scene in Bryan, TX is inferior to the fashion scene in Houston. Why is this thesis statement lame?
It is statement of opinion that cannot be supported with published research.
Which statement about keyword searching is correct?
Keyword searching relies on vocabulary chosen by the person searching.
Which is the best source if you are seeking a scholarly peer-reviewed article?
Mark P., Kartashov, A. I., Ebbeling, C. B., Van Horn, L., Slattery, M. L., Jacobs, Jr., D. R., & Ludwig, D. S.. "Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (The CARDIA Study): 15-year prospective analysis". (2005) The Lancet, 365(9543), 36.
You are analyzing a book for a history class and you jotted down an excellent description of the book written by a historian. You lost the citation, so you reorganize the words of the historian and include them in your paper without a citation. This is
Plagiarism, because you are using someone elses ideas without giving him or her credit
Who would represent the target audience for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior?
Professors, researchers and students in human nutrition
Your professor assigns a paper asking you to compare the works of two specific American poets. You find articles on each, but you cannot find any articles comparing the two. What should you do?
Read what others have written about each poet and use your new insights to compare the poets.
What makes the resources available through the library website different from other resources you find on the Web?
Resources you find on library web pages have been selected, structured and reviewed
Which type of search is not available in Google?
Subject search: where the search uses standardized words or phrases chosen by experts in the field
Which of the following statements is most likely from an ARGUMENTATIVE paper about the benefits of curbside recycling?
This paper will demonstrate evidence that curbside recycling decreases the ecological impact of towns.
Why is it important to determine the purpose of a book, article, or website before using it in your research?
To see whether there is sufficient evidence for the claims made
If you quote a statement from a book in your paper, you should
Use quotation marks around the quote and cite the book
What information does a call number give you about a book?
Where the book is located in the library
How are materials at Blinn Library organized?
With the Dewey Decimal classification system
You find some statistics on automobile accidents on a government web site that you want to use in your paper. Do you need to cite them?
Yes, because you borrowed information from the person or group who created it
A bibliography is:
a list of sources used in preparing a paper
Knowing a magazine or website has an editor can give you more confidence that the information is
Use of emotional language and omitting important facts can indicate information is
What kind of resource does this citation refer to? Plath, Sylvia. The Unabridged Journals. Ed. K.V. Kukil. New York: Anchor, 2000.
A scholarly article is written:
by experts in the field of study
A good thesis statement
can be converted to a question that zooms in on what you want to learn.
To choose a topic for your research, you should
check out news headlines for inspiration and find something you have a real interest in.
The investigation component of the research includes
choosing a topic that fits your research assignment
You want to include a stanza of a poem in your freshman paper about Maya Angelou. To avoid charges of plagiarism, you should
cite the book or website where you found the poem
Evaluating information you cite in your paper is important because
citing authoritative, relevant sources makes your argument more convincing
If you are looking for an article in a library database and do not see the full text, you should first:
click on the "Blinn library subscribes to this periodical" button to see more options
Lots of broken links on a web page should make you wonder about the ___________ of the information.
Where can you find all of the items owned by individual libraries?
If you were conducting research on sustainable agriculture in the Western United States, from which of the following sources would you expect to get the most accurate information?
http://www.nal.usda.gov (National Agricultural Library/United States Department of Agriculture
Which source offers the most current information?
newspaper articles
Which source is likely to use references to support its claims and conclusions?
peer-reviewed journal
What is the most efficient way to search for articles in journals or magazines?
search an article database
Plagiarism and violation of copyright are examples of
When a work is in the public domain, that means
the copyright has expired and the work may be freely used
Your ultimate goal when searching should be:
to answer your research question.
You are researching human rights. Your database search returns over 20,000 articles and you feel overwhelmed. You decide to revise your research question because it is
too broad.
Plagiarism includes
using a direct quote from an article, book, or website without citing the source
What information tells you that a citation refers to a journal article instead of a book?
volume and issue numbers