ENT 201 Final Exam

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Malaria: -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Location: -Potential: -Symptoms:

-4 protozoans -humans(only 1% infected die the rest are reservoirs) -several anopheles mosquitoes -humans only -worldwide - still 200,000,000 cases and 1-2,000 deaths per year -fever, chills, weakness,

Epidemic typhus(wartime disease): -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Location: -Potential: -Symptoms:

-Agent: bacteria like microbe called rickettsia -Reservoir:humans and lice -Vector: human body louse -Target:humans and lice -Location:temperate regions with cold season -Symptoms: high fever chills, severe headaches, confusion, brick red spots on body


A microorganism that causes disease

What are kissing bugs?

A type of assassin bug that often bites around the mouth which causes chagas disease.

How do you tell the difference between termites and ants?

Ants have elbowed antennae, termites have straight antennae.

Northern cattle grub:

Attacks the legs of cattle. Lays eggs and the the larvae tunnel from the abdomen to the back(destroys majority of the meat cuts)

Why does fire ant venom leave a white bump?

Because it has a hemolytic agent in it which causes tissue damage.


Bed bugs

_______ have to live in clothing and so they are often associated with poor hygiene as washing clothes will kill them.

Body lice (cooties)

How did the US get rid of screw worms?

By using radiation to sterilize males and then releasing them to "breed" causing extinction.

Physical control

Controlling pests by manipulating their environment -Freeze or burn -eliminate oxygen

_____ saved millions of lives and stopped a major epidemic.


mechanical transmission

Disease agent piggy-backs on vector

This tick born disease is the most difficult to diagnose:


True/False Head lice are a sign of poor hygiene/ economic stress.


True/False All stages of fleas are parasitic.

False, only adults.

True/False africanized honey bees have more dangerous venom

False, their venom is no more dangerous than a normal bee, they just attack in very large numbers and a lot of any kind of bee venom is fatal.

Almost everyone has ______. They do us know harm and we never even really know they are there.

Follicle mites.

Important insect comic who has had many insects named after him

Gary Larson

Fleas are ______



Host animal that harbors the agent for long periods of time, often with no symptoms of the disease.

Asian long horn tick

IMPORTANT because it reproduces parthonegenically (asexually) so it has a VERY high reproductive potential. -goes after livestock more than people.

why is sickle cell anemia beneficial when it comes to malaria?

If you only carry the disease you are less likely to get malaria

what does the plague bacteria do?

It causes clotting which causes hemorrhage and turns you black

Smoky brown cockroach

Large shiny black/dark brown -throughout house, likes tree holes, cold hardy, need high humidity, prefer outside.

Horse Bots:

Lay eggs of a house and when the house grooms they hatch and go into the horse's gums and eventually down the esophagus to the GI tract.


Negative response of the host to the agent(illness)


Pathogen responsible for infection (virus, bacteria, etc.)

What tick preventative is harmful to cats?

Permethrine(used only on clothes NOT SKIN) -VERY EFFECTIVE

Important Poets who used insects

Robert Burns and William Wadsworth

Africanized honey bees

Scientist wanted to create bees that could tolerate humidity well. He crossed African and European bees.African bees are VERY aggressive. Some of these crossed bees got out and are now VERY aggressive.

What is the proper way to remove a tick?

TWEEZERS! -grab from the side as close to your skin/the head as possible -pull slow and steady so you get the mouthparts out. -stick tick to tape with the date.

Why are petroleum flies important to us?

The bacteria in their stomach could help us remediate oil spills.


The organism(insect, mite, tick) that transmits the agent from an infected host to non-infected host

Biological control

The used of natural enemies to reduce insect populations below EIL -Important to not COMPLETELY eradicate the pest.

Insects are picilothermic which means:

Their body temperature is largely dependent on their surrounding environment.

Why are africanized honey bees so dangerous?

They attack in VERY large numbers and the release of one bee's venom attracts more of them. High volumes of ANY kind of bee venom is fatal in humans.

Bees and ants can also be pests of wood. How?

They build nests in it. They DO NOT EAT IT

True of False: If there aren't any host animals available, then fleas can remain larvae for a very long time.


True/False All centipedes are venomous


True/False Hemiptera are holometabolists.


True/False all stages of head lice are parasitic



Viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, nematodes

sickle cell anemia

a recessive genetic disorder that causes abnormally shaped red blood cells.


an irrational fear of all insects, whether or not they pose a threat or danger.


an organism that lives in or on the body of a single host, eventually killing the host.

Treatment/prevention of epidemic typhus

antibiotics, lice sprays, vaccination

Delusional Parasitosis

belief that non-existent insects are crawling on or biting one's body

Head lice feed on your_____


Velvet ants parasitize ______

bumble bee nests

What are the most common types of fleas?

cat fleas

Cultural control

controlling pests by manipulating standard farm practices. -plowing, planting, harvesting at different times. -crop manipulation(rotation of crops planted each year) -Host resistance(breeding plants for resistance)

Mechanical control

controlling pests using a mechanical device. -swatting, squishing, etc. -exclusion devices like screens -traps

screw worms:

eat dead tissue of a wound and healthy tissue around it which causes the wound to become larger and thus attract even more screw worms.

In most cases, biting flies are_____




about____ of all insect species are herbivores


______ of the pest species of ants are native to North America. The other_____ are foreign.

half, half

_____ venom is more toxic than cobra venom, but they give you such a small dose that it won't hurt you.

harvester ant.


head lice and nits, cooties, and crabs


itch mites and follicle mites

The____ eaters can also be pests of cotton, wool, fur, feathers, leather, carpet, clothes, furnishings.

keratin (moths and beetles)

_____ is the single greatest killer of humanity


Bot flies are transferred through_____

mosquito bites.


myiasis: maggots invading living tissue

Scabies are very itchy and are now most common where?

nursing homes.

At what part of their life cycle can a tick transmit Lyme disease?

nymph and adult

petrolium fly

only live in tart Pitts. -eat oil and insects/animals that fall into it.

If left untreated Lyme disease can cause:

permanent joint pain, brain injury, etc.

Economic threshold

pest population in a field that causes damage equal in cost to controlling the pest population. -anything below this threshold we don't treat because it's not worth the money.

Regarding Rocky Mountain spotted fever, by the time a person has this symptom, they are VERY sick


____ on fleas make it harder for animals to groom them off.


German cockroach

small, pale brown, 2 bars on prothorax, carries ootheca prefers kitchen, bathroom, but will live outside.

Cultural entomology

study of the influence of insects in literature, language, music, arts, history, religion, recreation

what are the most common termites in NC?

subterranean termites.

treatment for malaria

synthetic drugs(prevention) and chloroquine. However, there have started to be some issues with drug resistance.

Economic Injury Level (EIL)

the pest population density that causes losses equal to the cost of control measures

where do screw worms most commonly attack?

the umbilical cord wound of newborn animals.

What insect from around here has the most painful sting?

velvet ant

The most severe bite from an insect around here is from a ____

wheel bug

Plague -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Location: -Potential: -Symptoms:

-Agent: one species of bacteria -Reservoir: rodents and tolerant humans -Vector: rat flea -Target: rodents, fleas, and humans -Location:worldwide -Potential: Rarely kills people now, but without modern medical treatment, death rate is 50%(within days) -Symptoms: high fever, rapid pulse/respiration, "bubo"(enlarged lymph node)

Rocky Mountain spotted fever: -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Location: -Potential: -Mechanism: -Symptoms:

-Bacteria-like microbe called rickettsia -wild and domestic animals - American dog tick -humans and dogs -Piedmont(woods, pastures, brush) -N.C. highest # of cases, but small # of ticks are infected. - tick must be attached at least 6 hours -measles like rash around wrists and ankles within a week, fever, chills, headache, muscle ache within 2 weeks.

What is the distinction of a black widow? Brown recluse?

-Hour glass - fiddle or violin

American cockroach

-Largest, red/brown color, -Prefers kitchen, hotels, industrial buildings.

How can predators help with pest management?

-We can find natural predators for pets and we can either help the predators to succeed or we can breed and release them.

Ehrilichioses: -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Symptoms:

-bacteria - white-tailed deer -lone star tick -humans -fever, headache, muscle ache, nausea, NO RASH

How can pathogens be used for pest management?

-cause disease in insects -can be applied like chemical insecticides -Different strains are toxic to different insects, so we can target specific ones without harming others.

How can Parasitoids help with pest management?

-kill the insect host by living on or inside it. -VERY host specific so we can target pest insect and not harm others.

What is the prevention and treatment for tick born diseases?

-know and avoid tick habbitat -tuck in clothes, use repellent, check yourself -antibiotics(very effective)

Biological transmission

-most common -some part of disease agent's life cycle in vector -Injected during blood meal(bite) or frass rubbed into bite.

Black widow venom is a _____ and causes____

-neurotoxin -cramps, nausea, cardiac issues, and chills.

Lyme disease: -Agent: -Reservoir: -Vector: -Target: -Location: -Potential: -Symptoms:

-spirochete -wild animals(white footed mouse and white tailed deer) -black legged tick or deer tick -humans and dogs. -coastal plain, some piedmont -lower in south because ticks don't bite humans as often - bulls eye rash on 50-80% of people within 30 days, fatigue, headache, stiff neck , muscle aches, fever, chills, irregularities, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, arthritis,

Less than _____% of the population is allergic to stings.


____ are the number one pest next are ____, ______, and ____

1. cockroaches 2. termites 3. fleas 4. Ants

cycle of the spread of malaria:

1. mosquito bites a reservoir and the male and female gametes get into the mosquito 2. Mosquito bite Human and releases protozoan with venom. 3. they enter the liver cells which rupture and cause it to spread to the red blood cells. 3. Kills red blood cells causing fatigue and anemia.

Insect stored product pests destroy __ of world's food.


How long is the tick life cycle?

2 years

There are about______ worldwide serious insect pest species.


_____% of the population is at risk of developing malaria


about _____% of all serious pests are foreigners.


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