English-We Ate The Children Last

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Verb -to afford justification for; justify:/The French medical team felt vindicated.


Verb OR noun-to remedy or set right OR a remedy or compensation


adjective - tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly. / When asked about what he ate, he was evasive.


adjective -1-(of liquor) potent; intoxicating. 2-having a strong or exhilarating effect./1-several bottles of heady local wine 2-the heady days of the birth of the women's movement


adjective -occupying or containing much space; large in volume, in particular.


adjective -of, affecting, or resembling a pig or pigs.


adjective-The branch of science dealing with the components of the immune system, immunity from disease, the immune response, and immunologic techniques of analysis/lacking the ability or strength to move


adjective-having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.


noun - a kind of soft, mild, creamy cheese with a firm white skin.


noun -A graft obtained from a member of one species and transplanted to a member of another species. (heterograph)


noun-1-a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. 2-a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time.


noun-harsh criticism or censure.


noun/adjective - 1- a native or inhabitant of Bohemia. 2- a person who has informal and unconventional social habits, especially an artist or writer./ 1- relating to Bohemia or its people. 2- having informal and unconventional social habits


noun/adjective -noun1-a brief statement or account of the main points of something. Adj.1-dispensing with needless details or formalities; brief. 2-(of a judicial process) conducted without the customary legal formalities.


verb - 1- succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something. 2- bring about or give rise to. 3- bring on (the birth of a baby) artificially, typically by the use of drugs. 4- derive by inductive reasoning.


verb- 1-publicly declare to be wrong or evil. 2-inform against./1-the Assembly denounced the use of violence

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